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How To Use Ordered In A Sentence

  • She slumped down in her chair and tried to absorb this violent, absurd disruption to her well-ordered life. LADY BE GOOD
  • The six tapestries she planted come alive with interwoven threads of color and texture from golden boxleaf honeysuckle, lavender, hebe, leatherleaf sedge, and Bowles' golden sedge bordered by dwarf boxwood.
  • A police officer ordered me to get out of the car.
  • Proximally, the bursa is bordered by a synovial lining that separates the bursa from the proximal fat pad.
  • We ordered the store's last six bottles, so we could retaste and also experiment with aging them. Score one for the little guy
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  • The Ahmadiyah were explicitly "warned and ordered" that "as long as they consider themselves to hold to Islam, to discontinue the promulgation of interpretations and activities that are deviant from the principal teachings of Islam, that is to say the promulgation of beliefs that recognize a prophet with all his teachings who comes after the Prophet Muhammad SAW. The Heritage Foundation Papers
  • A delectable path, for example, runs up behind the cemetery, bordered by butterfly orchids and lithospermum and aristolochia and other plants worthy of better names; it winds aloft, under shady chestnuts, with views on either side. Alone
  • It's surrounded by mountains lush with greenery, bordered with wildflowers and dotted with water lilies.
  • His commentary to Euclid is of interest because of its discussion of unordered irrationals.
  • We also ordered a cheese platter with three kinds of cheeses (two unripened and one aged).
  • By 1781, British General Lord Charles Cornwallis was ordered to march into Virginia to await resupply near Chesapeake Bay.
  • Near the end of his reign, King Behanzin ordered his troops to burn the royal palaces rather than see them fall into French hands.
  • The study, which was ordered by influential US military adviser Andrew Marshall, suggests that climate change should become an issue of national security rather than just a scientific discussion.
  • We ordered moussaka and dolmas and ate them on a nearby street corner with some wine.
  • The landscape was well ordered with fields defined by hedges and ditches, trackways linking settlements, and unenclosed grazing areas beyond the more intensively used enclosed land.
  • There is ample evidence, prosecutors say, that the police were ordered to make their killings as brutal as possible.
  • In November 1875, Sir Frederick Evans, newly appointed hydrographer of the British Navy, ordered 123 doubtful islands banished from Admiralty Chart 2683 of the Pacific Ocean. A Furnace Afloat
  • I ordered the Quattro panini as did Molly and Patty and we all raved.
  • In August 1864 the judge ordered, among other things, that the partnership be dissolved.
  • These starters can be ordered from different laboratories in lyophilized form in small bags or bottles and can be conserved in the refrigerator for about three months. 1. Cheese formulae
  • He gestured to the room-service tray of beer and coffee he'd ordered up to lubricate the flow of their conversation. BLACK EAGLES
  • Despite that, he was able to walk straight into the castle's Waterloo Chamber and was only challenged five minutes after entering the party as he ordered champagne at the bar.
  • Mission control ordered the spacecraft to return to earth.
  • The Admiral had refused to listen to anything Marcus said, and eventually Marcus had been dismissed and ordered back for the tribunals.
  • For example, if a unary function is considered as a set of ordered pairs, then the domain and codomain are given by the first and second projections, respectively. Combinatory Logic
  • And what caps this dizzy display is not seriously ordered fugato, let alone a full fugue, but a comically stilted allegro dance in duple rhythm, with octave leaps, mostly in two parts with chordal intrusions.
  • The nurse administers preoperative medications ordered by the anesthesia care provider or surgeon.
  • She resented the way the commander and his men ordered her around and treated her like a child.
  • In tests, they found that neatly ordered arrays of beads caught more mist than random, disordered ones did.
  • Moss allegedly ordered the pair to look for police or traffic officers to attack and "dispossess" them of their service firearms, because the PAC did not have enough weapons to wage its armed struggle. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The white bordered by the red currant is also down the side of the chest of the shirt. Archive 2009-09-01
  • He possibly could have cautioned him for holding and hitting as well, or he could have simply ordered them to break.
  • Redwing ordered them to lower the anchor, and they got into the jolly boats and went ashore.
  • In another setting, a firehouse was ordered to take down its largely secular holiday decorations, because neighbors were offended by it.
  • In addition, the floor was paved with a nice mosaic "carpet" in black, white, purple, and orange, representing central guilloche motifs, bordered by bead-and-reels that were lined by chevrons. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Urban Mansion Report 5
  • The tuna was succulent and fresh and the garnishes were cut after I'd ordered it rather than having sat before my arrival.
