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How To Use Oregon In A Sentence

  • This is the very definition of obstructionism: To delay a foregone conclusion for the sake of a petty protest.
  • The "fruitily perfumed pineapple weed" that came to Britain from Oregon in the late 19th century and then began to spread throughout the countryside, Mr. Mabey says, "exactly tracked the adoption of the treaded motor tyre, to which its ribbed seeds clung" as if the treads were the soles of climbing boots. Stow the Mower, Stop Pulling
  • Two rows behind the bench sits a sweet-faced junior college girl who just announced her intention to play for Oregon next year.
  • Southern Oregon Indian Center, asked Coiner to publicly apologize for misstatements made at the Pottsville pow-wow, where his wedding — the occasion for the newspaper story — took place. Cordoves, Joaquin
  • Driving from Brooklyn to Oregon next week; What weird should I espy? Boing Boing
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  • Since 2001, areas north of Point Conception to an intersect with the Oregon coast has been closed to drift gillnet fishing from August 15th through November 15th in order to protect endangered leatherback and loggerhead sea turtles. Permit to Kill Pacific Sea Turtles and Whales Requested by Seafood Company
  • Not far short of the Oregon border, I stopped for a beer at a tiny townlet in a wilderness of sage that had a post office, a tavern and not much else.
  • Oregon is regarded as the ideal location for a factory full of computer processors. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the Oregon story also illustrates some of the difficulties that will accompany legislative changes on such a massive scale.
  • Arizona can win the title outright by beating Oregon at home on Saturday. The Seattle Times
  • In fact, a total of 958 C&O carloads of Sewell coke were shipped to 17 states during this year, as far away as California, Arizona, and Oregon.
  • The Oregon Trail was a computer game where you had to navigate your family across the country to settle in uncharted lands in the west.
  • Whether that is a message that Oregon parents, students, and teachers will embrace enthusiastically remains to be seen.
  • The decision to leave his native Pennsylvania for the rich farming land of the Oregon Territory was not made lightly.
  • The Oregon experiment was introduced to ensure a basic level of health care for poor and elderly people.
  • Dorothy McKey-Fender is still writing (on predacious worms, at the moment), and after coming out of the woods, Fender and I visit her at her house in McMinnville, Oregon.
  • Wherever they get their power, it's not from oregon power and light.
  • That is 4 Super Delegates to endorse not 3 This is what we call a avalanche of supers He has gotton almost 30 supers in 1 week he only needs 146 Delegates to win the nomination Hopefully that will come to close after Kentucky and Oregon vote. Three more superdelegates for Obama
  • Since the loan is for $10,000, it is our understanding that the foregone interest would not represent taxable income to him. Christianity Today
  • Anyone had experience buying walnut gunstock blanks or lumber (any species) from Goby Walnut or Wrights Gunstocks in the Portland, Oregon Area? Anyone had experience buying walnut gunstock blanks or lumber (any species) from Goby Walnut or Wrights Gunstocks in the Portlan
  • The Millsboro, Oregon-based company is expected to release fiscal third-quarter earnings tomorrow before the stock market opens.
  • Norton (aka my sourdough starter) will be traveling to Ohio with me, in sort of a reverse Oregon trail pilgrimage. Archive 2008-08-01
  • This summer in Lincoln, after breezing through the seven-state regionals in Oregon, Sean qualified for the junior amateur category and won his own national championship.
  • Dowsett is a television news reporter / anchor for KTVL, the CBS station in Medford, Oregon.
  • Oregon teens found a Patagonian cavy running loose. Archive 2008-04-01
  • A recent Oregon State University study concludes overpopulation is the single biggest threat to the environment.
  • The Oregon-based shoe giant has close ties to the university and its athletic department.
  • She is very specifically waiting for Oregon to pull ahead so that she can put in Karen.
  • As I sat to write this essay I could not help but reflect upon an old saying about a butterfly beating its wings in China and causing a breeze in Oregon.
