
How To Use Outline In A Sentence

  • MASANGO PETROS M NOTTINGHAM RD FARM 20061016 confessed by outline shoot Lucky Mlangeni o.b.o. rustic MASSETT ANDRE M 2OO80628 ARTIST CULLINAN SMALLHOLDING Archive 2009-12-01
  • Their readings have roots in and derive their stimulus from historical and political schema of dissent outlined in the biblical narratives.
  • The operculum illustrated by Reed does not match in outline the conch, and is here considered to be a different taxon.
  • The course leader outlined the programme we would be following.
  • When equipped with the full unit, a patient sees a display of phosphenes, which looks, as the Wall Street Journal put it, like ‘the light-bulb array of a stadium scoreboard,’ and which approximates - very roughly - the outlines of objects.
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  • She also outlined another misconception that could explain the suspicion research nurses often encounter among other nurses.
  • The politician gave a broad outline of his proposals.
  • The report included structure diagrams for each type of local authority based on the outlines shown in Figs 5.1 and 5.2.
  • Klimt's tentative chalk and pencil strokes do little more than outline and emphasize the foreshortened legs, buttocks and genitalia of his subjects, their scrawled lifelessness compromising the images' erotic impact. Modernism's Austrian Rebels
  • Present-day economic, social and political conditions are identified and an outline description of their origins is attempted.
  • He also outlined plans to use more sniffer dogs to detect explosives. The Sun
  • Other fumitories have the tip of the lower petal like a spoon in that it is hollowed out, but the actual outline from directly above or below is parallel-sided.
  • The familiar skyline is superimposed with the outline of two figures in an intimate embrace.
  • The report also outlined plans to tackle online music and film piracy with a new agency. The Sun
  • `This ain't the equality I'm fighting for," she assured him, marking her outline with commensurate injuries. BAD MEDICINE
  • They then painted the outlines of their face and facial features with a dark color of acrylic paint, tracing their pencil sketch through the Plexiglas.
  • Always write an outline for your essays.
  • The outlines of stratiform clouds are less distinct and often merge into layers with only slight vertical features.
  • Punch holes in the outline of each letter about one inch apart.
  • The map was a cartographer's bird's-eye view, but the icy mountains unfolded white and hazy and shadowed, outlines blurred and overlapping. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • The status of many Eurasian species of Late Devonian cyrtospiriferid brachiopods require careful restudy to properly assess their generic status and assignment to morphologic/phylogenetic groups of Cyrtospirifer outlined below.
  • Their shape could not be clearly defined as their outline seemed blurred in a haze of grey smoke surrounding them, but they seemed human shaped.
  • The methods we have outlined will ensure that your will-power is strong enough for you to attain your goals.
  • These are briefly outlined in the protocol under each drug mentioned.
  • The poem outlined his experience of being gender-fluid and sprang from being confronted with old photos at his grandparents' house.
  • Under the rules outlined by the Pentagon, in the unlikely case that a tribunal hands down an acquittal or a light sentence, US authorities can overrule it and impose their own judgment.
  • Now the leadership wants to look forward, and to outline a strategy for the rest of the century.
  • Suddenly there was a promising smudge on the horizon, which quickly resolved itself into a misty outline familiar from many a Turner painting.
  • It's undeniably beautiful, and you can almost ignore the deadly outline that remains. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this chapter we define the boundaries of the sports industry and outline the key contributors to its economic importance.
  • Further inshore, the blocky outlines of the cliffs of Dover had been erased by patches of fog. CORMORANT
  • After a quick outline of what each type of program lets you do, I list some uses to whet your appetite.
  • It also outlined a further €1.9bn of risks and €4.8bn for mortgage repurchase claims. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is a life-like pliability about it as it falls, and the tight cerements so define the outlines that the action makes me shudder. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • We broadly agree with the analysis outlined in the preamble to Threshold 21.
  • He outlined how over four years five company directors used five companies to con small businesses out of hundreds of pounds each.
  • And to the west, across the Lombok Strait, a faint outline of Bali's Mount Agung becomes visible through the morning mist. The Next Bali
  • The actors were merely furnished with a "plat," or plot of the performance, and were required to fill in and complete the outline, as their own ingenuity might suggest. A Book of the Play Studies and Illustrations of Histrionic Story, Life, and Character
  • Try 'sharpen', if available ('unsharp mask' is even better, as it subtly outlines edges). Times, Sunday Times
  • An outline of some of the domestic chores undertaken by Mr and Mrs McGill will help to answer this question.
