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[ UK /ˈɒsɪkə‍l/ ]
  1. a small bone; especially one in the middle ear

How To Use ossicle In A Sentence

  • The fauna is dominated by common fenestrate bryozoans and crinoid ossicles.
  • An unpaired commonly enlarged interbrachial ossicle, the axillary, occurs in most Paleozoic asteroids, including those treated here.
  • A distinguishing feature of the echinoids is that the ossicles imbricate and are fused into a globular or discoidal test; its flattened or concave oral side faces the substratum and the aboral side is arched in most species.
  • Viguier noted the value of the odontophore, an unpaired interbrachial ossicle located behind each pair of mouth angle ossicles.
  • Though I have every reason to believe, that between the prostate of the male and the uterus of the female, the same amount of analogy exists, as between a coccygeal ossicle and the complete vertebral form elsewhere situated in the spinal series, I am as far from regarding the two former to be in all respects structurally or functionally alike, as I am from entertaining the like idea in respect to the two latter. Surgical Anatomy
  • Sutural bones are usually small, irregularly shaped ossicles, often found in the sutures of the cranium, especially in the parietal bones.
  • Calcareous ossicles make up the internal skeleton.
  • Sound is conducted through the middle ear via the stapes or columella (both are ear ossicles derived from the hyomandibular).
  • The second ossicle which receives the hammer blows is the incus ( "anvil" L). The Human Brain
  • As they grow, asteroids add new ossicles and increase size of existing ossicles.
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