
How To Use Outlined In A Sentence

  • Another protuberance outlined with two vertical incisions serves as a nose, and a horizontal slash suggests a mouth.
  • Their readings have roots in and derive their stimulus from historical and political schema of dissent outlined in the biblical narratives.
  • The course leader outlined the programme we would be following.
  • She also outlined another misconception that could explain the suspicion research nurses often encounter among other nurses.
  • He also outlined plans to use more sniffer dogs to detect explosives. The Sun
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  • The report also outlined plans to tackle online music and film piracy with a new agency. The Sun
  • The status of many Eurasian species of Late Devonian cyrtospiriferid brachiopods require careful restudy to properly assess their generic status and assignment to morphologic/phylogenetic groups of Cyrtospirifer outlined below.
  • The methods we have outlined will ensure that your will-power is strong enough for you to attain your goals.
  • These are briefly outlined in the protocol under each drug mentioned.
  • The poem outlined his experience of being gender-fluid and sprang from being confronted with old photos at his grandparents' house.
  • Under the rules outlined by the Pentagon, in the unlikely case that a tribunal hands down an acquittal or a light sentence, US authorities can overrule it and impose their own judgment.
  • It also outlined a further €1.9bn of risks and €4.8bn for mortgage repurchase claims. Times, Sunday Times
  • We broadly agree with the analysis outlined in the preamble to Threshold 21.
  • He outlined how over four years five company directors used five companies to con small businesses out of hundreds of pounds each.
  • However, ABA is actively monitoring the situation and believes that commercial bank customers can safely utilize online banking by taking the precautions outlined in the alert. Online banking warning surprises some experts
  • The initial proposal outlined a simple system of using networked hypertext to quickly disseminate documents among colleagues.
  • Morgan hypothesizes that the mound shape was first outlined by a line of posts set in a wall trench, which served as a retaining wall for the fill.
  • In some of the open squares of Cuzco, ricocheting lines seem to lead from box to box, while in others the arrangement of lines is a little sharper, denser and more closed, like an outlined star.
  • Wherever possible non-destructive approaches outlined earlier should be used to meet research objectives in preference to excavation.
  • The appropriate ethics committee will need to consider the usual ethical issues with respect to purposes, reputability of researchers and other matters outlined in this document.
  • Arrigo was also dark, but his features were outlined by a sort of delicate grace that had evolved from adorable to dreamy as he'd grown up.
  • Painted in shades of brown and gold, and heavily outlined in black, each twist of sisal may be read as a discrete unit.
  • Program components were outlined during routine student orientation to the internal medicine rotation.
  • Most of the normal rules outlined above concerning partnerships are relevant to the limited partnership, but with some crucial differences.
  • But turning labour into a political force to be reckoned with in Alberta is a tall order, which McGowan clearly outlined in his paper.
  • In her speech, the director outlined her vision for the future.
  • The term reconciliation springs from the mechanism that's outlined in the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 that allows for tax increases and expenditure reduction to be reconciled with previously passed legislation. Latest Articles
  • The topmost peak of the Civita also peers out above the fir-woods bordering the eastern face of Monte Crot; and far away, beyond the sunny vista of the Val Fiorentino, the faint blue peak of the Marmolata is seen against the horizon, its snow-slope outlined in frosted silver. Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys
  • I have discovered that on these, the boundaries of hereditaments were often carelessly delineated and only outlined with coloured crayon.
  • The bottom portion of her face became rounder with larger eyes and simply outlined lips, always accompanied by the pony-tailed, beribboned hair.
  • Under the wage assumption outlined in subsection 3.1, the short-run movement in prices relative to wages is muted.
  • Is the Canadian plan to deal with the bird flu pandemic similar to that outlined by the president today?
  • But no matter where you live, you can use the program outlined in this brochure as a general guide to growing a healthy lawn.
  • Once the meeting was convened, I outlined what we had done and what we felt we would be able to offer. Going For It!: How to Succeed As an Entrepreneur
  • The present market of sodium metasilicate pentahydrate was outlined, and then the experimental technique of preparing sodium metasilicate pentahydrate from the waste silica gel was introduced.
