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How To Use Orifice In A Sentence

  • The pores or outlets which open on the skin, however, are a good deal larger than the similar orifices of the perspiratory tubes, but they are not distributed so equally throughout the body. The Art of Living in Australia
  • Starting from the cardiac orifice at the incisura cardiaca, it forms an arch backward, upward, and to the left; the highest point of the convexity is on a level with the sixth left costal cartilage. XI. Splanchnology. 1F. The Stomach
  • The sound of the human whistle, like that in the most primitive instrumental forms - a whistle fashioned from a hollow tube of wood or straw - is made by the turbulence generated in an airstream at the narrow orifice formed by pursing the lips.
  • This helps the surgeon identify the ureteral orifices during bladder dissection and urethral bladder reanastomosis.
  • The eyes bulge, the lips distort and foul-smelling gases ooze from every orifice.
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  • On the left there was an obstructing lesion noted at the orifice of the left upper lobe bronchus.
  • The level of the orifices of the coronary arteries in the sinuses of Valaslva varies in both the vertical and horizontal directions.
  • Of these parts one is termed the hystera or delphys, whence is derived the word adelphos, and the other part, the tube or orifice, is termed metra. The History of Animals
  • (If you imagine a vertical line connecting the two orifices, the duodenum sits very roughly at the midpoint; on the other hand, if you consider the actual route that food takes through the entire twisting length of the digestive system, then the duodenum is actually much closer to the mouth than to the anus.) Matthew Yglesias » Stay Classy, Conservative Blogosphere
  • If the positions of cylinder and piston be reversed, the piston pointing vertically upward and the sand "bled" into an orifice in or through it, the void caused by the outflow of this sand would be filled by sand displaced by the piston pressing upward rather than by sand from above. Pressure, Resistance, and Stability of Earth American Society of Civil Engineers: Transactions, Paper No. 1174, Volume LXX, December 1910
  • After sundry caresses between the two parties, during which they exhibit an animation quite foreign to them at other times, one of the snails unfolds from the right side of its neck, where the generative orifice is situated, a wide sacculus, which, by becoming everted, displays a sharp dagger-like spiculum, or dart, attached to its walls. Plain facts for old and young : embracing the natural history and hygiene of organic life.
  • Experimentally, a few milliliters of a volatile liquid are placed in a stoppered flask containing a small orifice.
  • Hanút," i.e., leaves of the lotus-tree to be infused as a wash for the corpse; camphor used with cotton to close the mouth and other orifices; and, in the case of a wealthy man, rose-water, musk, ambergris, sandal-wood, and lignaloes for fumigation. Arabian nights. English
  • This helps the surgeon identify the ureteral orifices during bladder dissection and urethral bladder reanastomosis.
  • In ipsius translatione ipsa ciuitas restaurabatur, et firmabatur multò honorificentiùs, et fortiùs destructione sua, quæ per Carolum magnum Regem Franciæ antea fuit plenè annihilata, dum Ogerus dux Danorum præfatus in ea tenebatur captiuus, quem Templarij ad filios Brehir Regis Sarracenorum cum traditione vendiderant, eò quòd ipse Ogerus dictum Brehir in proelio occiderat, iuxta Lugdunum Franciæ ciuitatem. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • The auricles communicate with the ventricles each by a large aperture, the auriculo-ventricular orifice, which is furnished with a remarkable mechanism of valves, allowing the transmission of blood from the auricles into the ventricles, but preventing a reverse course. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • The candiru feeds parasitically by burrowing into body orifices, jamming itself in place using barbs along its sides then drinking the blood of its victim.
  • We even applied sunscreen to the nostrils, an orifice often overlooked by the uninitiated.
  • After a massive heart attack, he was strapped to a bed, with tubes in every orifice.
  • Surmounting the vesical orifice, c, is seen the tuberculated mass, a, which being moveable, can be forced against the vesical orifice and thus produce complete retention of urine. Surgical Anatomy
  • Fig. 3, Plate 62, represents the prostate with its three lobes enlarged, and the prostatic canal and vesical orifice narrowed. Surgical Anatomy
  • When the store has been taken in, this accessory orifice, which is used only during the last few moments, is closed with a mouthful of mortar, thrust outward from within. More Hunting Wasps
  • Jordan's hands clasped over the inhaler and pressed the orifice of it and faced it to her mouth.
