How To Use Orator In A Sentence
It is experimentally shown that the high-Q-factor (100000) modes can be kept for a long period in a general laboratory circumstance.
The services of the laboratory are offered gratuitously to any scientist or graduate student engaged in research which makes a significant contribution to progress in the fields of science.
But while he speaks of war-time heroes and exploratory pioneers, he forgets about another interesting lifetime.
I put the "eye candy" on top of that and then used a store-bought gel decorator frosting to do the "bloodshot" effect.
Archive 2008-11-01
There is actually a dishonesty, really, about that slogan that says to keep it in the laboratory and it will be OK.

Mr. Robert Jackson (Wantage) (Labour): Will my right honourable friend accept an invitation to visit the Rutherford Appleton laboratory in my constituency to see the new Diamond synchrotron, which is nearing completion there?
Painter and decorator Geoffrey Jenks was so shocked when he failed a roadside breath test, he felt his Cokes must have been spiked, Kennet magistrates in Devizes heard on Tuesday.
A celebrated public speaker, he established the tradition of commemorative oratory in the United States.
Getting governments to recognise the importance of an AIDS vaccine is as critical as getting the science right in the laboratory.
Handa and Autar Mattoo, a research plant physiologist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service and collaborator in the research, had shown earlier that polyamines such as spermidine and spermine enhance nutritional and processing quality of tomato fruits.
RedOrbit News - Technology
A reaction induced on the laboratory bench may, like yeast in inert dough, leaven the whole of mankind, lightening and lifting it to heights undreamed of by its ancestors.
The Contribution of Creative Chemistry to the Humanities
The House voted to impose a one-year moratorium on nuclear testing.
Taking a dig at the BWSSB, a corporator noted perhaps a cess should be levied on BWSSB every time sewage is let into storm water drains maintained by the BMP.
These starters can be ordered from different laboratories in lyophilized form in small bags or bottles and can be conserved in the refrigerator for about three months.
1. Cheese formulae
He knew some members of the congregation, including the president, grew restive during his discourse, and would have preferred a more oratorical, hortative style, but he felt his type of sermon was more in keeping with his basic function of teacher, implicit in the word "rabbi.
Saturday the Rabbi Went Hungry
Throughout the 1990s, under the previous administration - which is no longer giving support to this moratorium - those proposals foundered.
Laboratory analysis is done on samples that are 100 ppb and below using atomic absorption spectrophotometry.
The Scientist
Despite efforts from several laboratories there has been no success in purifying the enzyme from plant tissues catalysing the synthesis of low or high molecular weight amide-linked conjugates.
Loach's social-realist drama, written by his longtime collaborator Paul Laverty, is a distinctive, piercingly serious vision.
It's a paradox of modern politics: to "act" is to be phony, but because of the demands and limitations of big-room oratory, if you don't act the text you'll look wooden and-phony.
Behind Enemy Lines
Manned Orbiting Laboratory gloves with sharkskin palms and sewn-in steel fingernails, so nimble that an astronaut could pick up a dime while wearing them, even when they were pressurized; long johns laced with plastic pipes, to water-cool the wearer; and box after box of headgear, including Armstrong's gold-visored external helmet, once thought to have been left on the moon.
The Seattle Times
The laboratory experiment is an obvious case of control, since a complete situation is created by and for the observer.
The university's laboratory of clinical immunology and molecular biology is named after him.
Painter cleared of bar assault charge A SELF-employed painter and decorator was yesterday cleared of assaulting the manager of a Harrogate bar.
He holds bachelor's degrees in bioengineering, medical laboratory science and community health and safety studies from the University of Illinois.
Medeva does however have a development laboratory capable of formulation, stability and analytical work, which is being expanded.
The canon law assumed that cathedral had five or more bells, a parish church two or three, while the churches of the medicant orders, like public oratories, were originally limited to one.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
Although no firm proposals have been lodged with the council, exploratory drilling has commenced and the company has made a survey.
