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How To Use Otoscope In A Sentence

  • Also a no-brainer was for every member of the graduating class buying one of those black doctor bags, stuffed with tuning fork (to test hearing) and stethoscope for house calls (I've made them, but only with a stethoscope and otoscope to check for ear infections.) On The AMA's Opposition To The Public Option
  • To manipulate the imagery he uses rotoscope mattes to protect part of an image in order to replace it with another.
  • If him scratching at eers or shaking a lot, myte consider a quick vet visit just tu rool out recurrence, since vet has otoscope an can look deeper — duz yu gno where teh eer infekshun was? Umpire kitteh - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • An otoscope should be used to examine the external auditory canal for cerumen, foreign bodies, and abnormalities of the canal skin.
  • To examine the ear, doctors use an otoscope, a small instrument similar to a flashlight, through which they can see the eardrum.
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  • No significant differences were found between the groups in terms of reported symptoms or a physical examination with an otoscope.
  • The diagnosis is made from the symptoms and by examining the eardrum with an instrument called an auriscope or otoscope.
  • The black plastic lens will delay visual sense of perception, so the plastic photoscope will make us explain the motion of the shadows in a way of a certain illusion.
  • The electric otoscope (auroscope) is the instrument most commonly used in primary care.
  • Some might carry blood counting equipment or culture media for throat swabs, otoscope, ophthalmoscope, catheters, sterile gloves, sutures, needles, scissors, and other such essentials…
  • Tongue depressers, specula, and otoscopes are run of the mill stuff. Archive 2006-09-01
  • As I looked at the ruptured eardrum with my otoscope, I was blasted by a shouting voice less than an inch away from my face. Paradise General
  • An otoscope should be used to examine the external auditory canal for cerumen, foreign bodies, and abnormalities of the canal skin.
  • If this is not found, the GP will examine the eardrums through an illuminating instrument (an auriscope or an otoscope) that is pushed gently into the ear canal.
  • This was hand-drawn (sort of rotoscoped/modified from an image of a leafy sea dragon I obtained permission to use from corallite [Jake Adams] at youtube), and will be cleaned up in Adobe Illustrator and then colored in Photoshop. Leafy Sea Dragon
  • As you let the doctor insert the otoscope in your ear or examine your vertebrae, you might reflect on how odd this is, the fact that we need an extra pair of eyes to be able to see ourselves. BREAKFAST WITH SOCRATES
  • In a study of otoscopes used by 96 private practice physicians, approximately one third of the devices were found to have a suboptimal output of light.
  • Upon seeing the beast magnified and lit up with his otoscope, he was so shocked that he jumped back, tripped on a chair, and ended up on the floor. Priya Malhotra: The Common Ailment of Cockroach-in-Ear
  • The 8-ball crusty had to be manually rotoscoped out, frame by painful frame.
  • He used a pillowcase to carry his stethoscope, otoscope, blood pressure cuff, and pulse oximeter.
  • David grabbed the otoscope off the floor, raised Bronner's eyelids, and shone the beam of light into his pupils. DO NO HARM

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