How To Use Out of the way In A Sentence
Katie finished with a flourish, pushing Cody out of the way and walking with a purpose to the reception area.
The team ensured that civilian airliners and local mustering aircraft were kept out of the way of the fast jets.
Once the boom mic is out of the way and not likely to clonk me on the head (and it's happened too many times to count), I take a step forward.
The men yelled at the clerks, then "hurdled" over the counter, pushing a few female employees out of the way, Eggert said.
You see people leaping out of the way as some great wad of canvas comes hurtling towards them.

It has over six million points of interest for the US and Canada integrated into the software and there is a 7-inch touchscreen with a 800x480 resolution, which motorizes out of the way to show a CD and DVD drive.
MacNN | The Macintosh News Network
Our region is poised for growth once the election is out of the way.
They can take a buyout package and get out of the way of the bulldozers, or wait for the city to condemn their property and force them out.
They asked me to get out of the way so they could take photographs of her alone.
To get the downsides out of the way first, our test sample was very picky with the hard drives we used.
He threw a large shuriken, a throwing star, so fast that Kenji just barely got out of the way.
A mechanical drain cleaner can move the can out of the way - temporarily.
The sturdy tie clip allows the microphone to be easily attached in position, secure, worry free and out of the way.
But then, miracles of that kind only happen in holy books or in out of the way places, without scientific proof.
A few strands of hair caught on his eyelash and he flicked his head quickly to get them out of the way.
The handle unships, so as to be out of the way when not wanted.
Blown to Bits The Lonely Man of Rakata, the Malay Archipelago
I recall his beery breath and purple veined nose peering through my car window, then there was my dad pushing him out of the way.
P_n_elrod: Da Winnah and a ** Newer** Drawing!
Sensible Stella faltered and the long-buried Romantic Stella shoved her out of the way like a shopaholic on sale day.
Hey, Mac, get out of the way.
It's surprisingly doable, and going to the gym is less daunting once cardio is out of the way.
Splendid!" said the Widow -- and to tell the truth, she was not far out of the way, and with Helen Darley as a foil anybody would know she must be foudroyant and pyramidal, -- if these French adjectives may be naturalized for this one particular exigency.
Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works
With the radiator out of the way now it was time to move on to the back of the truck and the motherboard mounting.
Make sure trailing flexes are kept out of the way so you don't trip up over them.
Seconds later, with scant time to jump out of the way, in a flurry of sticks, leaves and flashing lights the boys in blue rush past at well over the speed limit.
This ensures that the charcoal is glowing rather than smoking, and gets the fiddly lighting process out of the way before anyone arrives.
Unlike the other girls, whose only vestiary accommodation to the day's activities has been to sweep their hair out of the way with butterfly barrettes, Calloway sports a blue Derek Jeter jersey and her hair is done up in careful rows of tight braids that won't come down right after practice.
The anchor windlass is located in a foredeck locker to keep it out of the way when not needed.
As you cut the headrail you may want to bend the cut portion out of the way with pliers or a screw driver.
She pushed the stallholder out of the way, jumped onto the trestle table, knocking over a set of saucepans.
Stagiaires with small cups of herbs elbow others with pipettes of oil out of the way in order to get to the plate, while still others, momentarily bereft of anything to do, crowd around trying to watch.
The Sorcerer’s Apprentices
He did promote several big shows there but the Docklands was out of the way of Central London and West End theatreland, not then served by the light railway.
The pros are that we get to do this, we get it out of the way then resurface again after a while.
The Sun
In the mean time the two favourites, taking um - brage at the intimacy that appeared between the emprefs and the Comneni, refolved to remove the two brothers out of the way.
An universal history, from the earliest accounts to the present time
The ambulance instantly ground to a halt and the driver leaned out of his window and screamed for Patrick to move out of the way.
My preferred method of getting a flight out of the way of an incoming dart is for the flights to pop off easily on contact.
He moved out of the way as an elderly man came up to the counter carrying several large-print novels.
Ari wasn't quick enough to leap out of the way and the man grabbed him by his shirt, ripping it and pulling Ari towards himself.
Gaon and Peter get out of the way of the powerful story and let the characters do the rest.
In 'Haifa,' a heartfelt di l emma
the acolyte standing next to the priest called out, and she felt hands pulling her gently out of the way of the old man behind her.
Tora quickly dodged out of the way as the creature sailed passed her.
With the imperial household out of the way, the Senate enfeebled by dissension and apathy, the civil service terror-stricken, and the military under flabby command, the throne seemed well within Faustinus's grasp.