  • Things were going poorly — Vietnamese guerrillas, or Vietminh, held the upper hand — and at a strategy session in Saigon the French commander, Gen. Henri Navarre, outlined his latest plan. The French Connection
  • He outlined a number of allegations involving unnamed judges, with claims of the soliciting of young male prostitutes, and misuse of Commonwealth cars.
  • It appears that in most big league parks, the inside vertical line (closest to home plate) of the batter's box is not outlined.
  • The Millennium Development Goals are outlined in eight respects, including eradication of poverty and hunger; universal elementary education; gender equity and women's autonomy; reduction of children's mortality; reduction of women's mortality; and the fight against the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), paludism (malaria) and other diseases. Top Stories - Google News
  • The lawsuits consist of an immensely complicated tangle of legal proceedings, which need only be outlined here.
  • An unnamed whistleblower outlined in detail to Ireland On Sunday how he took part in such fixing, at times casting as many as four votes in the same election.
  • As I outlined, United Future supports the second reading of the bill and its passage to the Committee stage.
  • The delegates outlined what they considered a realistic timetable for troop withdrawal.
  • Cooperative application development with shared data should be possible via the open repository strategy that Informix has outlined - see above.
  • At the very top was a ruined building, outlined against the fading sky.
  • Noon found Tom far out on the National Road, creaking along over the yellow dust in a light wagon, between bordering forests that smelt spicily of wet underbrush and May-apples; and, here and there, when they would emerge from the woods to cleared fields, liberally outlined by long snake-fences of black walnut, the steady, jog-trotting old horse lifted his head and looked interested in the world, but Tom never did either. The Two Vanrevels
  • Nearby, the celebrated "Self-Portrait with a Palette," made in Paris that fall, introduces the intense 25-year-old artist; he glances slightly away, his heavy-lidded dark eyes briskly outlined in an "Iberian" mask. The Cubist Circle
  • Being schooled in scientific practice, they believe that in dealing with prayer as a phenomenon they should scrupulously follow the formulas outlined in the Bible which they described as the textbook of spiritual science. The Power of Positive Thinking
  • Hanford had not read his friend Lowe awrong, and when, behind locked doors, he outlined his plan, the big fellow gazed at him with amazement, his blue eyes sparkling with admiration. Laughing Bill Hyde and Other Stories
  • between him and the dim light a form was outlined faintly
  • The mayor outlined his plan to clean up the town's image.
  • Instead of dramatizing the story, one student would take the role of moderator and interview the main characters concerning the events outlined in the assigned book.
  • Introduction InPart One I have briefly outlined the origins and fate of the classical perspective in criminology.
  • Regarding regulatory czar Cass Sunstein's Aug. 23 op-ed, "Washington Is Eliminating Red Tape" : The savings outlined by Mr. Sunstein don't even represent one-quarter of 1% of total private-sector compliance costs—and that assumes that the savings are realized and not just bureaucratic finagling for political purposes. Mr. Sunstein Can't Be Serious About Cutting Red Tape
  • Recently, in a presentation to a large audience of mostly young researchers at a prestigious university, I outlined the crisis in peer review.
  • The design of policy has to take into account the ambiguity of the welfare analysis outlined in the previous section.
  • They looked up and saw a huge shape outlined by sunlight; it came over.
  • He outlined the practice of audism in which deaf people shun the traditional deaf community and signing, preferring to use residual hearing, speech and lip-reading.
  • The cognitive processes we are going to discuss next may be regarded as acting upon the mental representations we have outlined above. Educational Psychology in a Changing World
  • In a real sense, the lessee leased not only the restaurant premises but the premises in the context of the entire mall as outlined in the site plan.
  • Much of Cuba's Internet control strategy has entailed reactive state responses to the challenges outlined above.
  • The mayor outlined his plan to clean up the town's image.
  • The calculation of the conductivity and the degree of starch gelatinization is outlined hereinafter.
  • Simple mathematics starkly outlined the scale of the difficulty for the handful of Southern Presbyterian missionaries who had elected to hold themselves responsible for saving the souls of ten million people in North Kiangsu. PEARL BUCK IN CHINA
  • What is important is that the studies outlined in this section have attempted to gain an insight into day-to-day practice.
  • A venogram is a test where a dye is injected into a vein in the foot and radiographs (X-rays) are taken of the outlined veins in the leg.
  • Freud outlined his theory of infantile sexuality and the development of various manifestations of eroticism around different erotogenic zones of the body.
