How To Use Outflow In A Sentence
From here, the nullah reaches the Punjab and Haryana boundary, near Shagun Hotel, where the outflow is now blocked.
For the next three years until 2001, private capital outflow amounted to between $8 to 10 billion annually.
The runoff hose was supplied by a tank reservoir that permitted measurement (i.e., volumetric metering) of the outflow.
This is a trend I haven't seen since I was a kid: the reverse of this huge outflow of talented people.
Such valves allow the intake of air but not the outflow.

Junk bond fund flows reversed, with outflows of $319 million this week.
Usually, however, not wishing to go into the matter so thoroughly -- having come in contact with outsiders chiefly when they have been on holiday and least economical -- he considers a tip merely as the outflowing of a gen'leman's abundance.
A Poor Man's House
Certainly, the ‘no haste’ policy did not end the capital outflow.
Inevitably, cash outflows associated with leasing or financing will occur at different times and for different durations of time.
The beach systems are formed entirely by groundwater outflow and sapping where the water table intersects the beach face.
The stars are nuclear furnaces, where the perpetual gravitational infall is exactly balanced by the outflow of energy generated, literally, at the centre of gravity, the core of the star.
With more pensioners and fewer active workers paying in, the postal pension system has a net outflow of funds for the first time in nearly 70 years.
If the positions of cylinder and piston be reversed, the piston pointing vertically upward and the sand "bled" into an orifice in or through it, the void caused by the outflow of this sand would be filled by sand displaced by the piston pressing upward rather than by sand from above.
Pressure, Resistance, and Stability of Earth American Society of Civil Engineers: Transactions, Paper No. 1174, Volume LXX, December 1910
These deficits, combined with substantial outflows of capital, provided the other advanced countries with additional dollar reserves.
Another overlooked source of capital outflow comes from the flood of tourists visiting Hong Kong and other favourite destinations such as Bangkok and Singapore.
Inflow and outflow boundary conditions for the method were given t.
But in October officials reported the first net capital outflows in four years.
Times, Sunday Times
Increases in intrathoracic pressure cause obstruction in cerebral venous outflow, leading to vascular congestion.
Hug the left bank to the rack outfall then the right bank to second the outflow to avoid very shallow water.
Each year it would have become more difficult for him to balance the inflow and outflow.
Times, Sunday Times
Temperature data loggers were deployed near the outflow of each lake to measure the timing and frequency of tidal inflow during high spring tides.
It has a freedom and light in it that allows for a great fluency of speech and outflowing of compassion toward the lost.
The rudder sits in the outflow of the keel and is called upon to provide lift at very small angles of attack and not stall when required to prevent a broach.
Unlike most of its peers, it was still pulling in money, with inflows into equities and property offsetting outflows in fixed income.
Times, Sunday Times
He would have to have given it an outflowing ley-line, however small, and all he would have had would have been, in the end, no more than an exceptionally strong node.
Widows and Orphans
Then privatization has no effect on the solvency of the Trust Fund; it reduces inflow to the Trust Fund to the same degree it reduces outflow from the Trust Fund.
Social Security Privatization, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
In simple terms, if inflow is greater than outflow the result is overcrowding.
Through the lowering of the pillars of the fauces, which is the same as raising the soft palate, the outflowing breath is divided into two parts.
How to Sing [Meine Gesangskunst]
A rockslide from ages past, in conjunction with the undercutting and shovelling actions of a glacier, blocked the normal outflow of Medicine Lake.
The word "outflowing" is mostly spelled without a hyphen, so I deleted the hyphens from all instances of this word.
The Complex Vision
The pace of net outflows slowed from 9.1 billion in the first quarter to 7.2 billion in the fourth.
Times, Sunday Times
The banks are still perforated in places by flapped devices which allow the outflow of rainwater at low tide, while preventing inundation by the incoming tidal surge.
I disagree with both of the comments - privatization has no effect on the solvency of the Trust Fund; it reduces inflow to the Trust Fund to the same degree it reduces outflow from the Trust Fund
Social Security Privatization, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
The report goes on to chart the direct co-relation between illicit outflows of money and inequality in income distribution, and indicates the role that liberalization has had since the country's Independence, in facilitating both these phenomena.
