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How To Use Out of the question In A Sentence

  • What is possible for a large suburban congregation is out of the question for a tiny congregation in a rural situation.
  • It is totally out of the question to postpone the midnight deadline.
  • The noise redoubled, and sleep was out of the question.
  • A host of sparrows create such a rioting as renders sleep or repose perfectly out of the question.
  • What is possible for a large suburban congregation is out of the question for a tiny congregation in a rural situation.
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Master English with Ease
  • A professional career as such seemed out of the question; his only ambition in life was to be an artist.
  • Any local band can apply to play a set on stage, but organisers are warning acts that obscene lyrics and lewd behaviour are out of the question.
  • He realized early on that the idea of achieving a modus vivendi with the National Socialist dictatorship was out of the question.
  • `If a report on the nurseries of Munich calls, anything else is out of the question. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • These telegrams ordered my father to go to Peking at once, but, as the river to Tientsin was frozen, it was out of the question for us to go by that route, and as my father was very old and quite ill at that time, in fact constantly under the doctor's care, the only accessible way, via Chinwangtao, was equally out of the question, as it was a long and most tedious journey and quite beyond his strength. Two Years in the Forbidden City
  • Genuine active service was out of the question because the risk of capture by enemy forces was too great. Times, Sunday Times
  • Obviously substituting in 150g of the more 'feathery' original Splenda would be out of the question. The Fresh Loaf
  • However, continuing financial uncertainty meant that privatisation by means of a share issue to the public was out of the question.
  • Malice and heartburning were out of the question with a lissom, winsome, witching fairy like this, who played with her life as a child does with soap-bubbles, and who was as elusory and irresponsible as a summer-day rainbow. Camps, Quarters, and Casual Places
  • An actual initiation was, of course, out of the question; on the other hand a _catabasis_, a descent into Hades, was part of the epic inheritance he derived from Homer, and this, like the funeral games in the fifth book, he might use with an earnestness of purpose wanting in Homer, to work in with the great theme of his poem, not merely as an artistic effort. The Religious Experience of the Roman People From the Earliest Times to the Age of Augustus
  • As I gave myself five minutes for the job, reading the book was out of the question.
  • The noise redoubled, and sleep was out of the question.
  • If I strap my 10-pound mechanic's bag to the top of the rear rack, then the shimmy is so bad that hands free riding at any speed is out of the question.
  • A trip to New Zealand is out of the question this year.
  • Working, in my job in a pathology lab in a hospital, was out of the question. The Sun
  • While they're generally expensive, they will last for years and are quick and simple to use, making them ideal for city gardens where collecting quantities of brushwood is simply out of the question.
  • For most Atlantans, actually going to the Olympic Games is out of the question.
  • Just the flat-out most bizarre -- though grotesquery is not neccesarily out of the question. Boing Boing: January 11, 2004 - January 17, 2004 Archives
  • First of all, batch processing is out of the question.
  • Community service was firmly out of the question, and he was sent to the slammer for 10 years, eventually being transferred to Alcatraz.
  • It's so expensive that I think a full-skirted dress is out of the question ... and, although it's heavy silk, I think a cheongsam might be a little obvious. Fabric Week Exclusive - A Dress A Day
  • I guess this means a blowjob is totally out of the question? Think Progress » Administration’s Secret Prison System Violates Law
  • In urban areas, a combination of roasting summers and increased pollution will also begin to take their toll on health, particularly in poor communities where air-conditioning is out of the question.
  • These constraints put out of the question any prospect of training fully fledged navigators for the thousands of landing craft crews.
  • Their parents fished along the Luapula river and cultivated seasonal crops on subsistence smallholdings, so purchasing expensive textbooks was out of the question.
  • Appropriate training should pay attention to sound, and if the vocal organ injury, the singing will be better out of the question.
  • Missing school to watch the football match is out of the question.
  • Sleep — during this interval is out of the question.
  • One rainy day, when playing cricket was out of the question, his teacher at the primary school in Surrey that he attended brought his class inside and, using the blackboard, initiated them into the secrets of cricket scoring.
  • The old antimonial treatment still worked in East Africa, but MSF couldn't get enough of it to meet the burgeoning need, and Fungizone was out of the question in that setting. CHASING BLACK FEVER
  • Traditional laser butt welding of steels of different thickness to produce a monobloc component was out of the question.
  • It would not be out of the question for any of this country's manufacturing plants to downscale activities and finally close shop were they to experience conditions that made continued manufacture untenable.
