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How To Use Organizer In A Sentence

  • Festival organizers seem to have keyed into the public anxiety over their use of the park and are offering plenty of reassurances.
  • But, perhaps most exciting is the large number of people the organizers tell me are coming from Quebec. Christianity Today
  • Acclaimed writer, children†™ s art advocate, and organizer of the world†™ s only “Kids Comics” convention, Alex Simmons returns to handle the script chores, while fan-favorite Rex Lindsey is back with some of the best art of his career. Archie Comics Solicitations for May 2008 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • The conference closed with a short speech by the organizer.
  • The salon organizers have made prints a special highlight of this year's event, hoping to start a craze for print collecting in China.
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  • It revealed why crossing-over should be suppressed between the centromere and the nucleolus organizer in organisms in which chiasmata terminalize, from the initial loaction of a crossover to the end of the arm of the chromosome. Nobel Lecture The Significance of Responses of the Genome to Challenge
  • A key component of that warfare by the ubër rich was to emaciate or destroy the unions through new laws restricting unionization, bankruptcy courts killing labor contracts, diversion of pension funds, abusive tactics against organizers, shipping jobs elsewhere and PR campaigns vilifying the very concept of collective bargaining to redress serious economic disadvantages. Sneak Attack
  • Vancouver - Weather conditions were improving ahead of the men's downhill at Whistler Creekside Monday in good news for organizers who have had to rejuggle their Olympics alpine ski programme. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • These multitude blunders of the FFI 2004 only confirm the opinion that the organizers should be comprised of young people, instead of old-timers who suddenly resurface with the revival of the film scene.
  • The Olympic Games organizers are trying to prepare for every conceivable emergency.
  • Graphic organizers may be used in conjunction with synectics to promote learning and understanding.
  • Sarah Palin, I would prefer to be a community organizer, as I am, rather than be a quitter and abus girl who goes from state to state selling books. Palin blasts the 'Obama doctrine'
  • Case in point: Openly anxious about grass-roots disaffection from the Republican Party, conservative Christian organizers are reaching for ways to turn out voters this November, including arguing that recognizing same-sex marriage could also limit religious freedom. September 2006
  • He enjoys the sportsmanship of the sport so much he is a promoter and organizer of curling events.
  • Organizers did get a break: The men's fourth round was completed before rain halted play shortly before 4 p.m. local time, meaning the tournament can finish on time. Rain, rain won't go away at Wimbledon
  • It's a similar process to synchronizing a handheld organizer with your PC.
  • It may even turn out that these growth factors are the signals from the organizer which specify the main body axis.
  • The national organizer of a Ghanaian youth association is calling on elders and traditional rulers to help resolve a brewing conflict over a chieftaincy dispute. Ghanaian Youth Leader Urges Elders to End Chieftaincy Disputes
  • But apparently the festival organizers had anticipated such a reaction, because a burly volunteer was blocking each door.
  • On the grassy banks of the lake, I settle into a chair provided by the event organizers.
  • The organizers of the exercise -- particularly the former commender of LOHSEP, Col. Your Right Hand Thief
  • Astice - Timetable is a smart diary, personal organizer and time planner.
  • Organizers plan to continue the energy conservation and tourist promotion program for at least the next 51 weeks.
  • The organizers are hoping to spark some interest in young people.
  • However, Armentrout says unaudited figures show that organizers spent about $1.9 million and owe approximately $965,000 to a variety of creditors.
  • Seems the organizers like the cut of my "immoderate moderator" jib, which is deeply flattering and rewarding as I always have a lot of fun doing it. Uninstalled
  • The political commissar , political director and political instructor are organizers of the day-to-day work of the Party committees (Party branches) and leaders of political work.
