How To Use Optimistic In A Sentence
But again, perhaps problematically, they are beautiful statues – inspiring, optimistic, and utopian; totems to the radiant future that was always promised, but never quite arrived.
One might be optimistic and say that, given it's their job to judge a book by the words on the page rather than by the stushie surrounding it, one can expect them to be more concentrated in the category of detached shruggers; one can expect a higher standard of scrutiny, surely.
Hype Hype Hoorah!
Guardian International correspondent Jonathan Steele called Bush's and Blair's denial of the horrors attending the Iraq civil war "Panglossian" - referring to the ever optimistic Dr. Pangloss of Voltaire's novel Candide who, at every disaster, proclaims that ours is the best of all possible worlds.
Surge to Purge: The 80% Solution in Iraq
So in some ways, farming ends the year on a more optimistic note than it began it.
Is deceiving a patient about her true medical condition, in the interest of promoting an optimistic attitude, likely to increase her chances of recovery?

I personally think a more optimistic outcome is within our grasp as we understand more and more the way the brain works.
Times, Sunday Times
Improbably yet convincingly, the film ends on an optimistic note.
Andrew took a more optimistic view.
We are still optimistic about further growth during the year with a number of new product launches planned in the coming months.
For all their differences and ambiguities, empires have shared in common a will to power that should make us skeptical of their most optimistic self-assessments.
Despite his disdain for much about the town at the time, the rector was optimistic about the future.
Creditor committees and managers of bankrupt companies often are too optimistic.
He wrote back saying he was very optimistic that things would change.
I explore optimistic possibilities in fictional worlds to express my hope for good and transcendent outcomes.
Hartley has every right to be upbeat and optimistic about his life at the present time.
I am guardedly optimistic that Madonna -- ever the trend setter -- will inspire women everywhere to try the 'salmon retox.'
Dr. Nicholas Perricone: Madonna: Salmon Queen
My consolation is that the solstice will occur soon and the darkness recede in what I call the optimistic months of the year, though autumn has its moments.
The Storm's Mixed Metaphors
Pledges for Geraldton's proposed community bank are flowing in and the working group behind the project remains optimistic the bank will become a reality.
Even without the clunker boost, manufacturing has been one of the economy's few bright spots recently and a key to most optimistic economic forecasts.
I am optimistic, therefore, that they can serve as the basis for an effective Mega long-term strategy.
An optimistic theory of evolutionary progress was surreptitiously beginning to replace the pessimistic doctrine of universal decay.
My own reading of events is less optimistic.
It may prove difficult to change people's way of life by eliminating the use of high-emission off-road equipment like snowmobiles and four-wheelers, but Irving is optimistic.
The optimistic bubble has now burst and economists agree the recession will continue.
All right, first of all, I've been reading your columns and you're strangely optimistic this year and that in and of itself can hex the Red Sox as we know.
At present, the ramjet engine jet for military purposes to be optimistic.
A new church with a rapid initial growth rate should beware of an over-optimistic future projection.
It is those senses of the situation which a certain Russian forecaster's reliance on adducing patterns among images depends, as a key to a shift in such effects as mass-psychology of the eerie qualities which Shelley attributes to the optimistic upsurge he references in his
LaRouche's Latest
This adds an optimistic note to the story of architectural research.
On the surface he was an optimistic extrovert, preaching freedom of conscience and religion; but underneath he was a brooding pessimist, with intransigent, darkly mystical views about the drama of human history and sexuality.
Scientists were optimistic about the prospect of developing an AIDS vaccine.
But despite the college's fears, Mr Gray is surprisingly optimistic.
I am cautiously optimistic that a new government will be concerned and aware about the environment.
The group showed its appreciation of Mr. Haden by playing his tunes, which unrolled like scenes in a classic film: The bright and optimistic "Hello My Lovely" could have underscored a scene of boy-meets-girl; the romping calypso "Child's Play" belonged under a dance sequence; and the excruciatingly haunting ballad "First Song" clearly represented a moment of heartbreak.
Getting Down to Brass Tacks
I personally think a more optimistic outcome is within our grasp as we understand more and more the way the brain works.
Times, Sunday Times
He appears to be optimistic that stronger legislation can be enacted elsewhere.
Most people are not very optimistic that they can come to that kind of consensus.
I am optimistic - I think we have a fifty-fifty chance to be here, to survive.