  • The major orifice opposite the aulacophore is the anus, with the mouth somewhere near the ambulacrum.
  • The exophytic mass bulged from the roof of the left atrium between the atrial septum and the orifices of the pulmonary veins.
  • It is bounded by a prominent uneven rim, which is thick and strong above, and serves for the attachment of the glenoidal labrum (cotyloid ligament), which contracts its orifice, and deepens the surface for articulation. II. Osteology. 6c. The Bones of the Lower Extremity. 1. The Hip Bone
  • Absent-mindedly, I put the earphones in the appropriate orifice, and flicked on the switch.
  • It is a projecting knob, like a bung closing an orifice, which is believed to conceal a cavern where the redoubtable captain placed a few barrels of his wealth. Myths and Legends of Our Own Land — Volume 09 : as to buried treasure
  • The ureteral orifices are located at the proximal borders of the trigone area.
  • Otherwise from the quantity of matter, it is generally supposed to come from the bladder, or prostate gland; and the urine, which escapes from the ruptured urethra, mines its way amongst the muscles and membranes, and the patient dies tabid, owing to the want of an external orifice to discharge the matter. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • The pulmotor and similar mechanisms are, perhaps, the best things the use of which can be taught to laymen; but as compared to bronchoscopic oxygen insufflation they are woefully inefficient, because the intraoral pressure forces the tongue back over the laryngeal orifice, obstructing the airway in this "death zone. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • Examination of her hymen showed a dilated orifice after initial spasm and inability to relax.
  • Laparoscopy enables hernial orifices to be observed and tension-free mesh repair to be carried out effectively.
  • I can see them offering us a big tentacle, yes, right in the masticatory orifice! Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: Mechanistria - Eric Frank Russell
  • Hair is found on all parts of the skin except the palm and sole, and the oral, anal, and urogenital orifices.
  • Whenever I say the word orifice, I feel like a mix between a 13 yo boy and Beavis and Butthead - Say it with me - She said orifice, huh huh, orifice; yeah, orifice. Gross Words - Part II
  • Epithelia are tissues lining the outer surface of the body, or the inner surface of organs which have a direct connection to one of the body's orifices.
  • [GONIOCLYPEUS SUBANGULATUS] somewhat pentangular; posterior or anal orifice lateral, or upon the superior face; interambulacral area grooved, with the continued area beneath projecting; interambulacral areas sub-angulated; mouth rather narrow or small, central; peristome angular, and surrounded by five angular prominences, which terminate in the interambulacral areas, between which is a rosette, perforated by seven pairs of pores, with three odd ones at the end of each petal; ambulacra petaloid and closed; the prolonged zone provided with alternating pores as far as the base; pores connected by oblique grooves; interambulacral wide; plates large, and nine or ten in a column. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • I told them to stuff it down their masticatory orifices. Lost And Found
  • —The lesser curvature (curvatura ventriculi minor), extending between the cardiac and pyloric orifices, forms the right or posterior border of the stomach. XI. Splanchnology. 1F. The Stomach
  • Be warned! the next person who even LOOKS like they are about to chastise me for consuming it in large quantities is gonna get a book inserted into a NON book shaped orifice! Archive 2009-08-01
  • Whiche heades in stead of haire, were couered with leaues one ouer an other, filling the Orifice of the vessell, and from one lyp to an other, and vnder the bowle thereof towarde the foote, there compassed a fine towell of linnen, the endes hanging downe from the knottes, in suche an excellent sorte as was conuenient both for the place and matter. Hypnerotomachia The Strife of Loue in a Dreame
  • That nearest the orifice of the oesophagus is the broadest, and appears to act occasionally as a valve, so that the part beyond may be considered as an appendage similar to that of the peccary and the hog. Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon
  • Hair is found on all parts of the skin except the palm and sole, and the oral, anal, and urogenital orifices.
  • If you see a single female in there, try to stay away from the ‘orifice’ hardcore porn.
  • A, lacrymal canals, with the minute orifices represented as two black dots (puncta lacrymalia) to the right; A Practical Physiology
  • If is the botryoidal sarcoma, may highlight in the cervical orifice or the vagina, is crisp and is soft.