But Gorbachev too was influenced by Western disarmament groups, and even initiated a nuclear testing moratorium at their suggestion.
The laboratory tests are of little real value.
As those perceptions are communicated, language choices made by the orator become both the enunciator and delineator of a ‘truth.’
The life cycle of the tapeworm can be readily completed under laboratory conditions.
Police are now on the verge of allowing painters, plumbers, decorators and joiners into the house to begin clearing up and repairing fittings damaged during the extensive examination of the house.
The calculation would be based on age, sex, weight, and standard laboratory tests that all such hospitals would routinely perform.
It is true - his oratorial skills are only matched by his prowess as an actor!
Murataliev, from the laboratory of Vladimir Skulachev, a respected leader in bioenergetics.
Paul D. Boyer - Autobiography
It imposes an involuntary moratorium on a third superdistrict for two seasons.
Pinned to the abaya was a message that read, “She was a collaborator against Islam.”
Alas, a blog » 2006 » July
He knows what happens to collaborators caught in the act.
I'd anticipated him working inside a Back-To-The-Future kind of laboratory with bubbling beakers, coiled yellow electrical wire, and a suffocating sense of disarray.
The imitations were produced by the painter and decorator on the canvas he used daily as a decorator, Lincrusta - perhaps better known as modern-day blown vinyl.
There is also an audiovisual language laboratory and facilities for receiving and recording satellite transmissions and for videoconferencing.
On Jan. 12-13, the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory researcher and 11 other scientists will meet at the National AeroSpace Training and Research Center near Philadelphia, where they'll learn to work and conduct experiments in the wispy upper reaches of Earth's atmosphere known as suborbital space.
Newswise: Latest News
_The comedy of Wilmot successful: The wounded stranger seen at a distance: Oratory abandoned with regret: The dangers that attend being honest: A new invitation from Hector: A journey deferred by an arrest, and another accidental sight of the stranger_
The Adventures of Hugh Trevor
Part of what we're trying to do with the Climate Collaboratorium is what we call radically open computer modeling, to bring the spirit of systems like Wikipedia and Linux to the problem of global climate change. Green Business News
Mr. Tritle's wish-list for future projects includes great Romantic canvases like César Franck's "Les Béatitudes" and Charles Gounod's epic oratorio "Mors et Vita," as well as 20th-century landmarks like the Britten "War Requiem" and Janáček's Glagolitic Mass.
The Master of Many Choruses
From exploratory drilling through completion, it takes about a thousand truck trips to frack a shale oil well.
I suggest you also size the walls before doing this, and as your decorator is a traditionalist I am sure he will agree.
He was working in the laboratory of a leprosarium when he and Guevara took to the road.
Alberto Granado, Che Guevara's motorcycle companion, dies at 88
They then manipulated them in the laboratory to turn them into specialised cells that form myelin, the insulating layer than surrounds nerve fibres.
But the development of an all-electric biochip has laid an important foundation for the pocket-sized laboratory.
Kruse-Elliott's collaborator, Jess Reed has been working with other foods such as pomegranates and grape seed extract, as well as whole cranberries.
Recently, however, a group of researchers led by James Cone has challenged this view, arguing that King's theology and oratory sprang mainly from his boyhood training at Ebenezer Church.
Hamsters reared in the laboratory can be made to have female-biased litters by keeping them hungry during adolescence or pregnancy.
Mars Science Laboratory will be phyllosilicate clays in Gale Crater, Young said.
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
The time may come when synthetic stones or simulants may be good enough to require sophisticated laboratory instruments to separate them from natural stones, but it isn't necessarily here yet.
Anhydrous sodium hydroxide is another common laboratory desiccant, or substance that removes water.
Homemade laboratory apparatus was the rule rather than the exception.
Three different laboratories produced radiocarbon dates for animal bones and charcoal at the four caves.
A presumptive diagnosis can be made quickly based on symptoms and concomitant laboratory results.
This laboratory is equipped with a new intravital microscope system and is interested in the role of intracellular signaling molecules in leukocyte recruitment.