  • Pecuniary success is out of the question; and even if they were to offer me a larger fee for next year, I should probably feel bound to decline it: the misery I have to undergo is too great. Correspondence of Wagner and Liszt
  • The closest railhead was hundreds of miles away and, in those early days of aviation, an air drop was out of the question.
  • To withhold religious liberty was out of the question.
  • Perhaps the framework is pre-existing and replacement is out of the question.
  • With virtually no spare money, exciting holidays had been out of the question.
  • But of course, an emetic is out of the question in the present case. THE REJUVENATION OF MAJOR RATHBONE
  • I guess the obvious solution, a dimmer switch, was out of the question. Times, Sunday Times
  • A trip to New Zealand is out of the question this year.
  • The risk lies in the fact that Italian representation in the final is out of the question. Times, Sunday Times
  • The events are designed to bring together members of the two communities in public, but meeting face-to-face in secret is out of the question without putting personal safety in grave danger.
  • Nowadays the car has cleverly mutated into a hatchback but even so, a bag of golfclubs is out of the question.
  • I guess the obvious solution, a dimmer switch, was out of the question. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hearing was out of the question, due to the shrieks of the band's bobbysoxer brigade.
  • If she was in Cairns she could have a Caesarean, but that's out of the question here. THE THORN BIRDS
  • With indulgence in luxuries out of the question, he recommended reading, gardening and amateur theatricals.
  • The ditch is out of the question; in fact it's out of sight, long gone in a cactus clad ravine. Free riding the roads of Mexico
  • Given that the deal is heavily backloaded, it's not out of the question that the club would trade him after two years; his salary rises to $13 million in 2008 and 2009.
  • The grass was too long and ground striking was almost out of the question.
  • To us, the present generation, a repetition of these events is out of the question.
  • What will follow next will depend on how strong Russia feels, how weak and slow the West's response is, but annexation is not out of the question. Pravda predicts
  • The government was determined to avoid confrontation with any Great Power over peripheral areas where significant economic development was out of the question.
  • Going to a counselor or a shrink was out of the question.
  • Everything has to be absolutely above-board, so emulators and even abandonware are out of the question, alas.
  • Since sitting down was completely out of the question, I busied myself during the morning with small chores such as hemming and button-sewing, which could be done at the windowsill, with the excuse of needing the light to sew by. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • But let him once be fairly cornered, convinced that dodging the question was out of the question, then would he turn himself square about, and looking you full in the face, out with the naked truth as bluntly as if he had "chawed" it into a hard wad and shot it at you from his pop-gun. Burl
  • Genuine active service was out of the question because the risk of capture by enemy forces was too great. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the beginning, before construction began, a high dam was out of the question.
  • Anything like an adequate account of the method of empirical inquiry is out of the question here.
  • Also I'd just had a large helping of pudding at lunch and my stomach was bloated and distended, making seatbelt use out of the question.
  • Any painkillers containing opiates, such as laudanum, were out of the question until the concussion went away.
  • Imagine if that irritating receptionist didn't bother to smile as she told you everything you want is absolutely out of the question.
  • That letter of retractation was, however, quite out of the question. He Knew He Was Right
  • And a year's salary as severance is not out of the question.
  • A lucrative world tour might be out of the question, but what about something more low-key? Times, Sunday Times
  • So -- staying out of the question of who's 'better' -- the, ahem, typically "lionized" blogger is very much an apple compared to Broder's fruitcake. Ceci nest pas une paranoia - Swampland -
  • Spending extra on a bottle and nipples in order to get the correct mouthfeel and traces of rubber would be out of the question.
  • The short pole was now out of the question so it was out on the long pole.
  • We cannot go out in this weather—it is out of the question.
  • Pocock was normally and consentingly though not quite wittingly out of the question. The Ambassadors
  • I wondered if that means that a nuclear strike is out of the question. Times, Sunday Times
  • With an anastigmatic lens working at, say f. 6-3, and with a "speed" film (glass plates are utterly out of the question on the trail), it is possible to make a snap-shot at one twenty-fifth of a second on a clear day, around noon, even in the dead of winter, in any part of Alaska that the writer has travelled in. Ten Thousand Miles with a Dog Sled A Narrative of Winter Travel in Interior Alaska
  • Like Ralmon, reading two science fiction books in parallel is out of the question. Do You Like Reading Multiple Books in Parallel?
