How To Use Organized In A Sentence
Prior to the 19th century, the region's social structure - outside of a few major cities, including Baghdad - was organized primarily around relatively isolated tribal confederations.
Chartists at once organized resistance to what they called the usurpation and, after a long civil war, were successful.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
Under this arrangement, the men of each village were organized into ‘tithings ' and expected to answer for each other's good behaviour.
The independent consultant with any hope of being self-supporting must have an organized library of information available at a moment's notice.
A study session held by the Beijing government for leaders of the "open" Church – organized as a sight-seeing tour for the first time – is set to conclude tomorrow.

Organized religion is a hijacker of reason, rationality, intelligence and logic and is hostile to spiritual freedom, secular and atheistic thoughts. Dr T.P.Chia
The crisp dynamic shifts and organized flourishes whet your appetite for more of the same, especially during the radiant synth pinwheels of the chorus.
If all organized animal life was evolved from the moneron, a creature of one substance, homogeneous, how were creatures of more than one substance evolved without more being _evolved_ than was _involved_?
The Christian Foundation, Or, Scientific and Religious Journal, Volume 1, January, 1880
It never failed to be fascinating reading - the replaying of familiar events and familiar data through the specific lens of organized labor.
I am clearly an unorganized slattern of the worst sort..
Those of you who are in/have been in organized groups which practice initiation ceremonies - how was the experience?
There must be a solid hierarchy and system of protection safeguarded by organized crime syndicates or mafia.
What she did notice was how the avenues and streets became more organized and concentrated the closer they went to the center.
The space-box is replaced by compositions organized through a loose symmetry.
In 1918 he chaired a war memorials committee and organized nationwide pyrotechnic displays in celebration of the armistice.
Another organized a Chore Service that paid neighborhood kids to do chores for the elderly.
Organized labor is down to less than double digits in representation of the work force.
they enjoyed the karaoke night the company organized
Often treated as a separate craft in the open shop, welders are supplied by several unions in the organized sector, such as the boilermakers, plumbers and pipefitters' and ironworkers' unions.
But regulators and legislators do not talk to players; players are not organized, they have no spokespersons.
She organized an annual fun day for local children.
Today's schedule of events is organized flexibly so that people can decide for themselves what they want to do.Sentencedict
The result: a spare, jagged, supremely efficient novel (183 pages) that, although utterly lacking in exposition, lays bare an entire world of workaday lowlifes trying to get by on the fringes of organized crime.
New Fiction
They settled in metropolitan areas including Los Angeles, New York, and Chicago, and formed organized ethnic enclaves throughout the nation.
The last word must go to Nick, who has organized the whole project.
The girls 'father, Giuseppe De Vito, disappeared in 2006 after the RCMP issued a warrant for his arrest on drug charges as part of what they called a sweeping crackdown on organized crime.
Ottawa Sun
Unions campaigning for changes that benefit all workers - organized and unorganized - will demonstrate in a new way the value of unions to the broader population.
Star Trek didn't just offer the illimitable joys of William Shatner tumbling out of his chair every time the camera shook, or yet another sermon from the pen of Gene Roddenberry about how organized religion is a childish superstition.
How is the system organized?
Instead, parade ground drill became a means of teaching soldiers about the value of organized, unitary action.
Feel free to contact me for information on resources to help you get organized.
Now that the partisans were well organized in the Province of Parma they committed many acts of sabotage.
Rather than an alphabetical sequence of topics, for each country the contents are organized into chapters that address 13 basic issues, ranging from basic sexological perspectives to sexual dysfunctions.
All the ethnic groups are organized in fairly large kin groups known as clans or lineages.
how well organized she is
She organized them into an orderly set of people each working purposefully and productively.
They are often suspected of being criminals from organized gangs.
A girl's basketball camp is being organized by the City Recreation Department.
In the middle of all this organized chaos were several minimal metal sculptures base on the form of a teapot and influenced by the ikebana style of flower arranging.
