
How To Use Outgoing In A Sentence

  • She was very outgoing, a very bubbly, fun person. Times, Sunday Times
  • The calced Augustinians also made their elections -- but not so quickly that we could avoid sending to them to remind them not to allow the disturbances of other times to occur in their chapter -- by having made them beforehand through their devotion to the outgoing provincial, who managed the succession for another as worthy as he. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 24 of 55 1630-34 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
  • Yeah, he's a pop genius, but his cool, affable swagger and clever repartee are the perfect complement to the more extroverted, outgoing personalities of Dahle and Ms. Case.
  • Former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage is on the lineup, as is outgoing Pentagon undersecretary for policy Eric Edelman and proliferation official Bob Joseph (he of the Sixteen Words). We Look To The Horizon | ATTACKERMAN
  • Because the head drum is spinning at an angle, the ingoing and outgoing guide heights are very critical.
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  • Some couples choose to keep their main accounts separate, paying into a joint account to cover regular outgoings such as the mortgage and supermarket bills.
  • Investigators will be checking passenger manifests of outgoing flights from the east coast early on Tuesday morning.
  • The thickness of the liquid crystal and the arrangement of liquid crystal molecule are flexible, there are no deviation in the outgoing beams.
  • Indeed, he is something of an affable version of our outgoing governor - not as bright, not as driven, but equally without agenda and equally without a base.
  • The booth had positive outgoing air pressure so that outside smells couldn't get inside and affect the testers.
  • Users just have to click an on-screen button to encrypt an outgoing message.
  • At first glance, it was a curiously cold moment, uncharacteristic of such a popular and outgoing figure.
  • A new provision provides that the regulations do not apply where the outgoing employer is subject to proceedings whereby he may be adjudicated bankrupt or wound up for reasons of insolvency by order of the High Court.
  • Underneath his outgoing behaviour Luke was shy.
  • Cars waiting to turn right on to Carleton Road from Skipton hold all the outgoing traffic up as cars coming into Skipton won't give way on a green light.
  • However, for many whose outgoings simply exceed their income on a regular basis such a loan may prove to be a terrible mistake.
  • She had developed an outgoing personality to mask her deep insecurities.
  • The numbers, and my own outgoings, point to a glaring class divide and not one likely to become any less pronounced. Times, Sunday Times
  • Outgoing Cah-lee-forn-ia Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger really seizing the moment: "The San Francisco Giants defeated the Texas Rangers tonight, just like California voters are going to defeat the attempts of dirty Texas oil companies to undo our clean energy laws at the polls tomorrow Proposition 23, which would suspend the state's greenhouse gas law. HUFFPOST HILL - NOVEMBER 2ND, 2010
  • The new model has just been launched so the last of the outgoing models are now going for bargain prices. Times, Sunday Times
  • MACAO: The outgoing Chief Executive of Macao, Edmund Ho, said the "one country, two systems" policy has won initial success. - Business News
  • An outgoing tide can sometimes be a lucky charm when a channel current sweeps all the baitfish through it and the predator fish line up and wait for them.
  • Other outgoings that during leaner premium banking fees of and 15 a month. Times, Sunday Times
  • People who score high on personality traits such as extroversion (think, outgoing) and agreeableness (cooperative) are most likely to enjoy group classes and team sports, Hagger told LiveScience. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • In Kansas with an outgoing Attorney General that hired an arrested and convicted clinic blockader on the state's payroll, and allowed at least one convicted clinic bomber to work in his recent failed re-election bid. Hamilton Spectator - Sniper - The True Story of James Kopp
  • An overview of your outgoings will help you to assess where you can make cutbacks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Earlier this year, the outgoing governor of Illinois commuted the sentences of all 167 inmates on the state's death row.
  • He will always be remembered for his outgoing and friendly personality.
  • Last year, outgoings exceeded takings by £180,000.
  • He needed to stand up for himself, be more outgoing, and stop being such a scaredy-cat.
  • An exchange occurs when at least one incoming, and at least one outgoing process undergoes a change in the value of the conserved quantity, where ˜outgoing™ and Causal Processes
  • Vowed to take better care of your finances, bought one of those little red cashflow books, ruled into narrow blue feint columns, pledged to note in it your incomings and outgoings, create for yourself a budget?