Marie-Lou Fernandes: Will Corruption Trump Identity Politics in India?
Because the Christian's ideal concern is not immediate and selfish goals, his life can become an outflowing of help for others.
India, which again suffered downward lurches in their currencies yesterday, are not the only emerging economies with big current account deficits suffering huge outflows of investor money.
Times, Sunday Times
The effect of the eighth transaction is a $10 decrease of retained earning related to payment of dividends, resulting in an equal cash outflows.
We should note that long-term capital outflows from Britain were also enormous.
The rapid inrush and outflow of air inflated and deflated the interior, giving rise to apprehension that the craft might disintegrate at any moment.
Will the cash crisis force the axing of a team, leading to an even greater outflowing of player talent?
If there is a net outflow from a firm or country due to acquiring new capital, this need not be unhealthy.
International Finance: The markets and financial management of multinational business.
A rockslide from ages past, in conjunction with the undercutting and shovelling actions of a glacier, blocked the normal outflow of Medicine Lake.
Who would have realised that his ideas would have a lasting influence from their prodigious outflowing in the 1920s right down to the twenty-first century?
And I don't think there will be a big outflow of people.
Times, Sunday Times
The aim of the measure was to stem the outflow of foreign currency and to stop profiteering.
There was a capital outflow of $22 billion in 1998.
Net outflows of funds have hit 7.2 billion.
Times, Sunday Times
A pump blockage in the existing system had caused the problem after clogged up waste poured out of an emergency outflow pipe.
A bovine jugular vein valve is sutured to the inner aspect of a large stent, which is crimped on to a balloon delivery system and then expanded into a valveless outflow conduit that has been surgically placed in the right ventricle.
The problem with a high-tech start-up is that you have a net cash outflow.
Given the scale of the foreign assets, the government's payments capacity should be able to withstand any foreseeable shocks or capital outflows emanating from the otherwise worrisome fiscal situation.
Meanwhile, we have to live not only with the class whose profession and calling it is to keep us from understanding the situation we find ourselves in, the vincibly ignorant and their magic pot, and also the bottom feeders -- our 'fellow travellers' -- who dart around the ruling class like the fish that congregate near the outflow from the head on a boat, grateful to gobble down the turds that come their way.
The Prime Minister's New Year Message Translated in to Plain English
There are no expected inflows or outflows of capital and no assets to speak of apart from their home.
Times, Sunday Times
The study, led by Dr Hasan Jilaihawi (Glenfield Hospital, Leicester, UK), also singled out postprocedural anatomical factors affecting the left ventricular outflow tract, such as septal hypertrophy and the
The aim of the measure was to stem the outflow of foreign currency and to stop profiteering.
The ring is attached to the outflow of a submersible pump.
This trend was due to lower outflows on services and other incomes earned because of the recessional conditions of the domestic economy, including the export sector.
And, even then, a dissident antipapal council assembled in 1511 at Pisa, stimulating a great outflow of canonistic and theological writings in defence of the Conciliar theory.
While pressure gradients within the disk might act to bend the paths of outflowing material, the observations of pronounced curvature at large vertical displacements from the plane would require that the pressure scale height of the disk is comparable to the observed vertical extent of the masers.
New Movie Reveals Birth of Super-Suns | Universe Today
There is an outflowing of haan or inward, downcast, and repressed feelings at work in many of these situations.
Bernard Rowan: Hallyu and Haan
In contrast there was a net outflow of 2.2 billion from equity funds.
Times, Sunday Times
For purposes of revascularization, PVD is considered in terms of inflow and outflow occlusive disease.
A cuff is inflated around the thigh to obstruct venous outflow but not arterial inflow.
Share options simply broaden the ownership of the company, involve no cash outflows and are not a cost that should be expensed to the profit and loss account.
Unlike most of its peers, it was still pulling in money, with inflows into equities and property offsetting outflows in fixed income.
Times, Sunday Times
In other weeks it may pay its suppliers and so incur a net outflow of cash.
