How To Use Ossete In A Sentence

  • The young Howard Hughes was not helped by his over-protective mother who cosseted him to such an extent that he was not even allowed to go to school for fear he would not be properly looked after.
  • Players can be cosseted too much. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our kind of travel is definitely not suitable for people who expect to be cosseted.
  • Between she and my mother, I was tended like the rarest of blooms, fed and cosseted like a delicate rose. 2009 May « Becca’s Byline
  • Waited on by servants and valets, doted on by his parents, the young prince could not have had a more cosseted start to life.
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  • He is bored of the cosseted expat life of compounds and bodyguards. The Times Literary Supplement
  • He had always been fond of Jinx - in other circumstances, the bipedal tiger might have become a cosseted pet.
  • The women had gathered around me, making the kinds of soothing noises that always made me nervous, and they herded me up to some rooms where they fed me, bathed me, and cosseted me, deftly deflecting any of my questions, all under the capable direction of the woman named Sarah. Raziel
  • Thus it was that toward 1215, or pretty nearly contemporaneously with the epoch when men like Grosseteste began to show restlessness under the extortionate corruption of the Church, the villein was discovered to be able to defend his claim to some portion of the increment in the value of the land which he tilled and which was due to his labor: and this title the manorial courts recognized, because they could not help it, as a sort of tenant right, calling it a customary tenancy by base service. The Emancipation of Massachusetts
  • You don't feel cosseted or pampered, just on edge. Times, Sunday Times
  • You don't feel cosseted or pampered, just on edge. Times, Sunday Times
  • Grosseteste applies the theory in the Posterior Analytics to itself, presenting it as a demonstrative science of demonstration.
  • Our current cosseted life is fooling us into thinking that we will be immune. Times, Sunday Times
  • His target was the traditional social model, the set of protections and regulations that have cosseted European workers for so long.
  • Liberalizing professional services, by abolishing or clipping the powers of cosseted guild associations, and making employment contracts easier to end are two of the most explosive issues in Italian politics. Italy Buffeted by Greece News
  • No other group in society has been so cosseted from the real world, so protected from the consequences of its own actions and so compensated for its own inadequacies.
  • They are pampered and cosseted all the way and they cannot play 90 minutes of football in one day. The Sun
  • From the moment you are met at Malé airport you are pampered and cosseted and looked after.
  • After Zac, there is Yvan, the baby, who is cosseted and overfed, with pettishly long hair.
  • Having been cushioned and cosseted for most of my life, I knew it was a journey I had to make on my own. GYPSY MASALA
  • If our personal road transport is destined to be in a futuristic bubble, then maybe our air travel could involve a similarly cosseted pod-like experience.
  • Cosseted all winter in socks, your feet now are most likely gadding about in strappy sandals, flip-flops and peep-toe wedges. Wanted for Assault
  • He is bored of the cosseted expat life of compounds and bodyguards. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Strolling the soft golden sands lipping the Black Sea, I am cosseted by the thought I am shadowing the footsteps of Russia's finest…
  • It's been traditionally allied with Russia and wishes to reunite with Northern Ossetes in the North Ossetia-Alania Russian republic. Using Georgia to Target Russia
  • Thinkers after Grosseteste, such as Duns Scotus, developed accounts of non-temporal modality in even more detail that share elements found in Grosseteste's account and perhaps were influenced by it (see Lewis 1996). Robert Grosseteste
  • Our more cosseted generation is more likely to spend its Saturday afternoons sipping skinny lattes in city centre coffee bars.
  • Players can be cosseted too much. Times, Sunday Times
  • And it is an easy sport to continue when you leave the cosseted world of organised school sport and have to think for yourself. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our kind of travel is definitely not suitable for people who expect to be cosseted.
  • This is the most delicately flavoured rhubarb there is, cosseted and pampered to keep its subtlety.
  • Our more cosseted generation is more likely to spend its Saturday afternoons sipping skinny lattes in city centre coffee bars.
  • Her early life was cosseted by her immense riches. Times, Sunday Times
  • Each evening the horses were bedded down, fed, watered, cosseted and crooned at.
