How To Use Oscillation In A Sentence
The chief natural phenomena that have driven fragmentation are glacial advances, volcanic activity, geologic faulting, tectonic movement, mass land slumping, serpentinization, major sea level rise and climate oscillation.
Habitat fragmentation
The fact that other reports of excess heat do not produce these hydrides and can evolve over days or weeks suggests the opposite condition of starvation where oscillation is delayed and slow but still occurs over time as the atomic gas slowly accumulates the velocities needed to exchange time dilation for energy.
Will 2010 be the Year of Zero Point Energy?
The importance of PIR for network oscillation was perhaps most firmly established in the lobster stomatogastric ganglion.
A series of such oscillations, aided perhaps by marine erosion, is probably an important cause of island formation.
A double oscillation is also a possibility, for example if the trees are defoliated by predators and then put out a second growth of leaves.
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In this case of applied displacement, the initial velocity was not equal to zero at the start of free oscillations.
It predicts that spindle microtubules in animal cells begin to oscillate at the beginning of prometaphase, and that those oscillations rapidly accelerate until metaphase,.
Wells vs tiny flies - The Panda's Thumb
We could be in for a period like the late 19th century, of festering economic and social problems, failed one-term presidencies, and partisan oscillation in Congress.
Robert Kuttner: What Now for the Democrats?
In light/dark conditions, the short-term growth rate oscillations after stepwise light changes were also present.
The progression of the mechanical oscillation itself is conditioned by the grain compatibility of harmonics.
The high frequency gain of the regulator is limited to suppress the high frequency oscillation of the control signal while assigning the closed-loop poles.
The wavelength, or the number of oscillations per second, in the light thus diffused is here the same as in the original ray of light.
Nobel Prize in Physics 1930 - Presentation Speech
The researcher says, ‘El Nino and Arctic Oscillation share dynamic features and may also account for regional warming and drought in Canada - teleconnections linking regions over the globe.’
It has bristles that oscillate at 7000 oscillations per minute.
In math, this idea is represented as a limit of a function oscillating and eventually approaching an asymptote; in physics this is known as damped oscillations (for all the math and science geeks).
Auren Hoffman: When and Why We Pendulum
‘The signal we see in the snow pack and snowmelt is like what is projected from climate models just due to global warming, without any ocean oscillation,’ he said.
Some parameters affecting the frequency and magnitude of power supply, such as supply voltage, duty of control sigal. the R and C of oscillation circuit are discussed.
Even though a La Nina will influence the weather for months at a time, it's still a short-term climatological factor compared to something that climatologists call the Pacific Decadal Oscillation PDO, which is a long-term warming or cooling of the overall sea-surface temperature of the Pacific.
Paul Yeager: Predictions of 10-Year Texas Drought Have Validity
The paper analyzes the influence of incidence and oscillation frequency of ultrasonic sensor on measuring accuracy and the choose principle of ultrasonic sensor is presented.
The oscillations began to dampen out after about three seconds, and once again I was in control of the aircraft.
First the dynamical model of DHFPE's piston component assemble is built. The motion of DHFPE is self-sustained oscillation with variable rigidity and variable damp.
Specific gravity was measured by a harmonic oscillation method on the automated workstation.
The oscillations in the measured dayglow intensities in the mesopause region and the winds at ~ 87 km are resulting from the modulation caused by this wave in this region after a delay of 4-5 days.
If the oscillations are not damped out, they could break the fragile lines of other suspended weights and become amplified.
Given in his oscillations of mood to a lugubrious woebegoneness ” "He could be just the saddest-looking thing," remembers Roger Wilkins, one of his administration deputies ” Johnson while president brooded ponderously over how he was discounted by the intellectual left as a blustering boor.
The Big Guy
A little while ago he sent me a proposed solution by email, a method of moving the cup while you walk that should serve to damp the oscillations.
The researchers discovered that when a sound was restored perceptually (ie when the participant "heard" it), slow brain waves called theta oscillations, which occur when the brain is encoding boundaries of sound, were suppressed during the interruption of that sound.
Health News from Medical News Today
Indeed, engineers nowadays design and construct bridges so that oscillations remain strictly limited.
