How To Use optometry In A Sentence
- In recent years, specific programs such as optometry and dentistry have become deregulated.
- Examples of graduate programs offered at the institutions include chiropractic, education, health technology, optometry and multibody system dynamics.
- The existing legislation defines who can be registered as an optometrist, and what an optometrist may legitimately do, and it prevents anyone other than an optometrist from practising optometry.
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- He also described the principles and method that created the basis for optometry and retinoscopy.
- Her interests are in visual ergonomics and occupational optometry.
- Optics and optometry are complex subjects beyond the scope of this article.
- Two basic lens shapes are commonly used in optometry: spherical and cylindrical.
- Two developments, bifocal lenses and better spectacle frames, helped move optometry from a vendor trade toward a recognized profession by making fitting and selecting eyeglasses more complicated.
- Other disciplines moving in the same direction are physical therapy, occupational therapy, optometry, and audiology.