  • The organizers of the ships were offered to bring their assertedly humanitarian cargo into an Israeli port (Ashdod), and after inspection for contraband, everything else would be transshipped toGaza. The Volokh Conspiracy » Pollak on Uniquely Israeli Stupidity
  • The new International Rules of Yacht Racing, covering the triennium 2001-2004, were implemented for the first time in an Optimist regatta in Asia and the race organizers watched with great interest.
  • He gently chided the organizers of another event, where he gave his talk in front of an empty wall.
  • The lecture's organizers have said the lecture was clearly advertised as a series of yarns.
  • It was sometime after midnight—after four hours in that shit-hole—when a senior officer showed up, said he had spoken with the regatta organizers, and he was letting us go as an exception to the rule. Fallin’ Up
  • Organizers are especially interested in talking with 10 freshmen House members that a prominent Tea Party-affiliated group has identified as persuadable on the question of continued U.S. involvement in Afghanistan: GOP Lawmakers Planning Meeting To Explore Alternatives In Afghan War
  • At another place, the organizer could not be found until a few minutes before the start of the simul.
  • NEWPORT - Italianfest could draw as many as 100,000 people to Newport this week, organizers said, and will provide an opportunity for the city to showcase itself. Cincinnati.Com - All Local News
  • The Assembly passed legislation which required organizers of demonstrations to apply three days in advance for government approval.
  • A typical PDA can function as a mobile phone, fax sender, and personal organizer.
  • Any teams interested in entering should contact the tournament organizer with details of their availability.
  • I felt sandbagged by the organizers, so after five to ten minutes I left,’ recounted Kay.
  • The organizers had expected about 50,000 people to attend the concert.
  • Oh, yes, doncha all know that there are one set of rules for Socialist Community Organizers and another for folksy, lipstick-besmirched hawkey mawms? Think Progress » MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Mocks Sarah Palin By Writing ‘Cheat Sheet’ On Her Hand
  • The race organizers are trying to attract sponsors.
  • He felt a grudging respect for her talents as an organizer.
  • Check out their entries and the entries of the other Green Game Changers -- eco-adventurer David de Rothschild, "buycott" organizer Brent Shulkin, carbon footprint analyst Gavin Starks, home gardening guru Roger Doiron, eco-entrepreneur Graham Hill, ClimateCount's Gary Hirshberg, and "Green Porno" auteur Isabella Rossellini -- and vote for your favorites. Arianna Huffington: More HuffPost Game Changers: Politics and Style
  • Organizers warned yesterday that holders of fraudulent tickets would not be admitted to World Cup events.
  • Supposedly "demobilized" in 2006, the AUC has largely continued to carry out its drug-dealing activities and campaign of violence and intimidation against campesinos, indigenous peoples, stigmatized social groups such as homosexuals and prostitutes, labor organizers, critical journalists, and human rights advocates. PLIGG_Visual_Name - PLIGG_Visual_RSS_All
  • The Assembly passed legislation which required organizers of demonstrations to apply three days in advance for government approval.
  • It's a nervy undertaking, but that's what local artist and Night of Artists festival organizer Phil Alain did in 1997.
  • In at least two of his honorific inscriptions, this Piso is called both "high priest of the Imperial cult" (this must have been after T. Flavius Neon held this office), but also "the first organizer (agonothetès) for eternity (in perpetuum) of the agones Klareia. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Recording Report 3: Epigraphical Studies
  • We need fewer organizers and more doers.
  • Indeed, the limited ability of the organizers to control the maskers was demonstrated by their refusal to participate in a three-quarter-mile carnival-style parade in the intense heat.
  • The Assembly passed legislation which required organizers of demonstrations to apply three days in advance for government approval.
  • The organizers must do everything they can to prevent barbaric, inhumane acts of violence from occurring there.
  • The organizers were stumped as to what to do with the food, and finally said we could just take the stuff home.
  • Organizers wish to express their enormous appreciation to community and corporate sponsors without which an event of this magnitude could not happen.
  • The article thinks that a winter sports coach is a sculptor of outstanding athletes, a researcher of winter competitive sports, a designer, organizer, executant and manager of scientific training.
