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  1. Egyptian god of the underworld and judge of the dead; husband and brother of Isis; father of Horus

How To Use Osiris In A Sentence

  • While my Lady Lostris spoke from the wings, her shad-owy alter ego on stage stood over the mummiform figure of Osiris and made a series of mystical gestures. River God
  • Sound: Born of Osiris have come a long way since their deviation from the metalcore sound they employed prior to getting signed by up-and-coming label Sumerian Records. All Updates @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com
  • Hear my plea, oh servant of holy Osiris.
  • The sketch pinned to the board refers to Cox's Osirisisis, which stands outside a Norman Foster building at Stockley Park business park near Heathrow and which is made from diorite from the eastern mountains of Egypt. A room of my own: Stephen Cox
  • Such iron was used in making the sacred crook of Osiris held by the pharaohs of Egypt.
  • Carrier writes there that Plutarch suggests "for these believers Osiris is "incarnated" in the sublunar heaven and actually dies and resurrects there Mythicist Misunderstanding
  • The judgement of the dead gradually came under the authority of Osiris, reaching its developed form by the New Kingdom.
  • All the stories that she had heard about Gryphon's made them out as brutes and violent beasts, but Osiris proved them wrong every day.
  • Interesting bit at the end - sounds rather like the death and cutting up of Osiris and the "salting" of his body parts around the "nomes" of Egypt, doesn't it? Archive 2008-03-01
  • I suppose the Jesus mythicists like to compare Jesus Christ to the Greek and Egyptian mystery figures like Dionysos, Attis and Cybele, Osiris and Isis. Review of Doubting Jesus' Resurrection
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