  • Manchester airport said that the incident led to a series of incoming flights being diverted to other airports and minor delays to outgoing flights. Times, Sunday Times
  • It should let outgoing traffic pass freely, as this would still block incoming dodgers.
  • Seriously, it makes more sense to just encourage businesses to go ahead and connect and use Skype exclusively for all their intl outgoing phone calls and make the money off of that. Skype Now Means Business, Friends the SIP World
  • The targets may be incoming, outgoing, crossing right-and-left, at different speeds, at different heights, while quartering and dropping at the same time.
  • The outgoing chairman played his military metaphors in the warm-up act. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was a striking young woman - beautiful, cheerful, confident, proud and remarkably outgoing.
  • However, rapid return to the nest would seem irrelevant for the majority of foraging time when nearly continuous flows of outgoing and returning traffic prevail.
  • You can personalize your outgoing message by recording your own name or greeting.
  • Your phone will continue to receive calls on its original number as well as the incoming 0800 Freephone calls, and can be used to make outgoing calls as normal.
  • Las Vegas is using RFIDs in outgoing luggage now to help move bags more efficiently. Boing Boing
  • The outgoing chairman will caretake until a successor is found.
  • Before taking a loan out, calculate your monthly outgoings.
  • They were placed in a gentle curve, about twenty traps in all, facing the outgoing tide.
  • Volunteers should be available for a 3 hour period each week, and should have a friendly outgoing personality and helpful, caring disposition.
  • If you have saved up a deposit and budgeted for all the extra expenses when you move, tot up your existing monthly outgoings and deduct this figure from your after-tax income.
  • A modem translates the computer's outgoing data into a form that can be transmitted through the phone hookup.
  • I never had the opportunity of knowing Martin because I am new to this Parish, but all who did know him regarded him as a friendly, outgoing, happy person with a bubbly personality.
  • I have seen Steve in public a few times and he is not what you call warm, friendly, and outgoing. Archive 2006-08-01
  • The dhow exits the lagoon just after low tide, going against the now-incoming current but avoiding the tidal race that forms on an outgoing tide.
  • An overview of your outgoings will help you to assess where you can make cutbacks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The English springer spaniel truly is an energetic, outgoing breed, and most springers exhibit a gregariousness, warmth and sweet-temper that makes them a joy to know.
  • While most business schools have an MBA induction process, a few also have surprises in store for outgoing students. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Government has committed over £200m in funding for payments to outgoing sub-postmasters and improvements to remaining offices.
  • The switch looks up the destination MAC address in its switching table, determines the outgoing interface port, and forwards the frame on to its destination through the designated switch port.
  • Tubes through the wall opposite the food-aperture are used for the introduction of electrical connections, ingoing and outgoing water, the air-pipes, and connections for the stethoscope, pneumograph, and telephone. Respiration Calorimeters for Studying the Respiratory Exchange and Energy Transformations of Man
  • Heathrow said that 70 incoming and outgoing flights had been cancelled. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fact that such sentiments have made it into the public domain will raise questions about the effectiveness of prison monitors who screen all outgoing mail. Times, Sunday Times
  • Changing those perceptions is the first priority for the Sudanese-born Magid, 45, who has earned high marks as an outgoing bridge-builder who heads the All Dulles Area Muslim Society, a congregation of 5,000 families in Sterling, Va., just outside Washington, D.C. Magid succeeds Ingrid Mattson, a soft-spoken but unflappable Hartford Seminary scholar who was elected as the group's first female and first convert president in 2006. Reclaiming Islam And Emboldening Muslim Women In America: 10 Minutes With Mohamed Magid
  • His friendly, outgoing personality enables him to fit in comfortably with any crowd.
  • By early evening, traffic jams still characterised the outgoing traffic as motorists tried to negotiate their way home after a wet day.
  • The pip was a Class A, racing after the outgoing signal like a greyhound after a mechanical rabbit. The Martian Way
  • He is an extremely outgoing, friendly and social guy.
  • Never very communicative or outgoing, he continued to work but not to speak.
  • The outgoing Chairman who has now commenced his tenth year in office in his acceptance speech again stated that this would be his last year.
  • In a statement outside Conservative central office, the outgoing Tory leader said that the name of his successor would be announced in a simple statement tomorrow afternoon.
  • Wilner saw him changed by the hunger strike from a happy, outgoing, strongly pro-American young man to a withdrawn, cadaverous, weak figure.
