[ UK /ˈɒpt/ ]
[ UK /ˈɒpt/ ]
select as an alternative over another
I always choose the fish over the meat courses in this restaurant
She opted for the job on the East coast
How To Use opt In A Sentence
- Beard is rather dismissive of their optical sophistication, shown in the curvature of the stylobate and in the entasis of the columns — the slight outward swelling of a column designed to counter the optical illusion of concavity, were the columns 'sides to be perfectly straight. Looking for the Lost Greeks
- Does the plain, unsugared doughy type bagel look alike surpass the overly decorated with hundreds and thousands and pumped full of sweet chemicals with optional coating of chocolate (half dipped) Tescos Express doughnut win every time? Rabbit Stew. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
- It makes data generators, multimeters and oscilloscopes, as well as semiconductors, optoelectronic components and RF chip sets - all very complex products that require a great deal of customization for individual customers.
- Since the extra energy being transferred from one molecule to the next changes the way each absorbs and emits light, the flow of energy can be followed through optical spectroscopy, resolved on a femtosecond timescale.
- Don't go for a camera with longer than 5x to 6x optical zoom unless you plan doing a lot of telephotography! MyCE News, Articles & Reviews
- Spanish-American War of 1898 Edison suggested to the Navy Department the adoption of a compound of calcium carbide and calcium phosphite, which when placed in a shell and fired from a gun would explode as soon as it struck water and ignite, producing a blaze that would continue several minutes and make the ships of the enemy visible for four or five miles at sea. Edison, His Life and Inventions
- A business tycoon, arts patron and committed left-winger, Berge opted to sell the collection amassed over a lifetime after Saint Laurent's death last June aged 71.
- For a typical 3-mm-diameter lens, the dioptric power can be controlled between - 100 and + 50 diopters.
- When asked to name their favourite dish, most shoppers opted for the traditional British favourite fish and chips over pizza, paella, or frankfurters.
- The remote desert area is accessible only by helicopter.