How To Use Orate In A Sentence

  • Does the plain, unsugared doughy type bagel look alike surpass the overly decorated with hundreds and thousands and pumped full of sweet chemicals with optional coating of chocolate (half dipped) Tescos Express doughnut win every time? Rabbit Stew. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • According to what I read in a couple of dictionaries, "gild" means to decorate the outside of something, usually unnecessarily. Untwisted Vortex
  • The lymphatic vessels of the tongue may be divided into four groups: (1) apical, from the tip of the tongue to the suprahyoid glands and principal gland of the tongue; (2) lateral, from the margin of the tongue—some of these pierce the Mylohyoideus to end in the submaxillary glands, others pass down on the Hyoglossus to the superior deep cervical glands; (3) basal, from the region of the vallate papillæ to the superior deep cervical glands; and (4) median, a few of which perforate the Mylohyoideus to reach the submaxillary glands, while the majority turn around the posterior border of the muscle to enter the superior deep cervical glands. VIII. The Lymphatic System. 3. The Lymphatics of the Head, Face, and Neck
  • If it is too hot, the liquid will evaporate not absorb.
  • If we got into Ceram (and got out again), the doctor would reduce the whole affair to a few tables of anthropological measurements, a few more hampers of birds, beasts, and native rubbish in the hold, and a score of paragraphs couched in the evaporated, millimetric terms of science. The Spinner's Book of Fiction
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  • Check from time to time that the liquid has not completely evaporated - there should be just enough left to make a bit of a sauce with.
  • Mohawk is a polysynthetic language, in which noun objects can easily be incorporated into the verb.
  • The strategy is to get water to be absorbed by the outer layer of skin, the stratum corneum and then to seal the water in the skin before it evaporates (which it will do rapidly).
  • Individuals are expected to act on behalf of the collective whole, and the corporate body is expected to act in the normative interests of its members.
  • Architecturally they incorporate the low roofs, polygonal towers and shallow, semicircular domes of the Byzantine mode.
  • Allegheny Technologies Incorporated manufactures titanium, hafnium, tungsten, and cobalt. Eric Lotke: Steel City: Forgotten but Not Gone
  • Since corporate America is more interested in hoarding than rehiring, the New Poor are going to be around for awhile. Mark Olmsted: No Pizza, No Peace: The New Poor and the Coming Blowback
  • Immediately above the anterior perforated substance, the pear-shaped head of the caudate nucleus is confluent with the putamen of the lentiform nucleus.
  • I have returned to campus enlivened by a sense of professional renewal, and I have developed course syllabi, assignments, and activities that incorporate many ideas from my fellowship experiences.
  • The ufological entertainers, mentioned above, have incorporated it as part of their acts.
  • The National Health Service has visibly deteriorated, despite increased spending.
  • Conseco has no investment bankers, legal counsel, commercial bankers, or consultants doing business with the company on its board, nor are there any interlocking directorates.
  • He is like a Tyrannosaurus Rex, leading a herd of corporate dinosaurs over the cliff and bellowing as he goes.
  • Decorate the cake with chocolate curls.
  • Unlike several other states, Pennsylvania has no provisions for unincorporated territory.
  • The water vascular system of the sea stars open up at the madreporite, a perforated opening in the central part of the animal.
  • The boys are planning to decorate when they get the time.
  • Cereal song earth: Fictitious tellurion software, be together satellitic picture, map, encyclopedia and flight simulator conformity, decorate in an earth on three-dimensional model.
  • In this crucible I have mixed together just one ounce of sugar and one and one-eighth ounces of solidified oxygen, solidified by the force of chemical affinity and bound up in a white salt called chlorate of potash. Religion and Chemistry
  • On the one hand, it was a powerful tool to enhance or sustain personal and corporate power, wealth, and status.
  • All the accommodation is decorated in as minimalist fashion as luxury will allow, reflecting the vibrant colours of the region, from warm terracotta to the cool turquoise of the sea.
  • The diagnosis of acute or chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer was determined using previously established criteria that incorporated symptoms, radiology, pathology, and serology.