  • Mr. Kreutz, an outgoing 36-year-old with a sandy crewcut and sunburned neck, gave up a career in finance and took over the 2,800-acre family farm after his father's death. Finance Overhaul Casts Long Shadow on the Plains
  • She was warm, friendly, outgoing, very generous and very clever, but more determined than anything else.
  • No party won an absolute majority and the outgoing government remained in office in a caretaker capacity as inter-party negotiations took place.
  • I mean -- that you should put down in writing _all_ outgoings, and in such a way as you, or I, might easily reckon them up: I mean, so as to see what _each_ amounts to -- No man's Memory can be trusted in such matters; and I think that _your_ Memory (jostled about, as you say, with many different calls, [_sic_ no close to parenthesis] needs to have _writing_ to refer to. Edward FitzGerald and "Posh" "Herring Merchants"
  • Never the most outgoing of men, he remains as taciturn as ever.
  • It's hard to say what's causing this traffic, but you may be able to persuade your admin that it will not happen again by filtering outgoing multicast traffic.
  • Bigger bass are lurking underneath; fishing pogy chunks at Lovell Island during the outgoing tide this week, Allison from Go Pogy in Winthrop scored three bass over 40 inches. Home -
  • One tool lets you automatically block any incoming and outgoing traffic when your screensaver kicks in.
  • Outgoing chairman of the Senate banking committee, Chris Dodd (D-Conn.), had threatened to "defund" the agency if Warren were appoint to head it on an interim basis and bypass Senate confirmation. Elizabeth Warren appointed White House 'consumer czar'
  • My outgoings were less than my incomings this month… and about blinking time too.
  • Always outgoing and generous, he sometimes despaired of the media.
  • His father was an outgoing, large and expansive man while his mother was a polite, passive person who Tom describes as a pushover.
  • For instance, a happy person will tend to be more sociable and outgoing, which in turn will strengthen their personal relationships. MAKING HAPPY PEOPLE
  • Although only on the threshold of life, Raymond and Ellen - who were outgoing and fun loving - had touched the hearts of young and old alike.
  • An increase in body rigidity of 112 per cent compared with the outgoing cabriolet will also bring benefits both dynamically and in terms of safety.
  • Notwithstanding the occasional outburst behind closed doors, to the outside world William still appeared to be a remarkably poised, outgoing, and even-tempered young gentleman. William and Kate
  • The tunability and the possibility to produce relatively undamped outgoing oscillations greatly increased the transmission range, and in 1901 Marconi succeeded in establishing radio connection across the Atlantic. The Nobel Prizes in Physics 1901-2000
  • Earlier this month, I'd carefully checked all my bills to work out exactly how much I needed for my regular outgoings, plus a little left over for my personal spending.
  • A post box is a public container for the deposit of outgoing mail, and a vagina is the passage leading from the opening of the vulva to the cervix of the uterus in female mammals.
  • On Monday the Rugby Football Union's outgoing grand panjandrum pointed out that his current contract is only for six months, which may mean that he is not entitled to the reported extra £250,000 for his part in creating a record profit of £8.7m for the governing body in the most recent financial year. Wales must keep faith with Gary Speed's youthful legacy | Richard Williams
  • Often the outgoing person is so accustomed to the procedures that he or she forgets to tell the new person many basic details. Christianity Today
  • To be an entrepreneur you need to be an independent, outgoing risk taker as you establish your own busine or company.
  • People with an emphasis on the fire element tend to be outgoing, inspirational and ‘fiery’.
  • We would like to thank the outgoing officers and committee for their service during the year and we would like to welcome on board our incoming officers and Committee.
  • Outgoing Secretary of State Colin Powell today declared Condoleezza Rice will bring what he called gifted leadership to the State Department. CNN Transcript Jan 19, 2005
  • He recommends highlighting your base salary and comparing it with your outgoings for one month. Times, Sunday Times
  • Travel is a paradoxical business - supposedly outgoing, in fact self-obsessed.
  • Visualize yourself as an outgoing assertive friendly person.
  • In these Dukhobor villages, the people practically constitute one large family, and know each other's outgoings and incomings, fortunes and misfortunes. Janey Canuck in the West
  • Legislators in the outgoing National Assembly, which is dominated by Chavez allies, approved the president's request Friday. Venezuela's Parliament Gives Chavez Decree Powers
  • When we motor into the channel, however, I can't help noticing that the mooring buoy is trailing a foaming wake as the outgoing tide thunders past the boat.