Principles of Corporate Finance
This can be done by friction (heat), twisted magnetic fields and outflows (uncollimated, or collimated; the latter would be jets).
Quasar Caught Building Future Home Galaxy | Universe Today
The perfusate fluid was collected by the outflow channels from the isolated segments.
All the outflow is destined to enter the Niagara River and plunge over the Falls.
The outflow amounted to 21 percent of Europe's population in 1870.
Increases in arterial flow stimulate efferent vagal outflow, inhibiting sympathetic drive and decreasing blood pressure.
For some items, such as postretirement benefits and other retirement obligations, we include the net cost for the period rather than actual cash outflows, in order to separate what we view as financing of these obligations from the operating cost component. Home Page
These options mean that businesses benefit from the asset without a significant outflow of cash.
Times, Sunday Times
The move was aimed at reducing capital outflows from the country and lifting the earnings of local deposit holders.
Months of uncertainty have contributed to massive outflows of capital from Russia and a growing paralysis in government.
Times, Sunday Times
Big cities and towns such as Sofia and Stara Zagora are the main culprits - they don't have adequate water treatment facilities and often outflow their effluence into small rivers with very little dilution.
The main cash outflows included in this category are cash payments to stockholders as dividends, to redeem borrowing and reacquire capital stock.
The report noted the need for the abolition of limitations on the outflow of foreign currencies by enterprises that have invested in the nation.
When the carbohydrate pool reaches its highest value, the photosynthetic inflow is limited to the outflow of carbohydrates consumed by respiration and growth.
One other perennial is the outflow of British nationals.
Times, Sunday Times
At the centre of the row is the State Reserves Bureau, which regulates the inflows and outflows of raw materials.
Refugee situation Political uncertainty and economic hardships led to a continued outflow of refugees, particularly from the minorities.
Ares Vallis is one of several big outflow channels on Mars in this region that formed billions of years ago.
Deficiency of GABA outflow, e.g., Huntington's disease, is characterized by herky-jerky and extraneous movements.
Pretty soon the outflow of dollars became a river, then a flood.
In phlegmasia cerulea dolens, there is an acute and nearly total venous occlusion of the entire extremity outflow, including the iliac and femoral veins.
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
A lake can be closed in terms of surface hydrology, but may not be isolated from subsurface inflows and outflows.
Don't you love those creatures that live at the bottom of the ocean, under incredible pressures and temperatures, feeding on the sulphur from a volcanic outflow?
House Points: Have environmentalists made us terrified of the natural world?
‘Even if all dormant account holders come forward en masse to claim their money, the outflow of funds would not have a huge effect on the banks,’ he said.
While forex can keep pouring in, other than payments for imports, there are not many outflows.
A stentless heterograft should be selected one size larger than the size of the left ventricular outflow tract.
There has always been an inflow and outflow to and from this country and the benefits are incalculable.
Mr. Sata hasn't just managed to scare Chinese investors. He has also threatened to impose controls on foreign capital to prevent an outflow that may sharply weaken Zambia's currency, the kwacha.
One other perennial is the outflow of British nationals.
Times, Sunday Times
The mass outflow is simply a 'safety valve' for the maintenance of the status quo.
Mexifornia, a State of Becoming by Victor Davis Hanson
In addition to this discrepancy, the outflowing material is predicted to be mostly ionized, raising the problem of how to maintain sufficient quantities of dense, molecular material in the disk wind and how to account for the SiO maser emission in the bridge regions.
New Movie Reveals Birth of Super-Suns | Universe Today
The work sounds like a free, Romantic outflowing, even when the central Adagio doubles back on its tail halfway through.
The bank has reiterated that ‘no cognisable impact’ is anticipated in the financial markets on account of the dollar outflow.
There was a net outflow of about £650m in short-term capital.
Hug the left bank to the rack outfall then the right bank to second the outflow to avoid very shallow water.
The BoE does "underwrite" to the extent that a bank in the process of swapping what you describe as their IOUs in the interbank settlement process* comes up short due to perversely high outflows vs inflows i.e. it has insufficient cash reserves lodged at the BoE to make good on those obligations caused by account activity and other banks will not lend that bank overnight money, then the BoE will do so to enable all IOUs to be honoured and the system to remain viable.