If after every decision the will reverted to a state of indecision and oscillation equipoised between good and evil, the basis for confidence in our fellow men would be gone.
The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination
Due to the comparison between theoretical analysis of pulse forming circuit's damped oscillation and experiment results, the working principle of MS was mastered.
Cooperation with other more northerly atmospheric weather patterns or oscillations and a little serendipity is needed to get an exceptionally snowy winter.
Why was last year so snowy? Part I
The fact is, the wild oscillations in our business life will continue to get wilder and wilder, probably forever.
To characterize the frequency domain of these oscillations, power spectral analyses were performed.
The Ministry of Electricity is implementing measures to stabilize the oscillation of electric current in its power lines.
synchronous oscillations
Researchers at J-PARC will be attempting to measure the oscillation from muon neutrino to electron neutrino - the final "mixing angle" yet to be measured, known as theta-13. all content
As is proposed to be the case for the plant photoreceptors, this oscillation may modulate light resetting of the clock and affect the shape of the phase response curve.
The temperature pattern also reverses when the pattern of atmospheric pressure of the southern oscillation reverses.
This force increases the efficiency with which chromosomes make bipolar spindle attachments and regulates kinetochore activities necessary for chromosome oscillation, but is not essential for chromosome congression.
Sub-cellular ID Spin - The Panda's Thumb
Now that our technologies so adeptly bridge the old divide between industriousness and relaxation, work and play, either through oscillation or else a kind of merging, everything being merely digits put to different uses, we ought to ask if we aren't selling off the site of our greatest possible happiness.
Notable & Quotable
There have always been slight oscillations in world temperature.
There have always been slight oscillations in world temperature.
Coupling diurnal cytosolic Ca2+ oscillations to the CAS-IP3 pathway in Arabidopsis.
The Autoimmune Epidemic
Sometimes you have to go through several oscillations before you can damp out the yaw.
The tunability and the possibility to produce relatively undamped outgoing oscillations greatly increased the transmission range, and in 1901 Marconi succeeded in establishing radio connection across the Atlantic.
The Nobel Prizes in Physics 1901-2000
By metaphase the oscillations may be of such high frequency that they would be difficult to detect, but the lower frequency oscillations early in prometaphase should be detectable by immunofluorescence microscopy and high-speed camera technology.
ID-friendly journal paper makes testable predictions
We used an electromechanical oscillator to apply a known vertical oscillation to the rover antenna.
Four conspicuous jerks forwards, with slower retreats, were seen on one occasion to occur in exactly one minute, besides some minor oscillations.
A feature shared by many clock gene transcripts is that their abundance is subject to circadian and diurnal oscillation.
Oscillations of the front of the prime mover and rear of the rearmost trailer were common throughout the tests as shown in Figure 14.
We used an electromechanical oscillator to apply a known vertical oscillation to the rover antenna.
The unit causes electric dialysis by producing electromagnetic oscillations in the water.
But a strong shove has little effect unless it is timed so it matches the natural oscillation of the swing—just as a hopeful glass breaker must sing a note that matches the glass's resonant frequency.
A phenomenon called self-induction is at work here: as the current oscillates, the magnetic field around the wire changes, too, inducing voltages that slow the oscillation.
Although he wrongly concluded that the periods of oscillation of two pendulums were in the same ratio as their lengths, he later corrected the error.
For the great Scottish skeptic, the oscillation between civilization and barbarism was coeval with human history; in ethical and political terms the future was bound to be much like the past.
That is where his oscillations are most unsettling.
A chaotic model might well exhibit “interesting” behavior on a whole spectrum of time scales, though, as various parts of the dynamic cycle undergo epicyclic oscillations.
Willis E on Hansen and Model Reliability « Climate Audit
The inappropriate using of the MED attribute commonly induces to the hot potato routing and the persistent MED oscillation.
As a special case, the oscillation behaviors of the absorptive device with two equal-length segments:threshold conditions, carrier density and wavelength tuning range have been analyzed.
Cavitation manifests itself in at least two modes; stable cavitation (slow, periodic oscillations of gas bubbles) and transient cavitation.