  • If it became possible for shareholders to sue firms where those firms might reasonably have protected them from insider trading, corporate Australia's complaisance towards insider trading could take a healthy hit.
  • The convention plucked him from the pastorate to head the foreign mission board.
  • Fingerprint recognition, which falls under a technology called biometrics, has been used for years in the corporate environment.
  • They are considered something of a sideshow in the struggle of corporate giants for control of markets and influence over the state.
  • So weeding out potential jurors with unchangeable views on guilt or innocence has the elaborateness of celebrity trials like that of O.J. Simpson, who was acquitted at the same courthouse in 1995. Jackson jury Q&A tests media's grip
  • There were floating candles that decorated the pool and the fountain, as well as ornamental flowers arrangements.
  • The Twelfth" officially commemorates the July 12, 1690, triumph of Protestant King William of Orange versus the Catholic he deposed from the English throne, James II, at the Battle of the Boyne south of Belfast. Latest Headlines - ABC 7 News
  • Clean and cheerful, the rooms are decorated with children's artwork and handicrafts.
  • He had chasubles, also, of amber-coloured silk, and blue silk and gold brocade, and yellow silk damask and cloth of gold, figured with representations of the Passion and Crucifixion of Christ, and embroidered with lions and peacocks and other emblems; dalmatics of white satin and pink silk damask, decorated with tulips and dolphins and fleurs-de-lis; altar frontals of crimson velvet and blue linen; and many corporals, chalice-veils, and sudaria. The Picture of Dorian Gray
  • The other honour that gave him particular pleasure was his honorary doctorate from Melbourne University.
  • The "smart" in "smart underwear" refers to the fact that the printed sensors will be incorporated into logic-based biocomputing systems that will monitor biomarkers found in human sweat and tears, make autonomous diagnoses, and administer drugs. - latest science and technology news stories
  • As it becomes more expensive to dump dangerous waste, so the economic advantages of shredding deteriorate.
  • More than 30 elaborate scarecrows are peering from hedgerows, fields and chimney pots, as part of the annual scarecrow competition.
  • According to the prosecution, the officers manufactured an elaborate story.
  • CRU (Corporate Relations Unit) is responsible for developing long-term sponsorship partnerships with business organisations.
  • In the twelfth century the canon lawyers devised an elaborate, and comparatively humane, legal framework for poor relief.
  • Moceanu has written an autobiography, had book signings and cashed in on corporate and commercial appearances.
  • The other senses corroborate themselves, but this is removed from any proof but its own, and foreruns the identities of the spiritual world. Preface to “Leaves of Grass,” 1855
  • We will therefore go back to the electorate to renew our mandate with confidence.
  • For a long time, corporate executives felt that the Internet was only an academic toy for bored graduate students.
  • Its name commemorates Voli Voli Cave (one of the discovery sites) and Atholl Anderson, well known for his many contributions to the prehistory and palaeoecology of south-west Pacific islands. The small, recently extinct, island-dwelling crocodilians of the south Pacific
  • After years of fiscal gloom, they hope Brown will bring his political clout to the corporate realm.
  • The corneas were coated in 250 nm of nickel using a technique developed at Penn State called conformal-evaporated-film-by-rotation. all content
  • Why, I'm sure that Saint John the Do-As-I-Say-Not-As-I-Do Populist's votes had nothing to do with the corporate interests in North Carolina that he might find necessary to court later (or pay back for an earlier campaign donation). Tonight: The Jefferson-Jackson Dinner
  • Changing the corporate culture is a long and difficult process.
  • These reforms are meant to reinvigorate local democracy and reconnect people with politicians. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the background is a large lacquered coffer, its side decorated with a flying bird and another perched in a tree.
  • This involved quite elaborate dressing-up, and the fun and laughter of those Boxing Day nights was a treasure indeed.
  • Biscuit base filled with lemon scented Ilalian ricotta cheese, decorated with strawberries and red currants.
  • Talia's room, when we reach it and I actually take the time to observe it, is decorated in varying shades of pastel blue, more or less coordinating the curtains and the bed sheets.
