How To Use Orthoptera In A Sentence
Not only the grasshoppers but other family members of the Orthoptera are here described, including mantes, walking-sticks, katydids, and crickets.
A Mother's List of Books for Children
These include large numbers of cockroaches, crickets, other orthopterans and large moths, as well as geckos and other lizards.
Their main insect prey include: Orthoptera (grasshoppers and relatives), Hymenoptera (they eat ants only within this group), Coleoptera and larval Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths).
The body fossil record of arthropods in the Chinle Formation is limited to beetle elytra and a few poorly preserved wings of orthopteran insects.
Median area: of wings in Orthoptera, lies between the radial and ulnar veins, radius and media (Comst.): of meta-thorax of Hymenoptera, is the middle of the dorsum, divided into three spaces or cells; 1st or basal area, 2d or Lipper median or areola; 3d or apical or petiolar area.
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
The goal of a larva is to be ingested by an adult insect such as Orthoptera (e.g. grasshopper) and Coleoptera (e.g. giant water beetle).
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The scattered angiosperms here and in the foothills supported some host-specific herbivores with associated predators; they were also exploited (especially after exceptional rains) by a number of Orthoptera, Hemiptera, and Lepidoptera derived from migratory African populations and perhaps reinforced at intervals by additional groups of colonists.
Ascension scrub and grasslands
Invertebrate stocks that colonized Ascension underwent a variety of evolutionary changes including phyletic evolution leading to endemic status, adaptation to subterranean life (Araneae, Pseudoscorpiones, Collembola, and Psocoptera), character release (phorid Diptera), and probably splitting of lineages (speciation) within the island (Isopoda, Collembola, and gryllid Orthoptera).
Ascension scrub and grasslands
In addition to Diptera, CI has since been found to be a Wolbachia-induced trait in a wide diversity of arthropod orders, including Acarina, Coleoptera, Homoptera, Hymenoptera, Isoptera, Lepidoptera, and Orthoptera.
Indeed, I have not seen a smooth green snake in southern Michigan in the past twenty-five years and wonder if it is not because pesticides have killed off the little orthopteran insects and spiders that are the mainstay of this snake's diet.
In other orthopteran species (Tettigoniidae), the duration of ampulla attachment is correlated with female intercopulatory interval.
Dominant insect groups include Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Cantharidae, Coccinellidae, Miridae and Orthoptera that are distributed in the arid/dry steppe.
Altai montane forest and forest steppe
More than half of the arthropods were spiders, followed by coleopterans, orthopterans, and homopterans.
The biodiversity of the tugai ecosystem is very rich with representative invertebrates, particularly within the insect orders Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, semi-Coleoptera, and Orthoptera.
Central Asian riparian woodlands
The polymorphism is common in many insect groups, most notably the Hemiptera / Homoptera (waterstriders, planthoppers and aphids), Coleoptera and, Orthoptera (crickets and grasshoppers).
Other groups like Orthoptera and Diptera species are almost 45 percent and 40 percent endemic respectively.
Canary Islands dry woodlands and forests
Facial carinae: applied to both the carinae of the frontal costa and the accessory (lateral) carinae of the face; but usually restricted to the accessory carinae in Orthoptera.
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
Its presence is both a revelation and a joy, since the song, a long soft drawn-out reeling buzz, is one of the most resonant of all orthopteran melodies.
Country diary
We gauged prey size relative to the width of the parent's bill and categorized prey as < 0.6 cm (S = small), 1 cm (M = medium), 2 cm or larger (L = large, usually large orthoptera or large lepidopteran larvae), or none, seed, or bread.
Other orders (e.g. Orthoptera; grasshoppers) became very abundant and some appeared for the first time in the Permian.
Marginal field: in tegmina = costal field: q.v. Marginal nervure or vein: in Orthoptera, = costa (Comst.): in
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
In setting the larger beetles, as well as the various thick-bodied insects, belonging to the orders Orthoptera, Neuroptera, Diptera, and
Practical Taxidermy A manual of instruction to the amateur in collecting, preserving, and setting up natural history specimens of all kinds. To which is added a chapter upon the pictorial arrangement of museums. With additional instructions in modelling a
All of the seven species of stonefly are endemic and there are endemic genera of wetas (Orthoptera).
Subantarctic Islands, New Zealand
In the Orthoptera (Grasshoppers and Crickets) tympanum are common.
More than half of the arthropods were spiders, followed by coleopterans, orthopterans, and homopterans.
In insects the Orthoptera (especially grasshoppers), and in crustaceans the Decapoda (especially caridean shrimps), Stomatopoda (mantis shrimps) and calanoid Copepoda, are the only groups to far exceed a typically small range.
Orthopteran weight was significantly correlated with blueness on the rump but not with blueness on the breast.
Signal duration and pulse rate are important for female choice, for example, in orthopteran calls but also in some other insects, and even in spiders.
Middle apical area: = internal area; q.v. Middle field: = discoidal field; q.v. Middle lobes: of pronotum in Orthoptera; see lobes.
