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  1. English breed of large chickens with white skin

How To Use Orpington In A Sentence

  • I thought it was a prank call," says Gail Davis of Orpington, Kent, UK. $10K iTunes Winner Hung Up On Apple, Thought It Was a Prank
  • And just this month a plaque was unveiled at Orpington Hospital as a memorial to the Ontario Military Hospital and the Canadian soldiers who were treated there.
  • The 10 billionth app downloaded, Paper Glider, was purchased by Gail Davis of Orpington, Kent, UK," said the release. Apple: Over 10 billion apps downloaded
  • Our Lady of the Annunciation was also the Church in which I celebrated my first Mass - with Fr Guy Nicholls as Assistant Priest - on Sunday 29 July 1984, before going over to Holy Innocents, Orpington to concelebrate at the ordination of my classmate Paul Hendricks who is now an Auxiliary Bishop in Southwark. To God who gave joy to my youth
  • I met him at a Hoover sales conference in Orpington in 1992, he was a sad and shattered man ... but we became good friends. He is giving the wrong signals .........?
  • Initial induction and brain washing will be undertaken at sites such as Orpington and Sunbury (Others on way) which will allow for 9 - 5 training and has all sorts of ‘advantages’ that make me want to shout out in anger for so many reasons! Leave My Kitten Alone « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The KCFA are in the process of talking to some top referees in the county, such as Orpington ' Kos RSS Feed
  • I almost forget that telephone call Orpington made to Wallace Erb from our room. The Laughing Fox
  • April 6th, 2009 12: 50pm phil - those wot 'ad hens in the yard during the war knew that Light Sussex produced white - shelled eggs and Rhode Island Reds and Buff Orpingtons produced rust-coloured shells. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • And the winner is Gail Davis of Orpington, Kent, in the U.K. Apple App Store Hits 10 Billion Downloads
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