  • The article outlined a public opinion poll and...
  • According to Tinka Resources Ltd., press release dated January 24, 2007, mapping and prospecting has outlined a 1,000 by 800 metre area hosted by granodiorite and quartz monzonite of the Coastal Batholith which intruded Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments and volcanic. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • The jewelled brooch has a red-enamelled heart at its base, and the words ‘j'ouvre’ are outlined along its length.
  • They have their first steps outlined for them. Christianity Today
  • At the beginning of last night's panel, Goodstein outlined that this event wasn't about coming to conclusions or declaring a winner; rather, it was intended to get people on either side to at least consider the other one for just a moment. Danny Groner: We Need Discussions, Not Debates
  • In the programme 'Buyer Beware', Primetime Investigates outlined some serious problems encountered by buyers, sellers and householders, including: bidding against themselves as estate agents make up fake prices to push up the price of a property, fake bidders being used in auctions, high fees being charged for services by property management agencies and 'gazumping', where sellers renege on a sale agreement and then sell for a higher price.
  • Convex, anteriorly truncate glabella tapers forward and is outlined by broad, shallow axial and preglabellar furrows.
  • It also outlined a further €1.9bn of risks and €4.8bn for mortgage repurchase claims. Times, Sunday Times
  • That was the stark choice outlined by City of York council leader Steve Galloway last week when details of next year's central Government grant to councils were announced.
  • The course leader outlined the programme we would be following.
  • She argues that the ‘case-by-case’ approach to privilege outlined in Ryan should be applied, and, if properly applied, would result in redaction of the portion of the records in issue.
  • This is where it all begins apparently, with the origins of the two key characters Kite and Black Rose being outlined for us in all the gory detail and technicolour, which is actually the case in the first few pages. The Green Lantern
  • An attempt at prediction, like that outlined above, would now have little chance of success.
  • The mayor outlined his plan to clean up the town's image.
  • They outlined the regional planning model known as the ‘Transect Concept,’ which sets a pattern for ‘smart growth’ without suburban sprawl.
  • Collier outlined that equal pay within salary grades is enforced by the University.
  • CDC officials said Friday that the first vaccine to be distributed will be mostly taken nasally, which is not recommended for some in the high-risk groups outlined by the center, such as pregnant women. Brownsville Herald :
  • The report by the technical committee outlined a number of reasons for failure on the part of motorists and truckers to make use of the highway.
  • Most notably, the hills and buttes that mark the landscape are generally depicted in a descriptive shorthand, outlined in a single stroke, or suggested by a mass of a single color.
  • Burying beetles were captured using pitfall traps baited with rotted chicken as outlined below.
  • Matching gloves reached up past her elbows and were lined with a blue piping that also outlined the high neck of the suit and ran down the whole left side of her body.
  • They cut out the portion where the sod would grow and outlined the shape with bender-board.
  • Capital Radio outlined the next phase of its online strategy today, with the announcement that it has negotiated non-exclusive Internet rights to music companies ' playlists.
  • Erythematous eczema (_eczema erythematosum_) begins as one or more small or large, irregularly outlined hyperæmic macules or patches, with or without slight or marked swelling, and with more or less itching or burning. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • For the most part, these questions should be held in abeyance until other researchers either validate or disprove the hypothesis outlined in the present study.
  • dovetailed" into the organization, be made a means of somewhat relieving the pressure that must be expected to be felt in the attempt to carry out such a course as is outlined below. Scientific American Supplement, No. 433, April 19, 1884
  • In a further hint at recovery in the tech sector, Microsoft and Cisco have outlined plans for acquisitions which could kick-start international consolidation.
  • The bond exchange was substantially oversubscribed, which is thought to bode well for investor appetite for the £13. 5bn rights issue outlined today. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • A green crenellated line bisecting one half of a window is echoed in the other half by a vertical chain of red biomorphs outlined in yellow.
  • The clothes enveloped her entire figure but stroked against her body so that her shape was outlined. THE ZANZIBAR CHEST: A Memoir of Love and War
  • Outlined against the dim glow from outside, his tall silhouette filled the open doorway.
  • She outlined changing the constitution from presidential to parliamentary government and from a unitary to a federal system.