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
Median foveola: in Orthoptera; the foveate depression of the vertex between the eyes: = central foveola.
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
The orders Orthoptera and Hemiptera are particularly numerous; as likewise is the stinging division of the Hymenoptera; the bees, perhaps, being excepted.
Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
Dominant insect groups include Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Cantharidae, Coccinellidae, Miridae and Orthoptera that are distributed in the arid/dry steppe.
Altai montane forest and forest steppe
Fossa - ae: = fossula; q.v. Fossoria: burrowers: in Orthoptera, the mole crickets and allies; in
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
Antennal foveolae: Orthoptera; the pits between frontal costa and lateral carinae, in which the antennae are inserted.
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
incomplete metamorphosis" of the Orthoptera is the primitive one,
Facts and Arguments for Darwin
Cricket Crawl NYC, an amateur-science event held Saturday night to enlist area residents a la crowd-sourcing to collectively document the distribution of seven orthopteran species throughout the metropolitan area.
Scientific American
Tuataras are primarily nocturnal predators of arthropods, especially those associated with sea bird colonies, and tree wetas (giant New Zealand orthopterans).
Thus, they appear to be specialized morphologically and their long, deep bill may facilitate the capture of large, fleeing prey (e.g. spiders, orthopterans, and geckos) that are uncovered under the leaf litter.
Silence governs the narrow streets of this incredible wooden city split into whole regions of beetles and butterflies, districts of orthoptera and neuropterous insects, boulevards of beetles, streets of leaves and shield-bearer lice.
Birds consumed dermapterans, orthopterans, arachnids, and coleopterans in proportions equal to the prey's availability and did not select for prey size.
I feel great difficulty in conceiving by what natural process an insect with a suctorial mouth, like that of a gnat or butterfly, could be developed from a powerfully mandibulate type like the orthoptera, or even from the neuroptera ...
More Letters of Charles Darwin — Volume 1
The Insect House - at work, amidst the dictyopteran vistas and rows of captive orthoptera, where I sweep the floors, change the light bulbs, hold open the refuse sacks that the two curators fill with the detritus of insect life - this was where it all started.
It affects only insects of the group Orthoptera, like grasshoppers and locusts, and not honey bees, beetles, or other potentially beneficial species.
Lateral carinae: in Orthoptera; on the head, extend downward from the front margin of the eyes: on prothorax extend along each lateral margin of the dorsum.
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
A new interpretation of the forewing venation pattern of the Archaeorthoptera Béthoux and NeI, 2002 (‘orthopteroid’ insects including Orthoptera) was proposed by Béthoux and NeI, and then emended by Béthoux et al. and Béthoux and NeI.
More than half of the arthropods were spiders, followed by coleopterans, orthopterans, and homopterans.
Lichen mimic grasshopper (Orthoptera sp.) of the western Andes (at 1000m), Ecuador.
Western Ecuador moist forests
Arolium - ia: cushion-like pads on the tarsi of many insects: one of the lobes of the pulvillus; in Orthoptera, used only for the terminal pad between the claws: see empodium; pulvillus; palmula; plantula; onychium, paronychium, pseudonychium.
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
Frontal fastigium: in Orthoptera, that process of the face extending dorsad between the antennae and meeting or nearly meeting the fastigium of the vertex in Tettigidae.
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
To ensure that we used biologically meaningful parameter estimates in our model, we used literature values for orthopteran species whenever possible.
The scattered angiosperms here and in the foothills supported some host-specific herbivores with associated predators; they were also exploited (especially after exceptional rains) by a number of Orthoptera, Hemiptera, and Lepidoptera derived from migratory African populations and perhaps reinforced at intervals by additional groups of colonists.
Ascension scrub and grasslands
Frontal fastigium: in Orthoptera, that process of the face extending dorsad between the antennae and meeting or nearly meeting the fastigium of the vertex in Tettigidae.
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
Media: the fourth of the longitudinal veins extending from base through approximately the middle of the wing, not more than four branched, the branches numbered on margin from nearest apex, to 4 nearest anal angle: in Orthoptera; it is the median or externomedian: in Lepidoptera (Pack.), is cubitus (Comst.).
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
Trenching and vein-cutting behaviors have been reported for lepidopterans, orthopterans and coleopterans, and there is a correlation between resin canal organization and method of deactivation by insects.
We find many examples of this in insects, such as butterflies and Orthopterans.
Lateral lobes: the deflexed portions of pronotum that cover the sides of pro-thorax in many Orthoptera: in certain Hymenoptera, lie on each side of the parapsidal furrows of mesoscutum and = scapulae.
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
Arolium - ia: cushion-like pads on the tarsi of many insects: one of the lobes of the pulvillus; in Orthoptera, used only for the terminal pad between the claws: see empodium; pulvillus; palmula; plantula; onychium, paronychium, pseudonychium.
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
Cicadas, orthopterans (crickets, katydids, and grasshoppers), and anurans (frogs and toads) are among the animals that Darwin described as having ‘musical powers.’