The most noticeable lasting effect was that I feel more optimistic in the days that follow.
Times, Sunday Times
Opinion surveys naturally produce optimistic estimates, as do extrapolations of recent market returns.
I’m an optimist in the sense that I believe humans are noble and honorable, and some of them are really smart. I have a very optimistic view of individuals. Steve Jobs
However the slide that seems to get the most "aha, that is really cool!" is the slide about optimistic locking.
Your proposal is embarrassingly optimistic, like the product of a child's imagination.
This fly in the ointment of growth inspires optimistic revolutionaries to change things overnight.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet to balance it up there are those who remain patient and cautiously optimistic.
The Sun
Even scientists optimistic about the future have hedged their predictions with warnings.
In 1999, a prediction that 60 percent of the harvest would be lost turned out to be optimistic.
ROBERTS: Turning now to the economy, President Obama sounding a familiar theme these days once again taking a somewhat mutedly optimistic tone in his speech yesterday at Georgetown University.
CNN Transcript Apr 15, 2009
I hold an optimistic view of events.
Nowadays, after a glossy makeover, it is a symbol of a thriving European city, facing a bright, optimistic future.
The actor is the essence of dogginess from the optimistic expectancy in his eyes to the bounce in his cavortings.
He is an optimistic young fellow.
A few comments say our view of the new Alpha roadmap is either hopelessly optimistic, or unfairly negative.
The prosocial behavior is an important sign for the individual socialization. However, the status quo of the prosocial behavior for the undergraduate is not optimistical.
I’m trying to stay very optimistic and excited about the whole thing, but deep down I know that I’m going down in a blaze of gunfire, in a handbasket, that is on fire, and filled with electric eels, in the midst of a meteor shower, surrounded by my mother’s nagging voice, only to end it all by being impaled on a wrought iron fence.
Whitehelmet Diary Entry
She is one of those peppy, optimistic, chatterbox types that you can't get to shut up.
Although the waters are slowly receding the villagers are not optimistic about what they will find when they return home.
The Range paints a vibrant and optimistic portrait of our hopes and desires.
Times, Sunday Times
It helps that their eternally optimistic manager exudes a permanent air of calm and conviction and has no trouble sleeping.
Times, Sunday Times
Ed, however, remains bullishly optimistic, as this new series reveals.
Many considered the venture wildly optimistic if not eccentric.
Times, Sunday Times
Even under this optimistic scenario, however, the world will have changed irreversibly.
Shugart was sued by Lerach the first time for supposedly expressing overly optimistic views to shareholders.
I feel cautiously optimistic that the lurgy has retreated enough that I won't pay a terrible price for going, but still ...
Adelaide Natcon
On the long train journey south he worries that he is presenting an unduly optimistic of Africa.
Times, Sunday Times
The Enlightenment proclaimed optimistic views of human reach and perfectibility that challenged formerly essential Christian views of human limits.
Manager Ken Knott is optimistic of an improved performance tonight.
Bankers are cautiously optimistic about the country's economic future.
He remained strongly optimistic that an agreement could be reached.
The Government is optimistic that Bill Clinton will use the last days of his presidency to make a generous gesture on debt.
Even in deep trouble for the future of life we have to maintain an optimistic attitude.
We are now taking a more optimistic view.
In the long run, I'm optimistic that, as mankind, we shall succeed in curing this problem of epidemic, or endemic decadence, which causes these cyclical behaviors in cultures.
Six months later, no one has reeled the big boy in, but the gunslinger remains cautiously optimistic.
Michael was in a jovial and optimistic mood.
In a speech last week, she gave an optimistic view of the resilience of the economy since the Brexit vote.
Times, Sunday Times
Despite the recessive market we face, we are optimistic that more business will be done than last year.
She is not optimistic about the outcome.
However, February is quite early for bergenias to flower, their blooming period is usually between March and May, so I remain optimistic that mine will prove their worth this year.
It was a politics that rejected as falsely optimistic (if not self-interested) approaches like Stephen's, which posited women's sexual consent and consent to marry as sufficiently unproblematic, and the sexes 'common interest in revitalization of Spirit as sufficiently strong, to permit immediate resolution of sex-class conflict through communal cooperation and the sacralization of feminine nurture. 47
Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 196583
But it, like other forecasters, has been overoptimistic on productivity before.
Times, Sunday Times
Although his lawyers were optimistic, they couldn't be sure about the final outcome of the trial.