  • Andy Ricker, who won the 2011 James Beard award for best chef in the Northwest, shops the stalls of Hmong farmers at his Portland, Oregon, market to find fiddlehead ferns, vegetables like "phak khanaa" or Chinese broccoli, exotic, untranslatable herbs and crucial ingredients like cilantro root for the innovative Asian cuisine he turns out at his restaurant Pok Pok. Chefs talk about unusual farmers market finds
  • A lake fish, called "ferras," a large species of the salmonid genus _Coregonus_, to which the skelly, powan, and vendayce of British lakes belong, is the commonest fish of the _table d'hôte_, and not very good. More Science From an Easy Chair
  • Aborted remains at the Oregon Health Sciences University are called "suctioned or curetted material" and "cellular material. Pope John Paul II
  • This does not include indirect costs such as earnings foregone.
  • Western Oregon had been very low on rainfall that year, and even the plants in our backyard garden were wilting.
  • A person I went to school with, Janna Underinner, is now working with one of the Oregon Coast reservations (it may be the Grand Ronde reservation) to make Chinook wawa their language (I'm a little fuzzy about the exact situation), so your short story would be good, but my impression is that Chinook Jargon is based on Nuuchanuulth which is Wakashan, not Salishan. ANYONE FOR SALISHAN?
  • She designs velvet burnout dresses from fabric she finds at the Oregon Country Fair.
  • The outcome of the vote is a foregone conclusion.
  • This place he presumed would be somewhere about the Straits of Annian, at which point he supposed the Oregon disembogued itself. Astoria, or Anecdotes of an Enterprise Beyond the Rocky Mountains
  • Old fir flooring, recovered from a demolished building, finds new life as wainscot in the Ecotrust Building, Portland, Oregon.
  • A congressional observer recalled that during the campaign for former Oregon Sen.
  • Slightly drier was the kirschwasser from Oregon's Clear Creek Distillery, and though the sweetness of the cherries doesn't quite come through, the fruit is front and center. Do They Taste of Trumpets?
  • MacFarlane's four-o'clock was listed as endangered by the State of Oregon in 1989, and the State is working toward a similar upgrade in status for the plant.
  • In 1997, Oregon seed growers produced nearly 640 million pounds of grass seed on 439,000 acres of cropland.
  • It's also the third, following Washington and Oregon, to index its minimum wage to inflation.
  • Called Raspberry Tart Ale, it introduces Oregon raspberries to the brew which is then fermented spontaneously in large oak vats, giving this liquid dessert incredible color and bouquet.
  • McKay became "liberalized" by World War II as great as a University of Oregon, where he became a "star" among West Coast assistants. Excerpt from PIGSKIN WARRIORS: 140 YEARS OF THE GAMES GREATEST ...
  • It isn’t even an inch, but in this part of Oregon a slight dusting brings everything to a standstill as the one snowplow in the county gets busy clearing the roads. Excerpt: If I Stay by Gayle Forman
  • He is the only Oregon surgeon now implanting the disc and will train other surgeons on the procedure.
  • With the Bears pushing Oregon State around nearly at will, Cal quarterback Justin Vedder spent most of the day handing off.
  • Let me suggest another topic: the recent violent murder of two lesbian activists in Oregon.
  • This dazzling white 93-feet structure, the tallest tower in Oregon, is the centerpiece of the Yaquina Head Outstanding Natural Area, where puffins, murres, cormorants, and harbor seals make their home.
  • Governor Otter says now is the time to lure companies to the Gem State saying decisions being made in Washington and Oregon could lead to more business here. Local News
  • In Mysidiella newtonae n. sp., from the early Norian of the Wallowa Terrane of Oregon, the lunule is even shorter and more deeply incurved than in M. orientalis.
  • I had to prove residence, provide my Passport, my FM3, a birth certificate, proof of graduation from a high school (in my case the Oregon University card was accepted) and a CURP number -- that useless number which all students MUST have. Going to a Mexican University?
  • Oregon retrieved the opening tip, and Flash dribbled down the court and hit a three from the top of the key.
