How To Use Oscillate In A Sentence

  • This can cause the players' strategies to oscillate back and forth indefinitely.
  • During the course of the laser pulse, the electric field of the light wave oscillates about a dozen times.
  • It predicts that spindle microtubules in animal cells begin to oscillate at the beginning of prometaphase, and that those oscillations rapidly accelerate until metaphase,. Wells vs tiny flies - The Panda's Thumb
  • I oscillate between shame, self forgiveness and anger with the world at large. (No) Money Changes Everything | Her Bad Mother
  • In marine seismic acquisition, the gas bubble produced by an air gun oscillates and generates subsequent pulses that cause source-generated noise.
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  • They oscillate be - tween intramundane and supramundane conceptions of the future, but throughout there persists the belief that the final consummation is “beyond history” and that on this earth there can be no assurance of con - tinuing betterment. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • He oscillates between being a grade grubber and not really caring much at all.
  • It has bristles that oscillate at 7000 oscillations per minute.
  • The only place to spot them is in a vacuum, where they should sometimes "oscillate" into normal photons. New Scientist - Online News
  • The idea of ‘property’ in land oscillates between the behavioural, the conceptual and the obligational between competing models of property as a fact, property as a right and property as a responsibility.
  • The price of grain slightly oscillated last year.
  • If you are reading something, language areas oscillate in theta frequency allowing high-gamma-related neural activity in individual neurons to transmit information, said Knight. Slow Brain Waves are Key to Complex Activities | Impact Lab
  • It's a language that offers a safety valve against a discourse that oscillates uneasily between a strangulated avoidance of reality and an ugly violence.
  • Watch how the needle on the dial oscillates.
  • He'll oscillate back and forth between a discussion of eastern philosophies and a discussion of particle physics.
  • When an AC voltage applied to one of the electrodes matches the resonance frequency of the arm - specifically between 350 and 400MHz in this example - the arm will oscillate between the electrodes.
  • They oscillate be - tween intramundane and supramundane conceptions of the future, but throughout there persists the belief that the final consummation is “beyond history” and that on this earth there can be no assurance of con - tinuing betterment. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Another model prediction is that there is it parameter range in which the glycolytic subsystem is bistable: for the same set of parameter values the system may oscillate or be stationary.
  • The circuit incorporates a nanopore mechanism with a molecular trap that forces the DNA molecule to oscillate back and forth between electrodes, measuring the electrical signal associated with each specific base.
  • Her expression bubbles and solidifies like metamorphic rock, a harshness pinching the edges of her lips and eyes, making her neck wrinkles oscillate. The Madonnas of Echo Park
  • The needle on the dial began to oscillate.
  • They oscillate back and forth between the Church and party officials, depending on which side is more convincing at a time.
  • The frequency chip is oscillated by static electricity produced by the body [of the user] inhaling and exhaling gases into and out of the lung cavity.
  • A profile pan located on the back edge of the grout box is equipped with a tamper bar that oscillates vertically to push aggregate below the profile pan as the concrete is screeded.
  • That kind of plooping sound the water makes pouring into the bowl is due in part to a process called cavitation (the making of a cavity), where air bubbles created by changes in pressure in the water oscillate and explode, creating teeny shock waves. Cocktail Party Physics
  • In my theory there is no byproduct - nature oscillates between the desired diatomic state and molecular disassociation when the new high mobility molecule finds its covalent bond opposed by the individual atoms still trying to transition to different fractional states (relativistic). Will 2010 be the Year of Zero Point Energy?
  • The monitoring points in different position of the turbine stage have been calculated and analyzed, the Mach number, subcooling rate and the wetness fraction oscillate periodically.
  • A phenomenon called self-induction is at work here: as the current oscillates, the magnetic field around the wire changes, too, inducing voltages that slow the oscillation.
  • So, while living on this beautiful planet, one is conditioned to oscillate like a pendulum about the importance of love in life.