The hopeless oscillation of question-answer-question is like a figuring of confinement: bouncing off each other in a rigid reciprocality where neither party is able to move.
Mass accreted onto the white dwarf can result in flickering and quasi-periodic oscillations.
Unprecedented Eruption Catches Astronomers By Surprise | Universe Today
In superstring theory, particles are not treated as particles at all but as oscillations in one-dimensional entities called strings.
Frequencies of tropical cyclones, heat-waves, bushfires and frosts are also linked to the Southern Oscillation.
In this particular case, binary oscillations of semiquinone can be used to characterize damping of period four oscillations of oxygen evolution.
Basic assumption of natural science is that things happen for a reason (aside from natural oscillation around equilibrium point), and in climate science what scientists are trying to figure out is what exactly these reasons for climate change (climate as being of long-term integral average of highly varying weather) are.
IPCC and Data Access « Climate Audit
The invention provides a tinted pair of lenses for overcoming the deleterious effects of nystagmic oscillations, particularly in persons suffering from dyslexia.
Two Methods: To constrUct non - sinusoidal oscillationwaviness function of mold are pmposed.
In this study the signal roughness is of secondary interest whereas signal oscillations and their frequencies are of primary interest.
Thus there was an oscillation from androcracy to gynecocracy and back to androcracy again.
The Dominant Sex: A Study in the Sociology of Sex Differentiation, by Mathilde and Mathias Vaerting; translated from the German by Eden and Cedar Paul
It may be quite striking, with the head and extremities exhibiting gross, irregular oscillations exaggerated by voluntary movements.
Because the oscillations of different filament pairs have different phases, oscillatory motion is not normally observable on the scale of a whole muscle fiber in steady conditions.
Apollo 4 almost ate itself because of the interstage oscillations or "pogo" as they called it.
More Ares Woes - NASA Watch
This is called “saltation” Google it, and results in many examples of self-organized patterns - most commonly in deserts and snow fields by the wind, and in shallow sandy bottoms, where the moving fluid is water in slow regular wave or tidal oscillation.
Sand dune - The Panda's Thumb
Wolfrom C, Chau NP, Maigné J, Lambert JC, Ducot B, et al. (2000) Evidence for deterministic chaos in aperiodic oscillations of proliferative activity in long-term cultured Fao hepatoma cells.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
But it would not rise or set: it would be fixed in the sky, and subject only to a minute oscillation to and fro once a month, by reason of the "libration" we have been speaking of.
Pioneers of Science
The self-oscillation frequency keeps some inherent quantitative relation with the second polar frequency of the operational amplifier.
In By Nightfall the register is necessarily more masculine, the oscillations now between a language of transcendence and a kind of cornered, caustic blokishness.
Alan Hollinghurst On Michael Cunningham: The New York Review Of Books
We obtain sufficient conditions for the oscillation of all solutions of the nonlinear even order neutral functional differential equation with continuous distributed delay.
The shift in the Arctic Oscillation that has dumped this little bit of cold air onto North America is a WEATHER pattern, not a climatological one.
Think Progress » Red Cross financial aid Scott Brown voted to kill now assisting Massachusetts relief efforts in Haiti.
The adsorption and emission of spectra characteristic of atoms also suggested that they were due to the oscillations of charged particles on the atomic or sub-atomic scale.
Recently, researchers harnessed the spins of electrons to create oscillations which they said suggested a new type of electronic clock.
To the logician, it appears to be a paradox, whereas the rhetorician is likely to ponder its persistent oscillation between the inalienable status of the name and the as yet unrealized authority of the concept.
The Voice of Critique: Aesthetic Cognition After Kant,
The oscillations increased to 90 degrees, the flight films showing the vehicle swinging madly from side to side.
With the above code, we can list the longest of the well-mixed transposals. antiparticles paternalistic conservatoire overreactions aristotelian retaliations obscurantist subtractions definability identifiably arthroscopes crapshooters colonialists oscillations enumerations mountaineers importunates permutations counterspies persecutions capillarity piratically animadverts maidservant calendering greenlandic grandnieces reascending coordinates decorations peripatetic precipitate crenelation intolerance arthroscope crapshooter peristaltic triplicates excitations intoxicates
Wolfram Blog : Word Play with Mathematica
Rather, Rounds showed, by treating pollen tubes with growth inhibitors including cyanide, oligomycin and antimycin-A, that pollen tubes can withstand such toxins and after an adjustment period will begin to grow again but at a slower rate while still exhibiting growth oscillations described above.
