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How To Use Outer space In A Sentence

  • the astronauts walked in outer space without a tether
  • What looked like solar panels rose up at the back, white light gleaming from them like sunshine in outer space. Times, Sunday Times
  • What looked like solar panels rose up at the back, white light gleaming from them like sunshine in outer space. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are no vampires, werewolves, zombies, or outer space creatures.
  • She felt her mind, her spirit, her flesh dissolving into a nebula of pure ecstasy burning across the blackness of outer space. THE ONLY GAME
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  • Once, I dressed up as a man-eating hooker from outer space.
  • The spectra that are observed indicate that small molecules, such as cyanide, methane, and cyanogen, can assemble in outer space.
  • Huge parts of the ceiling came hurtling at them like meteors from outer space.
  • But remove your perception filter and all of a sudden they look more like fish from outer space. Times, Sunday Times
  • We are being cudgeled into agreeing to wars of aggression, to make first use of nuclear weapons and to put weapons in outer space.
  • Galaxies and nebulae are often enormous spirals floating in outer space.
  • But his aspirations go beyond the global: he envisions outer space as his next frontier.
  • Spacecraft are vehicles used for flight in outer space.
  • Without gravity, we would be immediately flung into outer space at l, 000 miles per hour.
  • The OED does not record ‘creature’ in the sense of ‘monster’ Hollywood's ‘creature from outer space’ but one might conjecture it to derive directly from Frankenstein's onomastic confusion.
  • What they need in outer space is a great big vacuum. Times, Sunday Times
  • The movie's about creatures from outer space.
  • Oblivion from outer space is a suitably millennial topic, and is something for all the worriers and doomsters to dwell on now the world didn't end last Saturday and the Millennium Bug turned out to be about as threatening as a ladybird.
  • It was like encountering some superior intelligence from outer space. Times, Sunday Times
  • With NASA mired in navel-gazing and bureaucracy, it makes sense to support private development of outer space. » Another reason to alert D.D. Herriman heinleinblog
  • Ideas do not exist in a vacuum, free-floating in outer space, waiting to be corralled.
  • The two modules will dock in outer space.
  • That is, all hydrogen atoms - whether here on Earth or in the farthest reaches of outer space - have only a single proton in their nucleus.
  • But the project is beset from the start by a fiendish enemy, and also that weird phantom of outer space, Zero Gravity. Tom Swift and His Outpost in Space »
  • In other words, an efficiently coded radio message coming from outer space would look no different from a normal star in the sky.
  • It took a giant asteroid from outer space to wipe them out. The Sun
  • One time Ms. Frizzle took us on a far-out adventure-all the way to outer space!
  • According to the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, the so-called Magna Carta of spaceflight, the country where the object was launched is absolutely liable. Space debris could be about to hit us with some weighty legal conundrums | Neil Rose
  • On May 5,1961 Alan B. Shepard became the first American to venture into outer space.
  • Although invisible to present probes, such preternaturally potent super-snakes are conceivably copulating throughout the icy blackness of outer space.
  • She said that people in rural areas looked at her team as if they'were from outer space' when they delivered the first food parcels last summer. Times, Sunday Times
  • We've conquered outer space, but not inner space; we've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul; we've split the atom, but not our prejudice.
  • Spacecraft are vehicles used for flight in outer space.
  • The two modules will dock in outer space.
  • They were able to fly in unnoticed thanks to the cover of perpetual darkness that was provided by outer space.
  • I didn't really mean she was in outer space it's just a figure of speech.
  • I get my entertainment the modern way, borne on invisible rays beamed out from distant towers, which are relaying signals from outer space.
  • We at MTV News couldn't be more grateful that the U.S.S. Enterprise is once again patrolling outer space, which is why Abrams and Pine are two of the entertainers we're most thankful for in 2009. Who We’re Thankful In 2009: J.J. Abrams, Chris Pine And The Triumphant Return Of ‘Star Trek’ » MTV Movies Blog
  • This brings us to an unexpected recurring theme at the festival: strong women who form powerful bonds with giant squid monsters from outer space. Times, Sunday Times
  • Remember that movie The Last Starfucker where the aliens found this girl playing second life who was a great starfucker so they took her to outer space so she could starfuck to save the universe in REAL LIFE! OMG, IT’S ALMOST LIKE YOU’RE THERE!
  • You need look no further than "ET - The Extra-Terrestrial" to see an example of how the frightening prospect of the alien from outer space -- depicted as monstrous in a series of movies from the 1950s through the 1980s -- had now been dealt with far more satisfyingly, by being infantilized. Harry Shearer: Don't Demonize Political Opponents, Infantilize Them
  • This business of spinning into outer space is just so juvenile and naive that one has to wonder why these booklets didn't burst into flames on the printing press.
  • Outer space, the cosmos, is a central element of what is regarded as psychedelic music.
  • Asteroids, also known as " minor planets ", are numerous in the outer space.
  • the limitless reaches of outer space
  • There are no vampires, werewolves, zombies or outer space creatures.
