How To Use Orbital plane In A Sentence
The planets all orbit the Sun in the same direction, with orbital planes inclined slightly to the ecliptic.
A primary factor controlling the seasons and climate is the obliquity, the tilt of the planet's spin axis with respect to the normal to the orbital plane.
In fact, all the planets orbit the sun close to such a fixed orbital plane.
It is not exactly the same face because of the tilt of the Moon's rotational axis to its orbital plane around Earth, and the slight ellipticity of that orbit (the position of the observer on Earth also has a slight effect).
An inclination of 0 degrees would mean the orbit is perfectly aligned with Earth's orbital plane.
The spectrum of the gegenschein is similar to that of the Sun, and it is generally believed that it is the result of the reflection of sunlight from meteoric material or other dust in the Earth's orbital plane.
From that ellipse one can, in principle, determine the inclination of the planet's orbital plane.