Michael twisted painfully out of the way and swung his sword left-handed in an awkward but powerful arc.
As firefighters started to drag the door out of the way, there was a sudden ignition of petrol vapour causing a fireball.
With home shopping out of the way, Pitcher will be able to concentrate on the football pools and high street retailing.
Verily, nothing can be done for the sake of evil even by the wicked themselves; for, as we abundantly proved, they seek good, but are drawn out of the way by perverse error; far less can this order which sets out from the supreme centre of good turn aside anywhither from the way in which it began.
Consolation of Philosophy
The right place for the government in the conduct of monetary policy is to get out of the way.
Times, Sunday Times
With a blood curdling cry, the elf lunged for me but I parried her attack and stepped out of the way, just like the many times in practice.
The pros are that we get to do this, we get it out of the way then resurface again after a while.
The Sun
In 1926, in spite of being out of the way in a remote rural part of Indiana, the hottest jazz spot in the Midwest is the Blue Lantern Club on Hudson Lake.
Hudson Lake-Laura Mazucca Toops « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
He sat next to her, and as she brushed her incredibly long flowing hair out of the way, her lonely but beautiful blue eyes met his deep brown ones.
She stumbled out of the way just as she heard the voice, sounding quite irritated.
If we have to access your attic to change splitter configurations (or to do a wallfish), move your own shit out of the way, it's not our job to move your boxes and luggage in your closet.
25 Reasons Why Cable Technicians Hate You - The Consumerist
Her mother had been glad to see her and they had got the baking and washing all out of the way.
The Secret Garden
Now that problem is out of the way, it's full steam ahead to get the job finished.
Hey, you over there! Get out of the way!
In the case of P. elegans, the foot has to come out first to move the operculum, which is attached to the foot, out of the way.
Sleeping Haplotrema concavum
His abode is out of the way and rather cat-inconvenient, but it's not 100% cat-proof.
The Lovesong of J. Alfred Housefish
When Mac was safely out of the way , Peter came round.
Looking very stunned, he pushed me out of the way and all three legged it down the road.
The high velocity allows condensed droplets to move out of the way so that new ones can form.
A teamster cursed as the Poor Fellows ordered his wagon out of the way.
He could hear something cut into the air and rolled out of the way as an unseeable dagger flew by.
Kale pulled out his sword and slashed at the operative, slicing Lance's arm across the shoulder before kicking him out of the way.
I promise, updates and funny quotes and such soon, just gotta get the school writing out of the way first.
Learning to manage the planet's resources, while keeping out of the way of its elemental fury is even more difficult.
To move the camera in and around the small stage space, many of the set pieces were set on castors and rolled about to keep out of the way of the camera.
He cleared a space, heaving boxes out of the way.
A few wallabies foraging in the saltbush lolloped out of the way.
French is essentially a language that elides everything that doesn't get out of the way fast enough, and nasalises everything else.
I pushed some sheep out of the way to get a better view and almost drenched myself in the spray of freezing-cold water in the process.
I'd rather get the interview out of the way in the morning.
Once the overhead boom microphone had moved out of the way, she stepped forwards.
This non-recognition of immediate threats extends to civilians, who won't necessarily run out of the way of firefights or cars, getting run over or shot in the process.
The statistics don't reflect, for instance, how many times pitchers plunk batters with changeups, curveballs or other off-speed pitches, or how much effort a hitter makes to get out of the way.
Here, on the 23d of June, 1314, was posted the Scottish army, awaiting the coming of the foe, the camp-followers, cart-drivers, and other useless material of the army being sent back behind a hill, -- afterwards known as the gillies 'or servants' hill, -- that they might be out of the way.
Historical Tales, Vol. 4 (of 15) The Romance of Reality
It differs from the "Matt grass" in that it has a stout, rigid cane-like culm rising three to five feet above ground, long, flat leaves, and spreading pannicle, putting out strong, lateral roots from every joint as soon as the sand reaches it; in the meantime the culm is pushed upward, and is consequently always out of the way of an extraordinary drift of sand.
Wilmington, North Carolina. Past, Present and Future. History of Its Harbor, with Detailed Reports of the Work for Improving and Restoring the Same, Now Being Conducted by the U. S. Government. Resources and Advantages as an Entrepot for Western Cities. H
The bus driver tooted his horn, but the van didn't get out of the way in time and in order to avoid a collision the bus driver had no real option but to brake and turn to the left.
This memory came just in time, enabling her to dive out of the way to avoid being immediately trampled by the sudden stampede of the rest of the Callisto family into the kitchen.
