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How To Use Ossified In A Sentence

  • The stapes first appears as a ring (annulus stapedius) encircling a small vessel, the stapedial artery, which subsequently undergoes atrophy; it is ossified from a single center which appears in its base. X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 1d. The Organ of Hearing
  • Meanwhile, there'd be new gardens in rich efflorescence, ossified bedrock dislodged from the living, new fields where carrion feeders can graze. Archive 2006-06-01
  • Lungs are well developed, teeth are blade-like, carpal and tarsals ossified in adults, and the diploid number is 28.
  • DOBBS: The Columbia accident investigation board, as you know, they basically demanded that that kind of ossified response that was repetitive of the bureaucracy, frankly, of NASA. CNN Transcript Jul 26, 2005
  • The tissue ossified
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  • The coronal and sagittal sutures are on the exterior nearly closed, and on the inside so completely ossified as to have left no traces whatever, whilst the lambdoidal remains quite open. Essays
  • He said that initially he had an aversion to opera, seeing it as a somewhat ossified form of music.
  • The pelvic or hip bones are much more bird-like in many respects, especially the backward direction of the pubic bone, the presence of a prepubis, in the number of vertebrae coössified into a solid sacrum, in the proportions of the ilium and so on. Dinosaurs With Special Reference to the American Museum Collections
  • The idea that birds rely on dorsoventral movement of their sterna, and that a huge sternum and associated mobile, ossified sternal ribs are a requirement for avian-style respiration, has been heavily promoted in other Ruben and colleagues papers ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • A really revolutionary programme can't just be preserved, it must develop through tackling new realities, otherwise it becomes ossified and sterile.
  • It was jet black, and I could tell that the vertebra was from a very young plesiosaur, as the articular facets of the bone were so poorly ossified. "There is no real decay. The flesh is barely bruised"
  • Geologists estimate, and re-estimate, the Earth's carbon reservoir at more than 75 million billion metric tons, mostly buried in limestone, dolomite, ossified gunk called kerogen, coal, oil, and natural gas. Grist - the Latest from Grist
  • New theropod integumental structures have been repeatedly dismissed as connective tissues, such as frayed collagen fibers or ossified tendons.
  • Tradition for me comes from establishing a dialogue with something rather than blindly following an age old or ossified system.
  • The joined arcs made the shape of birth and craving And the welded-open shape kept mouthing O.Ossified cords held the corners together In groined spirals pleated like a summer dress. Robert Pinsky's Poetry Strikes a Chord
  • The placoderms and chondrichthyans both show at least some capsular protuberance of the braincase, but the braincase is a single, undivided mass, whether or not ossified.
  • Years of easy success had ossified the company's thinking and it never faced up to the challenge of the new technology.
  • Vonnegut thinks that the traditional novel that follows the causal hypothesis and the ossified notions of time and contents is not suitable to represent the illogical subject—the Dresden destruction.
  • By the 1980s, political life was suffocating and the political system had ossified.
  • The ossified ‘bloom’ which ‘Nothing Poem’ offers as an icon of hope, defines the extraordinary spiritual demands exerted by Capildeo's book: ‘unkind and / unpretending, / at each point seeming limitless, grained and ablaze.’
  • ossified teaching methods
  • In the essay, he dissected what he called the "dictatorship of ritual" the ossified Soviet bloc system under Leonid Brezhnev and imagined what happens when an ordinary greengrocer stops displaying communist slogans and begins "living in truth," rediscovering "his suppressed identity and dignity. News
  • The skulls of Devonian lungfish have a tessera of small superficial bones, fused to an ossified chondrocranium.
  • A single manual phalanx is shown on the first digit of the fore foot, although it is possible, or even likely that none of the manual phalanges were ossified.
  • Analogous to the bony tissues are the so-called ossified (really, calcified) arteries. McClure's Magazine, Vol. 6, No. 6, May, 1896
  • Years of easy success had ossified the company's thinking and it never faced up to the challenge of the new technology.
  • Gregory interpreted Phlegethonia as fossorial, based upon the highly ossified braincase, forward position of the jaws, large round stapedial footplate, and low neural spines, which it has in common with amphisbaenids.