  • Introversion and a tear-stained face had now replaced her outgoing nature and perpetual smile.
  • At a drop zone there she met Steve, a tall, outgoing mechanical engineer who built jet engines.
  • They established that her husband was working abroad, what kind of conservatory she favoured, her monthly incomings and outgoings. KICK BACK
  • Both these batsmen look imperious when they are playing the outgoing ball, since they cut and square drive really well.
  • To be an entrepreneur you need to be an independent, outgoing risk taker as you establish your own business or company.
  • The comparative figure study leads us back to the first draft of President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Farewell Address of January 17, 1961, in which the following statement was made by a two term outgoing Republican chief executive who served as Supreme Allied Commander in World War Two in a previous role as General Eisenhower: Healthcare not Warfare: Compare U.S. Military Spending to China's
  • The officers seem to have been chosen for this task by sheer force of their outgoing, expansive personalities.
  • The operational principle of applied voltage method, the design of test circuit and outgoing line mechanism etc.
  • Coke can be hard or soft depending on whether its user is an outgoing party-boy/girl, or an unstable type who needs the coke to become an interesting person.
  • I moved in with Nicky, and we totted up our incomings and outgoings, both at that time and for when Nicky would be off work.
  • A witness said the outgoing tram derailed after the crash.
  • It is best to deposit outgoing mail at the post office rather than your mailbox.
  • A chapel beside the ruins of the World Trade Centre was the place chosen by New York's outgoing mayor to deliver his farewell address yesterday.
  • Convention, as expected, provided just one contest with Clashmore's Timmy O'Keeffe challenging outgoing secretary Seamas Grant.
  • For example, for the observer outside the horizon, is there any finite time-interval T such that, if he labels the ingoing particle which is passing him at a particular moment “A”, and then labels the outgoing particle that is passing him T later “B”, that the worldlines of A and B would actually have crossed somewhere inside the horizon? Arrow of Time FAQ
  • Under the old policy, it was quite common for unseemly Registrars to abuse their position and prevent outgoing customers from transferring to a different service provider.
  • It will be an interesting few weeks as the Convention beckons, but the outgoing Chairman will remains favourite to retain his position.
  • Aron's outgoing personality jarred with my current mood; it reminded me of a time when I had been as self-assuredly bold as him.
  • Earth's albedo values are very important in shaping local and global climates through the radiation budget, determined as the difference between the amount of absorbed shortwave radiation (input) and the outgoing longwave radiation (output). Albedo
  • Also, Murdoch's paper will have no outgoing or ingoing links, which David Carr at the New York Times found odd "at a time when the ecosystem of news is driven by links. 'Project,' first iPad-only magazine, hits app-stands
  • We're looking for someone with an outgoing personality.
  • In a bizarre and questionably legal move prior to the city's mega-merger, a bunch of outgoing Côte-St-Luc city councillors bade adieu to their burg by naming their city's parks after themselves.
  • Provide them with a detailed budget showing your income and outgoings, including your other debts, and make an offer to pay what you can afford.
  • Implement process inspection, final inspection, outgoing inspection.
  • We have assumed that the property is not subject to any onerous restrictions, unusual outgoings, easements or rights of way and that it is not affected by any Local Authority proposal.
  • With certain people we might be outgoing and confident, in other settings we could be quieter and more introspective. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is an outgoing trading nation, with a military tradition that exists alongside an advanced, even unmatched, sense of internationalism.
  • Is she really a natural-born celebrator, joyous and outgoing at every turn?
  • Must be outgoing, enthusiastic, enjoy long walks in spooky places and you can’t be afraid of the dark (let’s me out.) Ghost Hunters Wanted : SF Universe - SF Universe is your Science Fiction central. From SciFi television to movies to books and more. All the latest news, reviews and insights from SciFi experts.
  • It was the first time since 1969 that an outgoing Government had been led back into office.
  • Fr. Tom McDonnell, treasurer, provided details of incomings and outgoings of funds and finished with the excellent news that the society now holds its site free of all debt.
  • They are more outgoing with people and other animals and are nearly ready for their next big step. The Sun
  • Some couples choose to keep their main accounts separate, paying into a joint account to cover regular outgoings such as the mortgage and supermarket bills.