  • Corporal punishment was out of the question, the odds were too great; so he began to hint at paying for the damage. Tom Brown's Schooldays
  • What will they do with their children all week long when swimming is out of the question until dad is off at the weekend.
  • Spending extra on a bottle and nipples in order to get the correct mouthfeel and traces of rubber would be out of the question.
  • These constraints put out of the question any prospect of training fully fledged navigators for the thousands of landing craft crews.
  • It's not the greatest doc of all time, though I would say that a cinematography nomination at next year's Oscars should not be out of the question.
  • There are many uses for this but the one that occurs to me most readily is the parish situation in which Latin is out of the question, and this is not an unusual case. Deus, Deus Meus: Gregorian English
  • It is totally out of the question to postpone the midnight deadline.
  • The noise redoubled, and sleep was out of the question.
  • Is an over-under of 60 out of the question?
  • Corporal punishment was out of the question, the odds were too great; so he began to hint at paying for the damage. Tom Brown's Schooldays
  • The prefixing of all events, and "marvelling" at anything, are out of the question. The Doctrines of Predestination, Reprobation, and Election
  • We have a good time, and I like her so much that it quite verges on loving; but see her in a party, when she manifests herself over five or six flounces of pink silk and a perfect egg-froth of tulle, her head adorned with a thicket of craped hair and roses, and it is plain at first view that _talking_ with her is quite out of the question. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 106, August, 1866
  • Any local band can apply to play a set on stage, but organisers are warning acts that obscene lyrics and lewd behaviour are out of the question.
  • An all-American podium is not out of the question. - Ban of favorites Ullrich, Basso likely to open up Tour to American riders
  • The governor of Egypt's South Sinai region added fuel to the fire, saying, "What is being said about the Mossad throwing the deadly shark in the sea to hit tourism in Egypt is not out of the question.
  • It is a relatively small basement room, so a large imposing piece was out of the question.
  • Marriage made things more difficult, of course, and was out of the question until one either took Orders or received a hefty promotion; not that marriage was forbidden, rather that housing a wife and offspring in a roomlet was a daunting prospect. Morgan’s Run
  • Anything like an adequate account of the method of empirical inquiry is out of the question here.
  • A new bicycle is out of the question we can't afford it.
  • We cannot go out in this weather—it is out of the question.
  • It is totally out of the question to postpone the midnight deadline.
  • Also I'd just had a large helping of pudding at lunch and my stomach was bloated and distended, making seatbelt use out of the question.
  • That's why there is still a DEBATE over the wing morphology, hence the assumption "bipedality is out of the question" carries a HUGE burden-of-proof with it. Life's Time Capsule: Questions about Pterosaurs #1
  • In rhamphorhynchoids, the hindlimbs were connected at the ankle by a large cruropatagium, so bipedality is out of the question. Life's Time Capsule: Questions about Pterosaurs #1
  • With indulgence in luxuries out of the question, he recommended reading, gardening and amateur theatricals.
  • If fermented fruit on the ground is out of the question, so too is the notion that the fruit could ferment in the stomach of elephants, the study authors say.
  • College was out of the question, and Girard Institute was regarded as infidelic. Little Journeys to the Homes of Great Reformers
  • If she was in Cairns she could have a Caesarean, but that's out of the question here. THE THORN BIRDS
  • Leaving the criminal law on one side, what is the difference between the liability under the mill acts or statutes authorizing a taking by eminent domain and the liability for what we call a wrongful conversion of property where restoration is out of the question. Free New York Blog
  • Missing school to watch the football match is out of the question.
  • Oh, by the way, we concluded that a change of address is out of the question.
  • Chinwangtao, was equally out of the question, as it was a long and most tedious journey and quite beyond his strength. Two Years in the Forbidden City
  • Also, I’d like to point out that IP spoofing is out of the question when the WordPress software requires cookie-based challenge-response. Waldo Jaquith - You’re never anonymous on the internet.
  • Really your sick maybe a lobotomy is not out of the question. Thugging is back and im deleting my account i just got on here and i thought he was gone.
  • There's never been a better time for an unheralded side to enjoy a long run, even if lifting the trophy is sadly out of the question these days.
  • A new bicycle is out of the question we can't afford it.
  • Excommunication also remained out of the question because much of the Church membership stood in awe of these exploits.
  • I guess the obvious solution, a dimmer switch, was out of the question. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sleep — during this interval is out of the question.