  • The next larger complete specimen is thinly but fully scaled with weakly ossified skull bones and may be classified as a juvenile.
  • Ossified tendons have also been found in certain flexors in various falcon species but not in accipiter species.
  • If anything indicates the trouble we are in, it has to be the dessicated, ossified, meaningless mumbo-jumbo of church ritual today. Archive 2005-07-01
  • In contrast to the ossified and sclerotic humanities, for example, business studies now accounts for about a third of university activity and teaches about half the foreign students.
  • In most fossil coelacanths, the swimbladder appears to be ossified and, consequently, these fishes were probably confined to shallow water.
  • In younger patients, nonossified bone present at growth plates such as the femoral head epiphysis and the anterior superior iliac spine apophysis is susceptible to injury until the skeleton matures.
  • ‘Polypterus’, and presenting numerous important resemblances to the existing genus, which possesses biconcave vertebrae, are, for the most part, wholly devoid of ossified vertebral centra. Essays
  • Bodies like the Property Services Agency, the Common Services Agency and others, which were seen as out-dated and ossified, were gradually cleared out and then privatised.
  • Instead, they argue, Republicans need to be seen as a party with new ideas for reforming "ossified" features of that very government, particularly regulatory and tort systems that are behind the times, and an education system that needs to make teachers both better paid and more accountable for their performance. Democrats' Woes Won't Cure GOP
  • Other features of the basicranium are also advanced, such as the fully ossified tegmen tympani covering the facial canal, and the lack of a stapedial branch of the internal carotid artery.
  • Now, she is qualified to join forces and she can be pacified by this inane and ossified ideology.
  • To inspire the state, Spitzer vows to flush out the "ossified" systems of government in Albany; to spur the economy, he wants to trim taxes and lance a bloated health-care system. The Democrats' Engine Room
  • In addition, the agricultural protectionism of the European Union, ossified in the economic miasma of the Common Agricultural Policy, needs to be scrapped.
  • The reformist state of Peter, Catherine, and - to a much lesser degree - Alexander I had ossified under Nicholas I into a rock-ribbed Restoration police-state.
  • In the essay, he dissected what he called the "dictatorship of ritual" - the ossified Soviet bloc system under Leonid Brezhnev - and imagined what happens when an ordinary greengrocer stops displaying communist slogans and begins "living in truth," rediscovering "his suppressed identity and dignity. NYT > Home Page
  • The ossified Meckel’s cartilage and internal groove in Mesozoic mammaliaforms: implications to origin of the definitive mammalian middle ear. Archive 2006-05-01
  • Here we stopped, turning our horses over to the attention of a hostler, who moved so slowly as to seem ossified. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • The disease ossified the tissue
  • Along the dorsal edge of the scapula of the rabbit is unossified cartilage, which is called the supra-scapula (s. sc.). Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • The orbital plate and that part of the sphenoid which is found in the temporal fossa, as well as the lateral pterygoid plate, are ossified in membrane (Fawcett) 34. II. Osteology. 5a. 5. The Sphenoid Bone
  • By Christmas 1914, the front had ossified into a continuous line of trenches from the North Sea to the Swiss border.
  • The annoying thing is this tactic *does* work - mostly on those whose critical faculties have been ossified by Heat magazine and Big Brother, and on our poorly educated but properly indoctinated 'yoof'. THE CONSERVATIVE TALIBAN!
  • At a time when the English stage trafficked in romantic fripperies, he awakened complacent audiences to a host of social ills abetted by conventional morality, bourgeois respectability, and ossified institutions.
  • Muhammadanism" which is but an ossified form of Islam, clothed in Mediæval beliefs and disfigured by pagan practices. Notes on Islam
  • Between the lingula and the canine tooth the cartilage disappears, while the portion of it below and behind the incisor teeth becomes ossified and incorporated with this part of the mandible. II. Osteology. 5b. 8. The Mandible (Lower Jaw)
  • In addition, the agricultural protectionism of the European Union, ossified in the economic miasma of the Common Agricultural Policy, needs to be scrapped.
  • an ossified bureaucratic system
  • The drawing style has completely ossified, too.
  • All rhinolophoids have an ossified first costal cartilage fused to the manubrium and first rib.