  • Stare until columns of tiles oscillate rapidly back and forth, chaotically at first, but more rhythmically in passing.
  • A stock index does not oscillate with such frightening amplitude as we have witnessed recently unless to announce some tectonic change ahead.
  • Not only could you control the water temperature, but also the angle of the spray, as well as making it oscillate or pulse. Glowing, if Roughed Up
  • As you can guess, it oscillates interminably and swings in the wind.
  • She was, however, uneasy when she heard the strange whistling sound produced by their irregular passage through the dark night air, and when the violence of their movements made the basin oscillate, she lay down tremblingly at the bottom of her golden basin, and then carefully gathered her garments around her, lest they should come in contact with the dark man. The Princess Ilsée: A Fairy Tale
  • ‘To push beyond the gigahertz range of frequencies has been very difficult because the waves oscillate so fast that most electronics can't keep up,’ Nori said.
  • After a few minutes C.'s left hand started to oscillate back and forth.
  • He oscillates between accepting the new position and retirement
  • The topic was on the libration of the Moon, that is the motion of the Moon which causes the face that it presents to the Earth to oscillate causing small changes in the position of the lunar features.
  • In particular, it is common for people to oscillate between withdrawal and arrogance.
  • Print newspapers, because of their structure, catchment areas and sheer physicality, don't oscillate wildly from month to month or year to year. Facebook fatigue suggests internet is a web of impermanent dreams
  • There is a vertical line in spirituality that goes from the beast to the angel, and on which we oscillate.
  • We suggest that ash-laden vertical density currents probably attain and then oscillate about a characteristic size that maximizes the buoyancy flux and represents the optimum efficiency for vertical mass transport.
  • A toothed crown-wheel on the spindle made the escapement oscillate, the escapement regulated the rate at which the spindle turned, and the rotation of the spindle measured the passage of time by moving a hand around a marked clock face.
  • A newer generation of cellular radio technology, called Personal Communications Services (PCS), operates much like earlier cellular services, but at higher frequencies, the number of times a radio wave oscillates or completes a cycle, which is measured in a unit known as a hertz (Hz). Me Pedia
  • In human adults, many biological functions display a physiological circadian rhythm that oscillates in synchronism with the sleep-wake rhythm.
  • On an oscilloscope, you can see an electrical current oscillate up and down.
  • This sleek, Swiss-made timepiece uses a pendulum that oscillates at 36,000 vibrations per hour.
  • A microwave field will then interact with this system as two dipoles or a net quadrupole, which causes the vertices to oscillate and the tetrahedron is deformed by being periodically squashed and distended in resonance with the microwave field. Quantum Hyperion
  • Films oscillate between sensuality and vulgarity, between suggestive sexuality and indecent exposure.
  • He seemed to oscillate between very drunk and icy sober.
  • Fluid-filled vibration damping device having pneumatically oscillated members partially defining primary and auxiliary fluid chambers
  • The self-referencing vibrating probe oscillated along an excursion of 10 m.
  • The physical scalar fields that oscillate as normal modes about the potential minimum are the massless angular mode and the massive radial mode.
  • During the operation, the spindle operates at 2,000 rpm or less and the tool oscillates in and out of the workpiece thereby assuring the quality of the thread form and surface finish.
  • The central component of the frequency standard or oscillator is a resonator that vibrates or oscillates with a well-defined frequency when excited.
  • Now there was a movement — far, far away; a concentrating of the lambency; the dead-alive swayed, oscillated, separated — forming a long lane against whose outskirts they crowded with avid, hungry insistence. The Moon Pool
  • Given that the field oscillates at 60Hz, this gives me a phase angle of 0.4PI radians between samples.
  • Richins oscillated, one minute bemoaning the stress, the next saying he was getting better and just needed time. For football coach back from war, it's like starting over
  • Manic depressives oscillate between depression and elation.