  • The workers are reluctant to be ordered around by the employers.
  • At the local level, one's home represented the center as well, a microcosm of ordered space. 31 One of the adages recorded by Sahagún, otimatoiavi, otimetepexiuj, "thou hast cast thyself into the torrent ... from the crag," is said of someone who has crossed into the periphery with his or her behavior, one "who has placed [themselves] in danger ... who brings about that which is not good. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • I ordered scallops with ragout of haricot beans and wild mushrooms with butternut squash sauce.
  • In the vacuum, each side began to suspect the worst and reordered their foreign policies accordingly.
  • At least nine people have died in bomb attacks launched by the cartels since President Barco ordered the crackdown on the cocaine traffickers.
  • 1259: Synod of the archdiocese in Mainz ordered Jews to wear yellow badges. Darwin Strips Reality of Purpose?
  • Soon the men of F Company that were detailed to serve in the carbineer company joined us; they had been on the skirmish line all the forenoon, but became somewhat mixed when the firing commenced, and were ordered to report to their respective companies. History of Company F, 1st Regiment, R.I. Volunteers, during the Spring and Summer of 1861
  • In 1985-86, the domestic FA ordered the final round of league fixtures to be replayed amid accusations of match-fixing.
  • Libya, it was claimed, had ordered the embassy to orchestrate a night of carnage in the nightclub and ‘cause maximum and indiscriminate damages’.
  • The visual communication between members bordered on symbiosis as they smoothly switched up guitars, worked pedals, bashed away at keyboards and wailed through guitar solos.
  • Ordered by Sennett to come up with a more workable screen image, Chaplin improvised an outfit consisting of a too-small coat, too-large pants, floppy shoes, and a battered derby. Five People Born on April 16 | myFiveBest
  • Outside the cobblelock forecourt to the front of the house is bordered by plants and shrubs and has plenty of space for offstreet parking.
  • In 1740, British Admiral Vernon (whose nickname was ‘Old Grogram’ for the cloak of grogram which he wore) ordered that the sailors’ daily ration of rum be diluted with water.
  • If one thinks of a structure as a kind of ordered n-tuple of sets etc., then a class Mod (T) becomes an n-ary relation, and Pasch's account agrees with ours. Model Theory
  • Authorities say when they had last recontacted the pilots, the pilots answers were so vague, they were ordered to take the plane through a series of unnecessary maneuvers to prove it was under their control, not hijacked. CNN Transcript Oct 24, 2009
  • The obvious reason is that the debates became so acrimonious and bitter, that the Generals ordered him to desist.
  • He ordered a cup of black coffee and a Danish, added a liberal amount of milk, then found a stool facing the boarding gates and sat down.
  • The genesis of abdominal pain or disordered bowel habit is generally ascribed to abnormal colonic motor function.
  • YGBSM said ... an absolute favorite breakfast taco of mine, that gets stares from every taqueria counter girl i've ever ordered it from is: chorizo con huevos, with a veneer of frijoles refritos, shredded cheese and a slice of bacon. my friends refer to it as the hand-held heart attack. gotta love living in sa, where there's no shortage of great breakfast taco places. Breaking the fast with tacos | Homesick Texan
  • When you're in town could you pick up the books I ordered?
  • 'Behold the memsahib has ordered but one tonga, and a fool-thing of an ekka. The Pool in the Desert
  • In fact, it can exhibit ordered structures with length scales ranging from micrometers to nanometers.
  • I ordered our troops to retreat and disappear like burning grass in the dry season.
  • Note that you always need to end the list with the end tag, but that the is optional and can be left off. The second kind of list is a numbered list, often called an ordered list .
  • December 7, a municipal, at the head of a deputation from the Commune, came to read to the king a decree which ordered him to take from the prisoners "knives, razors, scissors, penknives, and all other sharp instruments of which prisoners presumed criminal are deprived; and to make a most minute search of their persons and of their apartments. The Ruin of a Princess
  • He uses a well-known example from Puteoli in Italy where the duumvirs ordered the construction of a wall and a gate from a private entrepreneur in the year 105 BC.
  • For a main course I ordered a kedgeree of salmon and haddock with curry butter.
  • Kan ordered the plant's operators to craft mid- and long-term quake safety measures for Hamaoka. Japanese PM Orders Shutdown of Nuclear Plant
  • He ordered a cheese sandwich, a three bottle of beer and beered up.