You take pictures from beginning to end - lots of them inside and outside of the plane - and even if you're a pilot, stay out of the way and don't kibitz.
We shall hear enough of it at Thornbank, though I shall keep out of the way; and Miss Forrester is welcome to take shelter there till the great storm blows over.
The Semi-Attached Couple
After the nicotine fit was satisfied, both of them quickly reboarded our train to get out of the way of the approaching freight.
Shelving installed around the room up near the ceiling is great for keeping stuffed animals, framed photos and knick-knacks up and out of the way.
But in his haste to get his feet up out of the way, Li Po lost his balance.
Wild Orchid
The mainsheet traveler is located on the cabin top forward of the companionway and out of the way of the dodger and cockpit bimini.
Latour attempted to correct him, agreeing that they do sometimes swim downstream, but the Yukon River was a bit out of the way for a seal. News
A policeman yelled at the crowds to get out of the way .
Sue let out a terrific shriek and leapt out of the way.
'egad' before, so I saw something really out of the way was indeed up.
The Wouldbegoods
Student interns must place these turtles on the ground in front of the oncoming tornadoes, then get the hell out of the way.
The .270 Win ammo is probably a little cheaper and more widely available in out of the way places.
I have a beautiful rifle picked out, but it comjes in either .270 or .270 WSM... anyone have good experience with both?
She gave the thumbs-up sign to her mechanic, signaling him to get out of the way.
He warned the army to stay out of the way of the relief effort.
He nudged her out of the way before grabbing a fistful of fivers from the till.
Suddenly Zach came pelting through the hallway, shoving people out of the way until he accidentally ran into me, bowling me over.
On gaining a bump, crews move out of the way and cease racing.
Not sexually -- let me get that out of the way because I know my readers, and you are all sick, deviant people and I love you for it -- but seriously -- I'm apeshit for puppetry.
Vanessa Becknell: The Greatest TV Trial Coverage EVER
I've put out of the way every biggety nigger that you sent me after.
The Hindered Hand or, The Reign of the Repressionist
The whole thing is really propelled by your powers of observation and by your ability to shut up and get out of the way.
She had to run to the sidewalk to get out of the way of the car.
Now that I've gotten the whole Twitter thing out of the way, I find myself wishing that the fiasco that is Bike Month was also out of the way, since things are getting pretty bad or "gnarly," as they say in singletrack-slaying parlance out there.
Illusions: Fake Twitters and Strange Looks
He moves out of the way and the car resumes its leisurely pace.
Times, Sunday Times
I didn't say anything until Dad was out of the way.
I pushed through them like I was running through some forest batting the tree limbs out of the way.
But in his haste to get his feet up out of the way, Li Po lost his balance.
Wild Orchid
Her mother had been glad to see her and they had got the baking and washing all out of the way.
The Secret Garden
Falling trees don't come down slow and graceful but crash very fast, and there's no time to jump out of the way.
I am not the Leader - God is the real Leader. He calls me at times me to lead, at times to follow or at times to get out of the way. But most of all he calls me to encourage, appreciate, listen to and support GENEROUSLY those around me. I just try my best to pass on to others His inspired will and hope to not mess it up. Tom Krause
The most tactful thing she could do right now was get out of the way.
I leaned forward to rumple his hair, but he jerked out of the way.
They were just screaming, 'Get out of the way!
Times, Sunday Times
Why yes; with November 5th safely out of the way, my self-imposed moratorium on all things festive is lifted and we are free to celebrate the countdown to Christmas: 41 shopping days to go!!!
…clearing a room without saying a word « Sven’s guide to…
She screeched to a halt so abruptly that he nearly crashed into her, settling for merely sidestepping out of the way instead.
If we have gone out of the way Jesus will bring us back, _if we want to come back_.
The Life of Duty, v. 2 A year's plain sermons on the Gospels or Epistles
He was up till late, working on the latest arrangements f or the airworthiness trials, to have it out of the way.
We went where there were free samples, elbowing each other out of the way to get to them.
Well, with that out of the way, please take out your notebooks for some notes.
When I came out of my cubicle and crossed to the washbasin, the mother barged me out of the way as she went to catch up with Nana.
Now that we've got that out of the way, we can celebrate the book.
Earning their stripes: Home captain Scott Thomson tries to dig the ball out for Dunfermline as Partick Thistle's Jamie Mitchell attempts to barge him out of the way at East End Park yesterday.
If more space is required, the armrests can be folded up to get them out of the way.