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The most recent approaches have been language laboratories and computer-based instruction.
This distrust is evident in the cartoon figure of the mad scientist working in his laboratory to produce a Frankenstein.
There was no good animal test to screen for the ataraxic effects, because the antihistamines made laboratory animals hyperexcitable, not calm.
WEST BRIGHT supplies wind tunnel control equipment for aviation field, trailer control system for the biggest water-power laboratory in Asia and kinds of test and control systems for many labs.
Competitors, collaborators, those in complimentary fields with an overlapping client base, and folks who are totally outside your immediate world.
Women Grow Business » 2009 » November
Unlike laboratory stimuli such as sinusoidal grating or the Gabor patch, natural images generally contain signals broadly distributed over different spatial frequencies.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
General Pathology a very active laboratory, with international contacts, and was especially gifted in stimulating his students and foreign guests, including the Norwegian histologist and explorer Fridtjof
Life and Discoveries of Camillo Golgi
In the laboratory of time, subtle essences of disenchantment and pessimism are distilled.
And because Colonel Morse had advised him that he would be lecturing to “huge audiences in vast auditoria,” in the weeks before his departure, Oscar engaged the services of an expensive expert on oratory to give him elocution lessons.
Oscar Wilde and the Dead Man’s Smile
The laboratory must maintain a copy of each procedure with the dates of initial use and discontinuance.
Teachers liked the format of the day, pairing a scientist and an ethicist and interspersing workshop/discussions with DBI laboratory visits.
Like any exploratory survey, the scientists are finding they have more questions now than when they set out.
Japan's largest earthquake on record may have knocked the planet 3.9 inches off its axis as one crustal plate slid beneath another, Eric Fielding, a principal scientist with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., told Bloomberg news agency.
Report: High chance of magnitude-7 or higher quake in Japan in coming days
The metrological possibilities are of great importance and have been subject to detailed studies at many laboratories all over the world.
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1985 - Presentation Speech
I thus set up an independent program to investigate chemical and spectroscopic properties of compounds of atmospheric importance, focusing on those that are unstable and difficult to handle in the laboratory, such as hypochlorous acid, chlorine nitrite, chlorine nitrate, peroxynitric acid, etc.
Mario Molina - Autobiography
The failure of a laboratory's computer system has the potential to disrupt work flow, compromise business interests, and delay or perturb patient care.
So far the discussion concerns laboratory studies and simulations and can be considered largely theoretical.
It is but a short step from this to natural selection and evolution in the laboratory.
These publications are historical sources for a period which witnessed the transition from a humoral to a biochemical tradition, which was based on laboratorial science and document the important breakthroughs in bacteriology, parasitology and the developments of vaccines in a colonial context
May 2007
Painter cleared of bar assault charge A SELF-employed painter and decorator was yesterday cleared of assaulting the manager of a Harrogate bar.
Delayed photohemolysis of bovine red blood cells were investigated in this laboratory for sodium hypericin (HY-Na) and benzoporphyrin derivative monoacid ring A.
To study these bacteria he grew them in glass Petri dishes on a substance called agar, in his laboratory.
Mothers' milk is a living fluid that can never be imitated in any laboratory.
Haiti ' s national public-health laboratory and the CDC identified it in late October as Vibrio cholerae O1, serotype Ogawa, biotype El Tor.
I've heard higher flights of oratory, funnier jokes, crueller gibes at opponents, cannier attempts to win applause.
Times, Sunday Times
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. - Purdue University researchers, working with high-performance computing experts at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, have created an automated program to "debug" simulations used to more efficiently certify the nation's nuclear weapons.
Science Blog
Standardise laboratories' measurement systems around the world so that advances in one lab are usable in others.
So St. Stephen's audiences have listened to some of the world's best orators, and have had the word expounded by superior doctors of divinity.
Hanover; or, The Persecution of the Lowly. Story of the Wilmington Massacre
This paper presented a comprehensive laboratory bench for building environment & services engineering.