  • Our big paper, The Oregonian, was recently sold to some out-of-state right-wingers, and turned over to some honcho for certain rightie rags in Orange County. Think Progress » Progressive Victory In Oregon: Voters Approve Tax Hikes On Corporations And The Wealthy To Close Budget Gap
  • The toxin-producing "Cyanobacteria," or blue-green algae, has been identified in 23 Oregon lakes, reservoirs and rivers over the last ten years. OPB News
  • The most popular fungicide treatment at the Oregon co-op is Raxil XT, which has good control against smut, bunt, Rhizoctonia and Pythium, von Borstel says.
  • I've seen it done here in Oregon and IMHO overzealously. It's a Cutthroat World Out There...
  • There was a reason why they had foregone the privilege of having a singing canary in the dock.
  • With AFL/CIO in bed with Oregon Industries, Business Alliance, and Chamber of Commerce you know you have been bent over and the cattle prod is coming. Sweet nothings from the Goldschmidt people (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • The outcome of the battle was a foregone conclusion.
  • There’s at least one: The one that bagged Oregon Democrat David Wu, who until recently represented the state’s first Congressional district.
  • Interestingly, the late Oligocene whale Aetiocetus, from Oregon, has skull and jaw features typical of baleen whales, and is considered to be the earliest mysticete - yet it also bore a full set of teeth.
  • If the election is still a toss-up when the Pacific states start declaring, look for Washington, Oregon, Nevada and Arizona, where the two candidates were polling within a few percentage points of one another last week.
  • A buck mule deer contrasts against the rye grasses of the Alvord Desert in southeastern Oregon.
  • Then he went away more disheartened than before and returned to his own house where he saw his wife sitting, for she had foregone him thither by the souterrain. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The Netherlands, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium, and the U.S. states of Oregon, Washington and Montana specifically permit iatric euthanasia. Kevorkian: The Right to Die and Other 9th Amendment Freedoms
  • Oregon's lighthouses were all but inaccessible when they were built in the 19th century, near shoals and sandbars, treacherous offshore rocks and reefs.
  • Oregon's lighthouses were all but inaccessible when they were built in the 19th century, near shoals and sandbars, treacherous offshore rocks and reefs.
  • But since global markets are not static and needs and priorities always shift with time, trade diversification is a foregone necessity for any economy.
  • It would have applied to any food produced or sold in Oregon (but not to food sold in restaurants, cafeterias, or venues such as sporting events).
  • Terry Fitzpatrick , Oregon Urology ' s administrator, said an increase in prostatectomies following a local hospital ' s purchase of a surgical robot may also have contributed to Lane County ' s higher prostate-cancer treatment costs in 2008. A Device to Kill Cancer, Lift Revenue
  • The prominent species are: Coregonus lavaretus, known as houting in its purely freshwater form, or as powan (Loch Lomond in Scotland), skelly (the English Lake District), and gwyniad.
  • At the beginning of September, the migrants begin passing through, bound for their northern homes - big yachts back to Oregon or Puget Sound, squid boats and draggers up to Sitka.
  • Understory growth is not luxuriant, consisting mostly of grouse whortleberry, Oregon grape, and birchleaf spirea. Ecoregions of Wyoming (EPA)
  • Bill-O's analysis is battier than all the bats that were found in an Army medical facility in White City, Oregon. O'Reilly Doesn't Give a Bat's Ass About Walter Reed Scandal
  • If the roads in Salem, Oregon, smell like French fries, thank Kettle Foods - a snack-food biz whose company cars run on biodiesel made from safflower and sunflower cooking oils.
  • Maybe we can feel the chiliasm coming, but it's not here yet — we still have to play out the last minutes of the game even if the outcome is a foregone conclusion. Spin
  • Only 37,000 wild horses and donkeys remain on public lands, primarily in Nevada, Oregon, and Wyoming.
  • About this period a "desperado" of world-wide fame named Harry Tracy was raising a siege of terror in the State of Oregon, having committed over a dozen murders, and successfully baffled the police. From Paris to New York by Land
  • In November 1993 the school district received an added boost when the Oregon Business Council selected it as a partner.
