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How To Use Outcropping In A Sentence

  • The outcropping was the first significant rock feature early explorers came across as they traveled up the Arkansas River in the 1720s. Exhuming Little Rock's Dignity
  • The butte is the only tall outcropping for several miles, so climbing it permits one to survey a very broad area. Kate Kelly: "Make Next Left Turn..."
  • When they were safely on the shadowed side of the ridge, they began mercilessly pelting the animal with thrown stone, forcing it first to retreat to the edge of the outcropping, and then reluctantly to break cover and lumber off into the blinding afternoon sun. 365 tomorrows » 2009 » March : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • I settled down on the rocky outcropping I'd chosen as my position and set up my monocular, a decent 15x Leica.
  • Passing the stone outcropping, a solitary monolith holding sway against the boisterous sea, a pod of dolphins cavorted on the waves, adding their own sonorous clicks and whistles to the voices of the airborne choir.
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  • Just 6 m to 8 m from the lander lies an outcropping of bedrock, the first recorded on Mars.
  • In 2002, a dozen Moroccan soldiers planted a flag on Parsley Island, a small, uninhabited outcropping off the shore near Ceuta.
  • Without warning the monolithic stone outcropping blew into a thousand fragments of flying rock.
  • Eventually it would have reached a weak spot in the terrain - a dip in the face, a rock outcropping - and broken off completely.
  • Outcroppings on both sides of the building serve as drain spouts.
  • Photo Gallery: Desert Wildlife A mountain lion swaggers across an outcropping in Arizona's Monument Valley.
  • Bluespotted jawfish are usually found on the ocean bottom at depths of 18-24 m, near cliff bases or rocky outcroppings of offshore islands.
  • Behind Ariadne, putti plant a grapevine into the ground, and a vista expands to a second rocky outcropping in the sea.
  • The next year researchers returned to the spot and found that he had simply seen a rock outcropping that looked vertical from his position.
  • It sort of felt triumphant to be crawling up this stone outcropping after getting thrown into the river the second time.
  • Additionally, coal was mined from mesa outcroppings, requiring unprecedented coordination.
  • Angel managed to find an outcropping of stone to protect her from the piercing, howling wind.
  • `Outcroppings of quartz or feldspar - "'But it could be water, frozen pools of it shining in the sunlight! ANTI-ICE
  • Cobbles of coal may be seen in the water showing the location of outcropping seams.
  • Steller sea lions lumber around the rock outcropping, while others lie still, looking like so many long sandbags.
  • Instead of clumps of oak and elm, the West is populated with chapparal of thorns and pungent with oils (I only know that after having walked among ‘em, since we don’t yet have smell-o-vision) and rock outcroppings like giant knucklebones stacked on one another, carved out of red rock or bleaching granite. Strangeways – Behind the Scenes – 03 | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • I was just relaxing on a nice rock outcropping when all of a sudden, this thing opens right behind me.
  • I immediately told members of my crew to stop what they were doing and to start hiking up the hill to our safety zone, a large rock outcropping.
  • There seems to be no special vertebrate fauna associated with limestone in this ecoregion, although banteng Bos javanicus, orangutan Pongo pygmaeus, Bornean gibbon Hylobates muelleri, sambar Cervus unicolor, muntjac Muntiacus muntjak, and mousedeer Tragulus spp. all use limestone outcroppings. Borneo lowland rain forests
  • But best of all we liked it when the Homely and the unhomely met in sharp juxtaposition; if a little kitchen garden ran steeply up a narrowing enclave of fertile ground surrounded by outcroppings and furze, or some shivering quarry pool under a moonrise could be seen on our left, and on our right the smoking chimney and lamplit window of a cottage that was just settling down for the night. Surprised by Joy
  • We didn't, lowering anchor in about 36 feet of water about 100 feet south of U Thant Island, a rocky outcropping populated by cormorants, opposite the U.N. Hooking Edible Tourists
  • “There was this little warm puddle by this rock outcropping and -” 365 tomorrows » 2009 » April : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • He spies a campfire and walks over to it; underneath a rock outcropping, two men are taking refuge from the rain.
  • A mountain lion swaggers across an outcropping in Arizona's Monument Valley. Unlike most other desert animals, mountain lions are active during the daytime.
  • If there is an outcropping of rock or tree branches in the way, the laser will read the target.
  • The mountains show a relief with extensive outcropping of Precambrian, acidic rocks.
  • At the camp's lowest point, a small rock outcropping serves as a storm shelter and sentry post.
  • An important hotel landmark was a large rock outcropping near the southeast corner of the building.
  • If he could only reach a part of the forest that was much roughened by outcroppings of rock or gulleyed by rains, he felt that his chance of escape would almost turn into a certainty.
  • In the adjoining mound area, I found Stella Rolph of the Salal Chapter caring for the transition outcropping site of mixed groundcovers, including kinnikinnik with the lovely Linnaea borealis intertwined freely and abundantly.
  • The walls of the passage were solid and rough, hewn from the granite outcropping upon which the Citadel stood.
  • A huge, bemused fiberglass giraffe looks down on the proceedings from a fake rock outcropping in the middle of the course.
  • Without warning the monolithic stone outcropping blew into a thousand fragments of flying rock.