  • I could tell you about the cab which, ordered by phone, announced its arrival by loud horn blasts from the opposite side of the street.
  • He ordered detailed cadastral surveys in order to determine whether a tithe of produce or a fixed impost on agricultural land would be the most efficient method of taxing agricultural revenues.
  • Nearchus, however, went along the deck encouraging the men to remain firm and—in a move that must have struck the frightened sailors as sheer madness—ordered the helmsmen to turn their bows toward the whales in attack formation. Alexander the Great
  • When he ordered his men to leave this landing, they mutinied and could not leave before reinforcements arrived.
  • Back then, as now in his new Concord Music Group release "New Time, New 'Tet" (Amazon), I was drawn -- in his tenor saxophone improvisations and compositions -- to their flowing sense of ordered liberty, with the inner warmth of an adventurous romanticist. Benny Golson's Adventure
  • The government ordered the evacuation of 11 other villages believed to be at risk, as bad weather brought more landslips and turned whole areas into swamps.
  • Curves, like waves breaking, had been worked into the sides, accented by the gilt-covered scrolls that bordered the edges.
  • She was ordered off court to patch up the injured child and found a first aid box containing iodine.
  • She bordered a skirt with lace.
  • Hunter ordered two daiquiris and two banana splits.
  • Immediately after the first sea swept over our stern, I ordered the Boatswain to take sufficient men and shutters to close all windows in the after cabin.
  • He ordered his usual mocha latte and grabbed his usual table.
  • Now with Jane back, and news that The CW has ordered more Melrose episodes and Heather Locklear is returning, I expect this show to keep getting better, and hopefully bitchier. 'Melrose Place' recap: Jane's back in black(mail) |
  • A lab tech took some blood along the way, and simple tests were ordered.
  • They were ordered by the organization to set up a violent gang and to premeditate terrorist activities. The case is under further investigation.
  • So, being encouraged by the opinions of braver men, he ordered two legions, known as the Jovian and the The Roman History of Ammianus Marcellinus During the Reigns of the Emperors Constantius, Julian, Jovianus, Valentinian, and Valens
  • The team leader made his decision quickly, and ordered his three gunners to open fire.
  • Yesterday we went to Jewsons and ordered some fence panels, posts, sand, gravel, cement etc.
  • A subsequent search of the vehicle uncovered an unsmoked marijuana cigarette, the spokesman said, adding that Garfunkel, 63, had been ordered to appear in court on Sept. 22.
  • I ordered a salad and a pancake with chicken, ham, yellow cheese and champignons.
  • This final section describes practices such as confining children for indefinite periods in six-by-nine foot cells, abuses that led to the appointment of a court-ordered monitor for Eufaula. 2008 November 13 « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • A labour court in February ordered that the workers be re-instated and the six are back at work but they are refusing to move back into their humble houses on the farm.
  • Vice Chancellor Donald Parsons , who ordered the unsealing, said Mr. Hurd faced "irreparable harm" if the letter was made public before he had a chance to plead his case before the Delaware Supreme Court. Fight Over Hurd Letter Drags On
  • To guarantee an S. R.O crowd for their execution, Duvalier ordered all businesses closed and schools let out; backland peasants were trucked into Port-au-Prince. Ferentz LaFargue: Edwidge Danticat's Immigrant Artist at Work
  • As defeat stared him in the face he ordered his cavalry to cut their way through the enemy lines and escape to Plymouth.
  • For dessert, we ordered a peach and huckleberry cobbler with vanilla gelato and four spoons.
  • For that effect, JSON defines the following main data structures: number, string , boolean (true and false), array (an ordered sequence of values), object (collection of key value pairs), and null.
  • As they turned into the hedges that bordered the door, a man motioned to Gordon, shamefaced. A THEORY OF RELATIVITY
  • He quickly ordered a whisky and soda while they were still popular, for he knew for a fact that they were on the cusp of being unstylish.
  • The physical examination revealed a 42 mm erythematous and violaceous, irregularly bordered plaque with intermittent atrophy, hypopigmentation, and scarring.
  • By contrast, those in favour of reform were accorded a respect that bordered on the deferential.
  • My friend ordered a pork tenderloin from the meat and fish entrées.
  • The ordered set of letters, what we call the alphabet, was referred to as the futhark, or futhorc, or other like names, depending on the language and the current letter set.
  • A patio area is bordered by a number of plant beds and steps lead from this area to a slightly sunken lawn which also features a barna shed.