  • I'm not personally opposed to the use of the term assisted suicide (for the medical practice as it is legalized and strictly regulated in Washington and Oregon) but I do contest the way that Smith and others use it: to perpetuate the terminal suffering of others. Main RSS Feed
  • The State of Oregon is looking hard to save where it can in this difficult business climate.
  • Continued bloodshed is taking place in the markets with yet another bank, the Silver Falls Bank of Silverton, Oregon, failing last Friday and no doubt another or eight will be thrown on the bon fire tonight when the FDIC Ninjas descend. New Silver Bugs and other stuff.
  • CORVALLIS - For a brief if not-so-shining moment, Corvallis was Oregon's territorial capital. Undefined
  • Mladenov also observed a crinoid arm in the claw of the crab Oregonia gracilis.
  • The union convinces its members that they are victims and that they don't earn a living wage, and that they need to be protected "from abuse of power by administrators". that statement makes me believe you were an Oregon teacher even less. and of course a teacher's union isn't perfect -- but using it as a straw man catch-all for academic ills is ludicrous. High school dropout rate takes a leap (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • A 5.4-magnitude earthquake hits southern Oregon, killing a motorist whose pickup was hit by falling rock.
  • Unfortunately, public works employees and clean-water advocates rarely enjoy such a luxury, and recent debate has focused on the final step in sewage processing, chlorine disinfection, which is no longer the foregone conclusion it once was. Chlorine Treatment Seen as Risky
  • His departure was considered a foregone conclusion since the lifeless Trojans were playing uninspired ball.
  • ‘These are accounts of people's lives,’ she said, vital for shedding light on foregone times.
  • A city of northwest Oregon on the Willamette River south of Salem. It is a lumbering and metallurgical center.
  • The center handling air traffic in Washington and Oregon, near Auburn, Wash., was operating on backup power.
  • Tim Alexander may return to quarterback Oregon State against Stanford after missing the past two games with a hamstring pull.
  • The new Hudson's Bay Company then held undisputed sway over Rupert's Land and the Pacific West until U.S. immigrants challenged British possession of Oregon and obtained the present boundary (1846). Yahoo! Search: canada
  • But his jog from computer science to biomechanics, while at the University of Oregon, set him in the right direction for a promising career.
  • Nkrumah, a former long-time reporter for The Oregonian, is seeking more than $162,000 in his claim along with attorney’s fees. The Rev. Chuck Currie:
  • Four new molluscan species, a bivalve and three gastropods, are named from shallow-marine, lower Upper Cretaceous strata in Oregon.
  • Justin Hocking is the Executive Director of the Independent Publishing Resource Center in Portland, Oregon, which is maybe the coolest place in the universe. Archive 2009-10-01
  • Sunday, July 26, 2009 the hills visit oregon - day two, part two the rest of sunday we spent driving down to newport, lunching at café stephanie, visiting nye beach and the oregon coast aquarium. charlie was generous with scrunchy funny faces today for photos. when we returned to rockaway, we made a campfire in the backyard, complete with veggie hotdogs and smores. The hills visit oregon - day two, part two
  • Growing up in the 1920s, his closest buddy was Fats Domino before his family relocated to Portland, Oregon, where Lee took up featherweight boxing.
  • Seattle is also home to the Oregon grape--more closely related to the barberry than an actual grape--and English ivy, an invasive vine that Seattle-area crafting groups weave into baskets.
  • Would you go along with that or is that sort of preordaining something that is not a foregone conclusion? CNN Transcript - Saturday Morning News: Political Races Heat Up in Wake of New Hampshire Primary - February 5, 2000
  • My favorite Oregon 'shroom is the chanterelle and last year was the first year in a long time we didn't gather some. Toast and the Truffled Eggs
  • Although it is not a foregone conclusion that patients with dysplasia will develop cancer, dysplasia remains the best indicator of cancer risk.