  • Adrienne from the Henrico County, Virginia Public Library sez, Every year we participate in National Banned Book Week, a week that celebrates the written word and the free exchange of ideas, as outlined in the First Amendment to our Constitution. Boing Boing
  • Mantle compositions that could yield both mare basalts and highland rocks are consistent with the constraints on the interior outlined earlier.
  • The orbicular, claviform and reniform spots are usually clearly outlined, with filling slightly darker than the ground color of the wing; in some specimens, the claviform spot may be tinged with brown as in the bottom photo.
  • However, in some research no attempt is made to follow the sequence outlined in Figure 1.1.
  • If you look to the core of our xVM offerings, you'll see exactly how we responded to the requirements outlined above: we integrated DTrace for extreme diagnosability. Planet Sun
  • For proving injectivity and surjectivity of functions, Ward had stressed how a proof strategy could be outlined by simply looking at the quantifiers in the definitions.
  • The causes, as outlined in this chapter, are multifold: subsidising of uneconomic fisheries; a huge increase in vessel numbers and the advanced technology available to and used by them; including for tracking fisheries.
  • Introduction InPart One I have briefly outlined the origins and fate of the classical perspective in criminology.
  • China and a group of developing countries known as the G77 insisted that each reform outlined in the report must be — wait for it — the subject of a new report. Bound to Fail
  • A pearl-gray dress with crimson trimmings, made with a long waist, modestly outlined the bust and covered the shoulders, still rather thin, with a chemisette which left nothing to view but the first curves of the throat where it joined the shoulders. Modeste Mignon
  • A delicate paper triptych titled Menstruation Carnations used pencil and blood to define three starkly outlined, centralized flowers.
  • She was fired for not performing the duties outlined in her contract.
  • Commission counsel Art Vertlieb, who outlined the e-mail between a chief superintendent and assistant commissioner, is proposing to recall the Mounties to testify again. Newly Disclosed RCMP Email Shocks Dziekanski Inquiry On What Was To Be The Final Day!
  • The bond exchange was substantially oversubscribed, which is thought to bode well for investor appetite for the £13. 5bn (€15bn) rights issue outlined today. Top Stories:
  • Despite all that I have outlined, it should be recognised that science is still very much alive and will continue to have an important role to play in society.
  • Another storyteller outlined "paraphilia," an obscure word used in the New York penal code to denote all sexual perversions and how it was applied to him in his divorce proceedings. Gamut of Lives Viewed Under A Microscope
  • The option is only one of the possible scenarios likely to be outlined, with full costings, by the consultants.
  • In the last 20 years, Scanlon has outlined a comprehensive and detailed version of expectational promissory theory. Transport: a Flash-Fiction Triptych
  • Senator Bill Bradley outlined his own tax cut, giving families $350 in tax credits per child.
  • In this paper, the advantages of afforestation by blasting on two sides of highway are outlined, the blasting digging of tree pits, calculation of charge mass and charging structure are expatiated.
  • Shadows and negative space create daft hallows of his beautiful shapes, in her eyes, there were no shapes as reticent and mature as the ones that outlined cheekbones, eye sockets and the willowed depth bellow his chin. Whispering to the Creature, “You are the Reason the World Is…”
  • Following his discovery of vitamine as the preventative substance to beri - beri, Funk had outlined a theory of "avitaminoses" as the responsible cause of several other types of diseases, including scurvy, rickets, pellagra, and beri-beri. The Vitamine Manual
  • For the reasons outlined above in the first paragraph and explained in more detail in Van Iten et al., we here interpret Sphenothallus as a thecate polypoid cnidarian whose systematic position within this phylum is uncertain.
  • The small, delicately outlined figures grouped together in large, unshaded expanses of background space and the subtle colouring create a pleasing sense of lightness and formal balance, but the air of decadence is inescapable.
  • I have outlined just a flavour of what is happening in the next couple of months and I'm quite sure that Sligo athletes will be highly motivated by what lies ahead.
  • In section 6.5.1 the principle of conservation of angular momentum was outlined.
  • He took aim at what he called a bloated bureaucracy, wasteful business practices and too many generals and admirals, and outlined an ambitious plan for reform that's almost certain to stir opposition in the corridors of Congress and The People's News Portal - Business, Money, Sport, Music, Forex, Auto
  • The design of policy has to take into account the ambiguity of the welfare analysis outlined in the previous section.
