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How To Use Organ of corti In A Sentence

  • The bulla was opened to expose the cochlea, the bony capsule was removed, and the apical turn of the organ of Corti was dissected from the modiolus.
  • In man, the cochlea and the organ of Corti follow a spiral course of two and one half turns.
  • The micromechanics of the organ of Corti and the tectorial membrane is then analyzed by our new method.
  • This figure shows also the cochlea, marked lagena, in which the organ of hearing of mammals (the organ of Corti) is located. The Dancing Mouse A Study in Animal Behavior
  • These bones vibrate in succession and move the lower membrane of the organ of corti located in the cochlea of the inner ear.
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  • This line of cells was described in 1851 by the Italian histologist Marchese Alfonso Corti, and so it is often called the organ of Corti. The Human Brain
  • In not one of the ears of the twelve dancers which he studied did Kishi find the direct communication between the utriculus and the scala tympani which Rawitz described, and such differences as appeared in the organ of Corti were in the nature of slight deviations rather than marked degenerations. The Dancing Mouse A Study in Animal Behavior
  • A fibrous layer, called tectorial membrane, overlies the organ of Corti, contacting the tips of the tallest stereocilia of the OHCs.

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