  • Oregon, native Chinookan people of the lower Columbia River lived in huge plank houses at a settlement we now call the St. Johns Site. - Business News
  • There are many lands in many bioregions, from the Keys to Arizona, Maine to Oregon, because we each fall in love with a particular and different type of beauty and abundance.
  • 'From a technical perspective, the DJIA and the S&P 500 remain in the middle of what we call a transitional zone, or consolidation range, after spending months solidly entrenched in a well defined and statistically stable uptrend channel,' said Fred Dickson, chief market strategist at Davidson Cos. in Lake Oswego, Oregon. Aktuelle Nachrichten
  • The powdered herb can be found combined with botanicals like Oregon grape, thyme and ginger in anti-candida and anti-parasite internal medicinal formulas.
  • Some commentators and businessmen have suggested that the successful privatization of the National Freight Corporation was a foregone conclusion.
  • It was a foregone conclusion that I would end up in the same business as him.
  • Shapiro stuck to the company's position, arguing Altria was "ambushed" by the Oregon court system. Supreme Court Ponders How to Finally Settle Philip Morris Case
  • Her Portland, Oregon, home is full of the things she loves - peeling painted furniture, Mexican artifacts, architectural salvage, monogrammed French linens.
  • Sharon H. Flynn, M.D., is a hospitalist at the Oregon Medical Group / Hospital Service, Eugene, Ore., and has a special interest in sports medicine.
  • Oregon has a fairly flat income tax structure with no reduction in amounts reported or rates for such things as capital gains, dividends, interest, or other forms of passive income. Another Oregon tax increase, doomed to failure? (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Two years ago, I joined Ecotrust, an innovative nonprofit in Portland, Oregon, with the task of extending the rigorous pattern-language approach to the bioregional scale and social complexity of a conservation economy.
  • Benton Soil & Water Conservation District is one of Oregon's 45 Districts assisting landowners in resource conservation.
  • The Food Innovation Center, a branch of Oregon State University's agricultural extension service, is based in Portland.
  • In Central and Eastern Oregon, coyotes take 90 percent of the antelope fawns.
  • In comparison, 2008 was a long, if cool, growing season that allowed the grapes to mature slowly with slightly lower sugars and higher acidities than had become the norm for Oregon. Snooth: The Many Dimensions of Oregon Pinot Noirs
  • MEDITERRANEAN KIWI said ... please excuse me for forgetting to mention that the commentators know their greek well: the terms KLEPHT and EXOHIKO are common greek words whose meanings are clear. as for that word TRADITIONAL, clearly salmon klephtiko doesn't fit into the tradition: where on earth would an arcadian find salmon? and if an arcadian of the foregone klepht era ever managed to get one, i wonder whether they would ever think to cook it klepht style? no, they couldnt possibly have put it in their head to do so - it just wouldnt be TRADITIONAL (les kai kollousan sto noima tis lexeis) if i were an arcadian in the late 1800's and i were given a gift of salmon, i would definitely have cooked it klepht style, because i wouldnt have wanted even the NEIGHBOURS to find out what delicacy i was cooking ... what on earth is the traditonal method of cooking salmon in arcadia anyway??? Recipe for Salmon "Kleftiko" (Σολομός Κλέφτικος) and Kleftiko: Its Modern Meaning
  • Keep these accounts unfastened with a balance of 70\% Oregon less and paid on clip and you will witnesser your credit score ascent to great heights. All about credit cards
  • In the native forests of the Oregon Cascades hemlocks, cedars, maples, many fir and pine species, and others are intermingled among the dominant Douglas fir.
  • Oregon pears, apples, cherries, raspberries, and grapes are transformed into grappas, brandy, and eau-de-vie.
  • Interior Secretary Ken Salazar on Thursday scrapped a plan, authorized in the last days of the Bush administration, to nearly quadruple the allowable logging on federal lands in western Oregon - including many prized old-growth stands - and open up protected northern spotted owl habitat across Oregon, Washington and Northern California to timber companies. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: July 17, 2009
  • When all a foregone conclusion, I pray for what.
