

[ US /ˌɔɹəˈɡoʊniən/ ]
  1. a native or resident of Oregon

How To Use Oregonian In A Sentence

  • Wouldn't it be fair, though, to expect a line or two -- even just one sentence -- stating the historical foundation for citizens 'concerns, before they are dismissed wholesale as "lathered" "feverish" and "fringe," as has become The Oregonian's custom? TOPOFF 4: A Teachable Moment for Portland and America
  • The Oregonian is right on the case now -- painting Fireman Randy, whose bullying conduct has been nothing short of venal, as the "profile in courage" on the Paulson boondoggle. Fish and Fritz -- finally, somebody down there gets it (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Wednesday, February 04, 2009 cia, criminals in action: spies like US & algerian rape jailed cia spy enlisted oregonian son to collect from russian agents from washington times: Even after becoming the highest-ranking CIA agent ever convicted of espionage, Harold James Nicholson continued running spy games, prosecutors say. Media monarchy
  • He doesn't say how long he has lived in Oregon, where a 1997 law allows terminally ill adult Oregonians to obtain prescriptions for self-administered, lethal doses of medications. Cancer patient ending life answers questions online
  • According to The Oregonian, a federal magistrate has awarded her nearly $108,000 in recompense for attorney's fees and other costs associated with her successfully fighting the lawsuit. Woman Wrongfully Targeted By RIAA Lawsuit Awarded $108,000 - The Consumerist
  • If I had the time and money and people, I'd do this every weekend, " the Oregonian reported Couch as saying.
  • The Oregonian reports that the alleged scheme spun out of control when land values began to plunge in 2007.
  • I know that some people knew about his crimes, and The Oregonian shamed itself with its role in burying what it knew, but there's no way he holds either of those positions if his crimes had been known by the general public. Kroger report on Adams imminent, sources say (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Oregonians who called, but weren't from Walden's district, apparently got a bit of a tongue-lashing.
  • The caucus is open to Washingtonians, Oregonians, and Idahoans, as well as any conventiongoer who is interested in talking about local, state, and regional politics with us. Going to Pittsburgh? Join us for the Pacific Northwest caucus at Netroots Nation
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