Bill Bush: Ikebana Through the Eyes of Peter Shire: This Artweek.LA (May 2-8)
After they published their final goals, they organized 12 committees to push the relevant public and private agencies to fulfill them.
She objects to the ritual of organized religion.
The paper gives a detailed discussion on the determination of surplus behavior from the classification of organized offender, executor, accessory and abettor.
Clearly more than a colony, a ctenophore might best be described as a society of highly organized and interdependent cells.
Individuals, societies, and the classification of organisms
Unfortunately, the mob was more organized that they expected as freshly reloaded guns began to fire at them.
Sahre has catalogued and organized everything about this modest outcropping of homes with an admirable anal retentiveness.
2008 June :
The critical factor is whether organized labour will form a part of the first, future, democratic government.
Urbanization in Post-Apartheid South Africa
The auctioneers organized a secret ring to control the sales.
he organized the weekly moot
Worrell feels it's important for youngsters to take advantage of locally organized swim meets.
He is momentously disorganized, and is thus kept somewhat together -- and wearing pants -- thanks to the dutiful efforts of his friends and wife.
MIND MELD: The Future of Star Wars
Male prostitution became better organized and there were tetki cabarets, restaurants, and bars as well as bathhouses catering to tetki.
The speech proved shorter than predicted and far more organized and disciplined than some of his previous appearances before Congress.
Here is the verbatim definition of schizophrenia from the Random House online dictionary - the medical definition: "a severe mental disorder characterized by some, but not necessarily all, of the following features: emotional blunting, intellectual deterioration, social isolation, disorganized speech and behavior, delusions, and hallucinations.
Conservative: Dems looking 'schizophrenic' on reform
The next higher examples to be met are the frequently cited ants and bees, belonging to the lowly organized class of arthropoda, yet, through the advantage of association and mutual aid, developing actions and habits only found elsewhere in the human race.
Man And His Ancestor A Study In Evolution
a thousand pages of muddy and disorganized prose
But he insisted that organized religion needed to meet the challenge of social unrest and moral decay.
Some liberal groups have begun sending their own supporters detailed instructions on how to counter what they call organized disruptions.
CNN Transcript Aug 7, 2009
In particular, the absence of legal means for coffee shops to obtain cannabis has highlighted their association with organized crime.
Amsterdam's cannabis-selling coffee shops face crackdown
The old look out towers had to be manned against corsairs but they also earned their keep as observation points for the lucrative and highly organized hunts for the great shoals of tuna fish.
`Never worked on such a disorganized movie," he flung over his shoulder at the breathless production coordinator.
The National Institute of Aging concluded from a recent study that symptoms of a disorganized mind, namely impulsivity, chronic negativity, high stress and multitasking, all correlate with higher weight.
Although it doesn't look like it, the whole thing is highly organized.
I've organized what I have to say about unemployment under three main headings.
In New York, over 90% of restaurant workers are unorganized, and 67% are immigrants, many of them undocumented.
He needs consecrated men, to hurl them against the organized powers, and inbreaking hordes, that are desecrating the Sabbath, corrupting the
Sketches of the Covenanters
For example, Muslim scholars, or ulama, were hierarchically organized and sanctioned by the state, and Ottoman sultans often issued decrees with the force of law.
This shadow economy includes whole industries owned or controlled by organized crime, and rent-seeking and bribery schemes on the part of government officials.
But the republican counter-espionage was highly organized, and early in 1814 he was arrested, tried and condemned to death.
Sometimes they are organized on a tribal basis, sometimes they embrace people from a number of different tribes.
Argentina's second-largest trade union confederation, led by teamster's leader Hugo Moyano, organized the protest.
In a morning speech delivered at a conference organized by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, the Fed chairman said that "[g] iven the [Fed's] objectives, there would appear -- all else being equal -- to be a case for further action.
Bernanke Preps Markets For Further Fed Action Despite Questions About Impact
Made the contents VERY well-organized; basically dumbass-proof (like idiot-proof, only more … proofy).
I NEED YOUR OPINIONS! What should the future of Johnny B. look like? | Johnny B. Truant
Whatever their secret longings, the family organized relentlessly around bourgeois correctness.