  • Not so LaGarrette Blount, the University of Oregon running back who viciously cold-cock punched an unhelmeted opposing player after his team's upset loss to Boise State. Michael Kimmel: Meet the Lamberts: Elizabeth and Adam Expose Sexism and Homophobia
  • If you feel you need a night away from the Bard, you might try the Oregon Cabaret Theater.
  • His 20 points against Oregon State a week ago were just 10 shy of his career total and instantly became Bruin lore.
  • Eugene, Oregon's Jonah Owen was oozing steez, Johnnie Paxson was twisting 270 on the hard way to 270 out, Celeste Rhoads was front-boarding smooth as anything, someone did a backie on the mini kicker ... and then my paring meter ran out and it was time to peace! ESPNsoccernet
  • dreams of foregone times
  • “Portland Oregon and sloe gin fizz, if that ain’t love, tell me what is …” Think Progress » Like It or Not, You’re Funding Right-Wing Rock
  • I asked if he is thinking of moving back from Oregon anytime soon. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once the bridge fell, the battle was a foregone conclusion.
  • The big get for the Warriors was defensive lineman Beau Yap, who decommitted from Baylor and took a late trip to Oregon State but decided to play at home. Hawaii - Team Notes
  • Herbs such as dandelion leaf and root, milk thistle, artichoke, Oregon grape root, chelidonium and curcumin also support liver function.
  • Cavansite was first discovered with its polymorph pentagonite in Oregon but only in small quantities of microscopic crystals.
  • Commissioned as an engineer when the Navy sharply divided engineers from deck officers, Reeves served aboard the USS Oregon as it led the chase to destroy the Spanish squadron sortieing from Santiago de Cuba.
  • Its readoption is in no way a foregone conclusion.
  • But it soon becomes dull; the only notable thing happened about the third day, when we came to a little stream and copse where there was a fairish assembly of wagons, and the trail divided-our fork continuing south-west, while the northern trail branched up towards the Kanzas River, and then to the North Platte, and eventually to Oregon. Isabelle
  • For the less gullible among us, the administration's alarmist rhetoric in 2002 was a grim farce, and the unfolding of the nightmare we see today was a foregone conclusion.
  • The outcome of the battle was a foregone conclusion.
  • Then, in April, as morels and king boletes begin to show around Mount Shasta and in the mountains of eastern Oregon, pickers climb into their ‘rigs’ and drive northward again.
  • We feel as the No. 1 other teams are going to come after us, but no matter what our ranking is we were the Pac-10 champions last year so they'll still come after us," Oregon linebacker Casey Matthews said. Oregon Ducks Dominate UCLA Bruins 60-13
  • Portland, Oregon has been called the friendliest bicycling city in the nation. KPIX: Top Stories Videos
  • But a string of federal arrests in Washington and Oregon last week should serve as notice to the organizers of rooster "derbies" across this country, authorities say. Cracking Down on Cockfighting
  • Not really kind words - "Portland and Oregon knows how to spend eco-money per person, but little, real eco results". ciclopirox topical solution liquid purchase ciclopirox topical solution without script next day delivery order penlac cash on delivery how much does pepcid cost how to get pepcid pepcid for cats order pepcid online where can i buy pepcid online order pepcid without prescription buying pepcid online without prescription famotidine online without prescription order pepcid cash on delivery cheap pepcid no rx buy famotidine medication pepcid drug generic percocet smoke percocet online for sale us pharmacy buying percocet script ohio buy percocet off the street cost of percocet pills buy percocet no prescription percocet without a prescription buy percocet online for cheap percocet for sale online percocet in hong kong Only with envy (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • This is the typical way that a founder determines sweat equity: foregone wages.
  • Hogs have fallen to my sixguns in Oregon, Missouri, Texas and Arizona, as have the warthogs of South Africa, not to mention the pig-like peccaries or javelina of the Southwest.