With a simple ethos of delivering a bill reflecting the very best in terms of both talent and reputation, headliners include the grandpapa of French house music François Kevorkian, playing his Deep Space set for the first and only time in the UK this year, alongside his longtime collaborator and sometime resident at legendary NYC fun factory Loft, Danny Krivit.
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State public health laboratories can test for hantavirus by serology, immunochemistry, or virus remnant amplification.
There is now talk of a foreclosure moratorium and a criminal investigation, because it appears that papers submitted in support of foreclosures have been submitted without verification or valid notarization.
Judge H. Lee Sarokin: Who Are the Culprits in the Foreclosure Crisis: The Lenders, The Borrowers or the Congress?
In an experimental laboratory study, Daley showed that weakening in the hinge area facilitates rapid fragmentation of the shell (within months) even before disarticulation is achieved.
The ship's doctor can presumably take blood, and, though possibly not having a haematology laboratory on board, may be able to get the bloods tested when the ship docks.
That none of this is within the competence of animals would seem to influence a preference for them as laboratory subjects.
Indeed, one new report says that we will have to import painters and decorators from abroad by 2020 if trends continue.
Consumers Union criticized the FDA for using antiquated and insensitive laboratory techniques that could not measure Alar below 500 parts per billion ppb, stating in Consumer Reports: "Looking for daminozide [Alar's a trade name] in apple juice with PAM II [the test method used by FDA] is like trying to catch speeders with a radar gun that doesn't work for speeds under 100 mph.
Wendy Gordon: The True Alar Story III
You may also be asked to give urine and blood samples for routine laboratory testing.
"We don't see our competitors as competitors but as collaborators, as joint venturers, " Adelson said.
I won first place in the English Oratorical Contest of our university.
I shook my head and told him that I was not a decorator and would not engage one.
Forasmuch as this self-love is so natural to them all that they had rather part with their father’s land than their foolish opinions; but chiefly players, fiddlers, orators, and poets, of which the more ignorant each of them is, the more insolently he pleases himself, that is to say vaunts and spreads out his plumes.
In Praise of Folly
These organizations, along with leading institutions in botany (the Missouri Garden and the Kew Gardens) and other key organizations (the Marine Biological Laboratory and Harvard Museum Libraries) have joined forces to create the Biodiversity Heritage Library (see my earlier post).
Creating, Managing & Pres. Dig. Assets: AMNH Digital Library
However, many laboratory and computer software programs continue to express results as percentages of predicted normal values.
Opinions are divided about its excellence as an example of oratory; some finding a self-consciousness in it which is unapostolic.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
The shuttle will remain for a week and a half to complete work on a Japanese space laboratory.
However, I'm reminded of an episode of Ace of Cakes where Duff's crew did a very detailed ear as a gift from a patient to his surgeon after a procedure that gave the patient his hearing back. *g* Though to be honest the decorator was a bit creeped out, IIRC...
This'll Cure that Freaky Fetish
To accommodate the rich level of activity hoped for in his mathematical laboratory, he proposed that two consecutive class periods be allocated to it.
By developing suitable tests with embryonic stem cells as they differentiate to germ cells we can investigate the action of these chemicals in the laboratory.
His fervent soap-box oratory, rhetorical literary style, and experience as secretary of the Timber Workers Union brought a growing reputation.
The developmental threshold and effective accumulative temperature of Obolodiplosis robiniae (Haldemann) , an important insect pest of Robinia pseudoacacia, were studied in the laboratory.
Studies on the retention of laboratory personnel have focused on the causes of employee attrition and strategies to promote retention.
Bill was the first to see his shortcomings and acknowledge the exploratory and experimental character of his work.
At length, however, after much debating, it was determined that arms should yield to the gown, or rather, the horse to the orator -- with this precaution, that the monture should be properly secured, by an attendant to hold the bridle.