  • There is also a process overhanging the glenoid cavity (g.) wherein the humerus articulates, which process is called coracoid (co.); it is ossified from two separate centres, and represents Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • The placoderms and chondrichthyans both show at least some capsular protuberance of the braincase, but the braincase is a single, undivided mass, whether or not ossified.
  • The first indications of the bones and joints are circumscribed condensations of the mesoderm; these condensed parts become chondrified and finally ossified to form the bones of the skeleton. III. Syndesmology. 2. Development of the Joints
  • Years of easy success had ossified the company's thinking and it never faced up to the challenge of the new technology.
  • Spadefoots are so-named for the large, keratinous metatarsal tubercles that are internally supported by a well-ossified prehallux, located on the outside edges of their feet.
  • France, which prides itself on being a meritocracy, has slowly ossified into its default mode of hierarchy.
  • I have a less ossified view of culture, one that sees it as not fixed in a person's or nation's history, but as a fluid, ongoing process.
  • Years of easy success had ossified the company's thinking and it never faced up to the challenge of the new technology.
  • Mall40 and Fawcett41 maintain that it is ossified from two centers only, one for the maxilla proper and one for the premaxilla. II. Osteology. 5b. 2. The Maxillæ (Upper Jaw)
  • Each medial pterygoid plate (with the exception of its hamulus) is ossified in membrane, and its center probably appears about the ninth or tenth week; the hamulus becomes chondrified during the third month, and almost at once undergoes ossification (Fawcett). II. Osteology. 5a. 5. The Sphenoid Bone
  • The baron ought to be repellent, but he quickly gathers the audience on his side, as an unlikely agent for freedom in a repressive, ossified society.
  • One man, with opinions pretty well ossified on this subject, having been challenged for his statement that Mrs. Browning was born at Hope End, rushed into print in a letter to the “Gazette” with the countercheck quarrelsome to the effect, “You might as well expect throstles to build nests on Fleet Street 'buses, as for folks of genius to be born in a big city.” Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great
  • His thinking has ossified as he's grown older; he won't accept new ideas.
  • Other techniques can be used for older bodies, such as the amount of cartilage that has ossified or turned into bone-like material and how worn the teeth are.
  • In most fossil coelacanths, the swimbladder appears to be ossified and, consequently, these fishes were probably confined to shallow water.
  • Too much debate on the Left is about defending ossified thought patterns and structures which have actually outlived their usefulness.
  • The essential thesis of his book, however, is that the fundamental causes of the defeat were intellectual: France had become an intellectually ossified and sclerotic society.
  • Firing is of no practical benefit in these cases, and it is doubtful if vesication is helpful excepting where only a part of the cartilage is ossified. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • Is that something you really want to see, that kind of ossified thinking in a bureaucratic organization like Homeland Security? CNN Transcript Jul 21, 2005
  • Many acanthodians bore teeth directly on the Meckelian cartilage, which was ossified in most cases (like placoderms), but may have remained cartilaginous in others (like sharks).
  • His thinking has ossified as he's grown older; he won't accept new ideas.
  • Introducing the annual report today, Thompson said that setting "appropriate limits" for the BBC's online operation would not mean that services "ossified". Trust endorses 25% budget cut to BBC online services
  • THE Jesus wasn’t overly religious either — in fact the reason he got busted is he advocated for getting rid of complex, ossified organized religion. A rerun as requested: Rejoice this day!
  • So that around the bones there eventually appears a beautiful turquoise casing; the bone centre is also coloured like its casing, though not entirely losing its bony characteristics, so that it really forms a kind of ossified turquoise, surrounded by real turquoise, and this is called the "bone turquoise" or "odontolite. The Chemistry, Properties and Tests of Precious Stones
  • “The existing seem has been kind of ossified,” he said. The End of eBay’s Egalitarianism - Bits Blog -
  • The Order, grown rigid and ossified as old bone, in many ways has exacerbated the basic fault of human consciousness. THE BROKEN GOD
  • One of my favorite postelection maps showed the United States divided along the traditional, and increasingly ossified, red and blue state lines.
  • Ulmer reanimates the now ossified mantra that ‘the personal is political’ by providing it with a methodology.

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