  • Yesh, yu shuld take a class wif sum Oregon mycological society and go on field trips wif dose peeps. Remember diet - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Sunday, July 26, 2009 the hills visit oregon - day two, part two the rest of sunday we spent driving down to newport, lunching at café stephanie, visiting nye beach and the oregon coast aquarium. charlie was generous with scrunchy funny faces today for photos. when we returned to rockaway, we made a campfire in the backyard, complete with veggie hotdogs and smores. The hills visit oregon - day two, part two
  • The hearings revealed that troops from Indiana, Oregon, South Carolina, and West Virginia were exposed to sodium dichromate, a known and highly potent carcinogen at the Qarmat Ali water treatment facility in Iraq. David Isenberg: Qarmat Ali AND KBR, Redux
  • Oregon law requires fast-growing cities, cities with populations over 25,000, and metropolitan service districts to include enough buildable land for the next 20 years of residential growth within their urban growth boundaries.
  • Recent introductions of foliage heucheras from Oregon nurseryman and plant breeder Dan Heims are making a big splash.
  • If you do – - it just shows your moderator is a robot kim in portland, oregon Exit polls: Clinton viewed as attacking unfairly
  • We stood apart in ideas but together in mourning of a foregone moment, of black communities with a long gone connectedness although just as much disagreement.
  • A 5.4-magnitude earthquake hits southern Oregon, killing a motorist whose pickup was hit by falling rock.
  • The election result was a foregone conclusion.
  • A reader sends along a copy of a breathless invitation that he received from Matthew Stadler, a Randy Gragg comrade in pretention and tortured artist-type gay author who puts together "presentations/symposia/bacchanals in Portland, Oregon, replete with food, drink, music, and general boisterousness garlanding the central pleasure of bright intellects voicing their excellent texts, winging it in conversation, and screening or presenting various textual and visual delights. Creep Suzette (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Much to my dismay, two issues were sent to my home in Oregon after I had arrived in Norway.
  • Oregonians rarely get the privilge to see the candidates, let alonge witness a live debate. Hillary Challenging Obama To Free-Form Debates
  • The name Tiberius, I hope, will keep, howe'er he hath foregone The dignity and power. Literary Remains, Volume 2
  • In truth, there is another aspect to this kind of soothsaying, and that is the element of creating excitement for an event where the outcome runs the risk of being a study in foregone conclusions. Another Gaze into the Kristol Ball
  • Oregon — an outpost of a program that once went nearly four decades between Rose Bowl berths — is ranked No. 1 in noncomputerized polls. College Football's Rising Middle Class
  • We're happy to have here here in Portland, but, alas, the name of our ensemble is the Oregon Symphony - the Portland Symphony is located northeast of your location! Passport photos
  • On weekends when the ground wasn't dry, the couple ventured to remote spots throughout Oregon to do fieldwork.
  • The card was planned as a celebration of Oregon racing, with nearly $100,000 in purses up for grabs.
  • They include Brenna Bell, an Oregon-based attorney with the National Lawyers Guild, who claims she was arrested while trying to obey police orders to disperse from a peaceful demonstration. November 2003
  • The Oregon Zoo developed husbandry techniques to breed pygmy rabbits in captivity.
  • An Oregon scientist has discovered the first known species of gilled underwater mushroom, Psathyrella aquatica, in the cold waters of the Rogue River. Archive 2007-11-01
  • The Democratic presidential frontrunner is campaigning today in Oregon, which holds its primary on May 20th. D-Day in West Virginia
  • Here is an Oregonian secret: If its a scam, the editorial board starts using words with "zz" in it. The O dresses up the truth, once again (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Oregon Attorney General John Kroger countered that the Constitution "does not create or protect the freedom to freeload. Supreme Court watchers: Roberts, Alito no sure bets against health-care mandate
  • Their plan to reannex Texas, which was slave soil, could, they thought, be offset by a declaration in favor of acquiring all Oregon, which was free soil. A School History of the United States
  • This article reported on a certain agriculture professor from Oregon that claimed a strict vegetarian diet caused animals to suffer.