  • The caravan of tour buses, RVs, cargo trucks and SUVs kicked off a cross-country tour Friday in Sacramento, California, and plans on holding events in 33 cities en route to Washington, D.C. for what organizers hope will be a big rally on September 12. Mortgage program hasn't helped enough, some say
  • Community organizer Eder Sánchez pulls away from a breakfast of liver, rice, and plantains and uncaps his pen.
  • This new multi-part epic comes courtesy of someone who knows his way around both creating and teaching comics, namely acclaimed writer, children's art advocate, and organizer of the world's only "Kids 'Comics" convention, Alex Simmons. ComicList Headlines
  • The festival is open to kayakers and canoeists of all levels, and this year organizers have added an intermediate class to boost participation.
  • With $228,664 worth of grants from license-tag funding, the Nature Conservancy, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, organizers from the Marine Discovery Center and Volusia County government are hoping to turn Chicken Island into a kind of showplace for how estuary-restoring efforts work. Undefined
  • Its driving ambition to claim a share in global power as Asia’s preeminent state—the sponsor and organizer of the “Asian coprosperity sphere”—was turning to ashes. Out of Control
  • The organizers guided them in orderly fashion out of the building.
  • Why blame America's distress on its deepening inequalities when someone doing a pointillist inspection of the remonstrants in Zuccotti Park can write that an organizer there was behaving as if "All occupiers are equal - but some occupiers are more equal than others" ? Jim Sleeper: Behind The Snarking About OWS
  • As opponents of big government converged on what has been billed as the first national tea party convention, organizers hoped the event would further "galvanize" the populist movement and help it gather momentum after a string of recent conservative electoral victories. Headlines
  • In fact, the organizers, an amorphous collection of individuals, groups and organizations, had hoped that possibly 30,000 would participate.
  • A special vote of thanks went to the organizer, Tim Woodhouse.
  • Yet, there is a problem with the fact that the former was "organizer for life" of the games connected with it and probably still alive in A.D. 120-125, whereas the latter, who most likely had witnessed the accession of Hadrian in A.D. 117, was "the first organizer (agonothetès) for eternity (in perpetuum) of the agones Klareia. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Recording Report 3: Epigraphical Studies
  • Smash is an organizer of counter-demonstrations.
  • Just last year, the organizer of a "Tea Party" protest in Virginia planed to burn House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Tom Perriello in effigy next weekend at a rally. Granholm worries of Tea Party's 'fringe element'
  • Vilma Seth, organizer of "Real Love Stockholm," one of the many antiroyalist parties taking place in the capital this weekend. Swedish Wedding Spotlights Monarchy
  • I have a lot of respect for the organizers of the workshop; they packed a lot into our 44 hours on-site at Pendle Hill, yet it didn't feel rushed or overloaded. Days and weeks
  • The organizers must foot that bill with their churches' tithes and offerings.
  • After the lunch counter at the largest department store in Atlanta was desegregated, sit-in organizers were dismayed that the first black people to eat there honored the occasion by dressing in their finest clothes, including fur coats. A Renegade History of the United States
  • Pope Benedict XVI sent greetings to Tour riders and organizers as the pack passed close to the Alpine retreat of Les Combes, overlooking Mont Blanc, where the pontiff is staying. Astarloza wins Stage 16, Contador holds yellow
  • Organizers made it a point to include music and poetry to help relax the atmosphere and lure more students.
  • Factory foremen had locked the exit doors to keep out union organizers and to keep workers from taking breaks and stealing scraps of fabric. Peter Dreier: The Fire Last Time
  • The organizers of the ships were offered to bring their assertedly humanitarian cargo into an Israeli port Ashdod, and after inspection for contraband, everything else would be transshipped to Gaza. Boarding a ship in international waters
  • And the money can be lost, stolen, or skimmed off the top by the pool's organizer.