  • This chapter outlines the main financial reports included in the annual report and accounts of a business. Finance for the Non-Financial Manager
  • Outline the differences between the use of implant-based and autologous tissue-only breast reconstruction in patients who may or will require postmastectomy radiation therapy Medscape Medical News Headlines
  • About that time Herter Brothers developed its unique version of the Anglo-Japanese style in furniture, rectilinear in outline and constructed of ebonized wood.
  • I do learn that the "do less" or "do no harm" Geithner-Emanuel alliance â¨regularly kneecapped a Romer-Summers "do something" alliance--perhaps â¨because Summers' and Romer's small CEA and NEC staffs could only come up â¨with outlines and proposals rather than plans--which only the Treasury with â¨its ample staff could produce--and, as Geithner liked to say, "plan beats no â¨plan". Brad DeLong: Review: Ron Suskind's Confidence Men
  • But I am saying that every analysis that is shortened, every corner that is cut, moves us further away from the truth until what is left is the Cliffs Notes of the news, or what I call strobe-light journalism, in which the outlines are accurate enough but we cannot really see the whole picture. Sunday Reading
  • Others handout leaflets, talk to passers-by, and do chalk outlines of the bodies of the dead.
  • However, ABA is actively monitoring the situation and believes that commercial bank customers can safely utilize online banking by taking the precautions outlined in the alert. Online banking warning surprises some experts
  • Caitlin O’Toole at News. outlines ten things bosses hate about employees, from big-picture errors like failing to meet deadlines to personal problems such as smelling bad (telling a staff member they reek is never a fun meeting). Why your boss doesn’t like you | Lifehacker Australia
  • I'd be inclined to avoid ragtops on general principle, and I also think that the floppy roof spoils the TT's outline.
  • The initial proposal outlined a simple system of using networked hypertext to quickly disseminate documents among colleagues.
  • Morgan hypothesizes that the mound shape was first outlined by a line of posts set in a wall trench, which served as a retaining wall for the fill.
  • Draw around the outline and then fill softer part of the lip, and add a hot hue. The Sun
  • In some of the open squares of Cuzco, ricocheting lines seem to lead from box to box, while in others the arrangement of lines is a little sharper, denser and more closed, like an outlined star.
  • The ductal structures showed an irregular outline with infoldings of the glands.
  • Wherever possible non-destructive approaches outlined earlier should be used to meet research objectives in preference to excavation.
  • The paper outlines the situation that Sanxiao experience is popularized for rock drift excavating also its economic efficiency in aspect of promoting driving rate of advance and decreasing cost.
  • For example, the web site allows you to purchase their excellent outliner software online.
  • Any outline of this work must compress the author's variegated analysis into a thin catalogue of schematic impressions.
  • As for lipstick, maintain the lips' natural shape. Don't overdraw the lips or outline them, which can lead to a blown-up-doll look.
  • Only the outline has been cut out and then something happened, leaving the work forever undone.
  • The appropriate ethics committee will need to consider the usual ethical issues with respect to purposes, reputability of researchers and other matters outlined in this document.
  • Arrigo was also dark, but his features were outlined by a sort of delicate grace that had evolved from adorable to dreamy as he'd grown up.
  • Painted in shades of brown and gold, and heavily outlined in black, each twist of sisal may be read as a discrete unit.
  • Program components were outlined during routine student orientation to the internal medicine rotation.
  • Most of the normal rules outlined above concerning partnerships are relevant to the limited partnership, but with some crucial differences.
  • Ong succeeds in creating an accessible outline of the major transitions in human thought from orality to chirography (manuscripts), from chirography to typography (with the widespread use of the printing press), and the resurgence of some aspects of orality in modern electronic communication (both personal and mass-market). Orality and Literacy « Books « Literacy News
  • The areal outline and estimated mass of the sylvinite beds were based on examination of drill hole data and review of interpreted vintage seismic maps.
  • Draw your child's outline with a heavy black marker.
  • Within the broad outlines of a speech punctuated with applause lines andpolitical humor, he underscored several issues that have been on consumers' radar screens. Obama's speech and the State of the Consumer
  • This 25-minute piece closely examines, almost scrutinizes, a key scene from the film - the scene I mentioned earlier where Jake outlines the plan to his gang.