  • The bee elaborates honey
  • They are typically incorporated into the formulation through a latex emulsion.
  • Gob Woodhull, an imaginary son of the real 19th-century feminist, spiritualist and free-love advocate Victoria Woodhull, loses his twin brother in the Civil War and builds a vast and elaborate machine whose purpose is to "grieve" so efficiently that it will bring all of history's dead back to life. Time Tripping
  • Not surprisingly, this imposing property is a popular choice for wedding receptions and regularly used for corporate entertaining, conferences and seminars.
  • Additional options include erecting a sizable ornamental canopy or baldachin over the tabernacle, or setting the tabernacle within the apsidal wall or against the backdrop of a decorated reredos. Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend: "Concerning the Central Placement and Noble Design of Tabernacles..."
  • Wilson also dispensed with the ceremoniousness hamstringing Boston's other lyceums, such as their practice of staging elaborate quasi-military "Banner Marches," which they sometimes even performed before military veterans. Henry Louis Gates, Jr.: Harriet Wilson's Sunday School
  • Should we accept that corporate bosses do bad things not because of the badness of their hearts but because they are obliged to?
  • Like the 2-party system itself, there is little reason to argue that corporate charters are inviolate.
  • The current yield is the portion generated by coupon payments, which are usually paid twice a year, and, it accounts for most of the yield generated by corporate bonds.
  • It is attributed to Joseph Henry Remmey, who is known for similar elaborately incised cobalt blue decoration, especially of stylized birds.
  • So he argued against the rich being able to commemorate their war dead with ornate personal graves.
  • Also among the rich assortment of intriguing pieces that fill each page are panels dating from c.1600, decorated with saints standing beneath baldacchinos.
  • For lipid overlay, 0.05 mM biotinylated phosphatidylethanolamine was incorporated to the preparation of PPM or IPM with a 1 / 200 molar ratio toward L-α-lysophosphatidylcholine. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The multinationals and their advertising companies were always quick to incorporate signs of otherness.
  • Far more serious than their sins against the basic rules of journalism is the corporate stranglehold over the major print and broadcast outlets.
  • The president talked up the tax cut deal, talked up the one-year expensing of depreciable assets, vowed to veto any bill with earmarks, talked about cutting corporate tax rates, talked about streamlining government, even talked up medical malpractice reform. Love Train In The House!
  • Their elaborate fabrics, woven on looms from cotton and alpaca wool, are known today because they were used in a type of mummification process.
  • But the relationship with Pataki deteriorated precipitously in recent days as McCaughey Ross openly defied him.
  • As they seated themselves at table Brahms, who had been in a brown study, suddenly proffered the company an extemporaneous criticism of Ivan's music, which he tore into miscroscopic bits, and flung upon the winds of sarcasm; after which he perorated elaborately upon his own power and the perfect academic accuracy of his style. The Genius
  • Early appendicectomy was first recommended and performed for non-perforated acute appendicitis in the 1880s.
  • The corporate world is appallingly bad at capitalizing on the strengths of its people.
  • In whatever way you choose to commemorate the horrendous acts of early September four years ago, let us once again renew our gratitude for the freedoms we enjoy and reaffirm our commitment to tolerance, peace and liberty throughout the world. 09/01/2005
  • Then trumpeters played a fanfare, fireworks boomed and crackled across the sky and children from schools on either side of the river waved flags and exchanged huge greetings cards to commemorate new links between their communities.
  • The impressive fort in the centre of the town presently houses the collectorate and other district office.
  • HPD has designed and delivered more than 650 systems in 30 countries, including the world's largest MVR evaporated salt crystallizer, the largest multiple-effect evaporated salt crystallizer and the largest kraft pulp black liquor evaporation system. News -
  • Many people agreed with Nader's specific criticisms of corporate capital - but they were uninspired.
  • She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Kamar al-Zaman, son of King Shahriman, went to the Hammam, his father in his joy at this event freed the prisoners, and presented splendid dresses to his grandees and bestowed large alm-gifts upon the poor and bade decorate the city seven days. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • All over Europe, the fringes of suburbia are blighted by the dreary apparatus of industry - undecorated sheds and dour offices in glum lots girdled by sterile acres of parking.
