How To Use Oral sex In A Sentence

  • An ACOG expert committee said that although many people engage in "noncoital" sexual activities -- such as oral sex, mutual masturbation and anal sex -- in an attempt to prevent pregnancy and reduce the risk of STIs, these sex acts still come with varying degrees of STI risk, and it is important for people to protect themselves. Emaxhealth
  • If you're going to resort to the tried-and-true missionary position, perform oral sex on her first or take you time to ensure she's really wet before penetrating her.
  • Leaving behind reproductive matters entirely, the site also indulged in unabashed sexual advocacy, offering a 411 on oral sex. Are You There God? It's Me, Monica
  • Hafidz, would you call criminalisation of anal sex or oral sex a "constitutionalised repression that nobody has yet to ask to be amended just yet"? SARA - Southeast Asian RSS Aggregator
  • There are hand-jobs and oral sex and frottage ... Theres all these things that you can do that are really pleasurable, that are adult sexual activities, that allow you to be fully intimate.
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  • However, oral sex can result in pharyngeal gonorrhea, chlamydial infection, and hepatitis A infection.
  • If the person receiving oral sex has HIV, their blood, semen (***), pre-seminal fluid Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • She could have gone romcom, happy endings, sides of buses, but instead, after a handful of critically acclaimed roles in leftfield, "difficult" films including American Psycho and Lars von Trier's Dogville, she agreed to perform unsimulated oral sex on co-star and director Vincent Gallo in 2003's The Brown Bunny. Chloe Sevigny: the interview
  • Pople's exhibition, titled Bellini 21c, includes a work called Altarpiece in which the figures in the famous Bellini altarpiece in Venice are obscured by an image of a woman being penetrated from behind and having oral sex. | Top Stories
  • ‘First base’ referred to embracing and kissing; ‘second base’ referred to groping and fondling; ‘third base’ referred to fellatio, usually known in polite conversation by the ambiguous term ‘oral sex’; and ‘home plate’ meant conception-mode intercourse, known familiarly as ‘going all the way.’ GENERATION S.L U.T.
  • He also cited evidence of self-fellation in nonhuman primates to conclude that oral sex is "a biologically normal aspect of sexuality.
  • He was romancing his long-term girlfriend when he was arrested for getting oral sex from the $60-a-'trick' prostitute.
  • Gonorrhoea, chlamydia and herpes can all, given the right conditions, be passed on by oral sex, she says.
  • He also cited evidence of self-fellation in nonhuman primates to conclude that oral sex is "a biologically normal aspect of sexuality.
  • And this is even when he's incorporating said gayness into his social assault, like when he's thrusting his barely clad crotch in front of a test group meant to represent Middle America, or simulating multiple varieties of oral sex on the ghost of Rob Pilatus in front of a straight-laced psychic, or nagging a dude he's camping with multiple times (sometimes clothed, sometimes not) in the wee hours of the night. Fourfour:
  • Cultural attitudes towards oral sex range from disgust to reverence: in Ancient Rome, fellatio was considered profoundly taboo, whereas in Chinese Taoism, cunnilingus is revered as a spiritually fulfilling practice that is believed to enhance longevity. Tubarão Esquilo
  • Her fertility is also increased if the couple engages in foreplay beforehand, of which oral sex can be considered a variety. The Volokh Conspiracy » Sex Education, Dirty Words, and the Due Process Clause
  • Christian leaders say they will not obey any law that tries to force them to participate in abortions, embryo-destructive research, assisted suicide and euthanasia, or any other antilife act; nor bend to any rule purporting to force them to bless immoral sexual partnerships, treat them as marriages or the equivalent. OpEdNews - Quicklink: Religious Leaders Unite Against Abortion and Same-Sex Unions
  • Just like you thought French kissing was yucky when you first heard it described, don't change your mind about oral sex either.
  • He admitted to having oral sex ONCE with another guy and was called a cocksucker from then on. Prickly McCain Refuses To Define "Honor" In Interview
  • We can examine the fine print all we like: all the technical virgins in the world wondering whether oral sex “counts” — or more recently, whether a woman who has never had sex but has given birth via donor insemination is still a virgin — are mere distractions. The Convoluted World of Virginity Testing | Impact Lab
  • Twenty-four percent of participants reported that they had neither performed nor received oral sex.