  • But after this year's edition, he says, and once the numbers are crunched, organizers are going to have to take a look at expenses and figure things out from there.
  • Due to general fatigue and increased business for the organizers' artist agency, next year the whole shebang will last but a weekend.
  • We're not antipolice," Make the Road community organizer Jesus Gonzales said at the rally at City Hall Park. NYT > Home Page
  • I think our Institute can proudly claim that it has been the main mover and organizer of the creation of the knowledge and information about the British Empire that is now so general. Throne and Empire
  • Concerning the participants, the author mainly deals with the organizer, presider as well as rights and obligations of each participant in hearing.
  • Carol Hamilton will follow up with the NCER organizers to gather more specific data about costs, registration fees, and space needs before a final decision about collocation and support can be made.
  • That is, many employers have improved the lot of their workers so that union organizers will remain at bay. A Conceptual View of Human Resource Management: Strategic Objectives, Environments, Functions
  • She had downloaded his file onto her watch before leaving, which doubled not only as a timepiece but also a data organizer.
  • In addition to the main segments, the organizers throw in extra challenges, such as rappelling, swim­ming Triathlon not enough? Add rappelling, mud pit crawl at east Alabama adventure race |
  • Festival organizers aimed for a harmonious parade of different masquerades, the order of which was controlled by officials urging groups forward and holding them back.
  • As our activity organizer, she knew how to find fun things to do.
  • Organizers will assign volunteers to teams that need assistant for stage set - up.
  • The organizers of the march were charged with assault and riotous assembly .
  • As Osa dancers perform a stick dance meant to conjure up the spirits of their ancestors, organizers say the festive season is not a denouncement of Western Christian values.
  • He had volunteered himself as a march organizer unhesitatingly, with that goal in mind. THE WHITE DOVE
  • Nancy Monts of Your Happy Space in Dallas is a certified stager and professional organizer. Interior Designers Deck the Halls From Afar
  • Instructional materials for each strategy include mnemonic charts, graphic organizers, charts for graphing student progress, practice materials, reward certificates, and bulletin board ideas.
  • colonizer" -- an underground union organizer -- in a meatpacking plant in Chicago. Recent articles from
  • And the custom travel organizer which is this, plus your glamour tray.
  • The organizers had strongly denied government accusations that the protest was an attempt to heighten political tensions.
  • A few were tearing up after the obviously empassioned speech by main organizer Samar Hajj - who Cohen insinuates is a terrorist. Sharmine Narwani: The Day US Jewish Groups Went Too Far With the Word "Terrorist"
  • Closet Organizer, Sundries Organizer, Garment Bag, Shopping Bag, Cosmetic Bag, Nursery Products, Household Products.
  • Mary Dykstra, a Grand Rapids, Mich., professional organizer, coaches people to set specific, realistic goals, then to break each goal into small, measurable steps, with a timetable.
  • In one article, he leads a discussion among community organizers looking for ways to “capture a portion” of the health-care market.121 This is consistent with Mc- Knight’s idea that community organizations need to take control of the economy from below. Radical-In-Chief
  • These debilitating decisions must be made one at a time, with the organizer instilling certain precepts in the client as they work. Leaving It to the Professionals
  • The organizer has built a large refrigerator covering 1,500 square metres and temperature inside is kept below minus 14 centigrade degrees.
  • The organizers of the march were charged with assault and riotous assembly .
  • I watched with detached disinterest as Sean and Amber presented themselves to the audience and received their medallions from the organizers.
  • If the ongoing Toronto International Film Festival is, as its organizers say, a "smorgasbord" overflowing with hundreds of entrees, think of New York's as three dozen plates of food for thought, served up to offset what appears to be a low-calorie fall from Hollywood. Around The World In 17 Days
  • The comment raised heckles and embarrassed the forum's organizers.
  • But the strike ended one week ago, and Oscar organizers are promising a traditional ceremony for a global TV audience with big stars, dazzling fashion and, hopefully, memorable winners.
