
How To Use Oriental In A Sentence

  • Here were found a number of statues bearing cuniform inscriptions, Hittite inscriptions and two long Aramean inscriptions of the VIII or IX century B.C. M. Helévy, the well-known French Orientalist, was sent by the The American Journal of Archaeology, 1893-1
  • Hassan in frequently going to sleep in one town, to awake in another far distant, but without the benighted Oriental's surprise at the transfer, the afrit who performed this prodigy being a steam-engine, and the magician it obeyed the human mind. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 23, February, 1873
  • The term belly-dance is a creation of Orientalism, and is first attested in English in 1899, translating French danse du ventre. - Financial News
  • Because of this, the government holds an Oriental Cherry Festival every year.
  • Lethargic and lacking self-confidence, he was a quiet dreamer, with interests in theology, art history, and oriental religions.
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  • Some choices include azalea, calla, hydrangea, miniature rose, moth orchid, Oriental lily, tulip, and ‘Wonder Bells Blue’ double campanula.
  • Could be a type of "peony" version of oriental, though. Anybody know what kind of flowers these are?
  • Near her wandered her husband, orientally bland, invariably affable, and from time to time squinting sideways, as usual, in the ever-renewed expectation that he might catch a glimpse of his stiff, retroussé moustache. The Younger Set
  • I differ with great diffidence from the learned Baron whose Oriental reading was extensive; but the tale does not seem to justify his explanations. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • I've generally been a lover of orientals and fruity-fresh scents, eschewing white florals and anything that smelled powdery or "old ladyish". Boadicea Pure and Benefit Laugh with Me Lee Lee
  • Metternich, Castlereagh, and Hardenberg saw in them a ruse for foisting on France either Bernadotte, or an orientalized Republic, or The Life of Napoleon I (Volume 2 of 2)
  • Sami initially sees his love for Muntaha in poetic terms, likening her beauty and allure to the Sumerian artefacts in front of which he first encounters her, an orientalization that is later echoed by Gabor. The Jakarta Post Breaking News
  • Far Orientals begin their year when Nature begins hers, instead of starting anachronously as we do in the very middle of the dead season, much as our colleges hold their commencements, on the last in place at on the first day of the academic term. The Soul of the Far East
  • I had the fish special of hake served with potato purée and oriental-style dressing.
  • In his later paintings he used quasi-Oriental calligraphic forms that he called logograms.
  • Among the Oriental dogs produced are the Shih Tzu, the Pekingese, the Chow Chow, the Lhasa Apso, the Spitz, and the Pug.
  • Composed by François Robert, the new release is described as a perfume- "choc", a rose scent that is oriental, spicy, soft, sensual and cordial. Archive 2007-06-01
  • Neither the physical well being resulting from the diet, nor the knowledge of oriental philosophy really dealt with the matter of self-development or self-realization.
  • It was a hybrid of pointe work and pseudo-oriental port de bras woven into unison formations.
  • Neither the physical well being resulting from the diet, nor the knowledge of oriental philosophy really dealt with the matter of self-development or self-realization.
  • The Oriental is a comfortable hotel, but rather inconveniently situated.
  • An answer to this will be the key to occident and oriental debate. Occident verses Orient Debate
  • A blue skintight shirt was covered by a white oriental style tunic.
  • Mr. Katz is editor of the semiweekly Oriental Economist Alert. Tokyo Gamble
  • Its serving order and individual portions is Western and the use of the chopsticks is Oriental.
  • He was quite popular both as a portrait painter and an Orientalist.
  • This design came to be known as the Oriental style.
  • Orientalism has become a reified ‘Other,’” writes Irwin of Said. Bloodlust
  • His music is a haunting mix of guitar, synthesizer, oriental gongs and bells.
  • Nayarit Gold controls more than 102,000-hectares of mining concessions -- collectively called the Orion Project -- in the Sierra Madre Occidental, the range that extends from Arizona in the United States down into western Mexico (west of the Sierra Madre Oriental). Asian Investors Hunting for Gold in Toronto
  • These, he argued, had to be given in the form of narrative without book, which is more accordant with the oriental mode, and decidedly more impressive.