  • Caro has stated that to derive the best results a mantle needs to contain a larger proportion of ceria than the 1 per cent. present in mantles made according to the Welsbach formula, that it should be somewhat coarser in mesh, and have a large orifice at the head. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • Kneeling at its outer orifice, she could hear everything Oracle said as clearly as if she were standing next to the tripod. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • Careful craftsmanship goes into the precision manufacturing of each nozzle orifice.
  • Ectoplasmic production seems to overcome the medium, as if internal systems, such as respiration, reproduction, and digestion, are forcing excretions out of the body's orifices.
  • A fat bowser lorry was parked beside the engine and two fat bowser men were attempting to insert a hose into one of the engine's orifices. TICKLED PINK
  • An especially simple and efficient structure is obtained when the liquid nozzle has the shape of a tube with an incurving bottom in which at least two nozzle orifices are made.
  • A bleed orifice may be disposed between the directional control valve and the source of fluid, in parallel with the check valve.
  • For the arch dam which reservoir has no suitable breach to build lasher and has mass flood discharge, opening large orifice for flood discharge has great advantage.
  • Then along the line of invagination, i.e. the primitive orifice or blastopore, runs the outer layer of cells or ectoderm into the two invaginated layers, the mesoderm (originating from the marginal zone), and entoderm Hans Spemann - Nobel Lecture
  • During the yard period, this ship is scheduled to install mounted orifices with the jet blast deflectors.
  • And as he withdrew to plunge again into her willing vagina, she realised she didn't mind which orifice he filled.
  • Herbs that open the obstructed heart orifice and restore consciousness are known as herbs for promoting resuscitation, or analeptics [agents that strongly stimulate the central nervous system].
  • Under the reconstruction favoured here, the right orifice is the mouth and the left the anus, implying a U-shaped gut.
  • Eventually, vomiting, diarrhea and rash develop, the kidneys and liver may stop functioning, and, in fatal cases, uncontrollable internal and external bleeding begins, resulting in the vomiting of blood and bleeding from the eyes, ears, nose and other orifices. A treatment for Ebola?
  • During excretion, the urethral orifice below the bladder is opened and the urine passes through the urethra.
  • Unlike we humans, the chicken has a single sexual and excretory orifice, the cloaca.
  • Extrusion: In this process a cylinder or billet of metal is forced through an orifice by means of a ram to such effect that the elongated and extruded metal has a transverse shape which is that of the die orifice.
  • The ‘volcano sign’ described endoscopically is seen as a ‘vortical fold’ pattern on barium studies, which is the concentric ring appearance of the cecal mucosal folds as they approach the obstructed appendiceal orifice.
  • The hypertrophied or newly formed tissue may be limited to the rectum, leaving the anal tissues comparatively exempt from the superabundant cicatricial formation; or the hypertrophy may involve, to quite a degree, only the anal tissues and the integument around the anal orifice. Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, Etc. Also Auto-Infection, Auto-Intoxication, Anemia, Emaciation, Etc. Due to Proctitis and Colitis
  • Three days afterwards we observed at the extremity of the artery, a grume which plugged up its orifice.
  • A mouse ran out from the dark orifice of the cave.
  • For each compound the logarithm of the average vapor The decachlorobiphenyl vapor pressure data were col - pressure at each temperature was regressed by linear least lected using an orifice plate with a 0.381 mm orifice squares as a function of the reciprocal temperature. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • For the determination of the variations in the facial part of the skull Camper had already settled by measurement the facial angle, that is the angle made by the profile line and auriculo-subnasal line (the line from the ear orifice to the lowest part of the nose). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • When it is discharged into the duodenum, it changes the fats into so fine an emulsion (chyle) that the microscopically fine drops of fat may be drawn into the orifices of the lymph canals and conveyed to the circulatory system, and the cleavage products of albumen produced by gastric digestion, the peptones (leucin and tyrosin) are carried along with them for the renewal of tissue cells consumed in respiration. Valere Aude Dare to Be Healthy, Or, The Light of Physical Regeneration
  • Other than biting and acting as vectors of disease, flies may affect humans by causing myiasis, infestation of the skin or a body orifice with fly larvae of Diptera species, which include the human botfly.
  • The opening of the external acoustic meatus is exposed by drawing the tragus forward; at the orifice are a few short crisp hairs which serve to prevent the entrance of dust or of small insects; beyond this the secretion of the ceruminous glands serves to catch any small particles which may find their way into the meatus. XII. Surface Anatomy and Surface Markings. 2. Surface Markings of Special Regions of the Head and Neck
  • BS: It's more common to "secrete" things in one's orifices--although I hope one can keep that secret. Coming Apart at the Hems: Excessive Panting
  • The branch bifurcating from the lower orifice of the stomach descends to the deep layer of the abdomen.
