
How To Use Orient In A Sentence

  • First to unfold were the two 14-foot-wide drogue chutes, which oriented the craft and continued slowing it.
  • Hassan in frequently going to sleep in one town, to awake in another far distant, but without the benighted Oriental's surprise at the transfer, the afrit who performed this prodigy being a steam-engine, and the magician it obeyed the human mind. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 23, February, 1873
  • We truly are much more team oriented and friendlike to our children than parents have tended to be in the past, in large part because we too identify with many of the peer and academic pressures that kids now face. Childhood Unbound
  • He has also apparently 'humanistically re-oriented the traditions of the past'. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The relationship between the street and the galleries inside is not as intrusively immediate as is suggested by the open-ended, perpendicular orientation.
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  • I was studying a phenomenon known since 1908 as the phototaxy of chloroplasts: the property of some algae living at the surface of ponds to orient their large unique chloroplast according to the intensity of light; if the light was too intense, the chloroplast turned inside the tubular cell to present its edge. Luc Montagnier - Autobiography
  • The stadium is oriented south and north.
  • The first one is oriented to the business world, and the second one is for all of us who enjoy using the computer for more than work.
  • There is no such ambiguity about a skills analysis which is always person-orientated and not just system-orientated.
  • We believe that eventually every major consumer-oriented company will need interactive programming - sticky content - for their Web sites.
  • The tragedy is the orientation will be in the interests of capital rather than working people.
  • Queensland Orienteering Association development officer Liz Bourne says that probably more than any other sport orienteering has suffered from the loss of bushland, particularly around Brisbane.
  • So maybe BP isn't the best example yet, but clearly businesses that embrace principles of social entrepreneurship--discovering how to "unstick" society when it has gotten stuck, by changing the system--are having widespread impact in making the new buzzphrase "social value" the litmus test for success for not only social entrepreneurs but profit-oriented businesses, too. Marian Salzman: Reinvention, Part II
  • The term belly-dance is a creation of Orientalism, and is first attested in English in 1899, translating French danse du ventre. - Financial News
  • Maybe there could be a new school of (telically oriented) ˜pattern recognition 'instead of ID, since the ID Movement is obviously not what TT's is interested in, given it's theologically relevant agenda. Creationism and Propaganda
  • The country's economy is export oriented.
  • Ever since we met at freshman orientation last year, we've bumped heads.
  • A literal translation is given of the Arabic themes to highlight the partial loss of orientation through discontinuity of theme.
  • This all seems to be in response to the subject of human rights and the inclusion of sexual orientation in the bill.
  • Similarly, managers and directors appeared to share an equivalent value orientation to the fans and were more receptive to their opinions.
  • Because of this, the government holds an Oriental Cherry Festival every year.
  • Companies have been forced into a greater orientation to the market.
  • With this odd schedule during orientation at the new job, he won't be spending the days with me that he normally would.
  • Today, spruced-up Times Square is in the midst of a surprising, almost surreal transformation into a family-oriented entertainment center.
  • However, the reps go up dramatically for endurance-oriented muscles such as calves and abs.
  • Most notably, it acknowledged the lack of consensus on the "immutability" of sexual orientation - that is, on the question whether it has a biological basis or not - but noted that it was, at the very least, "highly resistant to change. FindLaw Writ - Recent Articles
  • These relate to changes in self-concept, life experiences, readiness to learn and orientation to learning.
  • But the Marshall islanders take little interest in those factors - what count instead are the shapes and orientations of the ocean swells that break around islands.
  • One of its clients, Houston Power and Light, uses the object-oriented system to help schedule maintenance of its power stations.
  • Reportedly built from the ground up, it includes a static analyser, debugger and performance analyser based on an object-oriented architecture.
  • Neither type corresponds precisely to that seen in vertebrate enamel, and the extreme variation in crystal orientation is puzzling.
  • Lethargic and lacking self-confidence, he was a quiet dreamer, with interests in theology, art history, and oriental religions.
  • He groaned, and felt the bulkhead, slowly coming to his knees, and standing, trying to orient himself to his position on ‘B’ deck.
