How To Use Oscitant In A Sentence
The keeper of a thing so nimble must not sleep, he must not be oscitant, but very intent upon his charge.
Rising up in oscitant mood, I swallowed a penny piece, which I had between my teeth, and then went home with an empty purse.
Ea extat etiam apud me, ec dicitur ad calcem absoluta „ sub domi - nio domini Johannis Sfortiae die xxi si - van anni to'-» per manus minimi typo - graphorum ac discipulorum, qui est ex filiis Soncini, et peregrinatur hic (Ger - som) in urbe Pisauri „ • Hanc ergo epigraphem et aeram legens Wolfius, samech cum mem confudit annumque effecit roS seu 247« Conjeceram olim falsam hanc editionem recensens De hebr.typogr. orig.p. 76 Woiftum in exscribenda epigrapbe alterius editionis Pisaurensis anni 274, Cbristi 1514 quae et ipsa apud nos. est, postremum numerum alteri oscitanter praeposuisse et ex 274 effecisse 247.
Annales Hebraeo-typographici sec. XV
During the period of transition from wakefulness to sleep, which Kellaway has termed the oscitant state, there is a gradual increase in the amplitude of slow components of the EEG.
We are ready to give ourselves credit for the sagacity of this conjecture; else we should be but ill disposed to pardon that oscitant appearance which such a dreamy disposition must give to the most valuable materials.

Quid habes, cur ignoscas homini armaria citro atque ebore captanti, corpora conquirenti aut ignotorum auctorum aut improbatorum, et inter tot millia librorum oscitanti, cui voluminum suorum frontes maxime placent titulique?
The Book-Hunter A New Edition, with a Memoir of the Author
Quid habes cur ignoscas homini armaria citro atque ebore captanti, corpora conquirenti aut ignotorum auctorum aut improbatorum et inter tot milia librorum oscitanti, cui voluminum suorum frontes maxime placent titulique?
The Care of Books