How To Use Ornery In A Sentence

  • In the face of modernity, there's a thrill in watching an ornery cuss who clings to the old ways.
  • Whether it's a truce between a volatile owner and an ornery general manager or a self-absorbed player and a temperamental coach, everything is copacetic when the games don't count.
  • Growling softly at the guard, pretending to be my usual, ornery self and blaming him for the shortness of chain.
  • He was typecast for years as a pugnacious gangster and ornery little SOB.
  • Just to be ornery, Mike tooted again and the old man shook a fist.
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  • Hernandez lets us see the stubborn and ornery side of this difficult character, rather than making him into some sort of saint.
  • Stancliffe, a Lawrence senior who prefers to be known as Anson the Ornery, said the piece illustrated how the theory of evolution led people to place themselves above other animals and to ignore the importance of biodiversity. stories
  • But he also struck me a the kind of chap who didn't suffer fools gladly - what the Americans would call an 'ornery' and 'cussed' type. Archive 2004-04-25
  • I got to go to church and sweat and sweat -- I hate them ornery sermons!
  • He turns out to be Finn Killian someone she'd met and thought "old and kind of ornery" at 21 but now finds mesmerizing. East Egg, Meet Southampton
  • Hyperactive, troublesome, ornery and just plain prolific… here comes Ryan again and he still means business.
  • Just to be ornery, Mike tooted again and the old man shook a fist.
  • Who doesn't love the image of the ornery old man shouting, ‘You kids stay out of my yard!’
  • Here we're introduced to some of the civic and military leaders of the ape pack, led by Thade, an ornery, scowling, bad-tempered ape if there ever was one.
  • Ryo was carrying a worn-out Chava on his back, and Zaila too looked tired and ornery.
  • The beady eyes of the swarthy man focused on his like a snake upon its prey, and he hunched up, balling his fists, his body lean and ornery.
  • No word on how officials dealt with this ornery little critter, but judging by the general good temper of both voters and officials, my guess is that they simply made it stand in the corner for the rest of the evening.
  • I had a 24 year old who'd whiz on the bathmat just to be ornery. My God, It's Full Of Tweets!
  • ‘Aw, come on now, you ornery old sonuvabitch, just one sarsparilla and I'll be out of all your ways,’ Sean laughed and reached for a nearly full glass on the bar.
  • But that buff is so big and mean and ugly and hard to stop and vindictive and cruel and surly and ornery. Shameless Products Plugs
  • But however difficult, however ornery, however discontent with mere beauty the book becomes, it is impossible to resist the unironic joy with which Grossman performs the work of poetry.
  • Sure, she was an ornery old witch, and maybe I wanted to kill her myself, but I wouldn't have the nerve to actually do it.
  • Christy is happily married to her husband Bill, and shares her home with two ornery dachshunds, Tasha and PJ, and a ginger tabby named Henry.
  • During his last lesson of the day, Jerry was finally able to calm down after dealing with an ornery horse buyer who still thinks smoking in a barn is a safe idea.
  • They were mean and ornery cusses wanted dead or alive in a dozen towns.
  • No word on how officials dealt with this ornery little critter, but judging by the general good temper of both voters and officials, my guess is that they simply made it stand in the corner for the rest of the evening.
  • Together, Greg, Jerwon, and Dana helped Zet tackle the ornery Woolyford, which was a difficult thing to do since the ram had the strength of a bear.
  • She was a good woman, but Lord help me, she was ornery as a tree stump. HOMELAND AND OTHER STORIES
  • While Spike Lee favourite Davis's deadpan performance as JFK is great, Campbell's portrayal of the ornery old Elvis steals the film.
  • The gas counter was run by an ornery, old-west character who got his nickname from the vodka cases he stored in a hidden cave across the highway from his filling station.
  • France has in the past four years shed its Gaullist complexes and found a fresh voice that's not reflexively anti-American or ornery. French Politics After l'Affaire Strauss-Kahn
  • Has any fellow, of the dime a dozen type, it might with some profit some dull evening quietly be hinted — has any usual sort of ornery josser, flat — chested fortyish, faintly flatulent and given to ratiocination by syncopation in the elucidation of complications, of his greatest Finnegans Wake
  • His election victory shattered myths about America and caused some discomfort among Africa's gang of "hippos" - the nasty, ornery and unrepentant hard-knocks. George Ayittey: Obama's Victory Shames Africa
  • it is unpleasant to be around an ornery man
  • If Huck had felt ‘ornery’ and insignificant in the face of Providence Jim is capable of the same emotion when he recalls his shabby treatment of Elizabeth.