  • From the point of human-computer interaction, this paper studied the task-oriented dialogue of human-computer, and gave the architecture of a dialogue system.
  • Try to orientate your students towards the science subjects.
  • She's saying that homosexuals should be allowed to pursue orientation change if they want it -- not that they *should* want it, or should be encouraged to use it. Marcotte blames sexism for her troubles.
  • The course is essentially theoretical in orientation.
  • The adherents to the Peace Alliance had to undergo a serious reorientation in their political attitudes.
  • That 'lifeway' supplied our youth with a critique of Jamaican (and world) society and gave them some firm moral and personal orientations. Jamaica Gleaner Online
  • Besides, the aragonitic shell is made up of two oriented layers: an irregular spherulitic prismatic layer and a fine complex crossed lamellar layer.
  • Some choices include azalea, calla, hydrangea, miniature rose, moth orchid, Oriental lily, tulip, and ‘Wonder Bells Blue’ double campanula.
  • For instance, the apparent lack of sensitivity of GLRs to amino acids could reflect the orientation of the proteins within the heterologous host membrane, rather than insensitivity to ligands.
  • Sports that were rejected include chess, floorball, orienteering, korfball, sumo and tug of war ? Times, Sunday Times
  • More interpersonally oriented social psychologists and cultural anthropologists view emotions as being created among people.
  • Particular emphasis on socially oriented topics, such as receiving visitors, making visits, appointments, entertainment and business travel.
  • Paul said: ‘There are plenty of activities the whole family can try out together, such as kayaking, canoeing, sailing, rock climbing, abseiling, fell-walking, orienteering and cycling.’
  • And just as I was settling into the new world, ready to explore it, I was whisked away to the mysteriouse oriente .... How To Kill My Interest as a Reader
  • The bar is a seething mass of bodies writhing to the disorienting beat.
  • The foundry sector has been chosen to provide contrasts with more growth orientated sectors, such as, chemicals and consumer electronics.
  • Crews endure loneliness, sensory deprivation, disorientating microgravity and the anxiety of knowing the vacuum of space is kept from them by an aluminium hull just a few millimetres thick.
  • Could be a type of "peony" version of oriental, though. Anybody know what kind of flowers these are?
  • The poems come to us across a great chronological and cultural divide, and the reader is reminded of this fact by the occasional archaic word and by the unusual compounding, both of which impart a faintly disorienting tone.
  • Near her wandered her husband, orientally bland, invariably affable, and from time to time squinting sideways, as usual, in the ever-renewed expectation that he might catch a glimpse of his stiff, retroussé moustache. The Younger Set
  • Some experts also suggested that market - oriented IPO pricing can be used Dutch auction.
  • MRF damper oriented semi active suspension of tracked vehicle, whose damping force can be controlled and adjusted following the environment, can relieve the vehicle's vibration effectively.
  • I differ with great diffidence from the learned Baron whose Oriental reading was extensive; but the tale does not seem to justify his explanations. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • He found that these pharmacists believed that students should not be relied upon to expand clinical services and that orientation and training are often time-consuming.
  • I've generally been a lover of orientals and fruity-fresh scents, eschewing white florals and anything that smelled powdery or "old ladyish". Boadicea Pure and Benefit Laugh with Me Lee Lee
  • Conflict between contending groups may be resolved, lessened, or contained through the use of ‘medical diplomacy’ or health oriented superordinate goals
  • The direction of cell growth is determined by the orientation of the cellulose fibrils in the cell wall.
  • Reciprocation of self - inflation of governmental organization and officer's standard value orientation.
  • However, mainstream object-oriented languages such as the Java language tend to conflate the different roles that classes can fill in object-oriented design.
  • Metternich, Castlereagh, and Hardenberg saw in them a ruse for foisting on France either Bernadotte, or an orientalized Republic, or The Life of Napoleon I (Volume 2 of 2)
  • The San Francisco that you have slowly and faithfully trained me to know and adore cares nothing for sexual orientation.
  • For example, at St Francis Medical Center, safe use of tourniquets is included in the orthopedic orientation.
