
How To Use Orpheus In A Sentence

  • At least Orpheus had known where Eurydice was when he had gone in search of her. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • He is working on a translation of the German lyric poet Rainer Rilke's Sonnets to Orpheus and on music projects with Scottish piano player Steve Hamilton, who lives in Sofia.
  • I only add, that it is peculiar to the Platonic philofophy to fufpend phyfics from theology, and this in imitation of Orpheus, who fufpends Nature herfelf from the vivific goddefs Rhea, who is the caufe of all life, both that which is intelledtual, and that which is tnfeparable from the fluduating nature of bodies. The Description of Greece
  • There was an old fiddler, a kind of Orpheus of the slums, who would sometimes creep in there and take his post in a corner and begin to play, happy if the mad lads threw him halfpence, or thrust a half-drained tankard under his tearful old nose: happy, too, if they did not -- as they often did -- toss the cannikin at him out of mere lightness of heart and drunkenness of wit. Marjorie
  • I recorded this reading of the Sonnets For Orpheus a couple of months back with the help of my good mate (and shit-hot seven string guitarist) Andy Miller, so I've been intending to do this for a wee while, but never quite got off my arse to do it. Sonnets For Orpheus Audio
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  • Cage is tall and skinny enough, and since Morpheus is simply inscrutable, you could just paint Cage white and let the makeup do the acting.
  • Note: [42.1] otherwise called Somnus and Morpheus, The Confidence-Man
  • The mosaics depict a range of fabulous creatures, gods, and heroes, including the four seasons, Orpheus playing a lyre, Perseus and Andromeda, an astrologer, and a Medusa head.
  • When Morelli and other full members can't make a performance, Orpheus uses ringers to fill in for them.
  • For him, a libidinal and Dionysian Black Orpheus had the potency to mount an explosive attack on the repressed, repressive West.
  • The Lyre of Orpheus is Abattoir's romantic, come-down counterpart, though Cave can't resist rhyming the title with ‘orifice.’
  • They sing their tales, including the rape of Proserpina, in dactylic pentameter, as does Orpheus when he charms the king and queen of Hades with his appeal to retrieve Eurydice.
  • Morpheus the Cold was meditating in his underground chamber.
  • The music which produced the miraculous effect was that of Kouei, the Orpheus of the Chinese, whose performance on the king, a kind of harmonicon constructed of slabs of sonorous stone, would draw wild animals around him and make them subservient to his will. Brave Men and Women
  • The novel's central motif comes from the tale of Orpheus, the great musician of Greek mythology, who charmed his way into the underworld and begged the gods with music to bring his wife back to life. Richard Harvell's novel about 18th-century opera, "The Bells"
  • I found myself haunted by the beauty of these songs and the crystalline balance of Scholl's counter-tenor with the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra's understated accompaniments.
  • Somniloquy calls balderdash again, be in namelyMorpheusSpeak in or give out some kind of sound, it is clear sentence sometimes, toot Nang of mutter to oneself does not know what to saying sometimes.
  • He felt like Orpheus emerging from the netherworld - that is, he would have, if Orpheus hadn't been such a depressed harp-strumming sot with a snake problem.
  • It conjures the Orpheus legend from myriad oblique angles — the long, elusive Ashbery poem the mezzo-soprano sings (Kristen Hoff, showing a clear-stream tone and superb diction) gives snapshots of the story while questioning both its very essence and whether living on in legend is really living at all. Archive 2008-07-01
  • In one "suite" a little white poodle named Bijou is lost in the embrace of Morpheus with "Little Nemo" and his cartoon friends swimming by in an eternal loop on the TV set.
  • Does school doctor courtyard have those who sell sleeping pill? What still assists Morpheus?
  • Yet for all its spectacle, including the climax, when Orpheus is all lit up as a constellation, the ballet's narrative element is undramatic and Bintley's love duets are disappointingly bland.
  • I always am much dream, faint everyday of heavy, how does ability improve Morpheus quality?
  • MORPHEUS: Ironically, this is not far from the truth. Do you believe in fate, Neo?
  • I say the quadruple or the centuple or much more manifold meaning, of every sensuous fact; Orpheus, Empedocles, Heraclitus, Plato, Plutarch, Essays — Second Series
  • The Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice is a jewel for creative interpretation.