  • Then they pledge those three people to making nice-nice to three others, and so on around the world and into outer space.
  • What no science fiction writer before the moonshot anticipated was that the Space Race would start out as a contest between two military powers for ascendancy in the 'high ground' of outer space, which then devolved into a prestige project, whose prohibitive costs were bourn for such imponderable goals such as national bragging rights. MIND MELD: Is Science Fiction Responsible for the Lack of Public Interest in Space Exploration?
  • I do feel Council has a tendency to drift into outer space in some of its deliberations, and its physical isolation from the membership is a big part of that. DOES YOUR LIBRARY ASSOCIATION WORK?
  • He looked like he'd take off into outer space with animation.
  • The film was about creatures from outer space.
  • They launched at least 2 spaceships into outer space each year.
  • During the haydays of the credit bubble blowoff, 03 to 07, the joke was that the risk had been sent into outer space. Matthew Yglesias » Charts and Graphs That Will Finally Make It Clear
  • It's that time of year when some of your neighbors have probably lit up the night with enough lumens to be seen from outer space.
  • Strange beings from outer space are still a popular subject for sci-fi films.
  • Spacecraft are vehicles used for flight in outer space.
  • Shows at the temporary planetarium will allow visitors to explore the planets and moons of the solar system, take a journey into ancient Egypt to see how science was used to create calendars, and look at the search for life in outer space.
  • Each astronaut is allowed a "bonus food allotment" to bring some of the comforts of home to outer space. NASA Watch: March 2009 Archives
  • The scientists are still working on inventing new methods of reaching outer space.
  • After 15 years of service in outer space, Mir made its re-entry to earth.
  • They could be wandering around a secret garden, exploring outer space or swinging into a crazy jungle to spy hidden treasures. The Sun
  • She felt her mind, her spirit, her flesh dissolving into a nebula of pure ecstasy burning across the blackness of outer space. THE ONLY GAME
  • This NASA story, about how the Moon bears witness to the early history of the solar system, and could tell us whether "extinction events" caused by heavy bombardments from outer space really recur every 26 million years on Earth as some have hypothesized, is headlined "The Moon is a harsh witness. Robert A. Heinlein's legacy lives on:
  • Santa might also reduce air resistance by manufacturing the presents in outer space. Times, Sunday Times
  • They would not have been able to form nations, to excel in creativeness and invention, to conquer outer space, and to declare Human Rights. Naguib Mahfouz - Nobel Lecture
  • The spectra that are observed indicate that small molecules, such as cyanide, methane, and cyanogen, can assemble in outer space.
  • Asteroids, also known as " minor planets ", are numerous in the outer space.
  • the vast reaches of outer space
  • The scientists who work with these tiniest of raw materials see a world just as mesmerizing as those who study the farthest reaches of outer space.
  • Outer space is a common heritage of all humankind to be shared and appreciated with awe.
  • Ideas do not exist in a vacuum, free-floating in outer space, waiting to be corralled.
  • What looked like solar panels rose up at the back, white light gleaming from them like sunshine in outer space. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although invisible to present probes, such preternaturally potent super-snakes are conceivably copulating throughout the icy blackness of outer space.
  • Outer space was a vivacious place, filled with planets and stars, moons and black holes, supernovas and asteroid belts.
  • Spacecraft are vehicles used for flight in outer space.
  • They launched at least 2 spaceships into outer space each year.
  • The earth was alive with poisons, and surrounded by the threat of outer space.
  • In 1957, the Soviets launched Sputnik 1 into outer space.
  • unmeasurable reaches of outer space
  • That is the new date of the local elections, and, barring an invasion from outer space, will also be General Election day.
  • The church's only stipulations were that the original unsavoury title, Graverobbers From Outer Space, be changed, and that the entire cast and crew be baptized in a Hollywood swimming pool.
  • They could be wandering around a secret garden, exploring outer space or swinging into a crazy jungle to spy hidden treasures. The Sun
  • If the spaceship goes in at too shallow a plane, it will bounce off and just fly off into outer space.
  • So, of course, do the exhausts of military jets and supersonic transports and rockets with a burden bound for orbit in outer space. The Crisis of Life on Earth - our legacy from the second millenium
  • I sit in that eerie phosphorescent tubal glow and lounge becalmed, thinking about the microwave emissions being bombarded into outer space like a gazillion ambassadors of tacky schlock.
  • It's not just the Earth that gets hit by objects from outer space - the moon is also a target, as evidenced by its heavily cratered surface.
  • One minute, he was staring off into outer space with a dreamy smile on his face and a split second afterward, he was tensed up with a bleak, grim expression.
  • Cosmic ray is high - energy particle ray coming from outer space.
  • Destiny and I sat side by side as she read aloud, laughing from the very beginning as the Fraggles shared different views on what to do about a kitten that had wandered into their world from what they call “outer space.” Comic Review: Fraggle Rock #2 | Fandomania
  • The shortage of black speculative fiction writers and fans in no way means there is a lack of interest in outer space, flying saucers, or extraterrestrials in the black community.