You begin the week optimistic that those involved in certain already tense situations will be reasonable.
Times, Sunday Times
The formula of the bookstall blockbuster is only too persuasive, offering an optimistic view of social dangers and confusions.
One could wonder how an account of the logic or the consistency of concepts might be described as avowedly optimistic.
'Liberal Nationalism'
The lack of scalability means that to achieve his optimistic economics one must jump from nothing to an incredibly large colony.
I'm optimistic that both those dates will be met and that we'll continue to move forward.
So when I planted the owa/carrom seeds in the soil, I was optimistically expecting to get those leavesclick on Ajmo on the left side for making pakodas.
Ajmo Leaves Masala Rotli
With the democratic steamroller gaining speed, even United Nations officials in Baghdad are increasingly optimistic.
Depression is almost unknown to these individuals because they are all so optimistic and active that they have little time for self-pity or the blues.
Looking ahead towards his - and mankind's - future, the misbegotten son of this unholiest union history has ever known said he was optimistic.
The trustees present three projections, based on pessimistic, middle-of-the-road and optimistic economic assumptions, respectively.
The rising generation of students are optimistic about the future.
Supporters of globalism are optimistic that under the aegis of a single government, the world will experience peace.
Breaking off a couple of pieces from the beignet, he tossed them in front of the optimistic pigeons.
Etched in Bone
He is optimistic about the future.
In all the analysts are optimistic that 2003 could be a year of continued and sustained economic growth.
This has proved to be over optimistic as Haymarket was forced to withdraw from the purchase after a key investor pulled out.
There was some damage to an internal wall, but we are optimistic that our office should not have to be demolished.
This pessimistic extreme is as foolish as its optimistic predecessor.
It may be a bit optimistic to talk about a play-off spot, but I think that is a reasonable target.
There were more optimistic things in the immediate future.
Everton are increasingly optimistic about building a new arena after three previous failed ground moves after support from Liverpool city council.
Times, Sunday Times
The common theory is that when yield spreads widen, which is when the so-called yield curve steepens, it suggests investors are optimistic about the strength of the economy.
Yield Curve Signals Growth Ahead
And all this is accompanied by an optimistic purr from the engine.
Times, Sunday Times
Recent surveys show previous estimates of whale numbers to be wildly optimistic.
Talk with optimistic and encouraging people for they bring a sense of hope into the world, a new meaning to life. They help you see past the clouds on a glooming day, they bring sunlight everyday.
Still, even for the eternally optimistic Mullin, having a fourth straight season wrecked by injury has bothered him.
The whole idea of a last meal is oxymoronic: eating is innately optimistic, a vote for the future.
Times, Sunday Times
We learn from schooling, doing, experiences, reading. Reflection-thinking, listening and asking questions, and the more we learn the more thinking, optimistic and effective we are. Dr T.P.Chia
Despite the gruelling journey she was optimistic and courageous.
Times, Sunday Times
But when they broke up this meeting, they sounded a little bit less optimistic than they did earlier today, because they said, in many ways, it is very tough, very difficult to find what they called the sweet spot, enough money to cut but enough to spend to make everybody happy and to really stimulate the economy.
CNN Transcript Feb 5, 2009
You begin the week optimistic that those involved in certain already tense situations will be reasonable.
Times, Sunday Times
We are angry because we are overly optimistic, insufficiently prepared for the frustrations endemic to existence.
Times, Sunday Times
Their interpretation of the attributional capacities of chimpanzees now seems to have been somewhat overly optimistic.
Sissoko's estimate of a two-hour walk turns out to be absurdly optimistic.
This optimistic move comes at a time when other hotels in the upmarket sector have been suffering losses.
He has far too exalted an estimation of human reason and far too optimistic a view of human nature.
She optimistically spoke about the better language in the contract and began to hear rumors of the sell-out of the union negotiating team.
He closes with a disquisition on the meaning of Europe, examining the dark elements of racism and extreme nationalism but remaining optimistic and with a reflection on the EU which seems to be the repository of many of his hopes.
The algorithm include lock-based algorithm, timestamp-based algorithm, optimistic algorithm and centralized algorithm.
That said, I have fully acknowledged the possibility that the consensus is actually too optimistic, including the possibility (although not probability) of a double-dip recession.