  • Churinga, over a foot in length, they tell us, are not usually perforated; many churinga are not perforated, many are: _but the Arunta do not know why some are perforated_. The Clyde Mystery a Study in Forgeries and Folklore
  • Whoever wins government will have to depend on the support of independents, many of whom will have been elected with as little as 10 to 20 percent of the vote in their electorates.
  • This wall was originally incrusted with rich marbles, and the great dome, adorned with deep coffering in rectangular panels, was decorated with rosettes and mouldings in gilt stucco. A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition, revised
  • The articles incorporated substantial sections of the Minute both in direct quotation and in paraphrase.
  • The music swings and the professionals perform elaborately energetic movements.
  • Their makers hope the phones will become popular promotional giveaways, like phone cards emblazoned with corporate logos.
  • Over the years, the giant retailer, in exercising its own brand of censorship, has forced recording artists to change lyrics, 'sanitize' album covers, removed certain 'objectionable' magazines from its racks, and generally cultivated its own corporate sense of what the public should or shouldn't see. Al Norman: Wal-Mart Picks Free Speech Fight with Union
  • Then as now, a majority of the electorate disapproved of the incumbent's performance.
  • We raised the level of the veranda to the first floor level and incorporated ramps into the new veranda's design.
  • When such water evaporates, it becomes concentrated, along with the magnesium and potassium salts, in the "mother liquor"; and upon complete evaporation, it crystallizes out as boracite and other rarer minerals. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • Q So, you're saying the four of them at least, even though they already were voting for Foster, will now go back with some kind of invigorated motivation to convince -- Press Briefing By Mike Mccurry
  • But it is hard to imagine him miscalculating that it could be done in the teeth of active opposition from the other political parties, the electorate, and a somewhat sullen defence force.
  • If the corporate talking heads don't chicken out, this could be fun.
  • Government regulation did not end inequality or banish corporate influence in politics.
  • Gumball machines decorated the shelves and children could still buy gummies for one cent.
  • Corporate recruiters and large companies maintain their own databases of job candidates, including unstructured data such as interview notes.
  • Originally, the small church was equipped by elaborate vaulting and plasterwork, and the pavement was covered by tiles.
  • Persistent deflation has crimped corporate earnings and worsened the government's deficit.
  • +The Story+ of this ballad, simple in itself, introduces to us the elaborate question of the ‘lyke-wake,’ or the practice of watching through the night by the side of a corpse. Ballads of Mystery and Miracle and Fyttes of Mirth Popular Ballads of the Olden Times - Second Series
  • Such a renouncement would not trigger the Electoral Act and would not require a by-election to allow the electorate to review the MP's mandate to represent him or her.
  • Eight hours after admission he suddenly deteriorated, with severe respiratory distress and increasing left chest signs.
  • Two departments rely mainly on a single source for their forecasts with perhaps slight alterations to incorporate their own views.
  • Decorated in pale green, it has decorative ceiling plasterwork, a white marble fireplace and French doors to the back garden.
  • This is true with the exception that of "Decorated" architecture there are but few examples, and it is probable that very little new work was done in connection with this cathedral until the monastery became vastly enriched by Abbot Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Gloucester [2nd ed.] A Description of Its Fabric and A Brief History of the Espicopal See
  • It would surely be progress if significant discourse on tolerance were incorporated into educational curricula, religious sermons, and public speech.
  • The swimming pool was decorated with fairy lights and floating candles and a table for the intimate party of 12 was set outside.
  • We talked earlier about the computer marketing firm that had badly botched one of its first major corporate sales.
  • At the end, he argues that a good progressive conservative government could cut useless measures like corporate subsidies, farm subsidies, and needless tariffs.
  • Some loincloths were painted and decorated with tassels, which symbolized falling rain.
  • Perhaps today's corporate entities are little more than the fishes that have crawled out of the ocean.