  • Torres was ordered held without bond in the Guadalupe County Jail.
  • On the eternalist view of creation, God creates the universe as a temporally ordered B-series, according to which every event in that universe is, tenselessly, either before, after or simultaneous with every other event in the universe. Eternity
  • The soldiers were ordered to do bayonet practice.
  • Bordered by nine countries, its mineral wealth is brazenly plundered, made possible by an infernally weak state in which corruption, violence and lawlessness are rife.
  • When it was obvious the company was going bankrupt, the government ordered all their assets to be frozen.
  • Some higglers block the entrance to the ‘most important’ Anglican church in the nation and refuse to move when ordered to by the representatives of the Government.
  • They obtained a preliminary injunction against the company and court-ordered restitution.
  • Charles eventually relieved Rupert of all responsibilities and ordered him into exile.
  • The temptation is not sinful, but it remains disordered.
  • The Bench ordered that the net and rabbits should be forfeit.
  • The ocean swell separates gangway from platform at times by several meters and we must jump when ordered.
  • In his work, which has just gone on sale in Italy, Tornielli explains that the “Führer” was livid after the signing of the armistice between the Badoglio government and the Allies on Sept. 8, 1943, and ordered the SS to destroy the Holy See with “blood and fire.” Giving God a bad name « BuzzMachine
  • Recruiters were ordered to sign up more high school graduates who showed high aptitudes for science, engineering and electronics.
  • during hysterical conditions various functions of the human body are disordered
  • I purchased one item, then discovered I can find the second item at J&R as well, so redialled and ordered the other. Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • Jamie ordered fillet of beef wrapped in pancetta with port, shallot and foie gras ravioli, while I chose the loin of venison with fresh sage and honeyed Armagnac sweetbreads.
  • It was disordered thinking like that which led to his ruination in the stock market.
  • well-ordered work habits
  • The broad Bragg peak arises from a cholesterol monolayer embodying poorly ordered two-dimensional crystalline domains, each containing ~ 200 molecules in a proposed trigonal arrangement.
  • The LP can be ordered for either autos or revolvers, with a straight drop or a slight cant.
  • Mentally disordered offenders: practical steps to diversion from custody.
  • On that day I was ordered to close my eyes and await a big surprise.
  • I have ordered them not of chintz, but moreen, which is against your taste, and hardly according to my own; but the latter article proved on enquiry to be far the thriftier as well as the most comfortable; and therefore the best adapted for our purpose. New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • Clinton and Zedillo ordered their respective Cabinets to devise a common counter-drug strategy.
  • A woman fitting Subhaporn's description came into the shop and ordered a large arrangement of flowers.
  • This places Durkheim in the company of social reformers as diverse as Will Keith Kellogg, conceiver of the cornflake, and Mies van der Rohe, builder of the Bauhaus, both of whom founded institutions on a mission to integrate the individual within a collective plan where its energies could be rationally ordered and to avoid social disintegration. BREAKFAST WITH SOCRATES
  • Bang-the tie fructify a solid one punch to fall on cold Ling Feng's behind and stumble below, but the hands tightly protect the article of brisket and terror it is ordered by a D injure.
  • The road is strait and spacious and kept in excellent repair by the industrious inhabitants, and is generally bordered by tall and spreading trees as the magnolia, liquid amber, liriodendron, catalpa and live oak, and on the verges of the canals where the road was causewayed, stood the cyprus, lacianthus and magnolia, all planted by nature and left standing by the virtuous inhabitants, to shade the road and perfume the sultry air. Agricultural Resources of Georgia. Address Before the Cotton Planters Convention of Georgia at Macon, December 13, 1860
  • Iraqi state television said the deputy governor had ordered an indefinite curfew in the province from 1900 in response to the killings.
  • For each Order Point rule, you can specify a number which will force the ordered quantity to a multiple given by this factor (rounded to above quantity).
  • The antinovel usually fragments and distorts the experience of its characters, forcing the reader to construct the reality of the story from a disordered narrative.
  • Prices vary according to the quantity ordered.
  • I heartily hope we shall soon be ordered away from this most undelectable coast," observed Jack. The Three Admirals
  • By February 1999, the warehouse system still couldn't track inventory, causing Department 56 to ship unordered merchandise, to fill and ship the same orders multiple times or to fail to ship orders completely.
  • Three years after an Environment Court judge ordered a Pauatahanui quarry closed its owners are seeking to reopen it.
  • The sergeant ordered his mechanics to pull off the engine cowlings, remove the selfsealing fuel hoses and cut them in sections.