The Greek initiative would have the humanitarian aid currently aboard flotilla ships loaded onto watercraft of the Greek government and transferred to Gaza through organized channels.
Activists Reject Greek Offer to Send Flotilla Aid to Gaza
The rally had been organized to mourn the guerrillas killed on the border on May 5.
Military resistance was organized by Sidonius's brother-in-law, Ecdicius, son of the emperor Avitus.
Organized psychiatry must publicly articulate our vision, positions and commitment to the amelioration of human misery.
There is ample fact -- and we also have plenty of evidence -- proving that this incident was organized, premeditated, masterminded and incited by the Dalai clique," Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said today, in denouncing the Dalai Lama's supporters as instigators of what he described as violent protests that rocked the region in recent days.
What They Are Saying
Designed to bring women of varying skill levels together in the field, the Women on Target program has organized a variety of women-only hunts for 2002, including pursuing turkey, antelope, ducks, pheasants, chukars and whitetail deer.
Clashes between conformists and Puritans resulted in the suppression of the organized Presbyterian wing of Puritanism by 1591, but the impact of Puritans on the Church at a local level remained enormous.
It became even more individualistic and displayed few signs of the closely knit and hierarchically organized structure of the previous era.
The book has twelve chapters, organized into three sections with loosely connected themes.
It was organized as a commune in 1052 but was still part of the Kingdom of Italy.
When it was dark, they organized an attack a third time.
Two - No one "got tired" of me since I organized and was the head of the western re-enactment group.
Heroes or Villains?
For now we can proceed in terms of dealing with a fundamental social order which can be usefully described as disorganized capitalism.
It would follow that non-human animals and pre-linguistic children, although they can be sensitive, alert, responsive to pain and suffering, and cognitively competent in many remarkable ways–including ways that exceed normal adult human competence–are not really conscious (in this strong sense): there is no organized subject (yet) to be the enjoyer or sufferer, no owner of the experiences as contrasted with a mere cerebral locus of effects.
What the Cognitive Scientists Believe
My oldest friend organized a dinner for us and all of our out-of-town guests.
When files are randomly organized using an algorithm, the device must first be initialized to remove all prior data.
Your working day will need to be organized with military precision.
Organized labor provided major support for Clinton and Democratic congressional candidates in 1996.
I haven't been to an organized campsite for perhaps fifteen years, so all this is new to me.
From her slim hands, poised delicatly = yet stiffly = around the remote to her car stereo, to the stretch of long, organized, red hair that dangles down the front of her hippish-styled Target shirt = of which she has purchased all they produced since last may = Shes batting her eyes at me, thick, clumped mascara on curled, lined eyelashes ... she speaks.
Breakthedark Diary Entry
I therefore organized my Street Arab detective corps, and sent them systematically to every cab proprietor in London until they ferreted out the man that I wanted.
International soccer authorities and law enforcement officials are struggling to combat rampant match-fixing by what they describe as sprawling networks of organized crime, a problem that has plagued the sport for decades but appears to have intensified recently.
NYT > Home Page
Mr Simmons tried to impress on me how much easier my life would be if I were better organized.
Otter hunting was the oldest organized sport in Great Britain in which packs of scent hounds were used for hunting.
They had mixed feelings about their new boss. She seemed very pleasant but not very organized.
The Committee will not stop its work until ‘those who organized and particularly those who ordered this bestial crime have been arrested and brought to justice.’
But despite all this evidence, most organizations have yet to address the problem in any comprehensive or organized way.
For reformers all along the rhetorical spectrum, red-light districts were the strongholds of organized vice.
They organized themselves into a society.
The administration of the governmental system is organized through the levels of nation, region, department, arrondissement, canton, and commune.
The marginal are not rational; they are ignorant; they lack discipline; they are disorganized; they lack proper language and manners.
The religious life of each member is focused on the ward, through which religious, economic, and social activities, tithing, and the operation of the church's elaborate welfare plan are organized.