  • Leaving the Dalles, Frémont followed up the Des Chutes River to its headwaters in southeastern Oregon, thence he crossed over the divide to the waters of the Klamath, which he followed southward to what is known as Klamath Marsh. The Lake of the Sky Lake Tahoe in the High Sierras of California and Nevada, its History, Indians, Discovery by Frémont, Legendary Lore, Various Namings, Physical Characteristics, Glacial Phenomena, Geology, Single Outlet, Automobile Routes, Historic Town
  • If they’re going to practice in Multnomah County, Oregon, they need to know praecipe. The Volokh Conspiracy » Latin Phrases Law Students Should Know, But Likely Don’t:
  • Against Oregon five days later, he made the go-ahead basket, grabbed a rebound and sparked his lethargic teammates.
  • Then, in April, as morels and king boletes begin to show around Mount Shasta and in the mountains of eastern Oregon, pickers climb into their ‘rigs’ and drive northward again.
  • An Oregon scientist has discovered the first known species of gilled underwater mushroom, Psathyrella aquatica, in the cold waters of the Rogue River. Archive 2007-11-01
  • Back then, the cataclysmic flood waters in the region scoured away the soils of Eastern Washington and carried house-sized boulders from Montana as far away as Oregon.
  • Our son, Brink, has an M.B.A. degree and is an industrial planner in Oregon.
  • In November, 1854, I received my promotion to a second lieutenancy in the Fourth Infantry, which was stationed in California and Oregon. She Makes Her Mouth Small & Round & Other Stories
  • The term organic is a marketing term that describes how a product is produced or handled, says Gwendolyn Wyard of Oregon Tilth, a nonprofit organization that certifies organic products. Organic Liquor
  • This produces a conservative estimate of annual earnings of $11,466 in 2001, which partially offset earnings foregone.
  • Ms Kitty is not a Mexican, she is a gringa, living in yuppy-land Oregon. Your low income/FM3 experiences
  • District in northwest Portland, Oregon, native Chinookan people of the lower Columbia River lived in huge plank houses at a settlement we now call the St. Johns Site. - Business News
  • Orange tortrix moths are generally found in California, Oregon, and Washington.
  • The state of Oregon today released new numbers that show a dramatic increase in homelessness across the state. Reaction To New Report Showing Dramatic Increase In Oregon Homeless Population
  • Apparently Ellison called him while he was holidaying in Oregon.
  • On the first play from scrimmage, Oregon's star running back ran sixty-five yards and Oregon was only down by thirteen. TIES THAT BIND
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forman - Sony PlayStation Portable News, Homebrew, Hacks, Reviews, Videos, Mods, Forums
  • I am late to this party, but if I am getting it right, the authors of this piece are giving a thumbs-down to the City of Portland's proposal that it alone among Oregon cities be given wide discretion as to what kind of infill housing it accepts and rejects, to be judged more or less on an ad hoc basis. An apartment bunker in your neighborhood? If it's "delightful." (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • The movie was filmed on location in Oregon and the period clothing and accoutrements are generally right on.
  • Forgive the drive-by (I was following a breadcrumb from j_bluestocking's journal) -- but there may still be a script for Equivocation available through the Tudor Guild, released by the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in conjunction with last year's production. The Duchess of Malfi
  • What the grand jury was probably NOT told is that Oregon law specifically forbids a coroner from speculating about intent or anything other than the documentable and independently verifiable evidence of the deceased. County to pay $925,000 for Jim-Jim Chasse's life (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • As opposed to a typical day at Gateway Mall in Springfield Oregon, this is not scary….or nearly shambly enough. COLOR ME ZOMBORED
  • There are well-documented cases with papaya in Hawaii, corn in Mexico, canola most recently in North Dakota, and creeping bentgrass, which pollinated grasses 13 miles away in Oregon. Paula Crossfield: GM and Organic Co-Existence: Why We Really Just Can't Get Along
  • After successfully moving our business to the wilds of the Oregon outback I've had a chance to use some new equipment and thought I'd share what I learned.

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