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  1. a board with the alphabet on it; used with a planchette to spell out supernatural messages

How To Use Ouija In A Sentence

  • Maybe Bill Clinton, along with the Reverse Vampires, flew a plane out of Mena airport, consulted with Osama bin Laden at his home on the sound stage where they faked the moon landings, and decided via ouija board that the FBI agents should follow the standard procedures for treating a suspect arrested in America for attempting an act of terrorism. Matthew Yglesias » GOP Members of Congress Have Never Watched Television, Movies
  • Her backpack was open, and I saw a pack of tarot cards, along with an Ouija board in it.
  • Tina said the Ouija board and the crystal ball both had said she would be queen and that only my negativeness made her slip down to princess. Jay's Journal
  • Any sentient being would have called the "demonologist" as soon as the Ouija board went aflame for no reason. Movie City News
  • In some sense, therefore, the device allows the cursor to be a planchette in a virtual Ouija board effect.
  • One way or another, the young man had a typical séance and several Ouija sessions as a result of the hinted paranormal activity.
  • [Most of us reveal such a tendency whenever we handle a "ouija-board" or a "planchet," or let ourselves write automatically with a pencil.] Memories and Studies
  • It explains why the planchette, in response to questions, glides so smoothly over the Ouija board to spell answers which seem to come from spirits.
  • Using a ouija board, Pearl Curran (Megan Trout) channels the spirit of Patience Worth (Photo by: Pak Han) George Heymont: Living in Parallel Universes
  • And we're not the first to do this - Roman or Victorian matrons quite happily dabbled in things such as Ouija boards or patronised spiritualists who promised a glimpse into the unknown or a taste of the illicit.
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