  • This time however the concern is the operation of such systems at the level of the corporate group which is the topic of interest.
  • In a reply to a correspondent you further elaborate that the rate of profit is being equalized throughout the entire economy.
  • Earlier attempts to incorporate social and economic history into art history usually focused on macrosocial and macroeconomic issues.
  • Conan the Pseudonymous: 1. in order to really train the mind to observe the "suchness" of now, and to incorporate so many ... Savage Minds
  • A number of U.S. colleges and universities now provide courses in futurism, several of them award degrees and one Australian university even plans to offer a doctorate. What do Futurists Really Know? | Impact Lab
  • Any attempt to incorporate it after the contract is made will be unsuccessful.
  • Their attempt to soften the electorate's impression of her as a scientific cold fish is one of the few amusing spectacles in a grim political landscape.
  • The company will also incorporate two species on one window and offers extruded solid bronze or aluminum cladding.
  • The borate ingredient in the fire-protection solution makes the wood a less than ideal food source, so it is resistant to termite and fungal damage as well.
  • This problem, which has vexed Jewish philosophers since Philo Judaeus, had recently received elaborate treatment by Maimonides. Gersonides
  • He knew nothing of the elaborate machinery of ingenious chicane, - such as feigning bankruptcy - fraudulent conveyances - making over to his wife - running property - and had never heard of such tricks of trade as sending out coffins to the graveyard, with negroes inside, carried off by sudden spells of imaginary disease, to be "resurrected," in due time, grinning, on the banks of the Brazos. The flush times of Alabama and Mississippi : a series of sketches,
  • Indian sweets are traditionally decorated with a very thin layer of beaten silver.
  • I think they are likely to lead to conflicts between fragments and fractions within ruling corporate elites.
  • The major ores of boron are a small number of borate (boron oxide) minerals, including ulexite (NaCaB5O9. 8H2O), borax (Na2B4O5 (OH) 4. 8H2O), colemanite (Ca2B6O11. 5H2O) and kernite (Na2B4O6 (OH) 2. 3H2O). Boron
  • Have you heard of any good dance programs in California colleges that incorporate tap?
  • Straight into the bin this morning seeing as they're "toxic", i.e., hand decorated by typhoid Ramekin yesterday, probably in the prime of his contagiousness. So . . .
  • All these art works depict a scatter- brained character called Bip, who is traditionally dressed in sailor suit and a grey top hat decorated with a red flower.
  • These games could be defined simply as ` handball played with a paddle, 'the only difference being that paddleball employs a perforated wooden racquet and a large spongy ball, while racquetball, which is rapidly pushing both handball and paddleball into obscurity, employs a small strung racquet and a lively rubber ball. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIX No 1
  • As competition from Asia increases and shareholders clamour for ever faster growth some regard the inward-looking nature of the family corporate setup as untenable.
  • He had turned his head, and was looking oh-so-casually off toward the chromolithograph of Bonnie Prince Charlie with which Mrs. Baird had seen fit to decorate our wall. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • The heat of the place was remarkable; I felt my collar grow soft and hoped that my appearance would not deteriorate too rapidly. ANTI-ICE
  • The DLR has become the latest corporate supporter of The Cutty Sark Trust after donating £5,000 to help ensure the deckhouses are sufficiently watertight to withstand the rain.
  • The interior teems with antiquity: ornate plasterwork, a huge inglenook, stained glass, elaborate panelling and a plank and muntin screen. Personal finance and money news, analysis and comment |
  • Even in the United States, where the private media are almost invariably subservient to corporate interests, journalists generally do not cite polls by pollsters who have publicly partisan connections.
  • "The Assembly will also be reviewing the cost of the Bee Inspectorate," said a spokeswoman.
  • Besides, correction effect of fundamental variables in the model to RMB rate misalignment is also elaborated.
  • After a time teaching drama in borstals, prisons and community centres, he suffered two more breakdowns until one day, while sitting on a bus, his persistent angst, dread and fear of failure simply evaporated.