  • Only the worshippers of Buddha now behold the gleam of the Oriental Sun on the golden roofs of the lamasery; the great caravans from the city of the Dalai Lama pass through the border town with no one to tell the pilgrims of the "Heavenly Ruler. With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple: Narrative of Four Years' Residence on the Tibetan Borders, and of a Journey into the Far Interior
  • Wafa used the word decadent to describe the Oriental Harmony Journey, a two-hour, four-handed rubdown offered at the Mandarin Oriental in Manhattan. Latest Features and Articles
  • Bizarre, perhaps, it was, and Oriental enough to puzzle any passing ethnologist. THE STORY OF JEES UCK
  • Had a brief listen to the two other tracks Jake had given me: oriental pieces which I recognised from somewhere and which are beautiful.
  • Tak Shindo takes Western-Themed standards and rearranges them to feature classic Oriental instruments such as samisen, koto, gong, flute, temple blocks, and tree cymbals. ... Tak Shindo: FAR EAST GOES WESTERN
  • Oriental mystery cults attempted to answer the need for a salvationist faith with its mysticisms and forms of sacrament; philosophy outside the Church was running to religiosity. CHRISTIANITY IN HISTORY
  • The curtains are silk and there are oriental rugs and carpets.
  • They exchanged excuses and caresses with oriental demonstrativeness and verbosity. Salammbo
  • Oriental rugs over large antique pine floorboards soften and warm each space.
  • Faster-than-fast oriental food is on offer here with all the popular dishes keeping warm under heated lights.
  • After getting some noodles and watching some martial arts (how oriental!) we got bored and decided to head into town.
  • Colonia hominum maleficorum y qua Britanni littoris orientalis infulae immenfae, No - vae Hollandiae partem y quam New - Southwaler appellant more Europaeorum colere inftitue* runt, die XX m. Bibliotheca historica
  • This article was originally printed in the Anglo-Dutch Institute for Oriental Medicine Magazine.
  • What Natasha means, is that she has met some self confident women who don't conform to her own racist stereotypes of Muslim women, huddled away in some oriental seraglio.
  • The floor was overlaid with rugs of oriental design.
  • In the same ratio, the camels which composed their train were fifty, sixty, seventy, and eighty; the size of their oriental pearls was distended till they almost got to the egg of the ostrich: but as a bulse of diamonds sounded well for a Nabobess, the exact quantity contained in a bulse was increased only in the same proportion with the rest of the eastern importation. Substance and Shadow; or, the Fisherman's Daughter of Brighton
  • The insect which will cause the quite big losses in the economy will be the flowered thrips, the monitor thrips available yellow and the blue color oriental army worm board.
  • But eventually they found their specialty after tireless experimenting and taking risks - flowers ranging from native Texas' coreopsis and black-eyed Susans to the elegant oriental lilies and callas.
  • Nor yet the Austrian cross-breeds who are to be beheld behind the _gulasch_ in the Rue d'Hauteville, nor the semi-Milanese who sibilate the _minestrone_ at Aldegani's in the Passage des Panoramas, nor the Frenchified Spaniards and Portuguese who gobble the _guisillo madrileño_ at Don José's in the Rue Helder, nor the half-French Cossacks amid the _potrokha_ in the Restaurant Cubat, nor the Orientals with the waxed moustachios and girlish waists who may be observed at moontide dawdling over their _café à la Turque_ at Madame Europe After 8:15
  • These suites are decorated with period furnishing such as oriental carpets on teak, marble and tiled floors, and all have private parlours and dining areas.
  • In Mysidiella newtonae n. sp., from the early Norian of the Wallowa Terrane of Oregon, the lunule is even shorter and more deeply incurved than in M. orientalis.
  • Some lovely choices for wedding flowers include azalea, calla, hydrangea, moth orchid, Oriental lily, rhododendron, and rose.
  • But that made no difference - he knew he stood no chance against the oriental in single combat.