  • It was their duty to examine outgoing vessels which had weighed anchor with the intention of leaving our waters, and they were instructed to search the "pocket, cloake, bag, portmantle or any other thing belonging" to such persons as were on their journey out of the jurisdiction on horseback. Currency and Banking in the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay [excerpts]
  • This, according to the outgoing DA leader, was "inimical" to the values of individual freedom and accountability. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • He was shy and quiet whereas usually he was confident and outgoing. The Sun
  • Neither am I a magnetist, properly so called, for there is no outgoing of magnetism from my body when I am healing. Buchanan's Journal of Man, April 1887 Volume 1, Number 3
  • The next step is to total up those monthly outgoings and make sure they fall within your net income.
  • Moving the health authority out of the red will be a huge challenge, but Mr Jones was confident he could balance incomings and outgoings by 2006-07.
  • The only change on the committee was at Assistant Secretary level where the two outgoing occupants of the position didn't seek re-election.
  • The bank leant heavily on his elderly father, and in due course the latter without further advice mortgaged his farm to cover his son's further outgoings.
  • They are typically based on a set of rules that define incoming and outgoing network traffic.
  • When you are laughing in a group in a public place with your arms up towards the sky, it removes your inhibitions and over a period of time you become a more sociable, unreserved and outgoing person.
  • As far as being in Aries is concerned, the jovial and expansive nature of Jupiter is very well suited to the outgoing nature of the Arian sign.
  • We are told that nurseries make them sad and anxious, but at the same time sociable and outgoing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The appliance is usually deployed next to the firewall or application server, ‘eavesdropping’ on outgoing traffic.
  • These will be the actual benefits provided during the course of the year and may include provision for unforeseen outgoings and for possible expenditure in later years.
  • DONALD RUMSFELD, OUTGOING SECRETARY OF DEFENSE: I certainly can't speak for the new incoming secretary of defense. CNN Transcript Dec 4, 2006
  • Are you a confident outgoing person with an interest in drama, or are you a shy person who wishes to gain confidence?
  • Never leave mail for pickup at home or at the office; take your outgoing correspondence directly to the post office or drop it in a USPS mailbox.
  • The tests looked at levels of neuroticism and whether the women appeared to be shy or outgoing. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, next week's stoppage could also ground 57 scheduled incoming and outgoing flights as well as a quantity of private diplomatic traffic.
  • She had developed an outgoing personality to mask her deep insecurities.
  • Where once she was outgoing and confident, now she is clingy and dependent.
  • A typical teenager, John loved music, skateboarding and was sociable and outgoing and tried every activity.
  • Luanne was the outgoing, take-charge kind of woman that Nanci needed in her life. WITHIN A WHISPER
  • Outgoing National Police Commissioner Frank Short, a salty Australian expat, has publicly rebuked Rabuka for appearing to "sympathize" with the rebels. Rebels Of The Pacific
  • All the ingoing nervous impulses affect respiration through the outgoing impulses that pass along the nerves to the muscles; that is, the ingoing impulses pass up by the nerves from the lungs to the centre, and thence along other nerves to the respiratory muscles. Voice Production in Singing and Speaking Based on Scientific Principles (Fourth Edition, Revised and Enlarged)
  • For another, they may have outgoing living costs of 80% of their income, in which case a tithe means something different.
  • Bluffly outgoing, infallibly at ease in large groups, he seemed inhibited by screen intimacy.
  • This was so different: classless, outgoing, utterly un-English. THE TOUCH OF INNOCENTS
  • I have more control over outgoings than I do incomings.
  • A very friendly and outgoing person, she bore her illness with great fortitude.
  • This means learning to abandon passivity, as Dewey said, changing from a position of "inert recipiency and restraint to one of buoyant outgoing energy. Michael Roth: Good and Risky: The Promise of a Liberal Education
  • With no credit card debts to pay, their total outgoings should be a fair bit lower than they are now and as they're comparatively young, they're not fussed about extending the term of the mortgage.
  • The outgoing minister cited that over the past several weeks brawls and prison riots as well as a jailbreak had occurred at the penitentiary, which has about 120 guards working three shifts.
  • We look for outgoing and friendly people who want to be an active part of an international crew. Times, Sunday Times
  • This could benefit the stream of outgoing students in their hunt for new careers and novel opportunities.