  • Orpheus calls Somnus the happy king of gods and men; and Ovid, who gives Roman Antiquities, and Ancient Mythology For Classical Schools (2nd ed)
  • Orpheus was very upset and determined to find his lovely wife.
  • By having the role of Orpheus interpreted by two actors, a man and a woman, Marcel Hanoun reconstructs the mythic couple as a trio.
  • Societies were founded, cities built, and countries cultivated by Orpheus and Amphion, and men of analogous fame, who wielded at will this mythic power, and made all the susceptibilities of nature "sequacious of the lyre. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 62, Number 361, November, 1845.
  • Orpheus ascended from the depths, his unconscious lover clutched tightly to his chest, his sythra on his back. Eurydice Redux | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • This was cantankerously an abject brachinus pastern when he disagreeable to fertilization the felafel with the bubaline monet of tonsillectomy the piffle into a cant pavilion. cheekily ardently soonest hotfoot, and when a dam valse them, no new enduringly is biannually to melanitta them in morpheus. Rational Review
  • This difference between the persons to whom Heaven, according to Orpheus, has granted 'the hour of delight,' [178] and those whom it has condemned to the hour of detestableness, being, as I have just said, of all times and nations, -- it is an interior and more delicate difference which we are examining in the gift of _Christian_, as distinguished from unchristian, song. The Crown of Wild Olive also Munera Pulveris; Pre-Raphaelitism; Aratra Pentelici; The Ethics of the Dust; Fiction, Fair and Foul; The Elements of Drawing
  • His son, Orpheus, took over such skill from the father that his lyre moved man and animals alike.
  • In addition, a quartet or octet of Orpheus members could appear at business conferences every so often to spread the gospel.
  • Orpheus retrieves Eurydice from the underworld on the condition that he not look back at her shadow until both have emerged from the vale of Avernus.
  • But the tutelary divinity here is neither Thalia, the muse of comedy, nor Melpomene, the muse of tragedy, but Morpheus, the god of sleep.
  • Power of Music, "the street-corner fiddler is identified in the poem's opening line as" An Orpheus! Captivation and Liberty in Wordsworth's Poems on Music
  • In Orpheus, that function (which rotates regularly) is similar to that of a player-coach on a soccer team.
  • To resort to a metaphor, drawn from mythology, we have, in Eurydice twice lost, the most potent image we can find of the relation between Orpheus the analyst and the unconscious.
  • Composed sleeping pill content, just as its name implies is a helpMorpheusmedicaments, treat insomnious drug namely.
  • Handsome mosaic floors, three aisles, and a semicircular apse give it the look of a church, but stucco friezes on the walls show Orpheus leading Eurydice back from Hades, Heracles rescuing Hesione from the sea monster, and other scenes of mythological deliverance. Underground Rome
  • Here, the standing figure of the group is presented as Orpheus, while the torso of the dying youth is disguised as an attendant lion.
  • Founded in 1944, the Orpheus Choir may have to fold due to a lack of male voices.
  • To maintainingMorpheusDifficult, nightmare again and again insomnious patient, can choose short effect or in effect is stable kind of medicaments.
  • Researcher returns discovery, the dream is much withMorpheussleep lightly closely related degree, private prosecution is ferial the person with much dream, MorpheusIn sleep lightly more easily.
  • Orpheus was the greatest poet who ever lived.
  • Indeed, he suggests a lyric myth for Rhythmanalysis which could well be called the Orpheus complex.
  • At least Orpheus had known where Eurydice was when he had gone in search of her. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Tu vero licet Orpheus sis, saxa sono testudinis emolliens, nisi plumbea eorum corda, auri vel argenti malleo emollias, &c. Salisburiensis Policrat. lib. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • What I can say is that I went into the studio with James and Ewan from the band the other week to lay down my ranting recitations of Sonnets For Orpheus and Still Lives, the plan being for them to take those tracks away and add in some ambience and atmosphere. Duncan's Patent Remedy
  • Thus, through the hands of Dumouriez, may Rouget de Lille, in figurative speech, be said to have gained, miraculously, like another Orpheus, by his Marseillese fiddle-strings (fidibus canoris) a Victory of Jemappes; and conquered the Low Countries. The French Revolution
  • In the myth of the Orpheus / Eurydice saga, Orpheus was given a dispensation by Pluto to return his wife from the underworld (she had been bitten by a poisonous serpent and died).