  • They may be thought of as “Oriental” blends, a category that encompasses many different perfumes, but they are not the sweetly ambery/vanillic scents you may find listed as Orientals among modern mainstream fragrances. DSH Perfumes Part Four: Roses and Resins
  • Inasmuch, of course, as Orientals can not become citizens, this disbars them from owning land. Letters of Franklin K. Lane
  • In oriental medicine, it is well known that Zusanli is an acupoint related to stomach diseases.
  • In his book Orientalism, Edward Said points out that foreign cultures are set up as being different, backward and separate by the unconscious desire to mystify and exoticise their behaviour, history and geography.
  • And, as an orientalization of the industry might be expected to produce, there are the careful references to the correlation between cloth and market. Colonial Lists/Indian Power: Identity Politics in Nineteenth Century Telugu-Speaking India
  • Singing in Polish, Hebrew, Arabic and French, the group is a remarkable bridge between oriental and occidental music on their second CD.
  • These suites are decorated with period furnishing such as oriental carpets on teak, marble and tiled floors, and all have private parlours and dining areas.
  • People, often children, are forced to do demeaning and often health destroying jobs. Try knotting Oriental carpets all day and see how long you keep your sight.
  • The room is all beige with an antique Oriental chest providing the appropriate backdrop.
  • Tunisian designer Soucha, who was one of the much - anticipated displayers, stunned attendees with ‘very unoriental, unpractical clothing’ as described by the audience surrounding the Weekly.
  • Dealers in primitive, tribal, Oriental art, classical antiquities, and objetsd'art are excluded.
  • The _jota_, the _malaguena_, and the _seguidilla_ are combinations of music, song, and dance; the last two bear distinct indications of Oriental origin; each form is linked to a traditional air, with variations. Spanish Life in Town and Country
  • The entertainment fare was peppered with cinematic dance, oriental Thai performances and humorous skits.
  • Mandarin Oriental Hotels, JetBlue Airlines, and Enterprise Rent-a-Car ranked number one in hotel, airline, and rental car industry customer satisfaction, respectively.
  • Their own habits of allegorizing, and their Oriental tastes, must be borne in mind, if we are readily disgusted with our author's fancies and refinements. ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
  • Oriental alabaster, the alabastrites of the classical writers, is a translucent marble (calcium carbonate) obtained from stalagmitic deposits; because of its usually banded structure, which gives it some resemblance to onyx, it is also called onyx marble, or simply, though incorrectly, onyx. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • This author explains how Romantic mythography, nineteenthcentury linguistics, and racism ‘resurfaced’ in academic orientalism.
  • Indeed, Bizet's Carmen represents a prime example of the continued European fascination with oriental Spain.
  • In the East the council is succeeded by a conspiracy of silence ; the Orientals will not use the word.
  • She was young and beautiful, with dark, oriental features, and a bearing which aimed at supremity of arrogance. Veranilda
  • Among these, the best known are the stunning Asiatic and Oriental lilies, dramatic gladioli, and the many incarnations of dahlia.
  • Other rooms have a distinctively oriental flavour; the Throne Room is decked out in ornate Byzantine style with a great domed blue ceiling covered with stars and a huge sunburst.
  • It was from the sewer of Munster that John of Leyden produced his false moon, and it was from the cess-pool of Kekscheb that oriental menalchme, Mokanna, the veiled prophet of Khorassan, caused his false sun to emerge. Les Miserables
  • They induced him to swallow therapeutic potions of oriental bezoar stone from the stomach of a goat and boiled spirits from a human skull.
  • Dressed in an oriental-style black and white top and designer jeans, Georgina held her hand up to her face as the car swept past the waiting crowds.
  • She sipped a bittersweet brew of Oriental herbs.
  • In these days we are always too late, and those marvels of the Oriental cosmorama, those curious manners, those masterpieces of The Adventures of a Special Correspondent
  • Extracted the active constituents of Alisma Orientalis by isolation techniques then established rat urolithiasis model.
  • Both citationality and nostalgia repackage the past in present styles and for present uses, and both can contribute to Orientalizing backwardness in obvious and direct ways.