  • But turning labour into a political force to be reckoned with in Alberta is a tall order, which McGowan clearly outlined in his paper.
  • The twins sheltered from the storms by learning the art of batik painting, colouring in the exotic fish between their wax outlines.
  • In most academic classes, a lot of dense factual and conceptual information can come at you rapid-fire, and when one is taking 15 – 19 credit hours, I know that I certainly could not have recalled minutiae from a spare outline, even if I had been fully engaged. The Volokh Conspiracy » Laptops in Class Redux
  • In her speech, the director outlined her vision for the future.
  • The friars and their native assistants produced an immense number of grammars, dictionaries, catechisms, confessional manuals, sermon outlines, chronicles, and even religious dramas.
  • In plan-form the dune has an irregular outline but the eastern margin is more complex and irregular than the western edge.
  • Poplar leaves have an elegant outline resembling that of an arab minaret.
  • The term reconciliation springs from the mechanism that's outlined in the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 that allows for tax increases and expenditure reduction to be reconciled with previously passed legislation. Latest Articles
  • This silkscreen is from a series that takes the same outlines and prints them in different colours. Times, Sunday Times
  • The small, frosted glass window didn't allow him to see much, but he knew exactly who it was from the smooth outline of the perfectly positioned hair.
  • We sketch the broad outlines of the evolution of this system. Property and Prophets: The Evolution of Economic Institutions and Ideologies
  • I've worked on an outline, although I'm trying not to overplan it. Misspinkkate Diary Entry
  • In Germany huge swathes of the Black Forest died, leaving the stark outlines of leafless conifers in place of the formerly rich vegetation.
  • The uncovered part had the appearance of a huge cylinder, caked over and its outline softened by a thick scaly dun-coloured incrustation. The War of The Worlds
  • From no point of view could the West look so lovely as from that lattice with the garland of jessamine round it, whose white stars and green leaves seemed now but grey pencil outlines - graceful in form, but colourless in tint - against the gold incarnadined of a summer evening - against the fire-tinged blue of an August sky, at eight o'clock p.m. Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
  • The corkboard is great (you can even replace the cork with your own background image) and it also has an outliner mode (which I haven't explored yet) and lets you import web pages and multimedia files into your 'Research' binder. Scrivener (a somewhat advertorial post)
  • You can see the building outlines and archaeologists have reconstructed the barracks and towering gatehouse. The Sun
  • The topmost peak of the Civita also peers out above the fir-woods bordering the eastern face of Monte Crot; and far away, beyond the sunny vista of the Val Fiorentino, the faint blue peak of the Marmolata is seen against the horizon, its snow-slope outlined in frosted silver. Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys
  • I have discovered that on these, the boundaries of hereditaments were often carelessly delineated and only outlined with coloured crayon.
  • He wrote his first outlines in longhand on large blank sheets of paper.
  • We sketch the broad outlines of the evolution of this system. Property and Prophets: The Evolution of Economic Institutions and Ideologies
  • The bottom portion of her face became rounder with larger eyes and simply outlined lips, always accompanied by the pony-tailed, beribboned hair.
  • In support of this, they outline at length and in detail the well-known facts of fetal development.
  • Let me outline this in the form of two simple propositions: Modernity pluralizes the lifeworlds of individuals and consequently undermines all taken-for-granted certainties.
  • The outlines are clearly visible about three feet below the earth in what is now open countryside. Times, Sunday Times
  • Absolute knowledge, by contrast, is not total but unconditional knowledge, the following of a particular direction or connection for its own sake, without regard for its potential to "derange" the whole (Schelling, First Outline 26). 'The Abyss of the Past': Psychoanalysis in Schelling's Ages of the World (1815)
  • Draw your child's outline with a heavy black marker.
  • Even more perplexing is a page in the Mets 'media guide that outlines plans for a new stadium by 2004. USA TODAY Latest news
  • Bedrock structures tend to be more regional in spatial outline compared with glacial lineations and in satellite images are often characterized by a rough and irregular surface texture.
  • Under the wage assumption outlined in subsection 3.1, the short-run movement in prices relative to wages is muted.
  • Is the Canadian plan to deal with the bird flu pandemic similar to that outlined by the president today?