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the oscillations were isochronal
Engine oscillation is held to a few thousandths of a millimeter.
If it were so, then the short-period oscillations should be confined to only one frequency.
In addition, the problem concerning unsatisfactory interpretation for the relaxation oscillation of the laser pulse using the rate equations has also been discussed.
Concomitant development of a long tail would be important to damp lateral oscillation and control yaw associated with pelvic paddling.
The oscillation between equivocality and political commitment also entangles the critically controversial preface to "Alastor.
_Alastor_, Apostasy, and the Ecology of Criticism
In a more sophisticated manner than cap Dave cap A. 27 February 2009 at 2: 31 PM david_a (291) - Rather than the term noise, the phrase internal variability is sometimes used to describe the effects of ocean oscillations and so forth.
During the revolution, inevitable oscillations will occur in the army, an internal struggle will take place.
The connection between energy and wavelength in, for example, crystal oscillations, termed the phonon dispersion relation, is a complicated function.
Press Release: The 1994 Nobel Prize in Physics
He has, more than another, the exalted sentiment of honor, but is lacking in the sense of simple honesty, and, circumstances favoring him, would defalcate and commit infamies which do not trouble his conscience, for he obeys without questioning the oscillations of his ideas, which are always impulsive.
Original Short Stories — Volume 09
In the case of a classical system for which a superposition principle holds, for instance a vibrating membrane, when one superposes a state with itself the result is a different state, with a different magnitude of the oscillations.
A Third Choice (ID Hypothesis)
If one just had 20 years of data, this long term oscillation may look like a trend, but if several hundred years of data were available, then the long-term cyclic variation would be visible.
Climate Insensitivity and AR(1) Models « Climate Audit
At higher neutrino energies, the process of oscillation is enhanced by interactions with electrons in the Sun or in the Earth.
Solving the Mystery of the Missing Neutrinos
This constant oscillation in the reading of figure-ground is heightened further by the memory of the trabeated system to which the Doric columns allude.
Economists predict continuing oscillation of the Japanese yen.
With the above code, we can list the longest of the well-mixed transposals. antiparticles paternalistic conservatoire overreactions aristotelian retaliations obscurantist subtractions definability identifiably arthroscopes crapshooters colonialists oscillations enumerations mountaineers importunates permutations counterspies persecutions capillarity piratically animadverts maidservant calendering greenlandic grandnieces reascending coordinates decorations peripatetic precipitate crenelation intolerance arthroscope crapshooter peristaltic triplicates excitations intoxicates
Wolfram Blog : Word Play with Mathematica
Several people saw the aircraft recover from the turn to an essentially wings-level attitude with small erratic oscillations in bank angle.
Any way the period of the oscillation is an inherent function of the delay.
DeLong, Dasgupta, and Stern, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
The idea is that small kinetic mixing of the ordinary and mirror photons may exist which would mix ordinary and mirror ortho positronium, leading to maximal ortho positronium - mirror orthopositronium oscillations.
Our First Guest Blogger - Lawrence Krauss
We remove 2–30 year quasi-periodic oscillations and determine the nonlinear long-term trends for 12 large ocean regions.
An Analysis of the TOPEX Sea Level Record « Climate Audit
For those new to this issue, thrust oscillation is a phenomenon that can appear in all solid rockets where pressure created during launch conditions creates an up-and-down vibration at a frequency that could impact crew situational awareness or health.
Doubts About Ares 1 Continue to Mount - NASA Watch
Objective To construct an oscillation circuit for a gene analyzer based on quartz crystal microbalance.
And so I find that y double dot plus 2g and that was my goal, because this is clearly a simple harmonic oscillation, because this is a constant.
The existence of damped oscillations in the isotonic transient response of single muscle fibers therefore argues in favor of the oscillating regime.