  • Emerson mumbled something unintelligible into the orifice in question. LION IN THE VALLEY
  • The _Stomach_ is a musculo-membranous, conoidal sac, communicating with the esophagus by means of the cardiac orifice (see Fig. 28). The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English or, Medicine Simplified, 54th ed., One Million, Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand
  • For the cause rendered, that “the hairs about the eyelids are for the safeguard of the sight,” doth not impugn the cause rendered, that “pilosity is incident to orifices of moisture — muscosi fontes, &c.” The Advancement of Learning
  • The ureters, their resection margins, and internal orifices were free from tumor.
  • The pulmotor and similar mechanisms are, perhaps, the best things the use of which can be taught to laymen; but as compared to bronchoscopic oxygen insufflation they are woefully inefficient, because the intraoral pressure forces the tongue back over the laryngeal orifice, obstructing the airway in this "death zone. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • “Very likely, ” says the doctor: “I have known people eat in a fever; and it is very easily accounted for; because the acidity occasioned by the febrile matter may stimulate the nerves of the diaphragam, and thereby occasion a craving which will not be easily distinguishable from a natural appetite; but the aliment will not be concreted, nor assimilated into chyle, and so will corrode the vascular orifices, and thus will aggravate the febrific symptoms. III. In Which the Surgeon Makes His Second Appearance. Book VIII
  • The membranous portion (pars membranacea) is the shortest, least dilatable, and, with the exception of the external orifice, the narrowest part of the canal. XI. Splanchnology. 3b. 4. The Male Urethra
  • The anterior narial aperture in the skull opens upwards, but the orifices of the nostrils are placed at the end of the muzzle. Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
  • Getting your hair in the bleachy water will infect everyone with bubonic plague, whereas all other bodily orifice exposure and expulsion is quite alright.
  • The fuel injection orifices inject liquid fuel into the flow channel wherein it is atomized by compressed air channeled through the shroud inlet.
  • [GONIOCLYPEUS SUBANGULATUS] somewhat pentangular; posterior or anal orifice lateral, or upon the superior face; interambulacral area grooved, with the continued area beneath projecting; interambulacral areas sub-angulated; mouth rather narrow or small, central; peristome angular, and surrounded by five angular prominences, which terminate in the interambulacral areas, between which is a rosette, perforated by seven pairs of pores, with three odd ones at the end of each petal; ambulacra petaloid and closed; the prolonged zone provided with alternating pores as far as the base; pores connected by oblique grooves; interambulacral wide; plates large, and nine or ten in a column. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • With their one taste-organ orifice, they consume books with a sound that, if you're not born there, takes some getting used to -- and they consume so many books so fast, that * ian authors must imbibe inspiration in some way inhumanly possible as they work without rest, coffee or praise -- for on asteroid * there is an inverse of the Earth ratio of fiction writers to readers. MIND MELD: Taboo Topics in SF/F Literature
  • The crest, with a part of the orbital surface immediately behind it, gives origin to the lacrimal part of the Orbicularis oculi and ends below in a small, hook-like projection, the lacrimal hamulus, which articulates with the lacrimal tubercle of the maxilla, and completes the upper orifice of the lacrimal canal; it sometimes exists as a separate piece, and is then called the lesser lacrimal bone. II. Osteology. 5b. 3. The Lacrimal Bone
  • the orifice into the aorta from the lower left chamber of the heart
  • It begins in the neck at the lower border of the cricoid cartilage, opposite the sixth cervical vertebra, descends along the front of the vertebral column, through the superior and posterior mediastina, passes through the diaphragm, and, entering the abdomen, ends at the cardiac orifice of the stomach, opposite the eleventh thoracic vertebra. XI. Splanchnology. 2d. The Esophagus
  • In addition, no diverticular orifices were identified.
  • The radial grooves and ridges are visible on the infundibulum and the orifice that opens into the acetabulum is visible.
  • The orifice connecting the right ventricle to the cavity was composed of dystrophic muscular fibers mixed with fatty cells.
  • It communicated with the left ventricle through an orifice surrounded by pearly endocardial plaque.