  • The difficulties of the site - its geometry, its western orientation, an adjacent future road easement and its flood prone nature - were significant determinants in the ensuing design.
  • Crossing genres from lo-fi slacker rock to Greek chillwave, it felt exciting and fresh at the same time as throwing you back into the past in a disorientating timewarp reminiscent of Gold-era Spandau Ballet. The sax is back
  • Different three-dimensional objects, oriented appropriately, have the same two-dimensional plane projection.
  • Sex, he had explained to her, takes up a lot of biological energy, and he couldn't figure out why a species would evolve such an orientation when there was no possibility of reproduction between sterile females.
  • This one reminded me of Louise Bagshawe or one of the other British bonkbuster authors - quite European though it's set in LA and New York as well as France and revenge-oriented rather than Phillips' usual football-player types being thrust into situations with quirky heroines. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Apologists wishing to exploit a revisionist history of science invariably stress the profoundly religious orientation of many prominent scientists.
  • The striking success of feral horses is ample proof that their behaviour patterns are not only persistent but survival-oriented.
  • Each centre will be designed to help even the most physically disabled or confused people move around and orient themselves easily.
  • During the orientation picnic, kegs of beer flowed, faculty and students drank together, and I wondered what kind of hellhole I had stumbled into.
  • Sami initially sees his love for Muntaha in poetic terms, likening her beauty and allure to the Sumerian artefacts in front of which he first encounters her, an orientalization that is later echoed by Gabor. The Jakarta Post Breaking News
  • The same work in under the condition of not increasing cost, make our site operators can more easily and more accurately finish, this is truly people-oriented.
  • People who easily tumble on land can become quickly disoriented trying to do the same move in the water.
  • We were attempting to offer consultation to a professional group of nonpsychiatric mental health oriented consultees who were anxious and felt inadequate in this area. Humanistic Nursing
  • Far Orientals begin their year when Nature begins hers, instead of starting anachronously as we do in the very middle of the dead season, much as our colleges hold their commencements, on the last in place at on the first day of the academic term. The Soul of the Far East
  • Now, in the church age, all cultural activity is part of the common grace arena and is no longer eschatologically oriented.
  • Thus educational policy was oriented both to perceived economic needs, and to broader social goals of equality of opportunity.
  • I had the fish special of hake served with potato purée and oriental-style dressing.
  • Contemporary American adolescents have become much more work oriented generally then those of a generation or so ago, mostly because they have been exposed to the costly allurements of a consumption-obsessed America.
  • But in the scope of this metaphor, the implication is that euthanizing the whales will somehow make room for "better" (sneer quotes) classes of whales to evolve that aren't disoriented by subchaser pings. Undefined
  • In his later paintings he used quasi-Oriental calligraphic forms that he called logograms.
  • And then it goes one step further: 99% of the curse words and sexual references are removed in odd, disorienting edits.
  • Today's intellectual pessimism and cultural disorientation distracts the human imagination from confronting challenges that lie ahead.
  • Neither of them is politically oriented .
  • La gare Saint-Charles fut longtemps le point de passage obligé des voyageurs à destination de l'Afrique et du Moyen-Orient. Comme Si de Rien N'Etait - French Word-A-Day
  • The high incidence of nominalization in the CMA code completes the message of authority given by the imperative mode and its deontological orientation.
  • The orientation toward nervous ailments at Steinhof, then, embodied an attempt to fight the marginalization of the asylum on a number of levels.
  • Some male executives make a point of brewing their own coffee to symbolize their professed non-sexist orientation.
  • Yet Europe has surely done more in the past 18 months to bring its public-debt problems under control than has the U.S. It may never have done enough, but it has been more than was imaginable as recently as 2008, when the reflex reaction to the financial crisis was a nationally oriented sauve qui peut. Europe Must Produce Fudge of Much Higher Quality
  • This means there would be a shadow cast to the north and the directional orientation of the picture would come into play.
  • Here, because the second sentence contains no verb to orient it in time and may plausibly be attributed to either the narrator or the character, it acts as a sort of atemporal link between the voices of narrator and character.