These geognostic relations of an instrument intended for the measurement of time -- this property of the pendulum, by which, like a sounding line, it searches unknown depths, and reveals in volcanic islands, * or in the declivity of elevated continental mountain chains, ** dense masses of basalt and melaphyre instead of cavities, render it difficult, notwithstanding the admirable simplicity of the method, to arrive at any great result regarding the figure of the Earth from observation of the oscillations of the pendulum.
COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1
As the cantilever executes small torsion resonant oscillations by twisting about its long axis, the cantilever's free end and the AFM tip rotate a very small angle about that axis.
The Ainslie circuit has highly complex waveforms, and by all reports is somewhat difficult and sensitive to properly adjust to force the "MOSFET", a type of transistor/semiconductor, into the needed astable oscillation condition ... and it defies any easy explanations.
The Strange Case of the Rosemary Ainslie Circuit
They found that slow brain waves called theta oscillations, which are involved in encoding boundaries of sounds, were suppressed during an interruption in a sound when that sound was illusorily restored.
Daily News & Analysis
This paper deals with the oscillation of the first order nonlinear neutral type functional differential equation, and obtains sufficient criterion of the equation oscillation.
Single-bubble sonoluminescence occurs at the rapid collapse of the bubble after a long and slow expansion, and the bubble oscillation in the higher harmonic modes leads to the rapid collapse.
Your gravitometer is showing oscillations we think might be gravitational waves.
Analog Science Fiction and Fact
The oscillations of the scalar field around the flat angular direction of the scalar potential turn into longitudinal oscillations of the physical gauge field.
Due to the comparison between theoretical analysis of pulse forming circuit's damped oscillation and experiment results, the working principle of MS was mastered.
The cantilever oscillation is anharmonic and asymmetric when the quality factor is low, in contrast with TM AFM in air, where the cantilever oscillation is approximately sinusoidal and symmetric.
… Summary: The Southern Oscillation and increasing GHGs continue to be, respectively, the dominant factors affecting interannual and decadal temperature change.
Matthew Yglesias » Today in Pessimism
It predicts that spindle microtubules in animal cells begin to oscillate at the beginning of prometaphase, and that those oscillations rapidly accelerate until metaphase,.
Wells vs tiny flies - The Panda's Thumb
Calvin, a geographer specializing in Latin America, focuses on the El Nino / Southern Oscillation, its teleconnections, and their impacts.
Momma took copious notes from which I see that the Madonna and Child holy water basin was perfectly sweet, and the episcopal throne by Uervellesi in 1536 was the finest piece of tarsia work in the world, and the large bronze hanging lamp by Vincenzo Possento was the object which assisted Galileo to invent the oscillations of the pendulum.
A Voyage of Consolation (being in the nature of a sequel to the experiences of 'An American girl in London')
To organic farmers, this is not crop rotation, indeed, this is what our certifier calls ‘crop oscillation’.
The transient spikes from the MOSFET operating in runaway "astable oscillation mode", help to both magnify in amplitude and increase in number (Frequency), the inductive spikes that come from the
The Strange Case of the Rosemary Ainslie Circuit
Superimposed on this long-frequency / large-amplitude wavelength are smaller oscillations on millennial to annual time scales.
The mechanical oscillation is driven by the energy of the chemical reaction shown in Fig.1.
A simple device might oscillate at 1Hz (once per second), therefore 1 second would elapse for each oscillation.
These results imply that there are neutrino oscillations, this means that neutrino has mass.
The Hughes, or the Stock Exchange instruments, for instance, print the message in Roman characters; the sounders strike it out on stops or bells of different tone; the needle instruments indicate it by oscillations of their needles; the Morse daubs it in ink on paper, or embosses it by a hard style; while Bain's electro-chemical receiver stains it on chemically prepared paper.
Heroes of the Telegraph
The eddies set up an oscillation that may be reinforced by the natural frequency of the structure.
This oscillation between different parodic and satirical tactics makes it something of a moving target for potential litigation.
Engine oscillation is held to a few thousandths of a millimeter.
Acoustic cavitation involves the creation and oscillation of gas bubbles in a liquid.
When catch of the highly variable stocks of Peruvian anchovetas, a species substantially affected by El Niño / Southern Oscillation events, is excluded, the world fish catch appears to have declined by 660,000 tons a year during that time.