  • Cummings, without the false mustache, which he had either removed or lost (in fact it dropped off as he entered the coalyard) had just ordered a drink as the detectives entered. Jim Cummings Or, The Great Adams Express Robbery
  • The back of the hotel bordered on an empty space occupied only by weeds and mangy dogs. LORD OF THE SILENT
  • Red-faced officials ordered an investigation into the cause of the accident.
  • When ordered to do so, he obediently drank a cup of poisonous hemlock and calmly died, having declared that he did not fear death since he could not know it to be an evil.
  • There's slim hope that in the maze of dark and disordered tuins a luxury haunting love will be discovered.
  • I took a seat on a high barstool amongst the quiet and serious four and ordered half a pint of light ale for the golden pound I had had in my right pocket.
  • Additional police have been ordered out to control the expected crowds.
  • Since 1997, almost 300 Quebec farmers have been ordered to destroy more than 12,000 sheep feared to be carrying the disease called scrapie.
  • We started making less vegetable platters than were ordered, figuring the food waste was too great to prep them in advance and we could throw a replacement together quickly if the guests devoured the first ones we sent out.
  • The girls sat down next to us, we ordered a couple of beers and were given a book each with a list of songs.
  • Susan Gutfreund ordered a box of glass ashtrays with the design of our future palace etched into the bottoms.
  • His ingeniously plotted stories, some of which drew on themes from English and Scandinavian folklore, typically portrayed safe and ordered worlds invaded by terrifying agents of unappeasable supernatural malice.
  • He reordered two pairs of black leather shoes of the latest type.
  • The practice of dumping unordered cars on dealers is not thought illegal.
  • Agatha used the intercom to buzz what she called ‘servant headquarters’ and ordered two maids to come down.
  • In complete contrast to our disagreeable dining companion, the duck liver parfait he ordered was rich and smooth.
  • And thus, of articles of food, those which are unsuitable and hurtful to man when administered, every one is either bitter, or intensely so, or saltish or acid, or something else intense and strong, and therefore we are disordered by them in like manner as we are by the secretions in the body. On Ancient Medicine
  • Security forces were ordered out to control the situation in the city.
  • The assistant chief watched as she was forced to reclean toilets and showers and was then punished further by being ordered to clean long-neglected storage rooms, light fixtures, and so on, in an ever-lengthening list of humiliating chores. Getting Even
  • Once off the A19, the roads to Kepwick were bordered by thick drifts of snowdrops and we found more growing alongside winter aconite in the small churchyard.
  • He ordered the Temple in Jerusalem to sacrifice to the Greek gods and forbade the practice of circumcision, kashrut, and observance of the Sabbath.
  • The Committee will not stop its work until ‘those who organized and particularly those who ordered this bestial crime have been arrested and brought to justice.’
  • They also ordered him to receive intensive supervision and surveillance on his release.
  • I consider this a big improvement, although when I ordered what I assumed was my favorite cold appetizer of tofu and minced wild greens, I ended up with a hot platter of brothy slivered bean curd instead.
  • While I'd been by myself, as I say, I'd even been thinking in Pushtu, but here I had to hold on tight and remember what I was meant to be - for one thing, I wasn't used to being addressed in familiar terms by native soldiers, much less ordered about by an officious naik* (* Corporal.) who'd normally have leaped to attention if I'd so much as looked in his direction. Fiancée
  • They came to the creek-bed bordered by salmonberry and horsetails, where the rushing waters had begun to rejuvenate with the infusion of October rainwater. The Good House
  • Eminent French aviator ordered to the ground and sent home for conspiring with unsavory babu to smuggle undesirables to Katmandu, which is forbidden territory! Jimgrim
  • On the grounds of weeding out incompetent and unqualified staff, every teacher in the city was dismissed by the municipal authorities and ordered to reapply for their positions.
  • After Liberation in 1949, with the rectification and reorganization of the social order, the practice of streetwalking, pimping and whore-mongering was ordered eliminated.
  • The headquarters ordered them to retire their troops from the front.
  • His 30-yard free kick flew over the bar but the referee ordered the kick to be retaken for encroachment and moved the ball 10 yards forward.