  • “Habilitationsschrift” (1868); and as an immediate ap - plication of it he outlined the so-called Riemannian SPACE
  • Some of the key features of nonradioactive kinase kits on the market are outlined below. The Scientist
  • Their potentially adverse effects with particular reference to the diabetic will now be outlined.
  • The diversity of program interventions addressed all of the factors outlined in the ecological perspective.
  • Gray-blue water seems to wash over Flood, where Baerwalde depicts the head of a figure in negative space, a want of color outlined by pale, streaked smudges of paint.
  • He roughly outlined the plot of the opera.
  • Casting modesty aside, she outlined the reason for her success.
  • And in so far as strangeness in the form of novelty is not intrinsically valuated as positive or negative, does not automatically accrue a boulomaic modality of "should have happened" or "should not have happened", it is by no means unfair or inaccurate to say that the SF narrative is capable of exhibiting an entirely different narrative grammar to any of those outlined above. Archive 2008-01-01
  • To allay public fears, two meetings will be held at which details of the initial work will be outlined.
  • The primary rooms had festoons of "blockwork," and under an awning made from a bright patchwork quilt, made by them, hung their dainty pockets, tidies, scarfs, etc., quaintly outlined in bright needlework. The American Missionary — Volume 48, No. 7, July, 1894
  • First, they outlined the raga in alap and they followed it up with compositions.
  • He outlined in particular, the importance of the local hospital for the county.
  • Frank had a perfect bubble-butt and massive thigh muscles clearly outlined in his khaki pants.
  • With a thickness of 12 inches, the arch features a decorative keystone and double corbels, outlined by antique glazing on a white lacquer base.
  • Each numeral is outlined by silvered disks of reflecting material, and floodlights play upon the figures to make them show up clearly at a distance. Boing Boing
  • This arrived on a plate with the coulis arranged in geometric patterns, outlined by thin chocolate borders.
  • In a report highlighting the 25 most endangered primate species, conservationists have outlined the desperate plight of primates from Madagascar, Africa, Asia and Central and South America, with some populations down to just a few dozen in number. golden headed langur, which is found only on the island of Cat Ba in north-eastern Vietnam, is down to 60 to 70 individuals. The Guardian World News
  • The diversity of services outlined in Figure 8.4 makes any classification somewhat arbitrary.
  • The objectives for instruction in online information retrieval have been outlined above.
  • The amount of wildlife in the house was evident; bright orange sawdust outlined the furniture, indicating that the chairs are only staying upright because the woodworm are holding hands. NO-HO - Nov. 20: Absurdity Day
  • Last weekend the fledgling party, less than a year old, held its second congress and outlined their program for the next provincial election.
  • The exhibition's earliest and biggest, "L'homme Descend du Signe" 1975, measures about 14 by 27 feet and pictures his familiar repertory of cartoonish, antically animated, biomorphic and geometric forms impulsively outlined in black and hovering in gaseous, purple-tinted space. NYT > Home Page
  • This supposed uniting principle misconceives the argument for gay marriage, which, as I have outlined it, is not necessarily based solely on augmenting the private happiness of two adults.
  • May has already outlined plans to help with the first new grammar schools for decades. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead, Huizenga said, the Justice outlined his own, already well-annunciated views on the Constitution. Scalia Tells Conservatives Lawmakers Need To Get Familiar With Federalist Papers
  • Costs for excess wear and tear, such as cigarette burns on the seats or damage to the body, may fall on your shoulders if outlined in the contract.
  • Carlo was large as a steroid junkie yet not puffy-firmly outlined, with a chest like an armor breastplate.
  • And her eyes were outlined in black eyeliner, making her green eyes stand out even more, which she was jealous of.
  • Incredible deltoids, biceps, buttocks, and thighs outlined and simultaneously gripped by the tight cut of his sailor suit.
  • In an unlucky coincidence today it outlined a rescue issue of convertible bonds and warrants.
  • Furthermore, both self and not self-and the various divisions of each that I have outlined-may be imbued with affective connotations.
  • He was hunting for greens when he became aware of the dark shape outlined against the shifting, luminous background.
  • Her eyes were a soft brown, cheeks rosy, lips perfectly outlined and colored in.