I cleared magazines, guitar strings, and dirty clothes out of the way so he could sit beside me.
Outstanding leaders go out of the way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it's amazing what they can accomplish.
I plant the annual chamomile in a space that is out of the way where I can harvest easily.
Rira managed to get in front of me and pushed the girl out of the way.
Oh my god, I nearly pushed her out of the way to get at him, but alas, he only had eyes for her.
They just need to stay out of the way and let you and the boss go to work.
Alert to the general malaise Will decided to keep out of the way.
[Blocker] is way out of the way and not really contusive to having students in the center,
The Battalion
As soon as my father was out of the way she became a holy terror.
The alternative I advocate is to have the central government stop trying to be clever and instead get out of the way, giving poor communities (and affluent communities, too) a massive dose of selfgovernment, with vastly greater responsibility for the operation of the institutions that affect their lives — including the criminal justice, educational, housing and benefit systems in their localities.
Locally Elected Police Chiefs, Yeah? « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
Mogget leapt off his shoulder to get even farther out of the way.
She had obviously noticed nothing out of the way.
Two dunlins shouldering each other out of the way, a laughing gull giving itself a shower, one lone willet, huge among the little spotties.
The first episode comes across reasonably well but I think the ensuing episodes will be better once the initial awkwardnesses are out of the way.
The right place for the government in the conduct of monetary policy is to get out of the way.
Times, Sunday Times
He quickly shipped his oar and shoved Lori roughly out of the way as he took care of hers.
Rove, Beck, Hannity et al never hesitated to tell us what a great job our trustworthy patriots at Federal agencies from the FBI to CIA to NSA to EPA to Treasury were doing, and we just needed to get out of the way and let them mop up.
Privileged And Impotent | ATTACKERMAN
He butted his sister out of the way
Once the local gossip was out of the way, she took to her usual habit of saying, ‘So what's new?’
They would play chicken by driving head-on at each other until one of them lost their nerve and swerved out of the way.
The unplanned visit saw Spain's finest scampering around the dressing room trying to kick bits of kit out of the way.
The Sun
And get this boat out of the way and unstep her mast!
Three Dramas
The driver honked at me to get out of the way.
I was shoved out of the way and pushed into the space between the toilet and tub.
Mara was there in a flash, bulling courtiers and servants alike out of the way.
If you have hundreds of years of warning, you could spread chalk or charcoal over the surface that changes the way it reflects light and its velocity, or you could send what they call a solar sail -- a big sheet of Mylar-like plastic -- and sort of shrink-wrap it, and the sunlight over centuries would push it out of the way.
It Came From Outer Space
I burned down the road as fast as I could go and sure enough I found a nice little out of the way hotel.
Do you mind backing off a bit, Sir, while we clear this wreck out of the way?
Ken screamed a warning telling people to get out of the way.
He saw a man run towards the car which drove at him forcing him to move sharply out of the way.
such erratic behavior was out of the way for him
Amaiya had to psychically leap out of the way to avoid the ship careening into her.
Travis shoved into James, shouldering him out of the way.
The serious contenders out of the way, who else has been mentioned and could yet spring a surprise from Mad Freddie?
If you're short on cabinet space, a breadbox is a great countertop storage solution because it holds a lot but keeps things organized and out of the way. New Recipes
But an hereditary bent of human nature is not to be put out of the way with an argument showing that it has its disutilities.
An Inquiry Into The Nature Of Peace And The Terms Of Its Perpetuation
There were other casualties, namely my make up which was theoretically safe out of the way until destructo-puppy got creative.
November 25th, 2005
It's like they're racing you, barging you out of the way from the side.
As the river sweeps away our words and thoughts, our mind gets out of the way to make room for the waves of joy that will soon engulf us and take us on unfathomable spiritual journeys.
The Bushman Way of Tracking God
There is nothing worse for them than overhanging trees as there is no way they can get out of the way of them.
I tried to make the engine-driver stop by spreading myself out in front of the engine, but he "shooed" me out of the way, and after some deliberation I seized a brass rail and leapt on to the footboard about half-way down the train; it wasn't at all difficult after all.
Diary of a Nursing Sister on the Western Front, 1914-1915
I wrote my English exam today, so it was nice to get that out of the way.
Hope was getting dim when a deep voice boomed, ‘Children of the Earth, get out of the way!’
But with those out of the way chaps and chapesses, we hope to hear some West Country 'burrs' at the Saturday evening social!
The British National Party
I wasn't close enough to see much detail, but he just seemed to wander out of the way, dragging his bike along with him.