  • I was a little "disorientated" after the day of travelling (cranky after the day of travelling) so Bryan took over the role of guide. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • If the dust cloud or explosion is spherical and uniformly smooth, all orientations are equally represented and the net polarization is zero.
  • Some, however, have bucked that tide and oriented themselves streetward.
  • practically orientated institutions such as business schools
  • These observations suggest to some that bisexuality is a natural state among animals, perhaps Homo sapiens included, despite the sexual-orientation boundaries most people take for granted. ID/Evolution
  • Kyle and Louis, their hosts for the night, were indeed upstairs, in a paneled private room, reached after a long and disorienting trek through the interior of the club, across parqueted dining rooms, past bars and rest rooms, up two half flights of stairs that bookended a golden little cigar lounge. The Deed
  • When the targets were favorably located under the orbit, the spacecraft was reoriented.
  • In a floppy disc, for example, you can store ones and zeros by exposing the ferromagnetic surface of the disc to magnets with different polarities (polarity refers to the orientation of the north and south poles of the magnet).
  • Morris was so stunned by this that he experienced a moment of total disorientation.
  • Among the Oriental dogs produced are the Shih Tzu, the Pekingese, the Chow Chow, the Lhasa Apso, the Spitz, and the Pug.
  • Composed by François Robert, the new release is described as a perfume- "choc", a rose scent that is oriental, spicy, soft, sensual and cordial. Archive 2007-06-01
  • He'd been a footballer too, with Orient, and that was a great ice-breaker for me.
  • No consensus has been achieved among scholars on the questions concerning the fundamental reorientation and periodization of China's contemporary diplomacy.
  • Neither the physical well being resulting from the diet, nor the knowledge of oriental philosophy really dealt with the matter of self-development or self-realization.
  • The orientation of the planet's orbit is changing continuously.
  • Program components were outlined during routine student orientation to the internal medicine rotation.
  • European law also provides protection from discrimination on the grounds of racial or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, religion or belief and disability.
  • Also intrinsic to the flea market orientation was an element of bargain hunting.
  • Further supporting this sense of group accountability and relationships is a reward system oriented more to teamwork than to individual work.
  • It was a hybrid of pointe work and pseudo-oriental port de bras woven into unison formations.
  • The rock is dominated by well-oriented hornblende surrounding porphyroclasts of diopside, which is patchily transitional into hornblende.
  • The paper puts forward the architecture of a scalable cluster - oriented streaming server.
  • One thing is clear to me: If biblical studies is to survive in academia, it must move beyond its still religionist, Euroamerican, and bibliolatrous orientation and offer us a more convincing rationale for how it will benefit our broader world and not just faith communities.
  • It can be anything from a rich and succulent casserole to a stir fry recipe with a subtle hint of the Orient.
  • We get so close to our materials that it's easy to miss things and your detail oriented proofer can catch mistakes that could be a deal breaker if left unnoticed. Caroline Dowd-Higgins: Convene Your Personal Board of Directors
  • Chen opened a number of politically oriented enterprises, including highly profitable correspondence schools.
  • With the advent of the government's new programme, the ruling elite is now orientating itself towards just such a confrontation.
  • Neither the physical well being resulting from the diet, nor the knowledge of oriental philosophy really dealt with the matter of self-development or self-realization.
  • Who can tell what is decisive in arriving at judgements, decisions, and basic orientations?
  • Many libraries provide printed guides on the use of the library as part of their orientation programme.
  • The Oriental is a comfortable hotel, but rather inconveniently situated.
  • He led Israel out of the bloc of unaligned nations and adopted a pro-Western orientation.
  • Lubetkin orients the entrance on an oblique axis in order to bypass the first stair tower and arrive opposite the center of the building.
  • ScanLock Technology Corporation are technology - oriented enterprises integrating development, manufacture and sale.
  • The single-subject academic course is largely confined to the universities, reflecting their traditions of specialized scholarship and their stronger research orientation.
  • Part one traces the tracks of environmental determinism and points out its political orientation.
  • Increased illumination in the night too would disorient turtles and hatchlings and prevent them from finding their way to the sea after they hatch.
