How To Use Oracular In A Sentence
an oracular message
Whether the birds represented oracular nightingales, or wrynecks used as love-charms and rain-inducers, is disputable.
These newsroom characters are regarded less as role models than as holy fools whose wisdom, no matter how wacky, is still magical and oracular.
My Times
This turns out to be brief and oracular, and tells us nothing about Delbrel.
He both convenes community and shatters its calcifications, creating the space for oracular truths to emerge while posing equally provocative dilemmas.

Thus the same articulation pertains in the Panhellenic Games as in the order of the oracular consultation.
The philosophers in the first century wrote of gases producing euphoria and of a spring emanating from fissures, or chasms, in the bedrock inside the oracular chamber.
During a divination, they construct usable knowledge from oracular messages.
Later, the oracular prophecies completed their awful and ironic cycle of fulfillment when Oedipus undertook a mission to save Thebes, still acknowledged as his native city, from the predations of a dire female monster, the Sphinx.
The news anchors themselves, in the heyday of network television, acquired a kind of oracular glow, a comforting sense that, whatever else was going on, some kind of reliable narrative, some kind of verifiable truth could be found within.
This book is written in the first person by Schwartz, but Russek features throughout in an oracular role, and as the contributor of speculations that go beyond what he alone would have entertained.
Finally the internet is living up to its truly oracular potential.
The label adored the offbeat but supremely hummable synthpop of old tracks such as Kids and Time To Pretend, as did the 1.6 million who bought debut album Oracular Spectacular in 2008.
Evening Standard - Home
* * * ---He is in Shabikant, kneeling before the two oracular trees, the ancient Trees of the Sun and the Moon.
Malraux's own prose could be oracular, gnomic and mannered, but it never, ever, sounded like a series of captions to a photo spread in Paris Match.
I had said good-bye to him that morning, lounging in a dressing-gown on the be-pillowed window couch and delivering himself of oracular and pessimistic epigrams.
Chapter 4
Beyond all this there is the paradoxical character of her work itself - which is visually clear yet always mysterious - and also her reflections on photography and life, which were aphoristic, evocative and often rather oracular.
Instead of unambiguous statements, the Union contents itself with oracular analyses.
His comments are aphoristic or oracular, but often infused with wit.
Times, Sunday Times
‘Narrative of this Fall,’ a piece dedicated to Duncan, makes a plea that is both intimate and oracular for other poets to meet him in his imaginative epic space.
These essays don't feel as incisive as some of Steiner's other works, ones where he has more space to expand his ideas, but that's not entirely a bad thing -- I much prefer this book to such books as Grammars of Creation, where Steiner himself lights up some tenebrous incense of oracularity.
Archive 2009-05-01
The diviner employs the arts dramatically, heightening all the senses, to create and highlight this radically different setting for the oracular utterance.
Chapter 8 is developed in prose that is remarkable for its oracular cadence, one that temporarily arrests the flow of the narrative.
Madison stated flatly that the Convention's debates should ‘never be regarded as the oracular guide’ for understanding the Constitution.
What she has to say about the Victorians, or Bloomsbury, Yates, the Pre-Raphaelites, or more modern writers has at times an oracular quality.
The Great Columnists assume oracular status; they become machines that issue well-pondered remarks at regular intervals.
John Forrest Dillon, a man of high intelligence, explained, in the preface to the fourth edition of his treatise on local government: No writer on our jurisprudence is authorized to speak oracularly, to excogitate a system, or to give to his views any authoritative sanction.
A History of American Law
A novelist should be a comfortable, garrulous, communicative, gossiping fortune-teller; not a grim, laconical, oracular sibyl.
My Novel — Complete
Most reminiscent of the '60s, however, is a kitschy utopianism that underwrites all manner of oracular dicta, odd complaints, and questionable advice to the lovelorn.
Speaking as a vague, confused and oracular writer who regularly indulges in verbal obscurity caused by my obvious mental confusion, I would humbly suggest that he is talking complete and utter rubbish.
Overall, the pursuit of ‘proving’ the validity of divination and oracular knowledge is about as valid as attempting to prove love, the color blue to the color-blind or ecstatic trance to the uninitiated.
At no temple does the miko now act as sibyl, oracular priestess, or divineress.
Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan First Series
A further oracular pronouncement has effectively restored Oedipus's free will.
The drone is the idea of sound underneath the appearances, the dark emptiness that groans out of the fault, the opening, that the poet, now the mature, oracular Nobel Laureate, approaches with his caduceus.
Using the humanistic technique of history and reminiscence, this article traces the idiosyncracies of the pythagorean philosophy: the refusal to put law in writing, the use of hieroglyphs, the dependence upon oracular judgment, the belief in multiple lives, askesis and akousmata, and places them at the root of what is most emblematically common law.