  • The soldiers "were executing a mandate from the general prosecutor to arrest chief Mande but his men put up fierce resistance," Jonas Koni said from Kananga, the capital of central province of Kasai-Oriental. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The term belly-dance is a creation of Orientalism, and is first attested in English in 1899, translating French danse du ventre Native to North Africa, Asia, and the Middle East, belly dancing is based on one of the oldest social dances in world history. - Articles related to Dubai's non-oil trade grows to Dh136 billion
  • Imagine being Thief of Bagdad, title apropos to these times, as a Chinese American at Graumann's Chinese Theatre, then in its Chinarama phase, chock-a-block with faux orientalism, a chinkee apocalypse in plastic and red paper. GreenCine Daily
  • Sigesbeckia orientalis and S. jorullensis are not indigenous to Europe, but both species are naturalized.
  • Contempt will pierce the armor of a tortoise," says an oriental proverb; and poor Ragni had no chelonian armor. Essays on Scandinavian Literature
  • Only an oriental type of carpet with red background and a yellow border with little stick figures and such overlapped it.
  • The island is home to a number of mammals such as the Cyprus moufflon (Ovis orientalis ophion), which is a rare type of wild sheep found only on the island of Cyprus. Cyprus Mediterranean forests
  • The author presents this famous weapon of Osman Turks and the collection of yataghans in the State Museum of Oriental Art.
  • Noruagus, cum versus insulas Farenses nauigaret tempestate valida, ad littora Islandi� Orientalis fort� appulit: vbi cum fuisset aliquot septimanas cum socijs commoratus, animaduertit immodicam niuium copiam, montium quorundam cacumina obtegentem, atque ide� � niue nomen Insul� Snelandia indidit. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The same tendency to rely upon color causes many in the trade to call all yellow stones "topaz" whether the species be corundum (oriental topaz), true topaz (precious topaz), citrine quartz (quartz topaz), heliodor (yellow beryl), jacinth A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public
  • Diclofenac residues have virtually annihilated the Oriental white-backed vulture in Pakistan.
  • How the backward, Oriental tsardom of Muscovy has been transformed into the huge empire of Russia, now comprising one-sixth of the land surface and one-twelfth of the population of the earth, is one of the most fascinating phases of the history of modern times. A Political and Social History of Modern Europe V.1.
  • Then we have the "amethyst" sapphire, which varies from a red to a blue purple, being richer in colour than the ordinary amethyst, which is a form of violet-coloured quartz, but the corundum variety, which, like its companions, is called the "oriental" amethyst, is both rarer and more precious. The Chemistry, Properties and Tests of Precious Stones
  • The fried bean curd put one in mind of oriental griddle cakes and needed the hot sauces to extract their inscrutable flavour.
  • I used to travel quite a bit, because I had a gallery in London dealing with oriental art, and it was important to visit areas that held such a fascination for me.
  • She looked around the room slowly, her eyes taking in everything from the expensive paintings and family heirlooms dotted around the room, to the Oriental rug.
  • The delineations for this ecoregion were derived from the INEGI current landcover maps, from which we're lumping montane mesophyll forests classifications with human modified landscapes along the eastern flank of the Sierra Madre Oriental. Veracruz moist forests
  • _mitra_, and [Greek: tiara], Lat. _tiara_, to designate two different kinds of covering for the head in use amongst the Oriental races, each one of a distinct and peculiar form, though as being foreigners, and consequently not possessing the technical accuracy of a native, they not unfrequently confound the two words, and apply them indiscriminately to both objects. Notes and Queries, Number 69, February 22, 1851 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • For instance when I was in Hargeisa the Oriental Hotel charged $15 for a clean room with fan and shower and $4 for a great meal in a great setting -- a large indoor courtyard with pergolas and balconies -- right in the center of Hargeisa. Mike Arkus: Off the Beaten Track: A Few Pointers for Navigating Somaliland (PHOTOS)
  • Experience the ancient mystical city of Ho Chi-Minh and its Eastern traditions, Buddha temples, towering pagodas and colorful oriental river markets.