  • When Romulus had laid out the pomoerium, he made the outline something like a square, and called it _Roma Quadrata_, that is "Square Rome," but he did not direct the landmarks of the public domain to be distinctly indicated. The Story of Rome from the Earliest Times to the End of the Republic
  • Others handout leaflets, talk to passers-by, and do chalk outlines of the bodies of the dead.
  • His eyes became accustomed to the darkness, he saw veils of moving smoke, lighter shapes that suggested vast nudities, then rows of bent heads with blurred outlines. Death in Ecstasy
  • But no matter where you live, you can use the program outlined in this brochure as a general guide to growing a healthy lawn.
  • A burnished finish softens the outlines and underscores the sculpted story. Times, Sunday Times
  • To preview the packages before you bind them, go to the SQL tab of the pureQuery outline view and click on the potential package.
  • A burnished finish softens the outlines and underscores the sculpted story. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tomorrow she will outline plans, including increased staffing, to tackle prison safety and reform. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once the meeting was convened, I outlined what we had done and what we felt we would be able to offer. Going For It!: How to Succeed As an Entrepreneur
  • Each picture is shown in colour on one page and as a bold outline on the opposite page.
  • The present market of sodium metasilicate pentahydrate was outlined, and then the experimental technique of preparing sodium metasilicate pentahydrate from the waste silica gel was introduced.
  • Things were going poorly — Vietnamese guerrillas, or Vietminh, held the upper hand — and at a strategy session in Saigon the French commander, Gen. Henri Navarre, outlined his latest plan. The French Connection
  • This thesis introduces the engineering outline of "Refrom item of coke oven collector pressure control system of Chang-Chun charking factory".
  • His drawings are generally in pen outline, with a wash of bistre, or other warm colour; sometimes he makes use of black and red chalk; they are seldom finished with colours, but have often portions rendered lighter and broader by means of a wash of white. Rembrandt and His Works Comprising a Short Account of His Life; with a Critical Examination into His Principles and Practice of Design, Light, Shade, and Colour. Illustrated by Examples from the Etchings of Rembrandt.
  • He outlined a number of allegations involving unnamed judges, with claims of the soliciting of young male prostitutes, and misuse of Commonwealth cars.
  • She pencilled the rough outline of the mountain in front of her house.
  • She pencilled the rough outline of the mountain in front of her house.
  • This theory outlines criteria that are important when deciding which assets are worth buying. Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
  • It appears that in most big league parks, the inside vertical line (closest to home plate) of the batter's box is not outlined.
  • The author outlines both the commonalities that define science fiction fandom and the tensions and schisms within the community, focusing on participants in organized clubs, amateur publications, and conventions.
  • The first subject is announced appassionato by the strings, the piano joining with arabesquery that follows the general outlines. Contemporary American Composers Being a Study of the Music of This Country, Its Present Conditions and Its Future, with Critical Estimates and Biographies of the Principal Living Composers; and an Abundance of Portraits, Fac-simile Musical Autographs, and
  • The Millennium Development Goals are outlined in eight respects, including eradication of poverty and hunger; universal elementary education; gender equity and women's autonomy; reduction of children's mortality; reduction of women's mortality; and the fight against the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), paludism (malaria) and other diseases. Top Stories - Google News
  • The lawsuits consist of an immensely complicated tangle of legal proceedings, which need only be outlined here.
  • A report to the board outlines the outcome of the public consultation, which included two well attended public meetings and 20 written responses.
  • An unnamed whistleblower outlined in detail to Ireland On Sunday how he took part in such fixing, at times casting as many as four votes in the same election.
  • As I outlined, United Future supports the second reading of the bill and its passage to the Committee stage.
  • The delegates outlined what they considered a realistic timetable for troop withdrawal.
  • Their molds demonstrate that lenses were numerous, biconvex, hexagonal in outline and arranged in an hexagonal close-packing system.
  • The attending outlines a plan of treatment to support your child andhis caregivers, depending on his diagnosis. Our Team - Technology Dependence Center
  • Outline of gymnospermous medicinal plants in China.
  • Natural wood caps the glass and outlines the top edge of the walls to make the room seem bigger than its square footage.
  • If, between the two, an outline faintly emerges of something betokening a system - implied through the press-release fog - then we shall have something to test against and compare with other documented cases affecting films.