But several hunts organized by the city government over the past months turned up empty-handed, apparently since cold-blooded reptiles are not very active during the chillier months.
Organized gangs located potential victims by combing through the White Pages, and they paid for the postage with bogus stamps.
This is most stunningly displayed in the show's chief highlight, a re - creation of the dining room first exhibited in the 1903 Arts and Crafts Exhibition organized by Stickley in Syracuse, N.Y. The room incorporates the handsome, massive furniture in a setting where everything from the oak-and-burlap wainscot to the pottery vessels on the table and sideboard was designed or overseen by Stickley himself.
Four-Square Reformer
[33] organized in sheets, termed multiple stacked lipidic lamellae, the composition of which is quite different from that of cell membranes
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
The department was badly organized until she took charge .
Apparently, organized crime in France is getting to be pretty audacious.
One aspect of disorganized capitalism is pressure against general welfare expenditures for those not directly engaged in productive work.
Time is indeed of the essence: the wall is muddling the USA's ‘Roadmap,’ and organized resistance has begun.
Aztec warriors were organized into regiments and groups distinguished by their distinctive dress.
America Past and Present
Other southern women worked as clerks in newly organized government departments.
The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
His biggest partisan reception came during a dinner organized by Sen.
Buildings have been restored, the local infrastructure improved, and special art and history exhibitions organized.
But the president is trying in a very deliberate way to reach out to those elements of organized labor that might be friendly to him - the teamsters, the steel workers, the machinists.
Using an organized approach to the varied aspects of geriatric health, primary care physicians can improve the care that they provide for their older patients.
Nationalism is a form of universalism when it makes universal claims about how the world should be organized, but it is particularistic with regard to individual nations.
Italian theaters and music halls, for example, largely gave way to vaudeville, nickelodeons, organized sports, and radio programming.
Assignments can be organized around a theme, such as Beethoven, baroque music, opera or jazz.
Whether it's for work-related tasks or personal matters, being well-organized helps save time and prevent mishaps.
There is no well organized system for training apprentices in photoengraving, stereotyping, and electrotyping, or in any of the lithographic trades, except that of poster artist, in which an efficient and strictly regulated system of apprenticeship is maintained.
Wage Earning and Education
The author outlines both the commonalities that define science fiction fandom and the tensions and schisms within the community, focusing on participants in organized clubs, amateur publications, and conventions.
And now poor old "Doc" - awarded for a time a NASA consulting contract after he left NASA-has organized a web site to urge that Obama reappoint the one man in all of the federal system that has publically questioned his transition team?
Vote To Keep Mike - NASA Watch
During his campaign, Miller suggested that under his leadership the UMW would be dedicated to organizing the unorganized, many of whom were surface miners, as well as working for good reclamation.
Its main weapon was criticism, organized daily through compulsory debates in every workplace.
The United Peace Alliance had only a tenuous connection with the organized Labour movement.
The state militias were organized into the 'National Guard' and for all intents and purposes 'federalized' over 100 years ago in Title 10 of the US Code (Militia Act of 1903) - that's when they started calling it the 'National Guard' ...
The college only admits visitors in organized groups.
Each department is hierarchically organized.
An organized raid could clean up in that room, right down to the rubies and diamonds in their noses.
But when she went public, it was at a news conference organized by conservative Clinton critics.
Kinship and descent may have been organized around matrilineal clans, a common pattern in Micronesia.
Joe Teitelbaum, owner of a Miami stevedoring company, played ball with organized crime.
The Mob and Me
In coordinated attacks, gunmen in armored cars and equipped with grenade launchers fought army troops this week and attempted to trap some of them in two military bases by cutting off access and blocking highways, a new tactic by Mexico's organized criminals.
In any properly organized society, all new mothers would be waited on hand and foot for at least a fortnight.
The Past is Before Us - feminism in action since the 1960s
Politically, the leaders of organized labour were the most determined campaigners on the pensioners' behalf.
They are antisocial because the way society is organized doesn't appeal to them and they want change.
In a society organized according to hierarchical caste, land was controlled by the aristocracy, and the lower classes rented, borrowed, or worked the land according to a sharecropping system.
