How To Use organdie In A Sentence
- From one end of the town to the other clotheslines, dining-room chairs, porch rockers and upstairs bedrooms are overflowing with silk foulards, frilled dimities, beribboned and belaced organdies, not to mention the billows of dotted swiss and muslin. Green Valley
- And, like strange birds alighting, you had slim and charming girls in organdie frocks and face-powder and bobbed hair, fluttering into the plaza. The Plumed Serpent
- With the well-tailored choli of any style, the saree - starched cotton, heavy silk or light chiffon and organdie - can still make a fashion statement of its own.
- And some of the organdie frocks had green legs and green feet, some had legs à la nature, and white feet. The Plumed Serpent
- The Hubert de Givenchy gown, burned into our retinas, is a silk organdie with black floral patterns, a straight skirt with an overskirt open in front, and a long train. Sabrina (1954) - Part 2
- 'I got a big mayonnaise stain off an organdie skirt and four hours ' sleep. MR STARLIGHT
- In summer, a gown of light material, such as organdie, muslin, or other soft goods, dainty and somewhat elaborate, is in good taste. The Etiquette of To-day
- It was a pale blue marquisette embroidered in tiny daisies, and Grace declared it to be far prettier than her graduating gown of white organdie trimmed with fine lace. Grace Harlowe's Senior Year at High School
- Her thin hair was plated in braids and her taffeta dresses looked shabby beside Geneva's pink organdie frock with her golden hair elegantly twisted atop her head in curls.
- With the well-tailored choli of any style, the saree - starched cotton, heavy silk or light chiffon and organdie - can still make a fashion statement of its own.