My Libertarian Values #2 - The Economy
The Government approved changes to currency legislation to further liberalise capital outflows.
But spending big on better inventory - management systems could mean large cash outflows before any big improvements.
The central bank has announced controls on capital outflows.
We note that even if magnetohydrodynamic forces are not the main driving mechanism for the Source I wind, magnetic forces may still play a key role in shaping the outflow, similar to what has been proposed for planetary nebulae e.g., Blackman 2008 and references therein.
New Movie Reveals Birth of Super-Suns | Universe Today
Hence, the large outflows of 2012-13 have given rise to concerns.
Times, Sunday Times
They will take a glass of treated water from the outflow pipe and drink it down.
‘If the outflow from the Arctic decreases, then so may the inflow towards the Arctic,’ said Ms Hughes.
Weakening and reduction in the regular size of the Polar anticyclone and its east-wind outflow should cause the temperate low pressure belt to find a zone of activity closer to the polar zones than at present.
The company's full year financial results, announced today, shows various belt-tightening measures are paying off in a reduction of cash outflow, while sales have shown strong improvement from the last quarter.
For the government, the question of inflows and outflows of people has also been the rock in the road of good coalition relations.
Times, Sunday Times
At present, a large number of outflowing rural elite labor in China has led to the void of rural construction subject , the situation is partly caused by the dislocation of rural education.
The resulting defect in the right ventricular outflow tract and main pulmonary artery is repaired using a homograft - a surgical tour de force.
Both authors are committed to the idea of accounting for business activity using exit values, and advocate the basic accounting principles of exchangeability for assets and future cash outflow for liabilities.
Maintains the Chinese outflow cultural relic the sovereignty dignity!
The vast inflow and outflow of tourists and emigrants means millions of pounds of Irish notes and coins may be scattered abroad.
However, the corresponding flow is not considered as outflowing as these rivers do not leave Chinese territory.
Water profile of China
The benefit that is enjoyed from the ability to net cash inflows and outflows through centralized cash management comes in the form of reduced transaction costs.
International Finance: The markets and financial management of multinational business.
The capital and finan cial account, which tracks cross-border investments, posted a net outflow of $336.2 million in December, compared with a net outflow of $2.19 billion in November.
Korea Current-Account Surplus Rises
She encouraged people to start donating to MSF after the tsunami, and discovered an outflowing of support.
Both elements are far more common in the maria - the lunar ‘seas’ that represent the outflow of the magma onto the satellite's surface - than they are in the rocky, mountainous regions known as terrae.
Patients with obstructed outflow were diagnosed either with urodynamics or clinically in the presence of a low urinary flow together with an incompletely emptying bladder in accordance with standard urological practice.
Refugee situation Political uncertainty and economic hardships led to a continued outflow of refugees, particularly from the minorities.
Jeffrey A. Miron and Kevin M. Murphy write, privatization has no effect on the solvency of the Trust Fund; it reduces inflow to the Trust Fund to the same degree it reduces outflow from the Trust Fund.
Social Security Privatization, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
A bipolar outflow of hot gas quickly forms on the metric axis, and aside from the lobes edges behaves much like any adiabatically cooling flow in the equatorial direction.
Astronomers Find Type Ia Supernova Just Waiting to Happen | Universe Today
Each year it would have become more difficult for him to balance the inflow and outflow.
Times, Sunday Times
Likewise, has it occurred to you that the aggregate outflow is almost certainly not known by any single person either?
The Memory Hole
This allowed it to swing down and strike the forward outflow valve and another fiberglass duct, which in turn sheared off the top of the vacuum pump.
I think you misrepresent their statement when you quote them as saying privatization has no effect on the solvency of the Trust Fund; it reduces inflow to the Trust Fund to the same degree it reduces outflow from the Trust Fund.
Social Security Privatization, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
I'm trying to measure the outflow of water/sewage from that pipe.
“The reason the Red Square remains so symmetrical is that there is no material that has interfered with the outflow, so it has preserved the symmetry it was born with,” Lloyd said.