  • Y'know, after watching Wednesday's RNC festivities, I'm rather annoyed with myself that I titled dismayingly chimpy Dubya notwithstanding, at least Fred Thompson can sometime muster up the ornery menace of an aging silverback. Ghost in the Machine
  • Langford's always come off like an ornery cuss, a guy who doesn't suffer fools gladly.
  • Lady Macbeth says: Wouldst thou have that Which thou call the ornery of life, and live a coward in thine own esteem, Kill Ten Rats
  • A courtly man with an ornery streak and a stately head of white hair, Hooper seemed typecast for the role of southern chief justice, a role he hoped to wrest from the popular Democratic incumbent, Ernest "Sonny" Hornsby. Karl Rove in a Corner
  • From other interviews I'd seen, I knew Jim could make things difficult for me if he was in one of his ornery moods.
  • No, she was still the prickly, ornery, far too practical person she had always been, even in matters of sentiment.
  • Just to be ornery, Mike tooted again and the old man shook a fist.
  • It is not my use of the term ecumenical - I already admitted that I only used that term out of pure orneryness. SbcIMPACT life :: theology :: church :: ministry :: missions :: worship
  • And my gift to the lab is an ornery personality and chocolate chip cookies every other Wednesday. Science Like No Other
  • They spend years trying to get a research program off the ground, scrapping for grant money, and fighting with ornery referees to get their research published.
  • After months of two-way chinwagging, the Haitians are getting a bit ornery about Mayor's Tremblay's failure to follow up on his promise.
  • They are kind of ornery and independent up there, too. Another Poll Finds Obama Leading In Historically-Red Virginia
  • Most afternoons, it's the two older players who bicker the most, like ornery retirees on a park bench.
  • Sure, even the most ornery fusspot will come across something he likes when perusing the coverage, but for the most part the stuff that emerges seems to fall under one of three categories: Archive 2010-09-01
  • I noticed an ornery three year old testing his mother's patience with slaps to the face, and amazingly, bites to the shoulder and arm.
  • However, Therese was getting ornery in her old age, and had never done anything according to plan, so it figured that instead of being indifferent, she would want to make her daughter's wedding as much a living hell as possible.
  • He especially liked the way it called the ornery cloud Fatso. Up In A Heaval
  • Most people who allege to have known him personally seem to agree that Calembour was a brilliant, talkative, yet ornery and disagreeable man prone to fits of alcoholism, chain-smoking, argumentativeness, graphomania, and elitism. Excerpt from Calembouria (in collaboration with Anthony Metivier)
  • He's swimming twice a day in his usual morning and evening swim, playing a little golf and going to the office regularly and just being his usual, ornery self.
  • She says the word "ornery" more than it should be used, and when she tells her dog to get down off the couch, the word "down" has a strong, country twang to it. Scott Janssen: Chic-fil-A Ruined My Relationship
  • Gelb, lead singer of the band Giant Sand, and Oldham, from Palace Brothers, are the kind of ornery characters that country music never seems to know what to do with. Cheatin' Hearts, Flannel Shirts
  • He had been in an ornery mood all day, rowing with his wife and his boss.
  • How come, he wondered, had a man with a whole personal remuda to pick from come to choose himself such an ornery horse to ride.
  • So he sends a posse of ornery opossum lovers out into the bog for a little airboat ambush.
  • And I have two cats and they ` re kind of ornery, and they ` re able to open the back door, so ... CNN Transcript Dec 20, 2007
  • This's essential when writing of an artist who has recorded at least three times as much material as he's released and comes across as the most contradictory, ornery, old cuss imaginable.
  • But however difficult, however ornery, however discontent with mere beauty the book becomes, it is impossible to resist the unironic joy with which Grossman performs the work of poetry.
  • I want a scrubby, ornery, low-down, snuff-dipping, back-woodsy, piebald gang, who never heard of finger bowls or Ward McAllister, but who can get up a mess of hot cornbread and Irish stew at regular market quotations. ' Rolling Stones

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