  • The fact is, fighting anarchists, reds and labor organizers played a very important part in developing modern forms of identification and police power.
  • Of course she had a death or two to report with the appropriately morbid funereal details but she absolutely waxed rhapsodic about the church renovation and expansion project for which she was the principal fundraiser and organizer.
  • Many of the studies met these conditions, with advance organizers in the successful studies often provided to students in well-written paragraphs. Advanced Educational Psychology For Educators, Researchers and Policymakers,
  • The four organizers of Expozine are dynamos of productivity.
  • When and where agents obtained civil-bill decrees and writs of ejectment in the county courts, thereby forcing the tenants to bear some of the legal costs, League organizers had a much easier time recruiting new members.
  • The organizers must foot that bill with their churches' tithes and offerings.
  • Even when youth activism is accepted it is usually in a condescending or patronizing manner when older and more experienced organizers run and co-opt youth efforts.
  • With three strong candidates in the running, many backroom organizers are predicting a heavy turnout for the election.
  • This means that strong racers stuck with a boatload of rafting novices might be held up in their overall time, but organizers seemed to believe this minor idiosyncrasy added to the fun of the event.
  • Also present were a number of prominent politicians of conscience, among them, Dan Malloy, the mayor of Stamford, State Representative, Bruce Morris, and Hartford's own healthcare hero and community organizer, Juan Figueroa of the Universal Healthcare Foundation. Suzanne Langlois: Joe -- We Know Where You Live.
  • Organizers appealed to the crowd not to panic.
  • If the Concert is cancelled, the organizer(s) reserve(s) the right to amend the show date.
  • The One-Minute Organizer offers a simple plan to help you unclutter and organize your life... one minute at a time.
  • The Weekly recommends calling event organizers to check for last-minute changes in location, time, price, etc.
  • Mom was an anti-nuke activist, a union organizer, a feminist and a single mother.
  • Rading remains poor as a community organizer in the slums while Azon has gotten tired of it all and just wants to lead a quiet life in the province. Home
  • It's not just about the women finding their Prince Charming, but also the men finding their princess," said Cheng Yongsheng of the organizers, matchmaking website www. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • The success of these clubs is due to the extraordinary commitment of effort, energy, time and generosity which a throng of coaches and organizers give willingly and freely.
  • Closet Organizer, Sundries Organizer, Garment Bag, Shopping Bag, Cosmetic Bag, Nursery Products, Household Products.
  • The organizers say it's a fair contest but who knows what goes on backstage?
  • My suggestion for conference organizers would be to include optional (and non-schedule-conflicting) antisexist and antiracist workshops. So Now What? « Dyepot, Teapot
  • They were only one day over the date limit so the organizers bent the rules and accepted their entry.
  • In a later session, one of the organizers of the conference, Dyonna Ginsburg, who made aliyah to Israel from the U.S., made an impassioned case for why Israel was the issue of this generation of Jews. Rabbi Sid Schwarz: 'One Jewish People' Takes Work
  • STANLEY KURTZ, "NATIONAL REVIEW" ONLINE: Instead of giving money directly to schools, they gave money to what they called external partners, and these external partners were often pretty radical community organizer groups. CNN Transcript Oct 9, 2008
  • Organizers need the valid signatures of 480, 000 voters by April 19 to qualify for the November ballot.
  • There were suffragists and socialists, a trade union organizer, and a London city councillor in her heritage.
  • The conference closed with a short speech by the organizer.
  • The sport's six events—its organizers shrug when asked why it isn't just called aeronautical hexathlon—each evoke some aspect of flying, if only indirectly. The Aeronautical Pentathlon Has Six Events—and Flying Doesn't Count
  • The organizers expect responsible, cooperative participants who will volunteer at least one hour of time to the Fair and the community.