  • The grand jury report that accompanied the 12 new charges Wednesday said one alleged victim testified Jerry Sandusky kept him in a basement bedroom during overnight visits to the home, fed him there, forced him to perform oral sex and attempted on at least 16 occasions to anally penetrate him, sometimes successfully. Dottie Sandusky Issues Statement Supporting Husband, Jerry, Over Child Abuse Allegations
  • VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Religious Leaders Unite Against Abortion and Same-Sex Unions'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Christian leaders say they will not obey any law that tries to force them to participate in abortions, embryo-destructive research, assisted suicide and euthanasia, or any other antilife act; nor bend to any rule purporting to force them to bless immoral sexual partnerships, treat them as marriages or the equivalent.' OpEdNews - Quicklink: Religious Leaders Unite Against Abortion and Same-Sex Unions
  • The medical sexologist Edwin Hirsch wrote in 1934 that oral sex is “generally regarded as loathsome and indicative of a sad degree of sexual perversion.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • An ACOG expert committee said that although many people engage in noncoital sexual activities, such as oral sex, mutual masturbation and anal sex, in an attempt to prevent pregnancy and reduce the risk of STIs, these sex acts still come with varying degrees of STI risk, and it is important for people to protect themselves. Study Reveals Other Sexual Activities That Promote Spread Of HIV, STIs
  • Most individuals engaging in oral sex are unlikely to use barrier protection.
  • STIs can often be passed on during intimate physical contact as well as full sexual intercourse, including sexual foreplay, anal, and oral sex.
  • Since anal and oral sex, and even frottage, can also transmit various sexually transmitted diseases, having "only slept with virgins" is no guarantee that your partner is free of infection.
  • When Beck started talking about the rising number of junior high school students engaging in oral sex or began using the vulgar past participle for micturition as a synonym for "angry," the presence of a seven-year-old girl in the front row didn't seem to deter him. BatesLine: April 2005 Archives
  • There are also scenes of fighting, murder, incest, oral sex and cross-dressing.
  • If you are receiving oral sex from someone else, you are only being exposed to saliva.
  • noncoital" sexual activities -- such as oral sex, mutual masturbation and anal sex -- in an attempt to prevent pregnancy and reduce the risk of STIs, these sex acts come with some degree of STI risk, and it is important for people to protect themselves. Health News from Medical News Today
  • Several of the 20 readers who had e-mailed the newspaper expressed shock that oral sex remained an offence under the penal code in the modern city-state.
  • Sexual intercourse, non-penetrative genital contact, and oral sex can all transmit an infection.
  • Use condoms or avoid sex, including what we call oral sex because society does not like to use the terms fellatio and cunnilingus. How did anti-SSM folks frame their case?
  • If you're going to resort to the tried-and-true missionary position, perform oral sex on her first or take you time to ensure she's really wet before penetrating her.
  • As a form of non-penetrative sex, it can be done for its own enjoyment or as foreplay before other activities, such as oral sex. Think Progress » Traditional Values Coalition Tells Senators To Block Judicial Nominee Because She’s A ‘Radical Lesbian’
  • Two pages of the book deal with a sexual proposition, including hints at oral sex.
  • While oral monilia infections are usually caused by antibiotic medication, they can also be transmitted via oral sex. Getting Pregnant
  • The important distinction here, however, is that what constitutes “sex” for a lifestyler may not include intercourse or oral sex, but may focus instead on pain-play, bondage, head-play, and other erotic games. Come Hither
  • Bonobos also known as pigmy chimpanzees use heterosexual and homosexual sex to settle disagreements, engaging in such depraved acts as oral sex and "penis fencing. Darwin's slutty primates
  • CLINTON: Because that is -- if the deponent is the person who has oral sex performed on him, then the contact is with -- not with anything on that list, but with the lips of another person. CNN Transcript Aug 5, 2001
  • She could have gone romcom, happy endings, sides of buses, but instead, after a handful of critically acclaimed roles in leftfield, "difficult" films including American Psycho and Lars von Trier's Dogville, she agreed to perform unsimulated oral sex on co-star and director Vincent Gallo in 2003's The Brown Bunny. Chloe Sevigny: the interview
  • However, oral sex can result in pharyngeal gonorrhea, chlamydial infection, and hepatitis A infection.
  • Some students counted anal sex, oral sex or mutual masturbation - with partners ranging from significant others to "hookups" - while others adjusted the location to include study rooms in Mann Library or library bathrooms. Stories from The Sun
  • Because, really, how else are men going to learn the earth-shattering news: Most women don't orgasm through intercourse, and oral sex is probably your best bet if you want to make us come!
  • He also cited evidence of self-fellation in nonhuman primates to conclude that oral sex is "a biologically normal aspect of sexuality.

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