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[ US /ˈɔɹθəˌkɫeɪs/ ]
  1. a white or colored monoclinic feldspar

How To Use orthoclase In A Sentence

  • The minerals included in this group are orthoclase, microcline, and the plagioclase feldspars. Feldspar
  • The biotite-granite continues these trends of increasing orthoclase over plagioclase and biotite over homblende, to produce a coarse-grained pink porphyritic rock in which orthoclase phenocrysts dominate.
  • Perhaps 75\% of this is the plagioclase feldspars (mostly albite, oligoclase and labradorite) with the remainder as potassium feldspars (mostly microcline and orthoclase). Netvouz - new bookmarks
  • Quartz, microcline or orthoclase and plagioclase are ubiquitous in the Everest granites, which also contain varying amounts of tourmaline, muscovite, biotite and garnet.
  • It depends on the felspar present -- _i. e._, whether it is orthoclase, oligoclase, or albite -- whether the soil will be rich in potash or not. Manures and the principles of manuring
  • Amazonite crystals sometimes have white to buff-colored overgrowths of intermediate microcline, sanidine, and/or orthoclase preferentially coating the basal pinacoid and/or various prism faces.
  • The mineral occurs with smoky quartz, aegirine, and orthoclase.
  • A pomegranate is not a species of granular crystalline rock consisting essentially of quartz, orthoclase-feldspar, and mica, as I spelled it. There's no "I" in inspiration... wait, what?
  • Leucosomes generally plot on the high orthoclase side of the leucogranites and Grampian Granites plot on the low side.
  • The minerals included in this group are orthoclase, microcline, and the plagioclase feldspars. Feldspar
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