  • Pakistan's status for the United States has oscillated from "most aligned ally" in the 1950s—when it served as a vital location for intelligence gathering against the Soviet Union and became a formal treaty ally of Washington's—to the most sanctioned state in the late 1970s when the Carter administration cracked down on Pakistan's record on human rights abuses and nuclear proliferation. The U.S. and Pakistan, Best of Frenemies
  • Americans oscillate back and forth between a strong desire to either transform ‘alien’ things or withdraw from them; we cannot live comfortably side by side with them, as they are.
  • Behind her, a fan oscillated, stirring the stale air and pulling strands of her hair from the tieback. Side Roads « A Fly in Amber
  • The light made the electrons in each atom oscillate back and forth from one side of the atom to the other.
  • The cams are mounted on a shaft which oscillates in rotation, and the pistons move so as to follow the profile of the cam.
  • To understand this issue we develop a simple scale argument to see how the moments needed to oscillate a wing or fin compare to those needed to sustain the weight of an animal or produce thrust.
  • The thing about consilient arguments - as the 150-year history of Darwin's argument for evolution by natural selection has shown - is that they oscillate.
  • When sufficient gsl is present, it drives fast bursting, and as a result the slow s2 current does not have enough time to oscillate.
  • The physical scalar fields that oscillate as normal modes about the potential minimum are the massless angular mode and the massive radial mode.
  • During that period there were roughly four glacial cycles and, although Egypt itself was ice-free, the local climate oscillated from hyperarid to semi-arid as the Earth's orbital position drove changes in the location of the tropical rainfall belts. Signs of the Times
  • The fact that the fluid oscillates back and forth through the hole rather than flows from the high-pressure side to the low-pressure side, as a normal liquid would, is one of the many weird aspects of quantum systems like superfluids.
  • The film is about a good guy going bad and depicts the essential duality of human nature that oscillates between good and evil.
  • The system works, says Eleftherios Goulielmakis of the Max Planck Institute, because the electrons come in pulses of 250 as, while the electric field oscillates at 2.5 fs.
  • In the 1990s, it oscillated between 21 percent and 30 percent, higher than it had ever been in the postwar period. The Quiet Coup
  • Electronic fuzz oscillates in the background, as Matters sways in and out of a lilting tune, lines like ‘We played hide and seek in waterfalls’ sharing the same melodic cadence as the album title.
  • In the synonymy of slippery speech, to waffle, waver, oscillate, vacillate is ‘to swing back and forth between opinions.’
  • Her attitude towards me oscillated between friendship and hostility.
  • Of course, once the shape of the tautochrone had been determined, the problem of forcing a pendulum bob to oscillate along such a curve remained.
  • The physical scalar fields that oscillate as normal modes about the potential minimum are the massless angular mode and the massive radial mode.
  • Neutrinos exist in three "flavours" - muon, electron and tau - that oscillate from one to the other as they travel in space. all content
  • These electrons will oscillate in unison with the incoming light wave and can affect or modify the passage of light through matter in several ways.
  • I state that the variation in average finch beak size oscillated, which is accurate. Behe: ID rescues Common Descent
  • The cams are mounted on a shaft which oscillates in rotation, and the pistons move so as to follow the profile of the cam.
  • The tip may also oscillate up and down as it moves across the surface, mapping out the surface features.
  • It predicts that spindle microtubules in animal cells begin to oscillate at the beginning of prometaphase, and that those oscillations rapidly accelerate until metaphase,. Wells vs tiny flies - The Panda's Thumb
  • What happens with these snow bands, Don and Fredricka, they kind of fluctuate and oscillate. CNN Transcript Feb 8, 2007
  • A simple device might oscillate at 1Hz (once per second), therefore 1 second would elapse for each oscillation.
  • There is a vertical line in spirituality that goes from the beast to the angel, and on which we oscillate.
  • Turn the thing on and a quietly whirring motor oscillates the variously shaped heads at a breakneck speed of 3,600 RPM, which feels pretty darned good.
  • Other paintings oscillate between illusionism and a more expressionistic style of depiction.