A Residence in France During the Years 1792, 1793, 1794 and 1795, Part I. 1792 Described in a Series of Letters from an English Lady: with General and Incidental Remarks on the French Character and Manners
The laboratory is still owned by the government but is now commercially operated.
Specimens collected during invasive speculum examination have long been necessary for the conventional laboratory diagnosis of vaginal discharge diseases.
He also found Norman Heatley, a laboratory wizard with great dexterity in micromethods.
In our laboratory the trichrome stain was quite variable in its ability to stain the cytoplasm red and the collagen green.
Archbishop Neary recalled that the men and boys of the surrounding parishes had carried stones, timber and cement to the summit during the construction of the oratory in the early 1900s.
Method: We adopted germfree caesarean section and artificial suckling to make CV New Zealand Laboratorial rabbit biology-cleansing and cultivate SPF New Zealand Laboratorial rabbit.
In the laboratory, males luminesced more often than juveniles and females, and more frequently when in a group of males, than when in a group with females.
Some progress has been made in this direction, but so far the main results are certain degradation-products such as aniline dyes derived from coal tar; salicylic acid; essences of fruits; etc. Still these and many other discoveries of the same nature do not prove that the laboratory of man can compete with the laboratory of the living plant cell.
Popular Science Monthly Oct, Nov, Dec, 1915 — Volume 86
The bishop of London apparently agreed and prohibited the oratorio from being performed.
Christianity Today
She was thin and undernourished, her pallid skin the colour of the rare arctic mushrooms in Professor Saito's plant laboratory.
The orators of Opposition might soon have been reduced, like Philoetetes wasting his arrows upon geese at Lemnos, [Footnote: _ "Pinnigero, non armigero in corpore tela exerceantur.
Memoirs of the Life of the Rt. Hon. Richard Brinsley Sheridan — Volume 01
DOCTORS have cured a painter and decorator suffering uncontrollable tremors in his right hand - with sound waves.
The Sun
You will bring an innovative approach to developing inspirational teaching methods and will additionally hold a contract with the histopathology and/or cytopathology laboratories in the co-located Belfast Health and Social
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'During 1944 a mutant strain of erysipelas rhusiopathiae appeared suddenly in a laboratory specialising in antisera production and produced acute endocarditis in the serum horses.'
Whip Hand
When alanine is produced in a laboratory under normal conditions, a mixture is obtained, half of which consists of (R) - alanine and half of (S) - alanine.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2001
Preliminary analysis at a London laboratory shows that it contains fatty globules of lipids and is organic, of animal origin.
-- In children the condition known as imperforate anus may sometimes be remedied by exploratory operations in the perineum, guided by the protrusion caused by the distended intestine.
A Manual of the Operations of Surgery For the Use of Senior Students, House Surgeons, and Junior Practitioners
It will explore the excitements of Paris between the wars, through opera, ballet, concerts, oratorio, film and visual arts, and a specially commissioned book.
Safety and tolerability were good, with no drug-related adverse events or changes in clinical or laboratory parameters.
Laboratory studies, including hematology and blood chemistry studies, were obtained at each follow-up visit.
A wire led from the instrument to a thermograph in the laboratory.
Exploratory work for the renovation has revealed, for the first time since it was covered over in the 1700s, the slipway or ‘staithe’ at the back of the quayside building in Grape Lane.
the procedure is performed in the catheterization laboratory
If final speciation was not done on site, participants were asked to identify their reference laboratory.
After luxuriating in the playful sonic palette (and fine cast of notable collaborators) that Byrne's one-time mucker Brian Eno brought to the band's studio productions, the listener's rudely woken by the later work.
The company retains the right to practice its licensed antisense patent technologies and to sublicense it to collaborators.
The only problem of note was a pair of malfunctioning dehumidifiers, which temporarily raised temperatures inside the laboratory to the low 80s, 10 degrees higher than desired.
harangued his men in an oratorical way
While men might employ poetry or oratory to criticize women, women compose and sing songs about men.
We had successfully changed the genetically induced behavior of laboratory animals by pharmacogenetic manipulation!
