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How To Use Oriolus In A Sentence

  • Forest areas are characterized with blackcock (Lyrurus tetrix), and other forest birds (Dendrocopos major, Oriolus oriolus, Columba palumbus, Streptopelia turtur, Parus cyanus, Phoenicurus phoenicurus, Anthus trivialis) and others. Kazakh upland
  • Pale-capped pigeon Columba punicea (VU) in the evergreen forest, green peafowl Pavo muticus (VU) and silver oriole Oriolus mellianus (VU) in the dipterocarp/deciduous forest and masked finfoot Heliopais personata (VU) from the riverside are resident. 53 species are considered nationally threatened or near threatened, including four species of hornbill, Siamese fireback pheasant Lophura diardi, the rare silver pheasant Lophura nycthemera and the mountain imperial pigeon Ducula badia. Dong Phayayan Khao-Yai Forest Complex, Thailand
  • Forest areas are characterized with blackcock (Lyrurus tetrix), and other forest birds (Dendrocopos major, Oriolus oriolus, Columba palumbus, Streptopelia turtur, Parus cyanus, Phoenicurus phoenicurus, Anthus trivialis) and others. Kazakh upland
  • PSK is an extract of sporophores of Coriolus vesicolor, which is a popular medicinal herb in traditional Chinese medicine.
  • A large number of mushroom species including Ganoderma lucidum, Coriolus versicolor, Fomes fomentarius, Tremella fuciformis and Lentinus edodes are traditionally used in Chinese folk medicines.
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  • Pale-capped pigeon Columba punicea (VU) in the evergreen forest, green peafowl Pavo muticus (VU) and silver oriole Oriolus mellianus (VU) in the dipterocarp/deciduous forest and masked finfoot Heliopais personata (VU) from the riverside are resident. 53 species are considered nationally threatened or near threatened, including four species of hornbill, Siamese fireback pheasant Lophura diardi, the rare silver pheasant Lophura nycthemera and the mountain imperial pigeon Ducula badia. Dong Phayayan Khao-Yai Forest Complex, Thailand

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