Matthew Yglesias » GDP Grew at 5.7% Annualized Rate in 2009 Q4
Ron was ebullient and optimistic, had a pawky sense of humour, and loved good food, wine, and entertaining.
The stock market reflected the more optimistic mood, with the FTSE-100 index closing up 18.2 at 2,400.9.
PERLS: Well some of the things that they have in common that actually add years instead of subtracting those years would be that they tend to have a personality where they're low in one domain of personality testing called neuroticism, meaning that they have these personalities where they're happy-go-lucky, they have a good sense of humor, they're optimistic.
CNN Transcript Nov 17, 2004
Where we find ourselves now, however, is a brighter, more positive and optimistic place.
You can keep your optimistic outlook and make your work area as cheerful as possible.
There are also spindle-backed chairs, bookcases with leather bound tomes and a wallchart with coloured bars of sticky paper showing optimistic staff rotas.
She's not very optimistic about the outcome of the talks.
It makes a hearteningly optimistic ending to what is often a remarkably sad book.
Times, Sunday Times
Briefly optimistic at the start, it did not take much for the fatalism to set in.
The boys remained optimistic that their musical career might bear fruit.
The Treasury report, in my view, is overly optimistic about the impact of tax rates on sustainable economic growth.
Without the complex social cues and chemistry of a physical encounter, we put an optimistic interpretation on the things other people say.
Times, Sunday Times
We are optimistic that it will usher a new era for our industry.
Times, Sunday Times
The most optimistic estimates predict less than half this number will actually turn out.
I always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter. Walt Disney
The optimistic view would be that as the clouds of uncertainty lift, so will investment.
Times, Sunday Times
So we have every reason to feel optimistic about the world championships and the rest of the world cup season.
We'll deal with the notion of admissibility (summary: admissible = optimistic).
For those who are already reading at a modest level, this might prove to be an optimistic factor.
A reading of 50 or above on the index means that business executives are more optimistic than negative.
But Sarah's outlook remains optimistic and most importantly as balanced as it can be in the upside-down, topsy-turvy world of an actor.
The strained tendon is Arenas's right ankle will be reevaluated "on Sunday or Monday," he said, adding that he remains optimistic that Arenas can return for the home opener next Tuesday.
John Wall: "I'm just ready to see where I stand"
GM, which traded at 9.6 times analysts' overoptimistic earnings expectations a year ago, now trades at six times.
Detroit Is Geared for a Rough Ride
He remained strongly optimistic that an agreement could be reached.
Despite the recent growth in the numbers of students taking the Dip.HE, it is difficult to be optimistic about its future.
Some - optimistically - argued that it was a lack of 'guyliner' that was making him look so wretched.
Times, Sunday Times
Others are less optimistic, saying that the downturn reflects loss of momentum in the mobile comms sector, and they suggest that things could get worse before they get better.
It is virtually impossible to tell the sex of the birds, but it is statistically unlikely all eight are of the same gender, so the centre is very optimistic over breeding!
He complained bitterly after being surprised by Pat Buchanan in an early primary about a pollster whose predictions had been too optimistic.
I wouldn't say I necessarily knew it was going to come but I was certainly optimistic that we could achieve something.
We had been optimistic that track conditions might suit us during the race, but that did not happen.
She was optimistic that the revolving vase may still sell privately outside the auction room, saying that 'people expressed interest after the sale. '
Unfortunately, her assessment may be more optimistic than accurate.
We appreciate the ongoing support of our fans, sponsors and supporters and remain optimistic about the future of Freedom and WPS.
Washington Freedom officials respond to report that the WPS club is going to fold soon
He is optimistic crowdfunding will provide a successful venture capital model for established businesses.
They also have good reason to be optimistic.
Whatever the ultimate reason for the Dymaxion's fall from grace, Fuller's magnificently optimistic fusion of architecture and invention never did fly? either from showrooms or in skies above America.
Norman Foster's back-to-front car
Generation X, best known for its pierced bodies and jaded outlook, is more optimistic about Wall Street than previous generations.
The decade could hardly have ended on a more optimistic note.
Keep optimistic about the future and keep looking ahead.
Without wanting to raise your hopes too high, I would say simply, soberly, that I am very optimistic.
I watch Mariella in her simple, unambivalent and indeed prodigious dealings with men and can't help but thinking that an uncomplicated view of life and a basically optimistic character probably contribute equally to romantic success.
The book ended on an optimistic note.