Alcohol and The Addictive Brain
Alternatively, fruits were harvested at the ripe stage and left to overripen for 2 d at 21°C on the laboratory bench.
Indeed, one new report says that we will have to import painters and decorators from abroad by 2020 if trends continue.
Twentieth-century blue-blood decorator Sister Parish, America's version of Ms. Castaing, was asked once why she had put a worthless giltwood curtain finial atop a lovely antique clock in her entrance hall.
The Decorator's Decorator
That is, the test laboratory is simply a part of a medical device manufacturer of which all device-related divisions shall comply with the QS regulation.
But so it was, as great men and princes are said to call in their flatterers when dinner has been served, so the Athenians, upon slight occasions, entertained and diverted themselves with their spruce speakers and trim orators, but when it came to action, they were sober and considerate enough to single out the austerest and wisest for public employment, however much he might be opposed to their wishes and sentiments.
The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans
It could also save the lives of laboratory mice because chicken eggs and embryos share many genes and biochemical pathways with mammals, so they can be substituted for live animals in experiments.
Finding myself (not often in London on the day that comes so mercifully between the Saturday and Monday) beside the enisled Marble Arch, I spent half an hour in listening to the astonishing oratory that was going on there.
A Boswell of Baghdad With Diversions
This work due to its setting to music by Mikis Theodorakis as an oratorio, is a revered anthem whose verse is sung by all Greeks for all injustice, resistance and for its sheer beauty and musicality of form.
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Exploratory laparotomy was performed, and a large soft tissue mass was found extending from the left side of the pelvis involving the rectum.
It was painted for the private oratory in the apartments of Anne of Austria in the Palais Royale, Paris, into which she had moved following the death of her husband, Louis XIII, in 1643.
Q Joe, Howard Wolfson, who is the spokesman for Mrs. Clinton's exploratory committee, says, "she stands by her Saturday statement," which was that the FALN convicts '"absence of a response speaks volumes," and the commutation is a mistake.
Press Briefing By Joe Lockhart
The establishment of a botanical laboratory at Buitenzorg in Java was particularly influential.
JONAH BOKAER'S new "Anchises," which features an intriguing set of collaborators; the design group Harrison Atelier, a commissioned score by Loren Dempster, and the former Cunningham dancer Valda Setterfield, who should never be missed.
NYT > Home Page
The return of Soviet forces in 1944-5 produced a third wave of terror, with the Stalinist security organs conducting vast purges of collaborators, real or imagined.
Scientists will have to step out of their laboratories and humanists will have to give up their haughty disdain for modernity.
Objective I-C.. Improve surveillance and rapid laboratory identification to ensure early detection of antimicrobial resistance.
Meanwhile in a basement laboratory in Utah two chemists are working on their own and in secret.
This is to be amalgamated with the Physical Chemistry Laboratory in 1994, when the new professor takes office.
It is used as a laboratory reagent and acid-base indicator and has been used in over-the-counter laxative preparations.
In my own discipline, chemistry, I see lecture classes of several hundreds, followed by smaller laboratory sections taught by unfledged graduate assistants.
But search time can be reduced if anyone seeing a goose wearing a coloured collar with black letters can report it to the laboratory.
He appeared to be in the control booth of some sort of laboratory, and he felt almost at home as he studied the dials and gauges in the panel before him.
Refusing to accept a canonry at Notre Dame, he joined the Congregation of the Oratory in 1660.
His oratory soon had the crowd booing his opponents.
Using a bioreactor, a device commonly used in laboratories on Earth but specially adapted for use in space, the team wants to investigate the factors that make human cells grow in three dimensions.
The clamor of controversy sometimes provoked the emperor to exclaim, “Hear me! the Franks have heard me, and the Alemanni;” but he soon discovered that he was now engaged with more obstinate and implacable enemies; and though he exerted the powers of oratory to persuade them to live in concord, or at least in peace, he was perfectly satisfied, before he dismissed them from his presence, that he had nothing to dread from the union of the Christians.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
He was tried as a Nazi collaborator in 1946 but was acquitted and allowed to resume his career.