  • The relaxed Bayesian clock method following the methodology outlined in Matthee et al. was used to date the evolution of the various chiropteran lineages.
  • This does not compare with the ease of reference to actual original documentation in the manual system outlined earlier in this chapter.
  • But in a testy exchange, Mr. Clarke said the Conservatives would seek to avert or mitigate the government's proposed rise in national insurance, outlined in the prebudget report. U.K. Posts Smaller-Than-Expected Public-Sector Deficit as Tax Revenue Rises
  • This led to the position of minimum deterrence outlined below. NATO's Changing Strategic Agenda
  • Gravity and magnetic data also portray the NE-SW-trending lineament outlined by the Mesozoic faults, suggesting a link between the Hardangerfjord Shear Zone and the Highland Boundary Fault.
  • Sure, that sounds nice and all, but it requires the unworkably lengthy approach that I outlined previously.
  • I would imagine getting a quarterly report card on how my Congressperson is doing vis-à-vis the aggregated priorities of the district, and the ones I outlined. 7 posts from August 2009
  • As I outlined in answer to an earlier supplementary question, the current legislation has toughened the law in this regard.
  • As I have already outlined, a social fact for Searle is any fact that involves collective intentionality.
  • Her eyes were outlined with some heavy make-up and her black nails were two inches longer than usual.
  • The area we're interested in is outlined in red on the map.
  • The agency has recently outlined some ambitious plans, including a bigger budget for the Ames laboratory to carry out more experiments.
  • Using the arrow keys or mouse, you are then able to move the outlined shape around the stitch pattern.
  • The report outlined possible uses for the new weapon.
  • Taking Lipitor And Being Diabetic and antiglobulin of desoxyn for hourssevere loss have serverely outlined established in accounts under apitite 12. Wii-volution
  • As outlined, the cost and length of training for UAV operators are substantially less than they are for pilots of manned aircraft.
  • The issue was in jBCrypt, a library we use for password hashing, and is outlined here. Gizmodo
  • The report also outlined the role agricultural cooperatives, the largest creditors to the mortgage companies, played in the fiasco.
  • There are a number of reasons for this as outlined earlier in this bulletin.
  • As outlined above tissue of autografts fused with each other, while allografted tissues rejected one another.
  • She outlined a new pact allowing more foreign policy integration including plans for deeper military and security co-operation. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this respect, the relaxation methods already outlined could be seen as forms of meditation. The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
  • She added a soft rosy blush to her cheeks and outlined her eyes with a royal blue shadow to tone in with the dress. The Sun
  • She added a soft rosy blush to her cheeks and outlined her eyes with a royal blue shadow to tone in with the dress. The Sun
  • The armored personnel carriers ahead of him had formed a corral that clearly outlined the proper taxiway. CHAINS OF COMMAND
  • Her early paintings were thoroughly Impressionist in style, but from about 1890 her forms became more solid and firmly outlined.
  • Matt outlined each of the following in respective order and hoped all would be given priority.
  • My argument is that state capitalism of the kind outlined above would be a highly progressive development.
  • She had the colouring of an ‘English Rose’ i.e. pale skin and blue eyes, often outlined with heavy black to make them stand out less.
  • These problems were outlined not to paralyse comparative researchers, but to highlight possible sources of bias in drawing valid inferences.
  • As outlined in the introduction, postcards showing air travel-related subjects attempt to raise positive associations between the onlooker and the airlines.
  • Responses did not differ according to type of treatment, method of recruitment, or characteristics of respondents outlined in the table.
  • Rape by the powerful is an everyday hazard in Uzbekistan, again as outlined in Murder in Samarkand page 120. Don't Mess With Us, Mr. Usmanov
  • Under the headings of efficiency and accountability a number of initiatives were introduced which are briefly outlined below.
  • With a thickness of 12 inches, the arch features a decorative keystone and double corbels, outlined by antique glazing on a white lacquer base.
  • Everything that was outlined during the meeting in America has proved true. Times, Sunday Times
  • Everyone stared at the ceiling or doodled on their blotters as Jack outlined his grand plan.
  • SourceTo outlined SourceTo is a code conversion tools.
  • Only one in five trains is due to run under a skeleton timetable outlined yesterday. Times, Sunday Times
  • The man's figure was outlined by the light.

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