Of course, the idea of crocus in January tickles a Michigan gardener is very very optimistic OK, an impossible dream, but we understand and envy your warmer climate!
A Calender « Fairegarden
Before his first round of discussions, Mr Baker sounded an optimistic note.
With these measures in place, we are optimistic that initiatives to control youth degeneration would begin to bear fruit.
Social liberalism is an optimistic creed, which flourishes best in good times.
On the other hand, our Risk Premium model is decidedly on the optimistic end of our valuation models.
It turns out that she has a few skeletons in her closet, including parents who could optimistically be considered uncouth and a husband, Jake, who has refused to give her a divorce.
It has left presidential aides sounding more than usually optimistic.
Times, Sunday Times
Pangloss is the wildly optimistic character in Voltaire's Candide -- "Panglossian" is to say overly cheery.
W.C. Varones
Given that the quarterback will be 41 at the time, that prediction seems overly optimistic.
Given that the quarterback will be 41 at the time, that prediction seems overly optimistic.
The bugaboos in larger versions of this optimistic vision are highly variable flows of material, and decentralized, dilute concentrations of reclaimable stuff.
Authorities say they are optimistic the killer will be caught.
Indeed, if you had taken me aside in 2008 and sketched out the first three years of Obama's presidency, I would have thought you were being overoptimistic: an $800 billion stimulus package -- recall that people were only talking in the $200-$300 billion range back then -- followed by near-universal health-care reform, followed by financial regulation ... don't ask don't tell, Bin Laden, Gaddafi, etc ...
Richard (RJ) Eskow: "Helpless President Lit" - The Latest Trend in Political Tragedy
It's a very optimistic study of the potential for humans and non-humans to pool their collective knowledge and sort out the horrible planetary mess we've made of things so far.
Despite slowing growth and a sluggish economy, processors remain optimistic about opportunities to boost cheese consumption.
But it also reflects an operating loss against an overoptimistic business plan.
Times, Sunday Times
We can agree that the ship owner's action in inducing the optimistic belief was morally highly reprehensible.
As you can see from my summation, this is an optimistic work, but thanks to focused direction by Bridget Ryan and a measured, intelligent, and believable script, this production manages to be upbeat without being Pollyannaish or maudlin.
But even though we've been inundated with all these waves of social engineering-that's what they call brainwashing nowadays-I'm nevertheless optimistic that, if we succeed in building up a force in Germany that reminds people about Germany's culture in science and art, that the German people is nevertheless a people with enormous potential.
LaRouche's Latest
They are cautiously optimistic that the reforms will take place.
Iran's foreign minister says he's optimistic about tomorrow's sit-down with the State Department's third highest ranking diplomat William Burns.
This is a very tough and risky message for any American politician to deliver, but Obama did an excellent job of walking the fine line between issuing a warning and yet still remaining sunnily optimistic about our chances in the future.
Chris Weigant: Friday Talking Points [153] -- SOTU-palooza
I still think the government will win, though perhaps my estimate of a majority above 20 is on the optimistic side.
The assumptions on which these models are based may prove to be overoptimistic.
Times, Sunday Times
I'm very optimistic about our chances of success.
I am cautiously optimistic that a new government will be concerned and aware about the environment.
It's an optimistic and hopeful prognostication of the future.
Daisy, ever hopeful and optimistic, however, still made heroic efforts to win Perdita round.
Just as the first coming had an optimistic message for mankind at a moment of social turmoil, this coming is being presented as something with a similar message for womankind.
When you mentioned playful rather than experimental I thought this sounds good – playful is much more optimistic, but I stopped reading not even halfway through to get to your commentary.
A Bit of an Experiment « Tales from the Reading Room
The ideal male figures of Gaskell obviously have ideal character which sole divity proposed such as rational, noble, tolerant, optimistic, scientific and so on.
We are also concerned by the extent to which running cost reductions depend on the Department's optimistic assumption that, in future, 80% of Jobcentre Plus customers will deal with their claims online, even though at the moment only 17% do so.
Public accounts committee's question welfare reforms
Bankers are cautiously optimistic about the country's economic future.
Not only are we talking about the future workforce and economic generators of the country, but also how stable, assured and optimistic our future decision makers and citizens are.
In situation unclear situation, if China's financial organ still in the elephant invested the black stone, Morgan Stanley such conduct, the final result is not extremely optimistic.