Discovery of the Red Square Nebula | Impact Lab
This repentance should be the natural outflow of proper Bible study.
Christianity Today
The institute's data showed that the outflow of medical practitioners was matched by an inflow of overseas-qualified medical practitioners.
Each year it would have become more difficult for him to balance the inflow and outflow.
Times, Sunday Times
Price indices may or may not catch the effect of the net outflow of money from the commodity market.
Yet would my soul within outflow in foods of brine:
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
The bottom out dollar could trigger fund outflow from emerging market back to the U.
There has been only one year in the past 40 when there was not a net outflow of British nationals.
Times, Sunday Times
Capital is outflowing from emerging markets into perceived safe heavens in developed markets.
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Is there any easy way of deferring the first quarter's large cash outflow?
Principles of Corporate Finance
When the baroreceptors sense the slightest drop in pressure, a coordinated increase in sympathetic outflow occurs.
The benefit that is enjoyed from the ability to net cash inflows and outflows through centralized cash management comes in the form of reduced transaction costs.
International Finance: The markets and financial management of multinational business.
And daylilies bloom like the dickens in coastal Southern California, even outflowering roses.
Expenses are decreases in economic benefits or service potential during the reporting period in the form of outflows or consumption of assets or incurrences of liabilities that result in decreases in equity, other than those relating to distributions to owners.
The perfusate fluid was collected by the outflow channels from the isolated segments.
Methods Our recent approach is to reconstruct the dilated right ventricle outflow tract (RVOT) as a fibro-muscular sleeve to support a pulmonary homograft valve conduit in orthotopic position.
There are no expected inflows or outflows of capital and no assets to speak of apart from their home.
Times, Sunday Times
Cocaine acts by inhibiting norepinephrine reuptake in peripheral sympathetic nerve terminals as well as stimulating central sympathetic outflow.
His economy is continuing to deteriorate, which is a big part of the reason that we've seen all the outflow of migrants over the last few weeks.
Press Briefing By Dee Dee Myers
So, when more outflow shifted into the NH in 1976, was the effect on clouds near the dry downflow NH region the same as the effect on the SH regions?
Bill Gray Presentation « Climate Audit
Temperature data loggers were deployed near the outflow of each lake to record the timing and frequency of tidal inflows.
For the month of February alone, the documents said the net outflow was $72.1 million with outflows amounting to $441.2 million against inflows of $369.1 million.
Imagine a river flowing at 1 cumec cubic metre per second into a well mixed lake of volume of 50 million cubic meters, then an outflow at 1 cumec to the ocean.
Unthreaded #17 « Climate Audit
But if the central bank cannot control devaluation expectations, there could be capital outflows and burst asset bubbles.
Times, Sunday Times
When the outflow from these downdraughts finally exceeds the inflow, the storm will dissipate and die.
The venous outflow was then directed through a narrow horizontal tube that allowed observation of individual drops of fluid at low flow.
And now we have some what we call outflow boundaries, some air that was thrown out of thunderstorms, pushed to the ground and then we made a big gust of wind.
CNN Transcript Apr 14, 2006
There have been capital outflows for years now.
Times, Sunday Times
Nor are the Democrats saying that every jot and tittle of all its complex tables of inflows and outflows are sacrosanct today.
One of the beauties of the shorter Hebridean systems is the focus on the outflows and sea pools of the rivers.
* Thebest-case scenario: Containment chambers are put in place and they catch the outflow from the three ruptures that are currently pouring 200,000 gallons of oil into the Gulf every day.
Oil! « Gerry Canavan
The fund has been hit by significant net outflows of capital over the past two years.
Times, Sunday Times
Only 1.2 billion reflected a net outflow of funds over the period.
Times, Sunday Times
The pressure to export is pressure to get the minimal sums necessary to cover these outflows of money.
The BoE does "underwrite" to the extent that a bank in the process of swapping what you describe as their IOUs in the interbank settlement process* comes up short due to perversely high outflows vs inflows i.e. it has insufficient cash reserves lodged at the BoE to make good on those obligations caused by account activity and other banks will not lend that bank overnight money, then the BoE will do so to enable all IOUs to be honoured and the system to remain viable.