  • To behave according to caprice is to oscillate mechanically between two or more ready-made alternatives and at length to settle on one of them; it is no real maturing of an internal state, no real evolution; it is merely -- however paradoxical the assertion may seem -- bending the will to imitate the mechanism of the intellect. Evolution créatrice. English
  • As he was to do throughout the show, the pianist oscillated between the grand piano and Fender Rhodes, mostly playing the latter sparingly for soul, funk and blues-infusing colouration. Jason Moran – review
  • The system was first equilibrated by an extended molecular dynamics run until the potential and total energies were constant and the radius of gyration of the K + ions oscillated about an average.
  • I oscillate between the two, then return to wander the garrigue scrub. Times, Sunday Times
  • With HFOV, the lungs are continuously inflated and "oscillate" at a very high rate (600 to - latest science and technology news stories
  • The electrical field of the pulse oscillates, first driving an electron away from its atom, then causing it to reverse direction and smash into the atom.
  • The spectral frequencies should then correspond to the various ways in which the electrons might oscillate within the positively-charged pudding.
  • Because tribes are so segmental and undifferentiated, their constituent parts - e.g., families, lineages, clans - tend to oscillate between fusion and fission.
  • His fingers oscillated between F# and D Major, as he looked outside from window in a pensive mood.
  • Intellectually, Alex understands that the relationship was wrong, but his emotions oscillate back and forth through a full spectrum of feeling.
  • It oscillates between grand and buffa genres, philosophy and diversion. The Times Literary Supplement
  • This generality is all to say that there is a range of possible relationships between markets and states in time and space that oscillate between complimentary and oppositional polarities. Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • This approach to community policing and its focus on dealing with low level crime is important and over the last 40 years the direction of the police, particularly in London has oscillated between the ‘Bobby on the beat’ and dealing with the big, ’important’ crimes that the Police Federation and John Denham Chair of the Home Office Select Committee seem to want them to go back to pursuing. The trouble with targets | Jo Christie-Smith
  • Multi-surface massage head oscillates at 3600 vibrations per minute - 60 vibrations per second.
  • Bipolar Disorder, also known as manic depressive psychosis is a serious mental disorder characterized by cyclic mood swings, the patient oscillates between extreme sadness and happiness.
  • Italy has oscillated between active involvement in EU diplomacy and a passive presence in the system.
  • Their quirky relationship oscillates between paternal and fraternal, part father-son, part Wright brothers.
  • The series of purely planar images oscillates and beyond fourth order the residual image energy can be accurately approximated analytically.
  • I used my seat and gently oscillated my reins (moving the bit back and forth in his mouth) to bring him back under me into a nice easygoing canter.
  • In an era when the pendulum of power and wealth has oscillated between players and clubs, Carey has conducted himself at all times with dignity and a determination never to take anything for granted.
  • They almost oscillate between the witty and tragic, and I found myself laughing and then writhing with discomfort.
  • The show oscillates between kind of mirthful and mournful. Austin360 - XL Headlines
  • The market oscillated wildly today, starting out 100-plus points up and then dropping some 245 points. HUFFPOST HILL - JUST IN: U.S. Expecting S&P Downgrade
  • The inner ear has small hairs rooted in fluid and when tympanic responses from sound goes through three small bones the hairs vibrate, or oscillate in sympathy.
  • The electric field reverses direction, or oscillates, every 15 minutes.
  • Tone and direction oscillate several times, making it hard to get a read on the series.
  • By creating pronounced distortion products, it makes the hair bundle oscillate in a complex manner with an amplitude that is modulated by non-sinusoidal beats.
  • As a lyricist, he still oscillates between occasional felicities and frequent triviality.
  • The rubber rings oscillated the bed while the train moved, much to the annoyance of the patient.
  • When excited by energy from a laser, these cantilevers oscillate at frequencies of around 11 to 12 Megahertz (MHz).
  • He conducted experiments which led him to the conclusion that a simple pendulum of length one virgula would oscillate 3959.2 times in 30 minutes.