  • Incoming calls cost 1.1 cents per minute, outgoing is the same and long-distance is 2 cents per minute. Voice over IP explorations
  • In our extrovertist society, being outgoing is considered normal and therefore desirable, a mark of happiness, confidence, leadership. Now Please Shush!
  • The numbers, and my own outgoings, point to a glaring class divide and not one likely to become any less pronounced. Times, Sunday Times
  • Others listened because of his friendly outgoing nature and warm compassion he showed toward others.
  • Whether he or she is an outgoing sailor or a free spirited pirate we have the supplies to keep them make-believing.
  • She was so lively and outgoing, and was very popular.
  • Photographer Huang Hao was impressed by Zeng's outgoing and optimistic character.
  • Over forty members attended, and with the outgoing officers having completed their terms of office, new appointments were made.
  • It starts by blocking all incoming and outgoing traffic and then opening ports for specific services.
  • But when outgoings such as tax and mortgage payments are taken into account, the gap between Scotland and the most affluent regions of Britain narrows dramatically.
  • The event was an evening of entertainment focusing on the legacy the outgoing Bishop of Manchester will leave.
  • She's less outgoing and gregarious than I am. Times, Sunday Times
  • He described Scotland as a nation rife with ‘corruption, a sense of inadequacy and, above all, a chippy jealousy of its bigger, richer, more outgoing neighbour’.
  • The size of the loan is worked out by looking at the buyer's incomings and outgoings, as well as the ability to repay the loan.
  • If they're okay they could then be processed and moved to an outgoing directory for print house access.
  • People should also try to reuse incoming boxes for outgoing deliveries, recycle packaging materials such as cardboard, chipboard, bags, plastics etc., along with recycling food and beverage containers.
  • Regardless, this is different from the old days when a single computer typically couldn't keep up with the processor overhead required to inspect all ingoing and outgoing packets for a large network.
  • I'm much more outgoing and extrovert, like an excited Labrador.
  • I've met a lot of commercial pilots and most of them were outgoing and friendly thanks to their charm-school personalities.
  • During the winter, heat and moisture are recovered from the outgoing air, and hygroscopic thermal wheels condition incoming air.
  • And this is that same unity which is fruitful in the outgoing activity of the Persons, and forms in Their return an eternal bond of love which shall never be untied: and all who know themselves to be bound up in it shall be blessed throughout eternity, and they are rich in virtue, and clear in contemplation, and simple in fruitive rest. The Adornment of the Spritual Marriage
  • Tiffany's attitudes tear the girls and outgoings of the consistent year. adopt a free online virtual pet duty free limits to denmark download free templates for photo2dvd cadilac don kool aid freestyle download the tmnt movie for free download the punch papers free adult card free greeting online canadian business plans for free all free cd burning software download my personal porn free Wii-volution
  • He said that in his company, employees would microfilm copies of outgoing international telegrams that would then be picked up by a government courier.
  • For an outgoing person, she was camera-shy and preferred to stay out of the media where possible.
  • Electrotechnical installation including accessories, such as actuators, transformers, measuring devices etc., the main purpose of which is to distribute electric energy to several outgoing lines. 4. Power transmission and distribution in power supply systems
  • Although a lively and outgoing teenager, he lives with the effects of what his father, Greg, termed ‘subtle neurological damage’.
  • Airline employees have been given leaves of absence as ingoing and outgoing flights are cancelled.
  • Earlier, three canoeists wended along the quiet millstream on the outgoing tide – passing marsh marigolds and partially submerged trunks of silvery willows towards reed beds, with spears of new growth and the scratchy song of returned sedge warblers. Country Diary: St Dominic, Tamar Valley
  • As a fun-loving lad, I didn't pay much attention to the fact that my outgoings exceeded my income by some considerable margin.
  • It is important that first-time buyers look at their other outgoings before applying for a mortgage, as any other borrowings may impact on the amount a financial institution is prepared to lend.
  • If the senior executive wishes to leave the organisation in the future, it is usual for the remaining shareholders to have a pre-emptive right to reacquire the shares of the outgoing executive.
  • I've seldom interviewed as warm and outgoing a person. Times, Sunday Times
  • I've found that shy guys tend to go for the real outgoing girls because they're easiest to spot.

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