  • That which comes to the earth from outer space and the sun is referred to cosmic radiation. An Introduction to Community Health
  • Inner space has become a playground for uber-rich billionnaire tourists, and outer space is pretty much off the radar.
  • The two modules will dock in outer space.
  • The popular perception of the remoteness and unimportance of asteroids was shattered by a visitor from outer space.
  • It was part toy, part symbol, part alien from outer space.
  • What is needed is a comprehensive ban on the militarisation of outer space ... arming the heavens will only put us one step closer to a disastrous war in space that no one can win.
  • The seeds of a peanut variety, Yueyou No. 7, were carried into outer space by a recoverable satellite in 2003. The seeds were grown and screened for mutants. 21 mutant lines were obtained.
  • At the beginning of the twenty-first century, people are excited by the prospect of visiting new worlds in outer space.
  • Characteristics of offensive weapons are improved, enabling them to be used, quite soon, both in airspace and outer space.
  • The church's only stipulations were that the original unsavoury title, Graverobbers From Outer Space, be changed, and that the entire cast and crew be baptized in a Hollywood swimming pool.
  • Cliff Benjamin taps large paintings to portray minutiae and outer space panoramas, all connected to images in the natural world.
  • She felt her mind, her spirit, her flesh dissolving into a nebula of pure ecstasy burning across the blackness of outer space. THE ONLY GAME
  • By the following Sunday, they had Doc working it into a prophetic conference, and in a board meeting the following month, Pastor Fell had indicated that he had a friend quite willing to appear from outer space in a sleigh or any other conveyance drawn by sheep, reindeer, goats, cats, stag beetles, or porpologulous rhygmachomps providing he was subsequently proclaimed king. Part the Eighth: The Meaning of Christmas « Unknowing
  • Most of the hydrogen and helium that outgassed would have eventually escaped into outer space due to the inability of the earth's gravity to hold on to their small masses. AP Environmental Science Chapter 4- The Atmosphere
  • French dancer and choreographer Kitsou Dubois is part of a unique science-art collaboration, which in seeking to understand the intricacies of human biodynamics in outer space is creating a new art form: Zero-G Dancing.
  • And small wonder it fired the imagination of the sci-fi immigrants, who imagined a new frontier in outer space.
  • We both wanted to see the earth from outer space. Times, Sunday Times
  • regions of outer space
  • Something from outer space! Coping With Sudden Hair Loss
  • Asteroids, also known as " minor planets ", are numerous in the outer space.
  • What they need in outer space is a great big vacuum. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is a twilight music, a sequence of breath-induced sounds, the shakuhachi, a mantra, the winds of outer space, suggesting the bardo state of Tibetan Buddhism, the realm between death and rebirth.
  • But remove your perception filter and all of a sudden they look more like fish from outer space. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the same time, we introduce a kind of two dimensional inverse heat conduction problems which do not convect with outer space in doing the compression, and we have got the expected result.
  • His rein stretches not only from the farthest reaches of outer space but deep into the personal lives of every man, woman, and child on the twelve colonized worlds.
  • They were blasted into outer space.
  • In 1957, the Soviets launched Sputnik 1 into outer space.
  • Her school projects and papers were all about the stars, planets, and outer space.
  • They once again set out to explore the vastness of outer space, going further than any other humans have dared go.
  • It took a giant asteroid from outer space to wipe them out. The Sun
  • SO outer space smells like fried steak, hot metal and welding a motorbike. The Sun
  • NASA continues its efforts to communicate with intelligent beings in outer space.
  • Consider those nutjobs who believe that human life on Earth was seeded by aliens from outer space.
  • Strange beings from outer space are still a popular subject for sci-fi films.
  • the emptiness of outer space
  • A meteor appears when a particle or chunk of metallic or stony matter called a meteoroid enters Earth's atmosphere from outer space. The Oshkosh Northwestern Latest Headlines
  • What about the old space centers we have floating about in outer space?
  • They launched at least 2 spaceships into outer space each year.
  • The cutting edge graphics engine will present you a world of 5 huge cities on earth and several distant colonies in outer space.
  • The film was about creatures from outer space.
  • SO outer space smells like fried steak, hot metal and welding a motorbike. The Sun
  • the historic first voyage to outer space
  • Blackthorne also has given us interesting interpretations of the environs of Hell, Vatican satellites in outer space, martial arts wirework, not to mention goth strippers that morph into flesh-eating demons mid lap dance. Sinners and Saints (2004)
  • The earth was alive with poisons, and surrounded by the threat of outer space.
  • She said that people in rural areas looked at her team as if they'were from outer space' when they delivered the first food parcels last summer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Batman comics showed Robin wading through drainage pipes, climbing mountains, and visiting outer space. Archive 2008-03-01
  • It's a down-at-heel mining town that just happens to be in outer space. Times, Sunday Times

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