  • The president of the Republic oscillated between a certain audacity and a prudent realism.
  • Through this multivalent signs, the scene forever oscillates between narration of butchery and love; it ‘checkmates’ any interpretation.
  • There is a strange volume to scenes viewed from on high: real places flatten into forms, space recedes in diagonal lines, and ground and horizon oscillate a magnetic field, one that both attracts and repels the eye. Ballardian » Edward Burtynsky: Oil – A Ballardian Interpretation
  • A rowing fin that oscillates about its root requires slightly different kinematics from the simple heaving and pitching plate.
  • A second perspective is that large lateral forces are an unavoidable consequence of undulatory propulsive mechanisms and in fact are expected when a flexible propulsor is oscillated in a fluid.
  • This causes the heterodyne beat intensity to oscillate at the corresponding Dopplershifted frequency.
  • Her moods oscillated between depression and elation.
  • Figure 2 Map of spectral absorption wavelengths across a wafer shows an absorption dip indicating the Fabry-Perot wavelength at which the laser will oscillate.
  • Therefore, if the missing 2/3 of the neutrinos from the Sun are absent because they have "oscillated" from ne to nm and nt, they should contribute to the neutral and elastic interactions, but not the charged-current interactions. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • Furthermore, once started, the acceleration field of a superconducting cavity will oscillate indefinitely with almost no loss of energy, making it much more efficient than a conventional cavity.
  • And for the moment they recoiled under the shock of that fiery onslaught; for the moment they parted and wavered and oscillated beneath the impetus with which he hurled his hundred Chasseurs on them, with that light, swift, indescribable rapidity and resistlessness of attack characteristic of the African Cavalry. Under Two Flags
  • Just how large is the inertial force required to oscillate a wing relative to the total lift that the wing must support?
  • Both of these circuits oscillate with the same frequency as growth but are temporally out-of-phase with respect to the start of the growth cycle.
  • The pendulum of European policy-making thus oscillates between the national and the European arenas, and sometimes between them and the international level.
  • For example, classical electrodynamics very effectively models light as a wave that can oscillate in different ways.
  • Alternating Current simply means that the voltage oscillates between positive and negative.
  • The expectation among outsiders oscillates between an imminent rise and an early cut in rates.
  • The needle on the dial oscillated between 'full' and 'empty'.
  • It the hypothesis predicts that spindle microtubules in animal cells begin to oscillate at the beginning of prometaphase, and that those oscillations rapidly accelerate until metaphase, at which point they decelerate or cease. ID-friendly journal paper makes testable predictions
  • The scenes oscillate between shady strip clubs, with excessively loud pulsating electronic beats, to what looks like Albanian countryside, where wild dogs roam and nothing decipherable happens.
  • The policy of the local ruler of Fergana against the Arabs oscillated between conciliation and attempts to call in aid from the Chinese Emperors as nominal suzerains over Central Asia and from the Turks.
  • In addition, a substantial signal/noise advantage may be obtained if the tip is directly oscillated as opposed to indirect mechanical excitation with an acoustic transducer.
  • RS: We oscillate between doing narratives that are very linear, and that often traps you in a certain way, so often times, we make a story that you have to read more... Kiša Lala: Mythographers: Recalling The Future, Foretelling The Past
  • The temperature of a very narrow central region was observed to oscillate in a sinusoidal manner for over two minutes.
  • The price of grain slightly oscillated last year.
  • Behind her, a fan oscillated, stirring the stale air and pulling strands of her hair from the tieback. Side Roads « A Fly in Amber
  • The aircraft oscillated, and the load started to swing, which caused the aircraft to become unstable.
  • When two Josephson junctions are connected through a standard capacitor, the application of a small a.c. voltage pulse to the first qubit can cause the two qubits to oscillate between two combined states.
  • Using Josephson junctions, scientists can create wave patterns in electrical currents that oscillate back and forth billions of times per second, mimicking the natural oscillations between quantum states in atoms.

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