How To Use orchestra pit In A Sentence
- Simply put, the system divides the orchestra pit into ten acoustical zones and the stage into fourteen, each governed by a directional microphone.
- Behind the stage there was a passageway, and halfway down it a door leading under the stage to the orchestra pit.
- Spine-tingling effects pour out of the orchestra pit: steamy strings, creepy celesta, slippery harp, fluttery piccolo, tender soprano and alto flutes, seductive bass and treble clarinets, and a battery of heart-palpitating percussion instruments. Rodney Punt: Turn of the Screw Gets a Stunning New Turn at LA Opera
- From a door at the side of the orchestra pit, a tall spindling man with hair like white flames emerged and stepped into a spotlight.
- As part of the refurbishment, a new orchestra pit, accommodating up to 60 musicians, has been created, along with the construction of a new backstage block, incorporating dressing rooms, and an increase in the height of the flytower.
- Another door at the far end led into the orchestra pit under the stage.
- The fact that neither hall has an orchestra pit created unique problems of stagecraft for the directors.
- A special focus on the performing arts is evidenced in the public wing of the building, which includes a 1030-seat auditorium with a recessed orchestra pit and full fly loft.
- He's been keeping her in the orchestra pit under the stage all this time.
- This corresponded to the front of the orchestra pit.