  • Compressed by the elastic rind of the fruit, this liquid bears upon the base of the footstalk, which is gradually forced out, yields like a stopper, breaks off and leaves an orifice through which a stream of seeds and fluid pulp is suddenly ejected. The Life of the Spider
  • A single oscillator can serve as both a sensor (e.g., flowmeter, acoustic velocimeter) and an orifice.
  • He is enchanted by a 'view of a dark sublime grove;' of the grand fountain he says that the 'ebullition is astonishing and continual, though its greatest force of fury intermits' (note the word 'intermits') 'regularly for the space of thirty seconds of time: the ebullition is perpendicular upward, from a vast rugged orifice through a bed of rock throwing up small particles of white shells.' Rime of the ancient mariner
  • Anatomists have applied the term cardia to that part of the stomach that lies around the orifice of the tubular esophagus.
  • In addition, no diverticular orifices were identified.
  • If Mitch McConnell ever stopped short James Inhofes head would disappear into a certain orifice. Inhofe comes out against Kagan
  • I have never been quite free from a tickling pain since the bronchitis of last year, and it has recently assumed the form of extreme relaxation and irritation in the uvula, which is that pendulous appendage which hangs over the orifice of the throat. George Borrow and His Circle Wherein May Be Found Many Hitherto Unpublished Letters Of Borrow And His Friends
  • The main products include jewel bearing, shock-absorber, mini-bearing of wrist watch, jewel bearing of instrument, jewel orifice and all sorts of industry jewel.
  • Experimentally, a few milliliters of a volatile liquid are placed in a stoppered flask containing a small orifice.
  • Treatment methods: Bubble: the orifice should be fluxing developering.
  • It is somewhat conical with its base applied to the upper orifice of the stomach, and is known as the antrum cardiacum. XI. Splanchnology. 2d. The Esophagus
  • Pillars of smoke and flame escaped from the crater; a hail of scoriae fell on the ground; but no current of lava burst from the mouth of the volcano, which proved that the volcanic matter had not yet attained the level of the superior orifice of the central shaft. The Mysterious Island
  • The report details the reasons the practice is mind-blowingly stupid in addition to being inhumane: namely, the state of someone's vagina does not reveal much about their sexual experience, since "an" old tear "of the hymen or variation of the" size "of the hymenal orifice can be due to reasons unrelated to sex. AWID RSS Feed
  • In some instances the orifice of the lacrimal duct on the floor of the nasal chamber and close to its anterior outlet will be found blocked by a portion of dry mucopurulent matter, on the removal of which tears may begin to escape. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • The orifice opens into the branchial cavity behind a conical lobe, which stands above the third foot in place of a branchia which is wanting in Ocypoda. Facts and Arguments for Darwin
  • Under these circumstances neither the annulus nor the lipid membrane will be situated symmetrically around the edges of the orifice.
  • Other landmarks used to guide resection are the right and left ureteral orifices and the bladder neck.
  • To the left of the cardiac orifice is the incisura cardiaca: the projection of this notch into the cavity of the stomach increases as the organ distends, and has been supposed to act as a valve preventing regurgitation into the esophagus. XI. Splanchnology. 1F. The Stomach
  • Membranes were formed on the orifice by sequentially raising the level of the aqueous electrolyte solutions.
  • Other landmarks used to guide resection are the right and left ureteral orifices and the bladder neck.
  • I was confronted with the official ultimatum and _sine quâ non_, and have subsequently learnt that the cause of this self-denying ordinance is due to the uncontrollable enthusiasm of British Public for works of art, which leads them to signify approbation by puncturing innumerable orifices by dint of sticks or umbrellas in the process of pointing out tit-bits of painting, and on account of the detrimental influence on the marketable value of pictures thus distinguished by the plerophory of the _Vox Populi_. Baboo Jabberjee, B.A.