In higher plant chloroplasts, many pigment-binding proteins are inserted into the thylakoid membrane and organized into multisubunit complexes called photosystems.
Who organized the conspiracy against the president?
All the other deities are subordinates in a strictly organized hierarchy.
I would have to think that such an organized series of attacks would result in additional military troops being dedicated to the area.
People are always surprised when they realize that the real challenge in decluttering and getting organized has little to doat least initiallywith their stuff.
Enough Already
Clive conquered and organized Bengal for the East India Company He first went to Madras as a clerk in 1743 and by 1749 had won the lucrative appointment of military commissary.
Until relatively recently, organized religion has left environmental protection to environmental activists, concerned scientists and political figures.
Cultural programmes by the Songs & Drama Division organized at Government Higher Secondary School, All India Devotional Song Competition at Shri Yog Ashram, religious discourses at Regunath Mandir, free langer by Seva Bharti and exhibition stalls by various departments were the other highlights of the Festival which is attracting thousands of devotees and locals.
Navratra festival--1.70 lakh pilgrims pay obeisance at Vaishno Devi during first five Navratras
It was of course largely an organized campaign, but it was not the sort of organization at which the unions were usually very good.
I think our superiority in toe-to-toe organized military combat weaponry has kept us out of fights with countries like Iran, China, and North Korea, and I think we should continue developing these kinds of weapons.
Matthew Yglesias » What Is The Laser Avenger For?
Many large firms organized research divisions and departments that institutionalized technological change.
Services organized across large District Health Authorities covering 200-300,000 people can not possibly provide a local, friendly, easily accessible service.
The Tokyo police department is clamping down on organized crime.
But it is against Christianity as an organized phenomenon that Russell most directed his fire.
So being a messy, indecisive and disorganized ditherer is healthy!
To some he appeared disorganized, slapdash, cheerful to the point of flippancy.
Great (1462-1505) that Russia, -- now frequently called Muscovy from the fact that it had been reorganized with Moscow as a centre, -- after a terrible struggle, succeeded in freeing itself from the hateful Tartar domination, and began to assume the character of a well-consolidated monarchy.
General History for Colleges and High Schools
supporters of the president organized a counterdemonstration in his support
They organized a meeting between the teachers and students.
It changes really, not up top, but the more we are watching guys workout and guys that we've had clumped in the sixth round we kind of reorganized those on their workouts and more information and more tape watching.
Cleveland Browns : News
My major concern was that a large bureaucracy, however organized, tends to stifle creativity.
He is organized and well equiped with the tools needed to do the job.
Obama aiming to seize control of health care debate, aides say
* It never occured to me, that she did not have any time to organize them, I just assumed it was some kind of neglectful lazy oversight on her part, and felt genetically ashamed that a) she could not seem to keep her coupons organized and b) that we were the kind of family that needed to use coupons.
Wendchymes Diary Entry
The decline of organized religion is irreversible, but religion-as a tranquilizing pill to many souls - will never die in human society. Dr T.P.Chia
The decline of organized religion is irreversible, but religion-as a tranquilizing pill to many souls - will never die in human society. Dr T.P.Chia
Israel failed to win firm pledge that Moscow Halt Advanced Weapons sales to Syria. obaid karki an outcast underdog libertarian diogenesist kabbalist spinoziste qutbist pantheon hexalingual automath former uae under secretary independent street-knowledge urban talking-head. unaffiliated to a state, an organized religion group, a sect or a kin and an anti tribal gentile. administration plans to revamp rescue plan american arrested near pakistani border americans face wide spectrum of money problems apparently drown in hawaii's 3 tourists high surf apple aims to defy gravity asia markets: tokyo stocks surge over 12%; financials on fire asia markets: tokyo takes off as trading resumes, nikkei up 13% asian stocks soar after us rally asia-pacific extends world market rebound assailants attack us consulate in mexico at indian call centers, another view of us australia plans $7.4 billion to boost economy australia plans us$7. 4 billion to boost economy australia unveils $7.4 billion fiscal stimulus plan austria: 'horror dad' trial likely delayed until 2009 bailout sit-down: treasury, fed and major wall street players meet bailout, part two ballmer's luck in yahoo failure gives microsoft nice miss 'as stock slips banco santander to take over sovereign bancorp in $1. 9-billion deal boeing talks with striking machinists break down boeing, machinists halt talks on ending 5-week strike boeing: contract talks with machinists off again budget cuts force rhode island to scrimp on services bush to announce $250b bank share buy-up bush to announce expanded bank bailout - Business News
The fact that there is in effect only ever one customs barrier for goods to enter the EC also has implications for the battle against organized crime, counterfeit goods, and the like.