Orators are not improvising without adequate preparation; they are ‘winging it’ (this American vulgarism surely never arose till the 1990s?)
High-flying oratory proved utterly inefficacious in winning any major foreign-policy result he set himself to bring home in triumph.
Terry Krepel: John L. Perry's Greatest Obama-Hating Hits
Mary Frances, also a student of Dow, provided artistic guidance as a designer and decorator.
An apparatus with a copper basket four inches in diameter has been found extremely useful in the laboratory for drying such substances as granulated sulphate of copper and sulphate of iron and ammonia, but more especially for drying sugar, which when crystallized in very small crystals cannot be readily separated from the sirupy mother-liquor by any of the usual laboratory appliances.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 520, December 19, 1885
Mayo Clinic researchers and a group of international collaborators have discovered a correlation between an extreme form of sleep disorder and eventual onset of parkinsonism or dementia.
May 16th, 2007
Some limited laboratory and clinical tests undertaken at Bayer led to the belief that it was slightly too toxic to be acceptable.
Chemistry and physical chemistry laboratories will later be supplemented by biology and pharmaceutical technology laboratories.
In the laboratory, scientists took the embryonic cells from each of these animals, fused them together, and gave birth to a new species on earth called a "geep," half sheep, half goat; the head of a goat, the body of a sheep; a chimera, a new composite creature.
Speech to the City Club on The BioTech Century
Thorough revision of laboratory routines could substantially reduce radiation doses received.
Every level of laboratory has access to specific protocols for each category of biologic agent that may be used for bioterrorism.
Very soon, accelerators at Ernest Lawrence's Berkeley laboratory were producing artificial pions; the era of high-energy physics had begun.
Even in the very denunciations of opponents we find corroboratory evidence of the main facts in question.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 77, March, 1864
Some laboratory activities were technically advanced for middle school students.
However, earlier data from the laboratory of Richard Marsh found that squirrel monkeys could be infected by intracerebral CWD inoculation.
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We know there are billions and billions and billions of stars, and so it makes sense that life exists not just on one planet but on many, many planets," says Swiss astronomer Didier Queloz, codiscoverer of the first planet outside the solar system and a visiting scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Hello, Out There! The New Science Of Astrobiology
A guy had a whole table of laboratory glassware and I was able to cross an item off my list of lifetime goals: I now own a bell jar.
We have begun to lose creative scientists and researchers to larger, better resourced laboratories and libraries.
But I think you might look in the last aisle; there's an oratory to Saint Glinda, or used to be.
She is a Muslim woman from Bandra Bazar Road , and she is unhappy , she votes for the Congress , but she finds that it has not helped her much , she has come to meet Rahebar Khan the local corporator, she cant take life anymore, her electric bill has trebled , prices of all essential commodities has skyrocketed and she is stuck in a groove of discontent.
Archive 2009-08-01
During the meeting, there were members who were accommodator, avoider, competitor and compromiser, but no collaborator.
James Dillon in his heyday was about the only orator of modern times to match such eloquence.
Authorities were combing areas along the path of migratory birds for dead birds, and rushing any samples to laboratories for testing.
They agreed to observe the moratorium, and to resume dumping after 2007 only in consultation with other signatory states.
Therefore carries on the transformation in the original Qinchuan QCS 002 hydraulic pressure teaching laboratory bench foundation.
After treatment with isoniazid, rifampicin, and ethambutol, clinical recovery was prompt: the fever quickly resolved, and within a week laboratory studies showed normal values.
He spent several months fitting out a state-of-the-art zoological laboratory on board the ship before boarding it in preparation for departure at Sheerness in November 1872.
For the examinations, the plants were potted and transferred to the laboratory.
Most recently she was one of eight incorporators who developed the Nursing Career Center of CT, Inc. which began service in January 2001.