  • This groove lodges the terminal part of the transverse sinus, and opening into it, close to its medial margin, is the orifice of the condyloid canal. II. Osteology. 5a. The Cranial Bones. 1. The Occipital Bone
  • Trees (especially fruit-bearers) are infested with the measels, by being burned and scorched with the sun in great droughts: To this commonly succeeds lousiness, which is cur’d by boring an hole into the principal root, and pouring in a quantity of brandy, stopping the orifice up with Sylva, Vol. 1 (of 2) Or A Discourse of Forest Trees
  • An irregular section of the wall (nothing was ever square, flat, vertical or exactly smooth around here) disappeared up and back rather like the cover of a rolltop desk, and as if the orifice were a comic mouth thrusting out a broad tongue, a kind of board slid outward. Arcana Magi - c.1: Oryn Zentharis, Seeker of the Truth
  • Caleb twisted himself around once more and kicked Riley in the face, slipping open his lips and busting his nose, causing blood to spill forth from each orifice.
  • It had large, opaque eyes, no nose, and a lipless slit for a mouth with two small orifices on each side.
  • The Lyre of Orpheus is Abattoir's romantic, come-down counterpart, though Cave can't resist rhyming the title with ‘orifice.’
  • An intravenous urogram revealed a filling defect in the right renal pelvis, and cystoscopy showed blood emerging from the right ureteric orifice only.
  • The form of that portion of the base of the bladder which is named "trigone vesical" constitutes an equilateral triangle, and may be described by two lines drawn from the vesical orifice to both openings of the ureters, and another line reaching transversely between the latter. Surgical Anatomy
  • The left portion of the body is known as the fundus, and is marked off from the remainder of the body by a plane passing horizontally through the cardiac orifice. XI. Splanchnology. 1F. The Stomach
  • Then the cobaltic reached directly into the cerulean's mouth orifice. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • Most repairs result in downsizing the effective orifice area in order to increase coaptation with the available cusp area.
  • Detoxification, in these narratives of spiritual struggle, counts as the long night of the soul: the body's purgative agony as it pours junk through all available orifices.
  • Immediately behind the external urethral orifice it forms a small secondary reduplication, attached along the bottom of a depressed median raphé, which extends from the meatus to the neck; this fold is termed the frenulum of the prepuce. XI. Splanchnology. 3c. 5. The Penis
  • I saw, I think, a woman erupting at every pore and orifice; spewing unfinished forms. GALILEE
  • A spinneret plate for producing the thermoplastic synthetic polymer filament has a cluster of four orifices centered about a central point.
  • However, they make it in a solution, and this has to be extruded (forced through a small orifice at high pressure) to force the protein molecules to line up into a fiber.
  • In teen comedies from "American Pie" to "Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me" to "Road Trip" no orifice goes uninvaded, no bodily substance goes untasted, no obscenity is left unsaid. Gross And Grosser
  • Full Size Orifice - Series A a full - size orifice to assure pipe size capacity.
  • The group found that after releasing the chordee, the hypospadiac orifice was retracted to become penile in 5 patients (22. 7\%), penoscrotal in 6 (27. 3\%), scrotal in 9 (40. 9\%), and perineal in 2 (9. 1\%). Health News from Medical News Today
  • Comments: On routine examination of the cecum during screening colonoscopy, a 76 year-old man is noted to have a small amount of polypoid tissue extruding from the appendiceal orifice. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Cystourethroscopy showed a large bladder tumor completely occluding the right ureteric orifice.
  • The difference in B.t. u. in a pound of steam at the boiler pressure and after passing the orifice is the heat available for evaporating the moisture content and superheating the steam. Steam, Its Generation and Use
  • My notes contain memoranda of various galleries crammed with pieces of leaves right up to the orifice, which is on a level with the ground, and entirely devoid of cells, even of an unfinished one. Bramble-Bees and Others
  • With their one taste-organ orifice, they consume books with a sound that, if you're not born there, takes some getting used to -- and they consume so many books so fast, that * ian authors must imbibe inspiration in some way inhumanly possible as they work without rest, coffee or praise -- for on asteroid * there is an inverse of the Earth ratio of fiction writers to readers. MIND MELD: Taboo Topics in SF/F Literature
  • But here is an odd thing: they never once enter at (what I suppose to be) the "orifice," but generally at the chalaza ... More Letters of Charles Darwin — Volume 2
  • Teeth are exempted from the requirement, as are incisions in or around natural body orifices.
  • But the film goes on to develop graphic, orifice-stuffing permutations on the theme of you are what you eat.
  • Laparoscopy enables hernial orifices to be observed and tension-free mesh repair to be carried out effectively.
  • This paper proposes a mechanical model of hydraulic shock absorber for sled impact test based on the law of orifice flow, and discusses the factors influencing the model.