Archive 2008-04-01
Owing to the unusual number of showers of stones which had fallen during the year, an inspection had been made of the Sibylline Books, and some oracular verses had been discovered which announced that whenever a foreign foe should carry war into Italy he could be driven out and conquered if the Mater Idaea were brought from Pessinus to Rome.
The History of Rome, Vol. IV
But with all my oracular powers, I do not yet know the truth about her.
The common construction put upon the expression, "_rule with rigor_," and an inference drawn from it, have an air so oracular, as quite to overcharge risibles of ordinary calibre, if such an effect were not forestalled by its impiety.
The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
Their work had an oracular or prophetic immediacy for a civilian population generally starved of real news about the war.
Report Abuse dammit! it should either be 'Paul, the oracular octopus' or 'Paul, the octopodous oracle'
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
Critics come in vastly varying styles: from subtle, self-effacing, and sardonic, to oracular, vatic, apocalyptic, to plain damned intelligent.
the oracular sayings of Victorian poets
No oracular revelations, though I did enjoy his definition of merchant banking, a term whose meaning had always eluded me.
The Rise and Fall of Bear Stearns
Their work had an oracular or prophetic immediacy for a civilian population generally starved of real news about the war.
He writes fortunes in clear lip gloss on a funhouse mirror as the oracles take down their tents and their oracular fountains bubble in the rimy night.
The Best American Poetry 2010
Next time Scalia claims that progressives can only reach just results by consulting "the oracles of legislative history, far into the dimmy past," they should remind him that the oracular visions of Justice Scalia, while perhaps more vivid, are no more legitimate.
Elizabeth B. Wydra: Scalia's "Textualism" Is Really "The Text According To Scalia"
While the poetry is cryptic, allusive and ambiguous, the prose is lucid, oracular, loftily self-assured.
The philosophers in the first century wrote of gases producing euphoria and of a spring emanating from fissures, or chasms, in the bedrock inside the oracular chamber.
The bold provisionality and elegant openness of Merz's installations, as well as his own freewheeling personal presence and oracular writings, helped make him the most widely recognized of all the Arte Povera artists.
Another aspect of the wise-woman's status is that she is regarded as an oracular authority for her community regarding the meaning and significance of experiences they fail to understand - accidents, misfortunes, mysterious illness.
The news networks treat them like oracular geniuses.
Laius set off to ask the oracular Pythoness at Delphi how to deal with this monster.
The poem's voice emanated from the world's timeless interior rather than the cities and institutions of its surface, hinting at a renewed oracular vision and attention to the natural order.
As a go-between of Gods and men, Hermes may be a _doublure_ of Apollo, but, as the Hymn shows, he aspired in vain to Apollo's oracular function.
The Homeric Hymns A New Prose Translation; and Essays, Literary and Mythological
Two of these sets, all generated by computer, get paired off for comparison — and then readers vote online for a “winner,” doing so by assessing the poetic merits, for example, of the permuted lexicon, of the aleatory imagery, or of the oracular meaning, after which excerpts from the winning options go on to become randomly permuted with each other, generating new candidates for comparison.
Poetic Machines 03 : Christian Bök : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
able by oracular means to expose a witch
While the poetry is cryptic, allusive and ambiguous, the prose is lucid, oracular, loftily self-assured.
Crucially, however, even within the confines of the biological sciences, the science of genetics does not, and cannot, speak with a single, oracular voice.
The public seems to equate being uncertain with ignorance; when people ask who's going to win, they want an answer that is confident, certain, oracular.
In oracular mode Peter Jenkins predicts that, inside of ten years, recreational tree climbing will eclipse both rock climbing and caving in mass participation.
Mr. Chairman and prize goose, -- The feelings which now agitate my sensorium on this Michaelmasian occasion stimulate the vibratetiuncles of the heartiean hypothesis, so as to paralyse the oracular and articulative apparatus of my loquacious confirmation, overwhelming my soul-fraught imagination, as the boiling streams of liquid lava, buried in one vast cinereous mausoleum -- the palace-crowded city of the engulphed Pompeii.
Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, October 2, 1841
His prose is both sinuous and oracular, with a torrent of subordinate clauses cluttering up nearly every sentence; it's hard to read him without giving thanks for the arrival of Hemingway on the American literary scene.
When a student writes down my words verbatim, the words take on a kind of oracular quality in the student's mind.
One of the biggest influences on my view of what theatre is and can be has been Peter Brook, particularly his book The Empty Space, which remains my favorite book about the theatre, despite some of its '60s hippy-dippiness and oracular pronouncements.
Archive 2005-04-01