a specialized part of a cell; analogous to an organ
the first organelle to be identified was the nucleus
How To Use organelle In A Sentence
- There you'll be, a furious collection of primordial organelles focused like a coherent light machine on the hyperholistic sublimity of 'appliance' as a signifier of more than simply an instance of a particular hardware configuration, but as an aggregation of physical nature with the abstraction of 'applicabilty,' more than just a word, but a magickal spell that conjures technology out of ecology. Whole Day Off
- (A chloroplast is an organelle that is present in plant cells but not in animal cells). Physiology or Medicine for 1999 - Press Release
- In plants, particularly due to the size of the vacuole, the secretory organelles account for the majority of the cell volume.
- Such quantitative measurements permit inferences about the topology and internal organization of this organelle.
- These apoptotic bodies and the organelles are phagocytized by adjacent cells and local macrophages without initiation of an inflammatory response as is seen in necrosis. Cell damage from toxicity and tissue repair
- Mitochondria are membranous sacs with membranous partitions to which enzymes may be tightly or loosely bound and which are themselves integral component parts of the organelle.
- The contributing enzymes are localized in three different organelles, chloroplasts, peroxisomes, and mitochondria.
- The nuclei of the mononuclear cells thus exhibit no pattern to the microscopist, appearing to be randomly distributed within a field of cytoplasm lacking organelles or membranes that can be visualized with the usual tissue stains.
- Lysosomes are intracellular organelles that specialize in breaking down cellular waste.
- Others were highly vesiculated and contained discrete but degenerating organelles, such as nuclei and mitochondria.