  • Experimentally, a few milliliters of a volatile liquid are placed in a stoppered flask containing a small orifice.
  • Contusion with intact skin surface 925 - 929 Crushing injury 930 - 939 Effects of foreign body entering through orifice 940 - 949 Burns 958 - 959 Certain traumatic complications and unspecified injuries 980 - 989 Toxic effects of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Air hissed out of every orifice and I hit the floor like a truckload of logs. INSTRUMENTS OF DARKNESS
  • A mouse ran out from the dark orifice of the cave.
  • It was thick and black but neatly groomed, and it lay just below the very tip, as if the orifice of his urethra were a single nostril. The Best American Erotica 2006
  • —In the middle line of the posterior part of the perineum and about 4 cm. in front of the tip of the coccyx is the anal orifice. XII. Surface Anatomy and Surface Markings. 9. Surface Anatomy of the Perineum
  • Ants, especially, are very fond of this fluid, so that a line of aphides, extending from the base to the summit of a leaf, may frequently be observed slowly advancing toward the orifice of the cup, down which they disappear, never to return. Scientific American Supplement, No. 508, September 26, 1885
  • And, yes, it really is time to take Sandy's list seriously, and rip it several new orifices for the pack of rancidly dishonest lies that it is. Archive 2008-05-01
  • And the same may be said of the fibres, which surrounding the vesical orifice, are supposed to act as the "sphincter vesicae. Surgical Anatomy
  • We inserted numer - ous suction tips between the lacerated tongue and orifice of the aluminum water - canister.
  • The orifice by which the gullet enters the stomach is termed the 'cardia', probably on account of its neighbourhood to the heart or its sympathy with it. The Dog
  • The duct of the seminal vesicle joins the _vas deferens_ of the same side (both functionally and embryologically the seminal vesicle is no more than a diverticulum of the vas deferens); passing on under the name of the _common seminal_ or _ejaculatory duct_, the canal opens into the prostatic portion of the urethra (the orifices of the two common seminal ducts are in the folds of mucous membrane forming the right and left lateral margins of the _prostatic utricle_ or _uterus masculinus_). The Sexual Life of the Child
  • pilosity is incident to orifices of moisture -- muscosi fontes, &c. The Advancement of Learning
  • In manufactories where no refining is done, the crude potassa in powder is pushed on to a prolongation of the apparatus which is cooled by means of water, and is removed from time to time with shovels by the workmen, so that the orifice of the boiler remains constantly covered externally by the mass, and that the air cannot re-enter the apparatus. Scientific American Supplement, No. 514, November 7, 1885
  • All will be set right in a footnote, though you may forget about the scholarship while reading of how the former "showgirl," Empress Theodora of Byzantium, "was said to be a gymnastically gifted orgiast whose specialty was to offer all three orifices to her clients simultaneously. NYT > Home Page
  • Next, to their aural orifices, and the avenues audient of the brain, was borne a very melancholy sound as of harmoniums, hymns, organ-pianos, psalteries, and the like, all playing different airs, in a kind most hateful to the Muses. Letters to Dead Authors
  • Cai even thinks that it is another Nokia company in the method works as follows: Ink is fed from ink reservoir to printhead; a piezotransducer gives a pressure pulse; the pulse travels to nozzle orifice and ink droplet is ejected; the transducer is controlled with binary on-off signal according to printed image. Archive 2008-11-01
  • Next, to their aural orifices, and the avenues audient of the brain, was borne a very melancholy sound as of harmoniums, hymns, organ-pianos, psalteries, and the like, all playing different airs, in a kind most hateful to the Muses. Letters to Dead Authors
  • It specifically asks doctors to state whether the hymenal orifice admits one or two fingers. Daily News & Analysis
  • The anal canal ends at the anus, which is the external orifice, or opening, of the digestive tract.
  • Laws also, sorry gentlemen, and I have no interest in what you do in your own home, that "legalise" the shoving of anything up any orifice in some sad search for temporary pleasure. Gordon Brown's legal fraudsters
  • Hair is found on all parts of the skin except the palm and sole, and the oral, anal, and urogenital orifices.
  • ‘Piles’ of the cardiac orifice of the stomach from obstruction to the portal system may produce hemoptysis.
  • Needs multiple problems evaled and treated first, esp. that bleeding from every orifice and intracerebral hemorrhage htn problem. Clear That Patient!

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