How To Use Outer boundary In A Sentence
The outer boundary of a closed figure usually defines its size.
The magnetosphere varies in size and shape, and its outer boundary - the magnetopause - gently undulates like a wave due to buffeting by the solar wind.
The outer boundary of a closed figure usually defines its size.
Both Voyagers are headed towards the outer boundary of the solar system in search of the heliopause, the region where the Sun's influence wanes and the beginning of interstellar space can be sensed.
OK, so basically you can apply Green's theorem for a region that has several boundary curves. You just have to be careful that the outer boundary must go counterclockwise.
In practice, the outer boundary of the local domain is demarked by a cosolvent (not water) monolayer if solvent structure is short-ranged.
OK, so basically you can apply Green's theorem for a region that has several boundary curves. You just have to be careful that the outer boundary must go counterclockwise.
The magnetosphere varies in size and shape, and its outer boundary - the magnetopause - gently undulates like a wave due to buffeting by the solar wind.
Hypotenuses: in Odonata; the simple or broken cross-vein between media 4, and cubitus 1, forming outer boundary of triangle.
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
Slightly paste the tapes outer boundary of the scroll.