  • But a string of federal arrests in Washington and Oregon last week should serve as notice to the organizers of rooster "derbies" across this country, authorities say. Cracking Down on Cockfighting
  • Palm organizers and Pocket PC devices are being tested in a small but growing number of schools.
  • Do you keep some type of planner, organizer, calendar, etc. with you, and do you use it regularly?
  • The organizer has built a large refrigerator covering 1,500 square metres and temperature inside is kept below minus 14 centigrade degrees.
  • Obama unabashedly explained how he became "churched" in a 2007 speech: "It's around that time [while working as an organizer for the Developing Communities Project (DCP) of the Calumet Community Religious Conference (CCRC) in Chicago] that some pastors I was working with came around and asked if I was a member of Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • The wedding market in Bali is booming, with wedding organizers, villas, restaurants and even five-star hotels catering to the practical demands of love.
  • He wooed her with expensive gifts and sponsored her through Chica Med, a second-rate beauty pageant organizers concede was viewed as a cattle market by gangsters looking for new girls.
  • Rally organizers gleefully play up the potential for unpleasant, unexpected catastrophe—catnip for the type of New Yorker who thrives on attempting arduous feats, from monthlong juice fasts to autorickshaw journeys. Around the World in 80 Ways
  • The glamour events are barely under way, but attendance at the national championships is already pleasing organizers.
  • Organizers of the strike are determined to press on.
  • The chief organizer worked the phones, workdays and weekends, keeping the team on track, keeping the mission in everybody's sights.
  • The top-ranked Spaniard is "stuggling with ongoing knee problems and has been advised to rest by doctors," tournament organizers said in a statement. Nadal pulls out of Queen's Club due to 'ongoing knee problems'
  • The organizer was familiar with the protocol of royal visits.
  • Paper models of computers and hand-held organizers have now become standard offering fare.
  • A more authoritarian regime could have simply imprisoned the organizers.
  • The organizers guided them in orderly fashion out of the building.
  • The day after I learned about his rejection, I randomly met one of the "Assistant Organizers" in the park who told me three things: (1) The occasional dad attends a meet-up here and there, but the actual members are required to be the moms, and it's ok, because: (2) The dads sometimes form their own meet-ups .... at the Beer Garden or a baseball game, "y'know, guy stuff", and besides: (3) keeping it moms-only is great "because they don't have to worry about getting 'cruised'." [ed. note: I haven't heard the verb "cruised" since Cinemax movies of the early '80s] He-man women haterz klub
  • Along with Marion and an organizer from Guatemala, she will attended the bilingual training at the AFL-CIO Organizing Institute in Los Angeles.
  • A good organizer pays attention to detail.
  • Like "socialist", "appeaser" and "community organizer", the appellation "underdog" is just another co-opted, re-jiggered rightwing button that gets pushed every time Ailes and Company want their audience to respond like the flinching sheep they are. Steven Weber: GOP-za-Poppin'!
  • The demonstrations mark the start of what is expected to be a drawn-out battle that protest organizers have called Occupy Nigeria, adopting the brand name franchised by the Wall Street protests against economic inequality. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Springpad even includes a personal organizer section so that all tasks, calendar events, lists, and contacts across all pages and notebooks have a neatly organized home of their own.
  • The success of the venture reflects great credit on the organizers.
  • Cook's beginnings in 1841, as an organizer of temperance excursions on English Midland railroads, may be well known.
  • Organizers need the valid signatures of 480, 000 voters by April 19 to qualify for the November ballot.
  • The Summit is a collaborative project and the organizers welcome your input on the agenda.
  • The organizers are throwing the contest open to under 21s for the first time.
  • Organizers of the project hope that international links will be forged.
  • The project's organizers hope the government will continue funding it next year.
  • Tournament organizers need to offer big money to attract the top players.
  • From A to Z, what we see is bad: political corruption, briberies, corrupt media, special forces attacking the people and parliament members," said one of the organizers, who spoke on the condition of anonymity for fear of government reprisals. In Kuwait, a long battle to oust the prime minister
  • The Organizer reserves the final right to interpret the rules.