  • The term corporate will be used here to describe the traditional conception, since that conception presents a right-holding group as a unitary entity. Group Rights
  • Class fractions are a fundamental feature of corporate capitalism and can become particularly potent fault lines.
  • Therefore, they perceived themselves as corporate members and experienced its power as essentially benevolent.
  • The specter of death lingers over the entire film, both figuratively with Tommy Lee Jones as a corporate "axeman" sent to close down the show after one last performance and literally, in the form of Virginia Madsen's angel in a white trenchcoat, a noirish avatar of death who Altman credits as the "Dangerous Woman" even though she's given an actual name in the film. Archive 2008-11-01
  • The term corporate socialism was employed to identify this relationship. Rush Limbaugh, a Demagogue to Live in Infamy
  • This has been clearly determined, for instance, by Féré, in the course of a long and elaborate series of experiments dealing with the various influences that modify work as measured by Mosso's ergograph. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 3 Analysis of the Sexual Impulse; Love and Pain; The Sexual Impulse in Women
  • The cylinder incorporates a central spring loaded bushing that permits the cylinder to move forward and backward.
  • All of the steel grillages and columns that were left in place or incorporated into the new structure were sandblasted to remove accumulated rust.
  • The Tokyo market was slightly lower, weighed by the Bank of Japan's tankan survey for December, which showed that sentiment among big manufact urers deteriorated for the first time in seven quarters, although the outcome was slightly better than economists' expectations. Asia Mostly Down; Tankan Hurts Japan
  • I thought we started positively and we were knocking it about but then we started to over-elaborate.
  • It mattered not that a corporate contemnor could not be committed to prison. Times, Sunday Times
  • All that remained was that lovely blank undecorated space upstairs which led up to the administrative offices.
  • `Have you taken any steps to corroborate this supposition? DEATH AND TRANSFIGURATION
  • Jersey political shtick stand-up at the Democratic National Convention; the arena that bore his name has gone through several different corporate sponsors since, and is currently a severely brand-infected assaultively unrelenting advertising-delivery module - in which basketball is still played, sometimes - sponsored by Izod. Can't Stop The Bleeding
  • Many economists and journalists see the CEO as the be-all and end-all of corporate success.
  • The school has now appealed against the decision and an inquiry will be held before an inspector from the planning inspectorate.
  • Found in the grave of a young woman, this elaborate necklace is noteworthy for its sophisticated design and use of polychromy. Hidden Treasures of Ancient Afghanistan
  • The bridge can be a little confusing when conditions deteriorate, as it is draped in trawl net, but a diver can see and swim inside many parts of it.
  • It is as much corporate self-interest as corporate altruism.
  • After the feast was over, we had kava, and the calling of the kava was a very elaborate affair, and I thought had like to have made Vailima Letters
  • Every one of them was involved in the build up to the goal which sent the reinvigorated fans into rapture.
  • At present, Wallis is still part and parcel of the overseas territory of Wallis-and-Futuna, a French variant of American Samoa, since 1900 an unincorporated territory of the USA and also to be found in Western Polynesia.
  • At Hemp Knoll the bone toggle had been broken and subsequently decorated, suggesting a long history of use before being sewn onto the clothing or shroud of the deceased.
  • Like Psalters they often contained historiated initials or at least decorated initials that marked important liturgical events such as Christmas. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • The very idea of Chef's Theater is so risible that we cannot be sure that the whole thing isn't merely an elaborate, brilliant hoax - indeed we desperately hope it is one.
  • The programme would be organised till December 29 and the party activists would mob the collectorate on December 30, Ranga Rao said. Archive 2006-12-01
  • In 1949 President Harry S. Truman signed the Organic Act, which established Guam as an unincorporated territory, with limited self-rule.
  • Then mix the white bread base and the achiote paste in the machine until incorporated. Times, Sunday Times
  • She adopted an elaborate disguise to help her pass through the town unrecognized.
  • In a bicultural setting the challenge exists to incorporate cultural content into cognitive-behavioural practice.
  • Domestic issues are dominating in the hope the electorate have short memories and limited concentration.