  • Cooperative application development with shared data should be possible via the open repository strategy that Informix has outlined - see above.
  • A more emphatic outline can be achieved by making a second cut round the outside of the first outline.
  • Thin, firm outlines now enclose each figure's palpably modeled form and the palette focuses on jewel-like variations on the primaries and black.
  • At the very top was a ruined building, outlined against the fading sky.
  • In the gloom I could only just discern the outline of a building.
  • Trim away the excess fabric and lace and stitch along the outline again, covering the raw edges with zigzag stitch. Collins Complete Books of Soft Furnishings
  • Not all lab reports must follow this precise outline. A Short Guide to Writing About Science
  • Really, the hennish outline is quite striking, although I'm disturbed by the missing legs and feet. The End of Sweetness
  • Noon found Tom far out on the National Road, creaking along over the yellow dust in a light wagon, between bordering forests that smelt spicily of wet underbrush and May-apples; and, here and there, when they would emerge from the woods to cleared fields, liberally outlined by long snake-fences of black walnut, the steady, jog-trotting old horse lifted his head and looked interested in the world, but Tom never did either. The Two Vanrevels
  • The report outlines a string of major blunders. The Sun
  • Nearby, the celebrated "Self-Portrait with a Palette," made in Paris that fall, introduces the intense 25-year-old artist; he glances slightly away, his heavy-lidded dark eyes briskly outlined in an "Iberian" mask. The Cubist Circle
  • The goosefish is practically invisible lying flattened, with its darkly marbled skin matching the bottom color and the outline of its body obliterated by a fringe of branched skin flaps.
  • Whilst tightly held in this position, the wall of the capsule is compressed and moulded to its smooth, vase-shaped outline.
  • He presented his idea in outline at the meeting.
  • Being schooled in scientific practice, they believe that in dealing with prayer as a phenomenon they should scrupulously follow the formulas outlined in the Bible which they described as the textbook of spiritual science. The Power of Positive Thinking
  • There are notes done linearly, notes using outlines with letters and numbers, notes inside squares and notes on calendars.
  • The actual truth lies midway between the "evenness" of Evelyn and the "great hills" of Pepys, and to the man of Wilts that word "Plain" will ever summon up a vision of rolling downs, a short, crisp, elastic turf dotted with flocks, and broken here and there by some crested earthwork or barrow, which rears itself from the undulating Down, and breaks the skyline with its sharp outline. Stonehenge Today and Yesterday
  • Hanford had not read his friend Lowe awrong, and when, behind locked doors, he outlined his plan, the big fellow gazed at him with amazement, his blue eyes sparkling with admiration. Laughing Bill Hyde and Other Stories
  • between him and the dim light a form was outlined faintly
  • Then, just as I made out the outline of a small brown songbird, the whole flock took to the air again and disappeared over a rise.
  • The pattern is programmed to stitch an outline around the shape to hold it in place while the edge is stitched.
  • The mayor outlined his plan to clean up the town's image.
  • Their 'alternate' health care plan is a 3 page outline with no cost estimates, and 80% of it was stolen verbatim from the Obama plan. Obama, GOP trade barbs in health care fight
  • Instead of dramatizing the story, one student would take the role of moderator and interview the main characters concerning the events outlined in the assigned book.
  • And for this reason -- that though Nature lays down the great constitutional laws within which man, her completest representative, must work; and though Nature as a whole formulates the main outlines of her ideal; yet man _within that constitution_ can make his own laws, and within its main outlines may refine and perfect the ideal. The Heart of Nature or, The Quest for Natural Beauty
  • The museum outlines the development of the city as we know it today.
  • Before going any further, it will be useful to give a brief outline of the main events, concentrating on those that were of greatest concern to the kings of England.
  • In his talk, he gave an outline of some of Thompson's work, beginning with the odd order theorem of Feit and Thompson.
  • Part One reviews the theoretical foundations of open economy macroeconomics and outlines the basic argument of the book.
  • This is a brief outline of the events.
  • The user - friendly outline format allows for quick access to the topic at hand.
  • He could see only the hazy outline of the goalposts.
  • Grab an old tube of lipstick and, while looking into the bathroom mirror, trace the outline of your face onto the glass.
  • This Memorandum outlines and explains the methods by which the value for duty of printed or lithographed matter of paper is determined.