  • Her early life was cosseted by her immense riches. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now I would rather a player was cosseted than pummelled. Times, Sunday Times
  • Grosseteste's method is primarily dialectical; its aim is the discovery of a definition, a generalized verbal characterization, and it is perhaps not surprising that he discusses composition before taking up resolution, for in certain sciences (notably mathematics) the syn - thetic or compositive method is all that seems to be needed in most cases. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • He's been through hard times: his hardscrabble childhood on the veld would make David Copperfield's seem cosseted by comparison.
  • The team were still wrapped together in the comfort zone of a four-year period when each had cosseted and protected the other.
  • He used the Golden Legend, Huon de Meri's allegorical poem of the fight between Jesus and the Antichrist, Peter Comestor's Bible History, Rustebeuf's La Voie de Paradis, Grosseteste's religious allegory of Le Chastel d 'Amour, the paraded learning of Vincent of Beauvais in Speculum Historiale, and other works -- numerous and small signs of booklore, which are completely overshadowed by his illuminating comprehension of the popular side in the politics of his day. Old English Libraries; The Making, Collection and Use of Books During the Middle Ages
  • ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet and his successor, Bank of Italy Governor Mario Draghi, sent a letter late last week to the Italian government callingfor faster spending cuts, an overhaulof Italy'slabor rulesand measures to liberalize cosseted business sectors, a person familiar with the matter said Monday. ECB Puts Pressure on Italy
  • And it is an easy sport to continue when you leave the cosseted world of organised school sport and have to think for yourself. Times, Sunday Times
  • We return to the issue of how 'cosseted' people like him are and he concedes: 'The rock world does take you a little bit away from reality. Home | Mail Online
  • If our personal road transport is destined to be in a futuristic bubble, then maybe our air travel could involve a similarly cosseted pod-like experience.
  • They are pampered and cosseted all the way and they cannot play 90 minutes of football in one day. The Sun
  • Our current cosseted life is fooling us into thinking that we will be immune. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is bored of the cosseted expat life of compounds and bodyguards. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Now I would rather a player was cosseted than pummelled. Times, Sunday Times
  • The paintings of the Post-Impressionists, including Vincent van Gogh and Paul Gauguin, which formerly hung in the claustrophobic, columned Bellechasse gallery, are cosseted now one floor below in small, elegant, midnight-blue galleries dedicated to the late scholar Françoise Cachin, who served as the museum's first director. New Visions Arrive at the Orsay
  • Whereupon in floods of tears, the Misses Redwood made for me, and insisted on being taken up one on each knee and "cosseted" because of what the big ugly boy had done. Tom, Dick and Harry
  • Every woman wants to be adored, loved, cosseted and taken care of and protected.
  • You are quite cosseted throughout but at the end I felt vulnerable.
  • What must it be like, she wondered as she drove, to be so pampered and cosseted ? COLDHEART CANYON
  • Ages 12+Wealthy Zarita has enjoyed a cosseted life as the daughter of the local magistrate; Saulo's life has been dogged by persecution, danger and poverty. Recommended reads: ages 11–13
  • The successful five were moved into a plush secret location with the kind of kitchen folks like us can only dream about; they were cosseted and counselled, indulged and admired.
  • And it's not just pampered pooches and cosseted cats who are in with a chance of stealing the show.
  • To evoke the enfilade, two long galleries were divided into rows of rooms, the doors between them fixed open, their interiors cosseted by paneled wainscoting, velvet walls and tufted furniture.
  • By the end of the first glass of champagne we had been cosseted, pampered and ready for whatever Jacques and Laurent might suggest!
  • And by the way, just as these politicians flattered, overlooked, and cosseted Murdoch in desperate pursuit and defense of their own self-interest -- the way schoolyard victims are obsequiously and tail-waggingly respectful to schoolyard bullies -- so too did both the Labor and Conservative parties coddle the indigenous Murdochs of Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and Syria. Adam Hanft: Murdoch's Arab Summer; We Always Knew, Now We Know
  • The crucial ingredient, the key to successful cocooning, is a cosseted feeling underfoot. Times, Sunday Times
  • A papal nephew was appointed to a vacant canonry at Lincoln and Grosseteste refused to allow the nephew to be appointed to the benefice. 10/01/2003 - 11/01/2003
  • For a large part its because we've been cosseted and protected by America.
  • Europe's aging and "cosseted" populations are underproductive and self-satisfied. Prudential
  • The new version uses many of the same lines as the original, including the one about Palin being "cosseted" but the paragraph about Biden not mentioning his son is gone. Verum Serum

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