  • Watching his mendacity being deployed is a distasteful business, the more so when he bullies his way out of the question with a verbal vomit of questionable statistics. More Squealing Labour Pigs
  • _ I am not queasy-stomached, but such a Thyestean banquet as that was quite out of the question. The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell
  • We must, however, leaving all cases of abuse out of the question, remember, that a really unrightful favor, granted to the debtor, may possibly entail the ruin of his creditor. System der volkswirthschaft. English
  • But if one of these women is sensitive enough to know she is beginning to strain in her argument and will lower her voice and persist in keeping it lowered the effect upon herself and the other woman will put the "caterwauling" out of the question. Nerves and Common Sense
  • Sleep — during this interval is out of the question.
  • Anything like an adequate account of the method of empirical inquiry is out of the question here.
  • If she was in Cairns she could have a Caesarean, but that's out of the question here. THE THORN BIRDS
  • With the lack of light, the archers are going to be out of the question until those braziers get lit.
  • The greatest danger in becoming a courtesan was the risk that her choice might damage Geoffrey, since to leave him behind was entirely out of the question. Dearly Beloved
  • For the homeless, private medical care is simply out of the question.
  • You may bind, and from assuetude and time, (putting the better feelings out of the question,) the ties are worn without complaint; but if you bind too tight, you cut into the flesh, and after a time the pain becomes insupportable. Diary in America, Series Two
  • A compromise regarding participation in such a war is out of the question; this is why the Greens dodged the issue at their latest conference.
  • Four medical experts had examined him and agreed that it was'out of the question' that he was feigning illness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its broad stumpiness, of course, makes wind-waving or even shaking out of the question, but it is not this rocky rigidity that constitutes its silence. The Yosemite
  • A title repeat seems out of the question now, so all of their proverbial eggs are in the Copa Libertadores basket and the pressure seems to mount on all ends for Ischia, even in areas where he least expected them. Boca Headed For A Crisis?
  • Comparing them and their comrades to booted divertissement dancers in nineteenth-century ballet is out of the question.
  • Having sex in a twin bed is out of the question.
  • But a signed deal that contains a way for MLB to wiggle out if certain contingencies aren't met wouldn't be completely out of the question. - D.C. officials, MLB a perfect match
  • It is totally out of the question to postpone the midnight deadline.
  • While climbing Mount Everest might be out of the question, this camp will give aspiring mountaineers a taste of the climbing experience.
  • Four medical experts had examined him and agreed that it was'out of the question' that he was feigning illness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Any painkillers containing opiates, such as laudanum, were out of the question until the concussion went away.
  • Any further conversation was out of the question, as the candidate -- a smart, clean-shaven man with clearly cut features -- now appeared, and announced himself by removing his new straw "decker," and calling out -- Some Everyday Folk and Dawn
  • Tell her marriage is out of the question until she holds down a job and takes responsibility. The Sun
  • While it is not out of the question to golf year round in Vancouver, it is a laughable notion in Saskatchewan.
  • Such an arrangement would probably be considered out of the question today, and rightly so.
  • Wonderful, when they can't pay we'll be left with, well, bits of paper - perhaps we can compress them into briquettes to burn on the fire as fuel will be out of the question if it keeps getting more and more expensive. Gold demand hit 10-year high last year
  • An exaggerated, almost Tyrolean pitched roof oversails the dense carpet walls protecting them against the elements (the region's annual rainfall is almost 60 in, or 1500 mm, so flat roofs are out of the question).
  • If she was in Cairns she could have a Caesarean, but that's out of the question here. THE THORN BIRDS
  • For the homeless, private medical care is simply out of the question.
  • Sleeveless tank tops and any neckline that dares dip below your collarbone are out of the question.
  • To our ear it is quite out of the question; and, moreover, we affirm that in dissyllabic (which we, for want of a better name, call iambic and trochaic) measures the omission of a half-foot is an impossibility, and all the more so when, as in this case, the preceding syllable is strongly accented. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 03, No. 16, February, 1859
  • It's kinda out of the question for me, of course, since I get seasick, so, I'm not really the classy lady companion people are looking for on cruise ships, unless they like the type of classy lady companion who throws up in their laps at dinner and follows that with an exciting conversation about marine viruses and coliphage counts. Sniff me, baby!
  • Spending extra on a bottle and nipples in order to get the correct mouthfeel and traces of rubber would be out of the question.

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