  • Introduction InPart One I have briefly outlined the origins and fate of the classical perspective in criminology.
  • Draw the outline lightly with a soft pencil. This can be rubbed out later.
  • Regarding regulatory czar Cass Sunstein's Aug. 23 op-ed, "Washington Is Eliminating Red Tape" : The savings outlined by Mr. Sunstein don't even represent one-quarter of 1% of total private-sector compliance costs—and that assumes that the savings are realized and not just bureaucratic finagling for political purposes. Mr. Sunstein Can't Be Serious About Cutting Red Tape
  • The irreducibility thesis, in its general outline, might be summed up thus.
  • By the time the model has been constructed, the analyst has gained an appreciation of the business in outline.
  • The governor gave only a vague outline of his tax plan.
  • First we shall outline the implications of describing reading as a skill.
  • Recently, in a presentation to a large audience of mostly young researchers at a prestigious university, I outlined the crisis in peer review.
  • The design of policy has to take into account the ambiguity of the welfare analysis outlined in the previous section.
  • Mr Richardson applied for outline permission to build the chalets after winning approval for a hotel and golf complex at Humbleton.
  • In three centuries, already some outline has been sketched, rudely adumbrating the future settlement destined for the planet, some infant castrametation has been marked out for the future encampment of nations. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 54, No. 337, November, 1843
  • Massive flows have fallen in, exposing caverned depths of jagged outlines. The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • Through the fog we saw the vague outline of a ship.
  • Graeme is a fantastic writer, astute and always willing to learn and evolve in his craft, which is how he came across the outline. Secrets from Blueprints
  • They looked up and saw a huge shape outlined by sunlight; it came over.
  • He outlined the practice of audism in which deaf people shun the traditional deaf community and signing, preferring to use residual hearing, speech and lip-reading.
  • The foothills, even under thick chaparral, never lose their bold outlines; the pines upon the farthest ridges preserve their perfect spires; and the low, round-headed oaks, both the roble and the encina, have all been put into the landscape with the same brush. Art Influence in the West
  • Precise terms couldn't be learned, but the person said Sprint's board has blessed the "broad outlines" of a deal. Sprint in Talks to Share Network
  • Contrast medium appears opaque on X-ray film, providing a clear outline of structures such as your digestive tract or blood vessels.
  • A large colour photograph from his shack dweller series has been bleached of its content, the sitter a vague outline, a ghostly presence leached from the scene.
  • Miner, "who advises me to" do the right thing by M'liss, "or intimates somewhat obscurely that he will" bust my crust for me, "which, though complimentary in its abstract expression of interest, and implying a taste for euphonism, evinces an innate coarseness which I fear may blunt his perceptions of delicate shades and Greek outlines. The Luck of Roaring Camp and Other Tales With Condensed Novels, Spanish and American Legends, and Earlier Papers
  • The cognitive processes we are going to discuss next may be regarded as acting upon the mental representations we have outlined above. Educational Psychology in a Changing World
  • In a real sense, the lessee leased not only the restaurant premises but the premises in the context of the entire mall as outlined in the site plan.
  • Much of Cuba's Internet control strategy has entailed reactive state responses to the challenges outlined above.
  • The mayor outlined his plan to clean up the town's image.
  • A gopher computer displays lists of information, broken down into simple headings and subheadings, like an outline.
  • The calculation of the conductivity and the degree of starch gelatinization is outlined hereinafter.
  • We usually can explain the gospel through outlines and diagrams. Christianity Today
  • CIA missile strike misses Taliban commander, kills his brother in latest blow to insurgents Gearing up for likely 2012 bid, Pawlenty outlines conservative vision, faith to conservatives Democratic Rep. Brad Ellsworth says he's running for Evan Bayh's Indiana Senate seat NJ's Lautenberg, nation's 2nd-oldest US senator, has 'curable' lymphoma of stomach Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Simple mathematics starkly outlined the scale of the difficulty for the handful of Southern Presbyterian missionaries who had elected to hold themselves responsible for saving the souls of ten million people in North Kiangsu. PEARL BUCK IN CHINA
  • She lightly traced the outline of his face with her finger.
  • This article outline research progress of male silkworm moth.
  • Brian Clark outlines the underlying similarities between ultramontanism and evangelicalism.

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