  • The columns and roofs were sized and shaped to recall the trees and canopies of pine forests, while the concrete block base represents rock outcroppings.
  • He scrambled against the outcropping, his feet slipping, his arms burning with stress as he fumbled to keep himself from falling. Earl of Durkness
  • These wrens breed in rocky habitats, such as canyons, coulees, outcroppings, and talus slopes in the steppe and dry forests.
  • We move like an underwater runner from the dark and spiry pine forests of the base past the timberline to the snow-dusted, rocky outcroppings of the seven-thousand-foot shoulder. Richard Bangs: Here Be Dragons: Mt. Pilatus in Switzerland
  • Fields curve around jumbled outcroppings, huge chunks of fragmented rock appearing in time to halt a tractor before it barely reaches working speed.
  • At the very entrance of the cave there is a mammoth rock outcropping with a huge footprint.
  • Reaching a dripping outcropping of rock, he retraced his steps, his decision made. Earl of Durkness
  • After a steep climb, I came to a little outcropping with a Japanese elder sitting on the ground. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • One morning I snuck up on a couple, keeping a big rock outcropping between myself and them, and when I came around the rock to find them, there was only one there.
  • Neruda called the site "high city of laddered stone / finally resident of what is earthly" in perhaps his fine poem, "Alturos de Macchu Picchu." 140 stone structures comprise the site, along with terraced outcroppings for farming irrigated by an intricate system of fountains and aqueducts fed by underground springs. Meg Waite Clayton: Exploring Machu Picchu 100 Years After Hiram Bingham
  • From there a path twists its way through outcropping crags and tiny lochans to the summit, perched precariously on top of its own little crag.
  • The exemplary high scaler was twenty-three-year-old Louis Fagan, a “human pendulum” so dubbed by the Las Vegas Age whose signature feat was to have transferred every member of a tunnel crew around an outcropping on the Arizona cliffside twice a day for three weeks in January 1932. Colossus
  • Iron, copper, and coal were originally mined from outcroppings at or near the earth's surface, and gold was panned in streams.
  • Interesting, Orphan thought as she sidled around the corner of her hovel to the stone outcropping that crowned the Oracle's cavern. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • Back tire slurping and bouncing wildly, I kept going, finally slithering to a halt when I saw Jeff and Joe crouched under a rock outcropping.
  • He leaped onto an outcropping that was surrounded by deep pools of briny water. End of Time
  • Must we really clamber up every alluvial fan, map every desert canyon, and slap a name on every dry lake and rocky outcropping?
  • Situated on an elevated rock outcropping 15 km from Kurdjali, it has been regarded as a sacred site for thousands of years.
  • “The baobab is a most wonderful tree,” he chuckled, settling back against an outcropping of rock. Giants of the Bushveld
  • Sahre has catalogued and organized everything about this modest outcropping of homes with an admirable anal retentiveness. 2008 June :
  • The outcroppings were spaced eight feet apart and at seemingly random intervals fire was being shot upward from the floor.
  • (VTEM) surveys flown in 2008 showed that outcropping granitic plugs are marked by magnetic lows while hornfels altered zones underlie magnetic highs. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • In the rock outcropping, you notice grooves and wedge-shaped holes of varying sizes.
  • `Outcroppings of quartz or feldspar - "'But it could be water, frozen pools of it shining in the sunlight! ANTI-ICE
  • The land looked like the surface of the moon now, the earth pockmarked, dotted with tiny lakes and outcropping white rock. DESPERADOES
  • There are actually twin beaches here, separated by an easy-to-cross outcropping of rock. Puerto Escondido: Mexico's hidden Oaxacan beach
  • They turned and then stopped in a recessed notch behind an outcropping along the wall.
  • The flower hat jelly, a rare cold-water species with pinstriped crimson bands on its bell, lives on the outcroppings of plants and uses its lustrous tentacles to paralyze the fish it consumes. Balletic Flowers of the Sea
  • My den was probably a cubbyhole in some hillock or outcropping of rock.
  • Fifty feet below, the cabin squats near the tumbledown outcropping of rock like a demonic toad.
  • Situated on an elevated rock outcropping 15 km from Kurdjali, it has been regarded as a sacred site for thousands of years.
  • I had my tripod set up on a rock outcropping in the direction of the wind.
  • Vacant gaps on the slopes are filled with deep blue-green clumps of vegetation and sculpted sandstone outcroppings jut from the ridge line in a continuation of the sea floor's tilt.
  • He leaped onto an outcropping that was surrounded by deep pools of briny water. End of Time
  • Sitting up, he scooted backward, pulling her with him, until they reached flatter ground and another outcropping of rocks. At Hidden Falls
  • The highest of the bluffs, on the west side of the canyon, were part of a massive geological formation in west Texas called the “caprock,” essentially a long seam of rock that underlies the Llano Estacado and becomes an outcropping just at the point where the high plains give way to the lower, rolling plains. EMPIRE OF THE SUMMER MOON
  • Noticing another mineral outcropping about the same size as the one his team was hiding behind, the Captain quickly made a plan.
  • A thrust fault with a hade of 30 degrees, showing cliffs due to harder strata outcropping on the downthrow. The Elements of Geology
  • The entrance gate was expertly hidden from the main path by a rock outcropping in the slope of the mountain.

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