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  1. a person being ordained

How To Use ordinand In A Sentence

  • The deliverance ministry has grown considerably in England, in recent decades, both among laity (as in the deliverance ministry support group I belong to, in my diocese) and among clergy (dioceses now have deliverance teams, and deliverance training, I understand, is returning to ordinand training programmes). Devilish deception « Anglican Samizdat
  • The youngest ordinand in the class is 25; the oldest, 66. Ethnic diversity apparent in new priests ordination class | RELIGION Blog |
  • All are seated except the ordinand, who stands before the Bishop. Continuity and Fidelity
  • Volum us insuper et ordinamus quod Abbas ejusdem monasterii qui pro tempore fuerit de cousensu saniorum de Conventu specialiter constituat unum monachum providum et discretum ad recipiendum ordinandum et expendendum totam summam pecunie memorate pro utilitate conventus secundum votum et intencionem mentis nostre superius annotatum et ad reddendum fidele compotum coram Abbate et Maioribus de Conventu singulis annis de pecunia sic recepta. The Monastery
  • For others such as Kat Campion-Spall – a 33-year-old ordinand who will be priested this September and who has argued for the Code of Practice at Synod – the issue is one of the church's credibility. Should women ever be bishops?
  • What then worst for you, who then of it fishery ordinand. Berkeley Stations
  • The ringleader was taken prisoner, an ordinand by the rank of captain and the name of Beron. Spirit Gate
  • Volum us insuper et ordinamus quod Abbas ejusdem monasterii qui pro tempore fuerit de cousensu saniorum de Conventu specialiter constituat unum monachum providum et discretum ad recipiendum ordinandum et expendendum totam summam pecunie memorate pro utilitate conventus secundum votum et intencionem mentis nostre superius annotatum et ad reddendum fidele compotum coram Abbate et Maioribus de Conventu singulis annis de pecunia sic recepta. The Monastery
  • Responding ordinands represent 112 dioceses/eparchies and 46 religious congregations. Ethnic diversity apparent in new priests ordination class | RELIGION Blog |
  • This sets a fascinating precedent: a resurgence of the Latin liturgyical tradition controlled by the ordinand. Of note from Frejus-Toulon
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