  • Yoko San Oriental Spa is seeking permission to keep operating beyond a February 1998 deadline set by the city.
  • Mainstream occidental thought about peace has changed little during the past 2,000 years, apart from oriental elements during the Middle Ages.
  • In other words, if we understand the terms of colonialism established by Edward Said in his seminal work Orientalism, we discover the civilizer must define the object of his desire as inferior and thus in need of civilization, he must also determine that they can be improved and refined through his civilizing project. Hartzell and Lin lose on appeal
  • The Panama hat came to signify secular Turkish citizenship and functions as a metonym for the transformation of the Oriental Ottoman to the Western Turk.
  • Besides western art and literature, many volumes dealt with the oriental world: its history, religion, writings, sculpture, painting, ceramics.
  • The Oriental is a comfortable hotel, but rather inconveniently situated.
  • Under the guiding logic of these complex dualisms, western primatology is simian orientalism.
  • Many of these can be found during the second week in November with a celebration of Asian Art in London when Bonhams, Christie's and Sotheby's hold a number of sales of oriental fine art and antiques.
  • Visitors can take along their own picnic tea or there will be refreshments to buy and those who want to join in the Eastern theme with oriental costume can take part in a special prize draw.
  • His sensations, on entering this vast repository of arms, were not unlike those attributed to a personage whose fictitious adventures, though the production of a _Feringhi_ pen, present one of the most faithful pictures extant of the genuine feelings of an oriental on Frank matters: -- "When we came to the guns," says the eximious Hajji Baba, "by my beard, existence fled from our heads! Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 54, No. 338, December 1843
  • The subject group was comprised of 20 sixth-year medical students who joined the four-week elective course in Oriental psychosomatic medicine.
  • The Oriental in Bangkok is the apotheosis of the grand hotel.
  • The author thinks we only have the consulting model that can adapt and solve indigenous mental disturbance, we haven't impossibly to set up the oriental consulting model so called.
  • The style may be said to have arisen from the orientalization of Roman art, and itself largely contributed to the formation of the Saracenic or Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • According to Wong, the aestheticization of Chinese history makes it palatable, along with reinforcing the Orientalist binary opposition between eastern barbarity and western civility.
  • The gossamer-thin spring-roll pastry can be bought from Oriental food stores and some speciality food halls and delis.
  • But of all Orientals, the most antipathetical companion to an Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • Sierra Madre Oriental" physiographic province of México. Safehaven
  • The former project was targeted on seven species of large mammals and has identified the leopard, bezoar goat, and Armenian mouflon (Ovis orientalis gmelini) as taxa that deserve the most urgent conservation actions in the country.
  • Chief Investigator Ilya Nikitin, his thin hair combed wet straight back over his round head, squinted orientally through the smoke of the cigarette clamped between his teeth. Gorky Park
  • Comte had also no small sympathy with the Oriental theocracies, as he calls the sacerdotal castes, who indeed often deserved it by their early services to intellect and civilization; by the aid they gave to the establishment of regular government, the valuable though empirical knowledge they accumulated, and the height to which they helped to carry some of the useful arts. Auguste Comte and Positivism
  • I hope McShane has some oriental pirates on his boat and they repeat the word cocksucker over and over. petethepanda Ian McShane Cast in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides | /Film
  • Nineteenth-century travellers were ravished by the romantic spectacle of them, as they were delighted by the orientalism of the city itself, with its mysterious and lascivious suggestions of the east.
  • He was not just a great linguist - phonologist, grammarian, semanticist, and polyglot - but a musician, musicologist, Orientalist, and gourmet (he wrote a book called The Eater's Guide to Chinese Characters); and a wonderful humorist.
  • The use of the wood block and resonant and jingly metals enhances the Oriental flavor of the music.
  • Created after oriental models, aquamaniles were frequently of a profane character.
  • the museum had many exhibits of oriental art
  • On the shallow reef shelter schools of humpbacked and bluelined snappers, oriental sweetlips and yet more fat, docile groupers.
  • Fenellosa, on the other hand, continually said that there were also outstanding arts in the oriental tradition.