A series of such oscillations, aided perhaps by marine erosion, is probably an important cause of island formation.
When photons excite the collective electron oscillations at the interfaces between metal and dielectric (insulator) materials, they can form yet another quasi-particle called a surface plasmon polariton (SPP).
Science Blog - Science news straight from the source
A second of time is defined as x oscillations of a cesium atom's resonant frequency, and is commonly measured in atomic clocks.
The relaxation oscillation is proved through temporal behavior of the thin-beam drift ina infinite space.
Zafarraya, a loud sound like thunder was first heard, and before it ceased there came a violent subsultory movement preceded by a very brief oscillation, then a pause of one or two seconds, and lastly a more intense and longer series of undulations, the whole movement lasting 12 seconds.
A Study of Recent Earthquakes
The inappropriate using of the MED attribute commonly induces to the hot potato routing and the persistent MED oscillation.
The average concentration of the two extrema was taken to represent the average value of the metabolites during the oscillations.
The oscillations induced by our rudder corrections got worse with every application, regardless of how smooth we tried to be.
The theory of relaxation oscillation is described, and it give the theories analysis which is the output natural parameter of Q-switch laser.
The rhythmic movement between energy expenditure and energy recovery is called oscillation.
The Power of Full Engagement
The hammer area of rocker arms is hardened progressively or by oscillation.
The more highly accurate quartz clocks followed and depended on the oscillation of quartz crystal for control.
Economists predict continuing oscillation of the Japanese yen.
His team developed a method for creating controlled oscillations of cytosolic calcium in vitro that bypasses the normal antigen-to-receptor binding.
The Scientist
By metaphase the oscillations may be of such high frequency that they would be difficult to detect, but the lower frequency oscillations early in prometaphase should be detectable by immunofluorescence microscopy and high-speed camera technology.
ID-friendly journal paper makes testable predictions
Tognoli and Kelso have shown that the brain uses a much wider repertoire of synchronization patterns than just inphase - for example, brain areas may lock their oscillations together but keep a different phase.
Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine
The nucleotide feedback causes the glycolytic variables to exhibit small-amplitude oscillations.
According to Freinkel, Luther replaces these thematics of reconciliation with the ‘unsettling oscillations of ambivalence.’
It is based upon the coupling of plasmons (charge density oscillations) excited by light in thin metal films, with waveguide modes in a dielectric layer overcoating the metal film.
We report that there is substantial although not complete control of glycolytic oscillations in hexose transport, so that phosphofructokinase cannot be the oscillophore.
Known as a quasi-periodic oscillation, or QPO, the blob disappeared shortly before the steady jets turned off.
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When the string is long, regardless of the weight, the oscillation of the pendulum is always slow.
The more violent the oscillations the greater the amount of parasitic genetic material.
Fundamentally, a plasmon is a quasiparticle, a quantum of a plasma oscillation, as much as a photon is a quantization of light. all content
Another common problem is subharmonic oscillation, as illustrated in both waveforms.
EE Times-Asia
A mastermind is leaving mirrored clues about a plan to destroy the Earth amid thefts of a beryllium sphere and oscillation overthruster.
The Middleman: The Complete Series » DVDs Worth Watching
The rest function as insulators, or dampers of mechanical oscillation.
Bohr and Wheeler envisioned that a nucleus may undergo oscillations like a liquid drop.
In the design of current-mode PWM DC-DC converters, the slope compensation method widely used to prevent sub-harmonic oscillation can significantly weaken the load capacity under a high duty cycle.
We have also the fact of two great promontories in Capes Horn and Good Hope, where this great tidal wave must strike against, and they produce constant oscillations of the water to and fro, and produce gurgitation and regurgitation in all the gulfs and rivers that line the coasts of the Northern, or more properly, the
Scientific American, Volume 17, No. 26 December 28, 1867 A Weekly Journal of Practical Information, Art, Science, Mechanics, Chemistry, and Manufactures.
He is the principal investigator of the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey – or BOSS – project.
These peaks had to do with successive oscillations of the density waves in the early universe, and a phenomenon called resonance that makes some wavelengths more intense than others.
