How To Use Originative In A Sentence
Form the psychological angle, it discusses the feasibility of association as a key point of originative thought.
This originative source is a well from which very different kinds of poems can be drawn up.
The book's narrative is too often slowed down by such phrases as "the originative moment," the "enjoyment of fabulation," "semiotic functions" and "habitual topoi.
The Founding of Fireworks
In addition, the deities who create from nothing or emerge from this void are given a new and special kind of power; for though creators of the world, they remain distinct from it in their originative form.
Lincoln's integrity and standing as a "statesman" rather than a "politician"; Wilson's regard for "originative personality" and the national tradition of individualism; Roosevelt's insistence that the country's best and brightest have indisputable civic responsibilities; and Kennedy's admiration for the artists and writers who speak truth to power reflect national core values that tie these presidents to every generation of U.S. citizens. —
Politics & Presidents
This originative source is a well from which very different kinds of poems can be drawn up.
Subsequent commentaries seem for the most part to confirm and extend this fundamentally binaristic vision of Shelley's life and poetry as a mode of endless perceptual quest rather than of existential fulfillment in the eternally unfolding originative moment.
Shelley's Golden Wind: Zen Harmonics in _A Defence of Poetry_ and 'Ode to the WestWind'
In short, in every case of literary immortality there is present originative personality.
How Books Become Immortal
Consequently, its own originative activity accrues to thinking, that is, insofar as it is a principle, the dynamics of its principiating: principiare.
Meister Eckhart
For Shelley, form and function, or form and action, to use his vocabulary, are mutually embedded through an originative process of interpenetration as a mode of mutual containment.
Shelley's Golden Wind: Zen Harmonics in _A Defence of Poetry_ and 'Ode to the WestWind'
The need of our time is to keep returning to this originative state.
We want it to be true that in that very same situation we could have done otherwise, so that our actions will have originative value.
God is the source of the creative energy of the human psyche, soul, and body - an originative force.
Form the psychological angle, it discusses the feasibility of association as a key point of originative thought.
Walcott's metaphoric take on epic is so powerfully originative as to put the whole genre in a new light.
There six separate oblations to Agni, and so on, are enjoined by separate so-called originative injunctions; these are thereupon combined into two groups (viz. the new moon and the full-moon sacrifices) by a double clause referring to those groups, and finally a so-called injunction of qualification enjoins the entire sacrifice as something to be performed by persons entertaining a certain wish.
The Vedanta-Sutras with the Commentary by Ramanuja — Sacred Books of the East, Volume 48
But all potencies that conform to the same type are originative sources of some kind, and are called potencies in reference to one primary kind of potency, which is an originative source of change in another thing or in the thing itself qua other.
As for the high-tech field, not only westerners have inventions and originative ideas.
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