How To Use orison In A Sentence
- The next character sees this story projected holographically in an "orison," a futuristic recording device. Cbrimble Diary Entry
- Nymph, in thy orisons be all my sins remember'd.
- For a young man interested in a business future, George S. Morison had said not long before his death, the then small steam-shovel manufacturer clearly had “possibilities.” The Path Between the Seas
- Morison's declared tax expenditure on patent medicine stamps suggests that his home turnover rose to an annual average of 34,000 pounds in 1830.
- Just five miles wide and orbiting the sun between Mars and Jupiter, the minor planet, now called Ianmorison, is visible only as a tiny dot of light.
- There are other clear sounds besides those formed by the larynx; some of them are formed in the mouth, as may be heard previous to the enunciation of the letters b, and d, and ga; or during the pronunciation of the semivocal letters, v.z. j. and others in sounding the liquid letters r and l; these sounds we shall term orisonance. The Temple of Nature; or, the Origin of Society A Poem, with Philosophical Notes
- It may be so," said Frank; "at least you owe it to the prayers of that most pure and peerless virgin by whose commands you sailed; the sweet incense of whose orisons has gone up for you daily, and for whose sake you were preserved from flood and foe, that you might spread the fame and advance the power of the spotless championess of truth, and right, and freedom, -- Elizabeth, your queen. Westward Ho!, or, the voyages and adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh, Knight, of Burrough, in the county of Devon, in the reign of her most glorious majesty Queen Elizabeth
- Morison researched Columbus's second voyage, which had made landfall at Dominica and then gone north.
- Zach'ry who starts as another young and well intentioned if "ignorant" tribesman, has his life turned upside down by the orison and by contact with the last advanced tech survivors... Masterpieces of the 00's decade: "Cloud Atlas" by David Mitchell (Reviewed by Liviu Suciu)
- When the twice-born secretary of the interior drops to his knees on the office carpet to begin his official day with his zealot's orisons he does not pray to God the builder, the shepherd, or the tender of the vines; he is communicating with God the abolisher, God the swinger of scythes. Know Thy President