From a technical viewpoint, thrust oscillation is a very solvable problem with a number of possible solutions.
Latest Administrator Gossip - NASA Watch
And it appears to do this using a combination of the Inductance of the coil that is an inherent part of the resistive heating element, as well as the unusual astable oscillation of the
The Strange Case of the Rosemary Ainslie Circuit
That's what a physicist would call transversal oscillations and longitudinal oscillations - and it's what a composer might call music. Top Stories
There are many component failures in the transceiver which might produce the right amount of gain change for oscillations.
Astronomers see these processes occurring in other stars and witness outbursts and oscillations in stellar sizes on all sorts of time scales.
Based on the dynamical model of DHFPE's(dual hydraulic free piston engine) piston component assemble, the self-sustained oscillation motion of DHFPE was deduced.
The third instrument is the seismograph, which is so arranged that it will accurately record the number, succession, direction, amplitude and period of successive oscillations.
The San Francisco calamity by earthquake and fire
Apart from my methodological muddles, what should we make of the oscillations in fossil diversity?
Induced gamma-band oscillations correlate with awareness in hemianopic [An article from: Neuropsychologia] by A. Schurger
Which is better: happy yet ignorant, or aware and angry?
This increase is due in part to the diffraction of the telescope, to imperfect achromatism or spherical aberration of the objective, to irregular grinding of the glass, and especially to variations in the refraction of the air, which produce an oscillation of the image around a mean position.
Lectures on Stellar Statistics
The temperature pattern also reverses when the pattern of atmospheric pressure of the southern oscillation reverses.
As a special case, the oscillation behaviors of the absorptive device with two equal-length segments:threshold conditions, carrier density and wavelength tuning range have been analyzed.
On the other hand, if the electrical resonance is involved in the generation of oscillations, disabling it should eliminate the spontaneous bundle activity.
In a more sophisticated manner than cap Dave cap A. 10: 51 AM david_a (291) - Rather than the term noise, the phrase internal variability is sometimes used to describe the effects of ocean oscillations and so forth.
Any sharp changes in the temperature proxy would then be caused by catastrophic interglacial climate oscillations.
The drug causes oscillations of mood in some people.
This paper studys the single standing wave mode in a circular cylinder which is subjected to a vertical oscillation, employing two-time scales singular perturbation expansion.
These oscillations are the real moral hazard.
The aircraft began a series of violent oscillations at 60 feet that would frighten even the dumbest pilot.
Bohr and Wheeler envisioned that a nucleus may undergo oscillations like a liquid drop.
Constitutive expression of SinR from P 3 damps the oscillations, leading to a stable steady state.
Flapping flight is distinguished from gliding by synchronous oscillations of the forelimbs.
A porpoise is a vertical oscillation where you are just a step behind the aircraft and can't physically keep up with the machine; each control movement only serves to exaggerate the problem.
Thud Ridge
Neither short-term oscillation nor long-term warming trend are really dangerous.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Editor's note: Last week NASA decided to implement the so called "Option 2B Active Aft Skirt Reaction Mass Actuator RMA option" with "damping and isolation at the FS frustum/US region" in order to deal with the thrust oscillation problem with the current design of the Ares 1 launch vehicle.
NASA Watch: Keith Cowing: August 2008 Archives
If the frequency of the sinusoidal oscillations in migration were higher, we would expect [mu] to be progressively damped as window size increased.
During that time, the bridge had been engaging in a wide variety of different large-amplitude vertical oscillations, without the slightest sign of any torsional motion.
XMM-Newton detected what the astronomers call "quasi-periodic oscillations," a nearly regular "flickering" caused by the pile-up of hot gas deep within the accretion disk that forms around a massive object.
Finding the Mama Bear of Black Holes | Universe Today
A gravitational wave at the natural frequency for longitudinal oscillations of the bar would set it ringing like a tuning fork.
Scientists have suggested that the unseasonable bad weather that has been lashing New Zealand for the past few weeks is the result of a phenomenon known as the Antarctic Oscillation.
Apollo 4 almost ate itself because of the interstage oscillations or "pogo" as they called it.
More Ares Woes - NASA Watch