How To Use Orthogonality In A Sentence
Orthogonality of system architecture can be reduced by performing one - to - one functional mapping.
In the context of an inverse regression, you have to think long and hard about whether a procedure for regression of effect upon causes (tree ring ~ temperature + precipitation) where you want orthogonality can be transmogrified into an inverse regression of cause upon effect in the style of dendroclimatologists ( temperature ~ bristlecones+ Gasp + …), where you actually want multicollinearity (i.e. a signal).
More on "Naturally Orthogonal" « Climate Audit
Balanced multiwavelet transform needs no prefiltering, so its orthogonality and symmetry can be preserved.
These ‘Givens rotations’ are a natural perturbation because they preserve the orthogonality of the principal components.
In DB97-13 the orthogonality of the partial great circle girdle with respect to the lineation supports the above interpretation of the apparent symmetry in the c-axis pattern.
The regimented orthogonality of the exterior extends to the perimeter offices, which are edged by a series of arcades lined with redoak veneer.
This is a consequence of the independent assortment of chromosomes, which results in approximate orthogonality between unlinked locations in the genome.
Tellegen's theorem in various forms is derived by the orthogonality relation between the current subspace and voltage subspace.
When Darboux proved the orthogonality of systems of homofocal ovals, he also showed that ovals provide a geometrical interpretation of the addition theorem and that they constitute the algebraic form of the integral solution.
The assumption of orthogonality seems to present the fewest difficulties at present.
The optimal filter coefficients are derived using the principle of orthogonality of the innovation signal.