  • More recently the concept of the "at" - complexes as a counterpart to the "onium" complexes has led to the development of a new chemistry from which have come the sodium tetra phenylborates. Georg Wittig - Curriculum Vitae
  • I came away with a gladdened heart and a burning desire to lobby the body corporate of my work building to donate an unused display cabinet for similar gallery concept. Unexpected pleasures
  • Not a fraudulent posturing designed to once again coverup a corporate takeover of a regions sole method of funding their growth as a country or region. Think Progress » A Progressive Exit Strategy
  • He was convicted on the uncorroborated evidence of the alleged victim.
  • Let me elaborate on why individual investors should never sell / "underwrite" financial options / insurance: Tan Kin Lian's Blog
  • Lamy warns trade finance situation deteriorating www. 12.11.08 Director-General Pascal Lamy reported to WTO ambassadors on 12 November 2008 that his meeting with experts earlier in the day confirmed that the market for trade finance has severely deteriorated. - Financial News
  • She received an honorary doctorate from Oxford University in recognition of her work for the homeless.
  • An elaborate send-off for the dead was also a social event, because a lavish funeral reflected on the living.
  • I had access to a wide range of documents which corroborated the story.
  • We'reall disappointed that Daimler, the main corporate sponsor of the Summer Concert Festival in Washington Park for the past four years, isnot ableto support the performances again for 2009. Grim news from Grimwad (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Developers decorated , In recent years is always rental, Can register office, also can live!
  • Along with elaborate vessels and sculpted creatures, Diakite creates platters, plates, bowls, and a variety of other forms that are sold as both functional objects and works of art.
  • For some eerie reason I am reminded of a passage in the bible where it talks of the Anti-Christ being made into the likeness of man …. perhaps corporate personhood is what this passage really meant? Think Progress » Corporations Speak Out Against SCOTUS Ruling, Call On Congress To Approve Public Financing Of Campaigns
  • Corporate recruiters have also learnt that they have to pay competitive salaries, says Ms Joffrey.
  • Then, once they became what he terms pathological gamers, their grades were more likely to drop, and their relationships with their parents deteriorated. NYT > Home Page
  • These are (1) the production in the blood of an antidote to the toxin or poison elaborated by the invading microbe -- an antitoxin, which chemically neutralises the toxin; (2) the production in the blood of the attacked animal of a "germicidal" poison which repels and kills the attacking microbes themselves (not merely neutralising their poisonous products); (3) the extermination of the intrusive, disease-producing microbes by a kind of police, which scour the blood channels and tissues and "eat up" -- actually engulf and digest -- the hostile intruders. More Science From an Easy Chair
  • Ultra-conservative Saudi Arabia, which follows strict gender separation, has some 700,000 BlackBerry customers, 80% of which are noncorporate, individual users. Saudis Ease on BlackBerry
  • Sometimes his collection of gnomes would be on display, and every anniversary was commemorated by faded buff photographs and artefacts.
  • He has a doctorate in veterinary medicine and used to have his own practice in Sacramento, California, but has now sold it to focus solely on writing. James Rollins biography
  • These colonies soon boasted yacht clubs, fox hunts, formal dinners, and elaborate banquets.
  • Even though the corporate credit growth has been decelerating over the last three years, retail loans continue to grow at a very high rate.
  • I danced into the morning to celebrate the coming-of-age of young men and fell asleep in a dark hut while marriages and deaths were commemorated in song.
  • The electrodes consist of metal grills covered with platinum or some other inoxidizable metal, and are placed in a vat with the intervention of perforated earthenware plates. Scientific American Supplement, No. 620, November 19,1887
  • The goal of her thoughtful analysis is to reincorporate the father back into the family picture or narrative, a narrative from which he has been excluded both figuratively and literally by the mother.
  • The cultural artifacts that decorate the walls don't seem real to me - it's like stepping into the Matrix, an artificially generated world.
  • Along with brazenly ridiculing government and society, Ko began to incorporate short comedic skits into the band's sets.
  • French corporate executive was overheard lauding the merits of China's Five-Year plans.

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