  • But for Mr. Epstein, Mr. Dylan "was—for a time—an American Orpheus, son of Apollo and the muses, fireproofed for a romp through hell. Poet, Prophet and Puzzle
  • With those statistics, it's only natural to wonder at what point Orpheus is no longer really Orpheus.
  • MorpheusBreath suspends causing anoxic, bring about composition of material of pallium inside part to produce change, injure cerebral tissue, bring about easily gawkish.
  • Souter John and Tam O'Shanter, otherwise called Somnus and Morpheus, two very good fellows, though one was not very bright, and the other an arrant rattlebrain, who, though much listened to by some, no wise man would believe under oath. The Confidence-Man
  • The music which produced the miraculous effect was that of Kouei, the Orpheus of the Chinese, whose performance on the _king_, a kind of harmonicon constructed of slabs of sonorous stone, would draw wild animals around him and make them subservient to his will. Brave Men and Women Their Struggles, Failures, And Triumphs
  • Like Orpheus bringing Eurydice out of the underworld, it seems the novelist cannot look directly at love without losing it.
  • In any case, even within technical, i.e. classical mythology, Orpheus was a singer, not a fish.
  • The trilogy traces Neo's evolution from man to god and Morpheus' devolution from god to man.
  • Between the demands of Eros and Morpheus, you haven't been flippant in half a day. THE THORN BIRDS
  • Half of it is Orpheus+Selkies+Thomas the Rhymer+Gawain and the loathly lady. NaNoWriMo 2009
  • This difference between the persons to whom Heaven, according to Orpheus, has granted "the hour of delight," [67] and those whom it has condemned to the hour of detestableness, being, as I have just said, of all times and nations, -- it is an interior and more delicate difference which we are examining in the gift of _Christian_ as distinguished from unchristian, song. On the Old Road, Vol. 2 (of 2) A Collection of Miscellaneous Essays and Articles on Art and Literature
  • Pirate VCDs of Lord of the Rings are already for sale in flea-markets in the UK (and hence are presumably available for download on Morpheus and Gnutella). Boing Boing: December 9, 2001 - December 15, 2001 Archives
  • The critical factor was the decentralized architecture of the Grokster and Morpheus software.
  • In this sense, any reader could be Orpheus, as indeed could any of the novel's protagonists.
  • This and their fourth-century date - well into the Christian empire - has led some scholars to propose for them a hidden Christian significance, calling in support other images of Orpheus in Christian catacombs in Rome.
  • Orpheus, the archetypal poet, was also the archetypal singer of theogonies, which he uses to calm seas and storms in the Argonautica, and to move the stony hearts of the underworld gods in his descent to Hades.
  • She slept soundly, the sort of slumber that only such elixirs of Morpheus could induce in one so traumatized by the day's events.
  • Choreographed to the 1947 Stravinsky score, Orpheus cleverly deploys six dancers to dramatise the story of Orpheus and Eurydice, with a chorus of living characters (Orpheus's friends/chorus) and the inhabitants of the underworld (Death and Furies). This week's new dance
  • The drawing of Orpheus himself also differs considerably between the two.
  • Tu vero licet Orpheus sis, saxa sono testudinis emolliens, nisi plumbea eorum corda, auri vel argenti malleo emollias, &c. Salisburiensis Policrat. lib. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • It was a rare man who could do that, Rob reflected, without ever having heard of Orpheus. THE THORN BIRDS
  • Morpheus motioned for two idle scryers to grab Pen by the arms and lead her to the door, where the scryer in front had stepped away.
  • Æther, &c, became, with the poets and philosophers after Homer, matters of speculation, of which the theogonies of Hesiod, Orpheus, Pherecydes, and others furnish proof. A Comparative View of Religions
  • Nowe for asmoche as they afore time that euer excelled in anye kinde of learning, or durste take vppon them, to prescribe lawe, and rule of life vnto to other, as Orpheus, Homeire, Museus, The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
  • The elusive connection between Orphism and Pythagoreanism rears its head with Brontinus, since the fourth-century author, Epigenes, reports that Brontinus is supposed to be the real author of two works circulating in the name of Orpheus (West 1983, 9 ff.). Pythagoreanism
  • The mourning mother recirculates the lament of the earlier lines as Orpheus and Calliope are themselves ‘fall'n on evil days.’

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