  • Religion, rather than rigidifying our political ideologies and psychological orientations, ought to be destabilizing our certainties, as certainty is too often an enemy of compassion. The Full Feed from
  • An answer to this will be the key to occident and oriental debate. Occident verses Orient Debate
  • To a society which has lost its orientation he has much to offer.
  • Further courses are coaching orientated, examining what the individual needs to learn and offering it in a digestible format.
  • Dragonflies that migrate appear to build up fat reserves, wait for favorable winds, take rest breaks, and reorient themselves when they lose their way, according to the study.
  • This proved a good area to go to escape a disorienting white-out on the upper slopes, as did Arc 1600.
  • This a priori orientation toward being - with its implicit pre-conceptual awareness of being by connatural affinity and desire, as we know a good by being drawn to it - is a genuine a priori presence of being to the human mind constitutive of its very nature as a dynamic faculty.
  • Are we engaging in "presentism" and failing to understand what was done in other times and places if we assume that unmarried men who have no apparent intimate relationships with women had a homosexual orientation whether acted upon or not? Was Washington Irving gay?
  • Orient are only out of the drop zone on goal difference. The Sun
  • Neufeld contends that peer orientation undermines family cohesion, poisons the school atmosphere and fosters an aggressively hostile and sexualized youth culture.
  • The posterior section of the facial suture extends outwards from the base of the palpebral lobe, in contrast to the anterior branch that is more sagittally oriented.
  • Research data may not be relevant to persons with fundamentally different orientations or worldviews.
  • This is as common as dirt in the blogosphere and the big wide world, but it's a kind of formalized, group-oriented insanity. Making Light: Open thread 134
  • A blue skintight shirt was covered by a white oriental style tunic.
  • I have regularly competed in orienteering style mountain bike races, in which you decide your own route.
  • The article has the character of clearly layer, correct orientation, consolidate basis and broaden specialty for applied career man.
  • Still, the newspaper's new TV section - a more female-oriented supplement - is viewed as a positive in the market.
  • She told police she felt "disorientated" at Jason Gram's apartment. | Top Stories
  • The advantages of such an economic re-orientation, meanwhile, would be legion.
  • Birth control funding, the Americorps volunteer program, public broadcasting, the community-oriented policing program and a "weatherization" program to insulate homes and office buildings also would be eliminated. Reuters: Top News
  • Believing that is roughly what the orient has been calling maya for the last several millennia. Language/thought vs reality process
  • On foot or sometimes on mountain bikes, orienteers exercise their bodies and brains, finding a series of destination markers along a course.
  • Viewers were told how to orient their satellite dishes to best receive broadcasts.
  • Biopsy tissues were fixed in buffered formalin and processed routinely through paraffin wax, ensuring optimal orientation at the embedding stage.
  • The orienter also features in-line Beta thickness gauging and two-sided corona treatment. Converting - Flexible Packaging News
  • The period from roughly 900 BC to 200 BC is referred to as an "axial age" because it set the orientation or direction for spirituality for more than two thousand years into the future. The Full Feed from
  • Wise animals would avoid this place - it would confuse and disorient them. WATER BOOK THREE: TRANSFORMATION
  • Sometimes the new orientation is portrayed as the balancing of rights with responsibilities.
  • Rather she found that bisexuality in women is a distinct and consistent sexual orientation.
  • Mr. Katz is editor of the semiweekly Oriental Economist Alert. Tokyo Gamble
  • Some were so disorientated that they ran down the tracks into tunnels, heedless of the danger from oncoming trains, their only instinct to get out.
  • The degree of flocculation, and hence randomness of particle orientations on sedimentation, generally increases with the concentration and valency of the cations in the solution.
  • As every programmer discovers, connection-oriented synchronous protocols make multitasking very difficult while connectionless asynchronous protocols encourage multitasking. Get Off The Phone | ATTACKERMAN
  • The two head frames are not identically positioned; they had to be oriented in relation to moving the ore to the crusher.
  • Its serving order and individual portions is Western and the use of the chopsticks is Oriental.
  • Twenty minutes in, I was so disorientated, I approached a pet stall and asked if I could take a photo of the unfamiliar creature for sale next to the monkeys - it was, in my defence, a particularly unlovely baby.