  • Coke's Vitaminwater claims misleading BRITAIN'S ad regulator says Vitaminwater has too much sugar to be accurately described as nutritious and has ordered owner Coca-Cola to stop running advertisements carrying the claim. | Top Stories
  • They show unattainably good cooking, but, no coincidence, also unnaturally ordered kitchens. Times, Sunday Times
  • A Basic Model of Grammar Most theories of grammar accept that grammatical units are ordered hierarchically according to their size (a rank scale) o sentence (or clause complex) clause …. phrase (or group) … word … morpheme The morpheme is the smallest unit in grammar simply because it has no structure of its own. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The captain ordered two flags to be placed fore and aft.
  • Vicky ordered the king prawn and salmon laksa with noodles, while I went for the cod fillet with chorizo, garlic, spring onion mash and thyme.
  • In the liquid-unordered high temperature phase (fluid phase), hydrocarbon chain states are unordered and degenerate, and the crystalline order is lost.
  • There he found a Jew named Aquila, a native of Pontus, who had recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla, following a decree of the Emperor Claudius which ordered all Jews to leave Rome.
  • The company commander ordered a withdrawal as the enemy threatened to encircle and isolate the company.
  • One Russian businessman even ordered an exact copy of a room at the palace of Versailles for his house in Knightsbridge, complete with identical cornices and plasterwork, as well as real gold leaf and plating.
  • Equally amazing was the ability of the sell-out audiences at the outdoor amphitheater in the celestial vault of the Parc du Château de Florans, a venue bordered by 365 plane trees and a sprinkling of sequoia redwoods, to accommodate and enjoy the extraordinary range of performances, often on two different programs per evening, from solo recitals of the most intimate nature to the great concertos with orchestra. Laurence Vittes: Pianists Are Lords of the Ring in La Roque d'Anthéron's Festival 2011
  • This sublime sphere, set amid the ordered nature of a landscaped garden, combined the functions of memorial and planetarium, conjoining the transience of humanity with the eternal celestial realm.
  • As a remedy for the violation, the courts ordered that gays and lesbians be given the right to marry.
  • Council bosses have branded the garden of his six-bed semi an eyesore and have ordered him to clean it up.
  • Waiter: So, you have ordered a country style salad with Italian dressing. A beef tenderloin, medium, with black pepper sauce . Is that right?
  • Do not await a charge to-day," ordered San Martin; "_but charge_ always within fifty paces! Great Men and Famous Women. Vol. 6 of 8 A series of pen and pencil sketches of the lives of more than 200 of the most prominent personages in History
  • You ordered shorts instead of pints, because you thought it useful to give the impression that you had money.
  • Last year they ordered a review of licensing for arms exports and dual-use technology.
  • I ordered a chocolate cappuccino and a dozen glazed donuts.
  • Magistrates ordered him to do 240 hours of unpaid work within 12 months.
  • Once poker was a game played by chain-smoking, visor-wearing social oddities with rolls of cash and an obsession for cards which bordered on addiction.
  • Its white breast was bordered by broad dark swaths and had a dark blot right in the center.
  • She said the police officer ordered the two bickering women to cease and desist, but the women ignored him.
  • He ordered the establishment of an emergency granary to store a tenth of the harvest each season to be used in times of emergency.
  • `Old age will hit your sister hard," said Owen, looking forward to his own well-ordered future. LOST CHILDREN
  • “No, nor yet a peltast”; but he had been ordered by his messmates to drive a mule, although he was a free man. Anabasis
  • Although initially stand-offish, Sistani ordered his people to co-operate with the Americans.
  • Its front edge was bordered by a sort of storage box of stone, which contained a small vessel made of sewn baleen and wood.
  • The room was very still; its ordered comfort, the measured ticking of the carriage clock on the mantelshelf, the insistent thudding of the sea, all heightened the sense of outrage, the crudity of destruction and hate. She Closed Her Eyes
  • The channel has ordered 20 episodes of the ‘battling grillers’ whose dishes reflect their distinctive styles.
  • Security forces were ordered out to control the situation in the city.
  • When U.S. District Judge Leon Jordan sentenced Farmer on Sept. 20 for that charge and four others involving his actions at the banks and with the car, the judge ordered him to pay the company about $6,500 in restitution for the fraudulent charges. Heroes or Villains?
  • The two nigiri and sashimi platters we ordered were specials of the day and they did the job, but did not amaze.
  • The next day this account was confirmed; for, at seven in the morning, an alcaide came and ordered all our people out to work, excepting the sick. Thrilling Narratives of Mutiny, Murder and Piracy A weird series of tales of shipwreck and disaster, from the earliest part of the century to the present time, with accounts of providential escapes and heart-rending fatalities.
  • It was a dirt road bordered by a dry ditch.

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