My Libertarian Values #2 - The Economy
It is generally held that during breathing at rest expiration is a mainly ‘passive’ process, although some activity in expiratory muscles may maintain the outflow of air.
Obstruction to outflow of blood through the vorticose veins, by the increased intra-ocular pressure, has long been a recognized explanation of the malignant tendency of glaucoma -- a part of the vicious circle established in this disease.
Glaucoma A Symposium Presented at a Meeting of the Chicago Ophthalmological Society, November 17, 1913
State asset's legal adjustment is the important issue which modern any country must face. Solves the state asset outflow problem, is a reform process, is also a institutional innovations process.
The intense storm, known as a haboob, was caused by outflow winds from a nearby complex of thunderstorms.
Weatherwatch: world round-up
Of course, the outflow of capital to foreign countries, stagnation of investment, and the steady decline of the stock market will become more serious.
These deficits, combined with substantial outflows of capital, provided the other advanced countries with additional dollar reserves.
A recently taken high resolution stereo camera picture shows the Mangala fossae trough, which is a system of outflow channels on Mars.
Photos Show Evidence of Water on Mars
Previous studies have shown that assessments of dye exclusion can depend upon the electrical charge of the dye and other factors (e.g., axoplasmic outflow at the injury site).
The total £1bn outflow is £200m less than the established inflows.
The most common abnormality was an incompletely emptying bladder, either because of obstructed outflow, an underactive detrusor, or urethral stricture.
Once the granitic continents formed (floating on the molten mantle), they blocked the outflow of heat from the core, eventually splitting and drifting apart and thereby setting in motion the drifting of the continents described in the theory of plate tectonics.
Ancient Predator Revealed!
We now know that stellar outflows produce an enormous amount of water and we know that our lives depend on water.
The benefit that is enjoyed from the ability to net cash inflows and outflows through centralized cash management comes in the form of reduced transaction costs.
International Finance: The markets and financial management of multinational business.
The gas in the warped outer disk appears in absorption close to the systemic velocity; the outer rings of the warp located at large radii are moving in front of the nuclear radio source." says Willema Baan et al, "Third, an outflowing feature can be seen at the center of the radio source at 100 km/s below the systemic velocity.
A "Polar Ring" For Christmas… | Universe Today
He advocates criteria such as exchangeability for assets and future cash outflows for liabilities.
Soon the cabs drove up with the functionaries connected with the administration of the theatre, in black hats and coats, with an official air of sadness; young reporters, the outflow of journalism, staring at everybody and taking notes; dramatic authors, Monday feuilletonists -- in short, all of those nocturnal beings, tired and worn-out, who are properly called the actives of Paris.
Ten Tales
The two may interact with one another - for instance when countries try to control capital outflows in order to maintain a given exchange rate.
Theories of the general interstellar medium require that these large rarefied cavities exist, and astronomers believe the cavities were formed by the combined action of energetic supernova events and the outflowing winds of clusters of hot and young stars.
Local Interstellar Gas Mapped in 3-D | Universe Today
I'm trying to measure the outflow of water/sewage from that pipe.
Centering round the dollar crisis and American gold outflow, the two countries had a fierce contest over the guideline of the alliance and the Cold War strategy.
Successful vascular repair requires adequate inflow, good flow through the conduit and adequate outflow.
Britain has large inflows and outflows of people each year, and inflows have exceeded those leaving for some time.
Times, Sunday Times
He has also threatened to impose controls on foreign capital to prevent an outflow that may sharply weaken Zambia's currency, the kwacha.
In Zambia Election, the Big Issue Is China
Clearly, net inflows of transfers tend to increase the value of a currency and net outflows tend to reduce it.
International Finance: The markets and financial management of multinational business.
In the solar case, plasma motion towards us, which means away from the solar surface, is detected as blue shift in the ultraviolet spectrum, and thus can be used to identify the beginning of the solar wind outflow.
The outflow of gold can temporarily finance the balance of payments deficit.
But any shock to confidence that leads to an outflow of private capital could be problematic, however.
There are no expected inflows or outflows of capital and no assets to speak of apart from their home.
Times, Sunday Times