  • It serves to convince us that there is large body of people who are merely self-interested, inward-looking and consumption oriented.
  • Bazaar Revision Control System (also known as bzr) is a changeset-oriented revision control system based on Arch that makes it possible to retain previous changes to projects and coordinate development with other developers. Softpedia - Windows - All
  • Orienteering, team challenges and campcraft formed the bulk of level 1 subject matter.
  • In the thick fog, only sounds helped him orientate himself. July « 2009 « Sentence first
  • This algorithm is realized by block orientation rough matching, ridge line fine matching in template and ridge matching in windows with two levels of judgement.
  • Well, when I first start the treatment I get a couple of days feeling a little squiffy and disoriented.
  • Leaves sometimes distichous, vertically oriented, transversely or subtransversely inserted, but with ventral base succubous and sometimes decurrent, constantly 2-lobed to 0.1-0.6 their length.
  • She was hoeing into her plate of chips and Bob had his head behind the orientation magazine.
  • I don't think cooking is effeminate - I'd question the sexual orientation of anyone who said that!
  • Employee orientation is the process of introducing new employees to their jobs and to the organization. Human Resource Management in Government
  • He was quite popular both as a portrait painter and an Orientalist.
  • A false start might be a most disorientating thing, but there will be plenty of time for pulling the drawbridge up never mind the thermals on in the months to come. But do we really want a barbecue autumn? | Alex Clark
  • The young shooters also practiced another important rule: A safe, low-ready position orients the muzzle at about a 45-degree angle.
  • Reducing access to credit as a means of preventing overextension, of course, risks reorienting policy towards the paternalistic practices of the past.
  • That the talented person supervisor mode is innovative is that scenery, improvement molding the common wish are among people mainly link become market-oriented up, put into practice.
  • Teach these tools during orientation and reteach them continuously throughout ongoing training at staff meetings during the summer.
  • This orientates all the elementsof the understanding, as the magnet collects into regular curves the filings of a magnetic metal. The Psychology of Revolution
  • This design came to be known as the Oriental style.
  • During the Second World War the statue was removed for safe keeping, but on its return the bow was fixed pointing to the south, and then again wrongly reorientated after the road junction was upgraded in the 1990s.
  • An overstuffed chair for the use of the interrogatee is sometimes preferable to a straight-backed, wooden chair because if he is made to stand for a lengthy period or is otherwise deprived of physical comfort, the contrast is intensified and increased disorientation results. The Dark Art of Interrogation
  • Objections I will conclude this chapter by considering a few objections to the account of authority suggested above which challenge its general orientation.
  • As such, in general lexicons the concept has the attributes of a power-play, oriented to the accomplishment of willed ends, albeit in the limited bounds of conversational interaction and behavior.
  • While it would be additionally wonderful were the Mass to be celebrated ad orientem (it will be celebrated versus populum) the use of the original high altar with its ciborium is a spectacular bit of news. Installation of Vincent Nichols to Westminster to be Celebrated at Original High Altar
  • Interpersonal relationships there are strongly influenced by the typically collectivist orientation of these cultures.
  • Orientalism has become a reified ‘Other,’” writes Irwin of Said. Bloodlust
  • We intend to persuade the Church to engage in policy studies with the aim of developing people-oriented policies for the communication task.
  • The building is orientated towards the north, as dictated by the topography, with the main entrances to the east and west.
  • His music is a haunting mix of guitar, synthesizer, oriental gongs and bells.
  • To be honest it's no time at all before I'm completely disorientated and it's only thanks to David literally dragging me around that we make it from one underwater location to another.
  • Nayarit Gold controls more than 102,000-hectares of mining concessions -- collectively called the Orion Project -- in the Sierra Madre Occidental, the range that extends from Arizona in the United States down into western Mexico (west of the Sierra Madre Oriental). Asian Investors Hunting for Gold in Toronto
  • I was ashamed by my ignorance of soil, vine orientation, geology and earth sciences. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has been mentioned in the comments that the BBA is a little bit more heavily oriented towards Milwaukee. Archive 2005-07-01

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