So instead, he parked on the end of a row of parked cars where he felt it was out of the way and not obstructing other motorists.
Make your home as childproof as possible to allow your baby to explore in safety without you having to fuss around with moving things out of the way.
the mob boss wanted his rival out of the way
A whole exciting new scene was being born all about her and pushing her out of the way.
He pushed her roughly out of the way.
With the election out of the way, the government can get down to business.
They were certainly in a hurry to get out of the way.
Times, Sunday Times
Byron was shoved out of the way rather forcefully by two identical twins with very mischievous grins.
Fists doubled, the white man advanced, kicked the bicycle out of the way.
This round though, Clay was more composed as he glided out of the way and began to pump the left jab with enough accuracy to have Cooper nicked by Cooper's right eye.
Now that I have that out of the way, let me start heaping some praise on this film.
Fortunately he managed to duck out of the way of a lump of glass as it speared towards his neck.
With that he placidly resumed his walk, and was soon seated in the stern-sheets of a whaleboat manned by uproarious Kanakas, himself daintily perched out of the way of the least maculation, giving his commands in an unobtrusive, dinner-table tone of voice, and sweeping neatly enough alongside the schooner.
The Wrecker
However, Sullivan said, when midday track work causes freight train congestion, sometimes the best thing to do is to move the freight train out of the way to make everything move ....
MARC riders on Brunswick Line endure two months of lengthy delays
Yet other close friends have been warning the former New York mayor to stay out of the way.
Times, Sunday Times
Sonia quickly shouldered the enormous trunk and climbed up to the deck, hiking her skirts and petticoats out of the way.
After the Indians wipe out enough of them you get your public outcry, and we go chouse the Indians out of the way.
The Lonesome Dove Series
Yet other close friends have been warning the former New York mayor to stay out of the way.
Times, Sunday Times
An incision similar to that required for ligature of the carotid above the omohyoid should be made over the inner edge of the sterno-mastoid muscle; with it as a guide, the omohyoid may be sought and drawn downwards and inwards, the sheath of the vessels exposed and drawn outwards, the larynx slightly pushed across to the right, the thyroid gland drawn out of the way by a blunt hook, the superior thyroid either avoided or tied.
A Manual of the Operations of Surgery For the Use of Senior Students, House Surgeons, and Junior Practitioners
The rest of her hair is swept up out of the way in a high ponytail.
With the election out of the way, the government can get down to business.
Ellie only had to glance at Mac before the photographer grinned toothily, then headed for what he knew was his rightful place in this situation - at the bar, out of the way.
Similarly, the jet moving overhead subsonically pushes air out of the way and, in so doing, generates pressure waves that move at the speed of sound.
These days a whole new realm of exotica arises out of the way one culture colours and appropriates the products of another.
I could use the bypass, but it's miles out of the way, and the road to it is even more meandery (cluttered chocolate-box villages are a bloody nuisance if you want to get beyond the village).
At first the boy was uneasy and wanted to hurry out of the way, but the salesman only beckoned and smiled, and spread out on the counter a lovely piece of satin damask, as if to tempt him.
The Wonderful Adventures of Nils
Spring cleats are out of the way beneath stainless-rimmed hawseholes and, like the aft cleats, are the beefy version of eight-inchers.
With the election out of the way, the government can get down to business.
The power of corruption being broken in effectual calling, and the guilt of sin removed in justification, all that which hinders is taken out of the way, and nothing can come between that soul and glory.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
But before I explain what scientists led by Michael Dickinson of the California Institute of Technology (that would be the Dickinson whose e-mail is "flyman") have learned about how the fly brain calculates the location of the looming swatter, formulates an escape plan and plants its legs in an optimal position to hop out of the way (all within about 100 milliseconds of spotting the swatter), let's cut to the chase: the best way to swat a fly, Dickinson says, is
Sore Eyes
Our region is poised for growth once the election is out of the way.
The main thrust of the Conservative campaign will be to say that Labour has squandered billions on unreformed structures in the public sector and that it will be back for another raid on the taxpayer once the election is out of the way.
‘So, they tell me you're a bit of a wiz at this online retail stuff,’ I mention in passing, once we've got the introductory formalities out of the way.
Often the fallen boulders were piled so high on the rock-hewn ledges that it took hours to manhandle them out of the way.
BINOCULAR STRAP A system that transfers the weight to your shoulders while still keeping binoculars readily available and out of the way of your bowstring is a must.
Stalking Monster Mule Deer in Montana by Bill Heavey