As they have done each and every year, Pattaya's city administration and private sector organized a festival for the auspicious occasion.
Organized religion is a hijacker of reason, rationality, intelligence and logic and is hostile to spiritual freedom, secular and atheistic thoughts. Dr T.P.Chia
The opposition "cannot do anything on their own; it seems everything they do is organized by mabhunu," Mutasa was quoted as telling the Herald, using a pejorative Shona term for whites.
ANC Daily News Briefing
It became even more individualistic and displayed few signs of the closely knit and hierarchically organized structure of the previous era.
They organized the festival jointly with the French cultural service.
Some biological systems are so organized that they remain in the game of life.
She organized and led a collaborative effort of St. George's and Gage Eckington Elementary School to provide young people with after-school tutoring and summer camping experiences.
Elaine D. Simons
I have organized a very special celebration for him.
Policy communities are cosy relationships between organized interests and officials.
He merely flew into the airport, where the military rescue operation was being organized.
The MGS platoon, task organized with an infantry squad, a sapper squad, and an MEV, are tasked to standby with the first sergeant for CASEVAC.
The site is not only rich with information, but well-designed and well-organized navigationally.
In any properly organized society, all new mothers would be waited on hand and foot for at least a fortnight.
The Past is Before Us - feminism in action since the 1960s
In contrast to flies, which have a clearly segmented ectoderm, the mesoderm is the primary vertebrate tissue that is organized in a metameric pattern.
Nobel Lecture The Identification Of Genes Controlling Development In Flies And Fishes
Faced with centrally organized and bureaucratic state apparatuses, dissident actors can adjust organizationally, moving towards more networked forms of organization.
The Cabinet has recommended new measures to combat organized crime.
A mass of matter is individuated by the particles that compose it, however organized.
Israel believes that the fly-in was organized after an aid flotilla that planned to bring hundreds of activists to break the Israeli naval blockade on the Gaza Strip was banned from leaving ports in Greece.
Israel on Alert as Pro-Palestinian Activists Plan ‘Fly-In'
It was not organized in a way that made the best use of its superior resources.
Preventing World War III - A Realistic Grand Strategy
They are revving up for one of the biggest fund-raising events ever organized.
No other country at that time had an organized public opinion remotely comparable to Britain's.
In August of the same year he organized an unprecedented summer school in Vienna.
The Dutch government and the nonprofit organization Women's World Banking organized the 2 - day meeting.
Devotees of Sikhism, the world's fifth largest organized religion, were marking the 342nd birthday of Guru Gobind Singh, a founder of the faith.
Cross-border trade in counterfeit and pirated goods is a growing global problem that often involves organized criminal networks.
‘New’ US trade office ACTA details
It was Moua who organized housing for Hmong newcomers, Moua who beat the bushes for jobs.
The militia was a part-time force charged with a wide range of duties and organized at the village level, but supervised from higher echelons.
On its disruption in 1884 he became head of the seceders, who organized themselves as the Socialist League, and was to lecture and write for the cause with great energy.
She organized the class into four groups.
Here, horseshoe shapes, ovals and rectangles are organized into four groups.
Saturday-Sunday walks for organized groups only, Mount Rainier National Park; $4/person donation; park-entrance fee $15/vehicle 360-569-2211, ext. 3314 or
The Seattle Times
One needs organized information for the feedback.