  • Orientalism is a deeply rooted and long - standing idea and discourse tradition in Western civilization.
  • Nebbou wisely lets the story and performances speak for themselves, confining his personal flourishes mainly to an extravagant "orientalist" ball that Dumas stages at his chateau. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • Most are brunettes, a number are Asian (and not the stereotypical submissive "Oriental" fantasy girl, by the way) and none is any thinner or chestier than the Jewish women I know.
  • I see oriental paper globes hanging like decomposing cocoons while exotic candles overload the dusty air with their stale perfume
  • French surrealists, cubists, and impressionists mostly influence Lebanese artists, who add an oriental touch to the French technique and subject matter.
  • The searing human feelings of these characters are often narrated in awkward English to achieve an Orientalist effect, to defamiliarize universal emotions as exotic, somehow deeper, ones.
  • A good rose is hard to find and this will satisfy many who like to drink a pink wine with buffets and Oriental meals.
  • * 'Oriental' sighthound breeds, like aboriginal Afghans, salukis, and my tazis, have the whole primitive suite of behaviors including single estrous. Archive 2006-10-01
  • Oriental prints were used on dresses reinforcing the Geisha girl theme while lurex and sequin dresses offered glamour for the evening.
  • The Orientals use no butter. They prefer the very healthful peanut oil.
  • We banged the mortar and pestle like oriental drummers in the echoing stainless steel kitchen, but our ground cumin and coriander looked more like gravel than grains of the finest spices.
  • Examples of woven fabrics include crepe, such as crepe de Chine, palace crepe, satin crepe, morocain crepe, striped crepe, oriental crepe, flat crepe, georgette crepe and silk crepe, or various kinds of crepe weaves, such as amundsen jersey.
  • This heresy was a compound of Priscillianism, the dualism of Manes, Oriental and Gnostic fancies, Gothic Arianism, and indigenous superstition, all fused together in what was known as Albigensianism, and which was hardly Castles and Cave Dwellings of Europe
  • The same specialist in Oriental glyptics, says: "The efforts of some learned men to discover traces of a reciprocal influence have been fruitless. Scarabs The History, Manufacture and Symbolism of the Scarabæus in Ancient Egypt, Phoenicia, Sardinia, Etruria, etc.
  • Professional cleaning by an Oriental-rug expert is recommended at least every few years, again depending on wear and tear. Hints From Heloise
  • Most of these endemics occur in the middle Sierra Madre Occidental, the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt and the southern Sierra Madre Oriental. Biological diversity in the Madrean pine-oak woodlands
  • This desert is bounded by the Sierra Madre Occidental to the west and the Sierra Madre Oriental to the east, extending as far south as San Luis Potosi and to disjunct islands of the Chihuahuan vegetation in the states of Queretaro and Hidalgo. Chihuahuan desert
  • Mr. Katz is the editor of the semiweekly Oriental Economist Alert. Inflation Targeting Won't Work in Japan
  • The former project was targeted on seven species of large mammals and has identified the leopard, bezoar goat, and Armenian mouflon (Ovis orientalis gmelini) as taxa that deserve the most urgent conservation actions in the country.
  • Here he might live a strange litany, delivered from right and wrong and from the hound of heaven and from every God (except the exotic Mexican one who was pretty slack himself and rather addicted to Oriental scents) —delivered from success and hope and poverty into that long chute of indulgence which led, after all, only to the artificial lake of death. Book 2, Chapter 5. The Egotist Becomes a Personage.
  • Although these physical attributes are shared by other Oriental and also by the Latin races, they reach a climax in the Jewish type, which in its culmination is unsympathetic to the Anglo-Saxon, the Oriental, or the Latin people. The Social Disability of the Jew
  • These include common waterbirds such as bitterns (cinnamon bittern [Ixobrychus cinnamomeus]), herons and egrets (Indian pond-heron [Ardeola grayii], Pacific reef-egret [Egretta sacra]), storks (woolly-necked stork [Ciconia episcopus]), ibis (black-headed ibis [Threskiornis melanocephalus]), ducks (spot-billed duck [Anas poecilorhyncha]), jacanas (pheasant-tailed jacana [Hydrophasianus chirurgus]), pratinoles (oriental pratincole [Glareola maldivarum]), and terns (black-bellied tern [Sterna acuticauda]). Irrawaddy freshwater swamp forests
  • Tchen points out that political orientalism rooted in the outcry of organized labor against the non-organized Chinese labor, which was cheaply used by the capitalists to break strikes.