  • I think the conference organizers decided on some whimsy that at the end of the day, when everybody else is blissed out, there should be a representative of the old media.
  • New York City's delegates to the meeting in Utica included Paulus Hedle, a leading Loco Foco operative who would later be one of the organizers of the park meeting that lead to the February, 1837 Flour Riot. back Advocating The Man: Masculinity, Organized Labor, and the Household in New York, 1800-1840
  • I applaud the organizers of SoP IV in taking a brave and bold step in making a bigger and more global conference remember the tagline -- building the _global_ metaverse? Are we really ready for a global conversation about virtual worlds?
  • According to the petitions 'organizers, the idea of decertifying was hatched soon after that meeting. Chicago Reader
  • One young man monitoring police frequencies on a futuristic little radio communicates to organizers via an earpiece attached to a cell phone.
  • The conference closed with a short speech by the organizer.
  • Organizers demanded that tobacco cultivation have to be stopped in environmentally-sensitive areas such as the hill tracts, deforestation have to be stopped for making land and drying tobacco. GYM 2009 | Archive | March
  • Fine Art Organizer: catalog and maintain all your fine art collections.
  • Matasar's pep talk kicked off a two-day conference called "Future Ed: New Business Models for U.S. and Global Legal Education" -- the first event in what organizers call a yearlong - Newswire
  • But apparently the festival organizers had anticipated such a reaction, because a burly volunteer was blocking each door.
  • As one commentator said, the organizers have had to negotiate more hurdles than the competitors in the 3,000-meter steeplechase.
  • But apparently the festival organizers had anticipated such a reaction, because a burly volunteer was blocking each door.
  • Other tour operators stress that voluntourism really does have lasting impact because, despite rapid turnover among individual volunteers, trip organizers develop long-term relationships with community partners.
  • Nearly 300 Everest summiteers were in the Nepalese capital to attend the celebration, which ends Thursday, the organizers said.
  • The most common reason I heard for the erasure was a reactionary urge that was easy to resent: "They're essentially moving it because they don't want to look at girls dressed like sluts," said Calisha Jenkins, one of the organizers of the December 19 ride. Nathan Schneider: What Hipsters Can Learn From Hasids About the Bedford Bike Lane
  • The success of the venture reflects great credit on the organizers.
  • Devices of all sorts, including preprogrammed hand-held organizers, have been developed to engage audience members' intellectual curiosity.
  • One may argue that Mr. Obama's community-organizer attacks on the wealthy in front of a union crowd (delivered with the tone and syntax of bar-stool resentment) are meant to keep the party's perpetually angry left-wing base agitated enough to vote in November. A President's Class War
  • It easily converts from a tote to a backpack, and includes a front organizer for business essentials, side mesh pockets for water bottle and accessories, and adjustable backpack straps.
  • The organizers of the show have conscientiously laid out its densely woven iconography.
  • Unfortunately, following the announcement of the results the organizer cut every means of communication!
  • This year, his handful of caucus organizers has been in close touch with his past supporters and birddogged county party organizations. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Tshivase High School in Venda and already an active student organizer. 'I Saw a Nightmare …' Doing Violence to Memory: The Soweto Uprising, June 16, 1976
  • The bags are embossed with the sword and shield of the Catholic League, the organizer of the protest.
  • The organizers said that although the dancers are very young, most of the leading roles have gone to award-winning performers.
  • Organizers expect upward of 300,000 visitors; the spectacular 10-day fête includes arts festivals, workshops, a Mardi Gras parade, and sports, health and youth events.
  • Strapped for funds, the organizers had gambled a good chunk of their budget on one event.
  • Wireless devices have evolved from personal organizers and schedulers into powerful computing tools worthy of enterprise-class applications.
  • Without police chaperones, organizers were worried for participants' safety.

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