  • Spinach, cilantro, ‘Sylvetta’ arugula, mustards, oriental greens, lettuce and mesclun mixes can all be planted in cold soil.
  • Oriental dress and regalia were adopted by fraternal organizations such as the Shriners, who wore fezzes and named their newly built Eastern style buildings after cities in Syrin, Iraq, and Egypt.
  • Another vendor hung several shots of a couple dressed in the oriental galabeya with a shisha.
  • At the base of the Sierra Madre Oriental mountains, shallow soils derived from sedimentary rocks support a particular community known as piedmont scrub. Tamaulipan matorral
  • Such now familiar terms as Orientalism and primitivism, while they mark the beginning of a consensus, are by no means completely defined or delimited.
  • The god they present is neither the impassive god of the Oriental nor the nonhistorical god of the Deist.
  • These consist of pieces of root about 5cm in length taken from plants with fleshy roots, such as anchusas, oriental poppies, gypsophilas, verbascums, romneyas, seakale and horse-radish.
  • orientalisms can be found in Mozart's operas
  • Currently, we have actively introduced Oriental medicine for the treatment of a wide range of diseases using Chinese medicines and acupuncture or moxibustion.
  • Dealers in primitive, tribal, Oriental art, classical antiquities, and objetsd'art are excluded.
  • Other rooms have a distinctively oriental flavour; the Throne Room is decked out in ornate Byzantine style with a great domed blue ceiling covered with stars and a huge sunburst.
  • We shouldn't be surprised, as the trend has been moving towards simple, uncluttered living, which is the essence of oriental style.
  • Choose from seafood platters or Oriental-style selections, country meat platters or a Continental selection, antipasto and cocktail kebabs.
  • As a young girl, I saw a Bharatanatyam recital on television I was enchanted by the precision and grace of movement and the expression and costume that I made up my mind to learn that mysterious oriental dance.
  • Jayadev believes that Alkazi welded pedagogic and creative strains, the oriental and the occidental, to evolve his own methodology of theatre training.
  • This movement from one sort of knowledge production to another, from a type of colonization of weavers to their orientalization has also factored into secondary source material on the history of the handloom weaving industry and its workers in South India. Colonial Lists/Indian Power: Identity Politics in Nineteenth Century Telugu-Speaking India
  • Venkataraman's work is not meant to be seen here as the definitive example of the orientalization of weavers. Colonial Lists/Indian Power: Identity Politics in Nineteenth Century Telugu-Speaking India
  • Multiflora rose, kudzu, and oriental bittersweet are substantially less abundant in the coastal plain, where agriculture is extensively practiced.
  • There is something natural and uncontrived about the presence of children at the liturgy in Byzantine and Oriental churches.
  • Another example would be the glitter of metal: the image adds a connotation of cruelty to the glory of a pasha, previously described with true oriental bombast, as the light of lights.
  • Through a clever temporal disjuncture that posits a radical and unmediated cultural dislocation between past and present, she is able to reconcile this orientalized image of modern Greece with a concomitant The Ruins of Empire: Nationalism, Art, and Empire in Hemans's Modern Greece
  • The Moors infused an exotic orientalism into Spanish culture which exercised a deep influence even after their final expulsion in the 15th century.
  • Cargo ships still to this day jostle with rice barges and fragile sampans (an Oriental boat propelled by a sail or oars), whilst porters sweat in the humidity loading the boats.
  • For those who prefer their tropics oriental, there is the blistering, chili-steeped Thai Beef Salad, with its conflagrant viands sacrificed atop a ziggurat of mixed lettuce, peppers, and cucumber in rather too bitter peanut-lime dressing.
  • Coromandel - "an oriental fragrance using a tree resin called benzoin, which has vanilla-like properties"... Archive 2007-01-01
  • Constantinople, spied from the road — first under the blazing midday sun, then by "beautiful Oriental moonlight" on the return trip — views "so sublime and picturesque ... that in an enchanted dream alone one could hope to realize the effect of the mirage Alexis Soyer and the Rise of the Celebrity Chef
  • Bezoar stones were found in the intestines of some ruminant animals, especially oriental goats, and like unicorn horn were thought to be an antidote to poison.
  • Spectres, likewise, are these saintly caricatures of humanity, perambulating metaphysics, the application _in corpore vili_ of Oriental fakirism. Old Calabria
  • In return, local news and gossip came from Connecticut accompanied by many requests to send home exotic Oriental objects such as embroideries, mandarin costumes, lacquerware, tea, and bronzes.
  • For archeologists like Matt Stolper, Professor of Assyriology at the Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago, each tablet is a priceless treasure -- a small window into Persepolis, the capitol of ancient Persia. Trita Parsi: Obama and the Persian Treasures in Chicago
  • Silver cisterns date from the 1660s and soon after examples were also made in tinware lacquered and decorated in the prevailing oriental taste.
  • These are generally referred to as ‘carpet pages’ because it is thought that they were inspired by oriental woven carpets.
  • Packinghouse managers must ensure that the fruit they ship isn't harboring live lychee fruit moths or oriental fruit flies; such stowaways could wreak agricultural havoc.
  • How was orientalism played out in the development of American culture and American identity as a nation?
  • See Tomkins with a telescope and marine jacket; young Nathan and young Abrams, already bedizened in jewellery, and rivalling the sun in oriental splendour; yonder poor invalid crawling along in her chair; yonder jolly fat lady examining the Brighton pebbles (I actually once saw a lady buy one), and her children wondering at the sticking-plaister portraits with gold hair, and gold stocks, and prodigious high-heeled boots, miracles of art, and cheap at seven-and-sixpence! The Newcomes
  • Confidence is unshaken; -- for, on December 30_th_, _Sunday_, Captain de Camp is reported a "glorious oriental brick," -- he having kindly prescribed all sorts of good things for his invalid friend, without the slightest regard to expense; and, moreover, broken Brown's quinsy by administering an extraordinary anecdote, or "crammer," that scarcely any one could Christmas Comes but Once A Year Showing What Mr. Brown Did, Thought, and Intended to Do, during that Festive Season.
  • Whatever vetiver is left in Vétiver Oriental is so prettified and peached that it looses most of its appeal for me by the time the vetiver finally makes an appearance. Vétiver Oriental
  • The excursion fantasy has a certain colonialist/orientalist subtext to it; the strange is the exotic, the frontier, the wilderness waiting for the indomitable hero to come along and tame (bringing order to its natives in the process.) Notes on Strange Fiction: Seams
  • Of course, the whole 'orientalist' paintings were also in vogue some remarkable work there - there is a great book about Orientlist Painting:Orientalists: Western Artists in Arabia, the Sahara, Persia and Hardcover Church and the Mirror
  • Hollywood's vision of the middle east hasn't got much beyond Victorian orientalism, either.
  • There is this in common, in all the procession of Mayers through the ages, that their outward equipment has always sought some little bit of promise of greenery from nature's springtide, and rather a large piece of the human nature which runs to seed in the oriental "backsheesh" -- a picturesque combination of blessing and begging. Fragments of Two Centuries Glimpses of Country Life when George III. was King
  • To exploit the resources of shikimic acid, the content of shikimic acid in Masson pine leaf, Oriental arborvitae leaf and Star anise, the extraction and recovery experiments were studied by HPLC.
  • The floor was overlaid with rugs of oriental design.
  • Even fully fit he would have stood little chance against the oriental, who was an expert in martial arts combat.
  • The chateau was a frame structure of twenty-eight rooms, lavishly furnished with Oriental rugs and imported Sheraton furniture. THE AMERICAN WEST

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