How To Use Oppression In A Sentence
And when they have done ye wrang, even when ye hae gotten decreet of spulzie, oppression, and violent profits against them, what better are ye?
The Waverley
'The first principles of commercial activity have retreated to earth's maziest penetralia, where no tides are! is it not so, Skepsey?' said Mr. Fenellan, whose initiative and exuberance in loquency had been restrained by a slight oppression, known to guests; especially to the guest in the earlier process of his magnification and illumination by virtue of a grand old wine; and also when the news he has to communicate may be a stir to unpleasant heaps.
Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
He should fight against oppression and to establish justice and the broadest principles of religious toleration.
We might describe feminism as a political project to understand and, therefore, to change women's inequality, exploitation, or oppression.
And when thou hast done it, to let me understand what he saith, that I may dye the more contentedly, and disburdened of so heavy an oppression, the onely comfort to a parting spirit: and so she ceased, her teares flowing forth abundantly.
The Decameron

I had the power, if I could raise myself to will it, and yet again had not the power, for the weight of twenty Atlantics was upon me, or the oppression of inexpiable guilt.
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater
War, famine and oppression have forced people in the region to flee from their homes.
Wherever tyranny, oppression and brutality have threatened the free world, our two countries have stood for the triumph of good over evil.
Accordingly the Divisional Court allowed the appeal, remitted the matter to the arbitrator and stayed the oppression remedy proceeding.
Religion is vulnerable to religious fanaticism and political extremism-history is full of religious oppression, violence, terrorism and wars. Dr T.P.Chia
For he really did believe capitalism controls the proles not by physical oppression but by bread and circuses, by cultural debasement - or ‘dumbing down’ as we now nervously say.
The thirteen colonies began with a defensive revolution against tyrannical oppression and they were victorious.
Oppression or unjustified imposition can never be tolerated.
Is it an instrument of social oppression or of national self-assertion?
If things were the other way around, our son-whom-we-loved would be a damned terrorist, almost certainly, because he is of the third and fourth generation of refugeehood and oppression, and whence cometh salvation?
Progressive Bloggers
And people have critiqued Western reason precisely because ‘reason’ and ‘science’ have been such powerful tools to justify various oppressions.
This is the only humane approach to those fleeing violence, poverty and oppression.
But as he lay and devoured the new 'white breid,' his satisfaction -- the bare delight of his animal existence -- reached a pitch such as even this imagination, stinted with poverty, and frost-bitten with maternal oppression, had never conceived possible.
Robert Falconer
It also provided an understanding of another form of ecofeminism, class oppression.
Caring for the Earth « AAUW Dialog
As Audre Lourde argued, if we are to work for true social change and justice, there cannot be ‘a hierarchy of oppressions.’
Ownership of small property was the safeguard against both government tyranny and economic oppression.
While liberation from superstition and autocratic oppression is the great legacy of the Enlightenment, to perpetuate the repression of all spiritual expression in the name of reason is to continue to deny our innate being.
Scottish nationalists have made her into their version of Joan of Arc, a martyred hero who struggled against English oppression.
The gang tries to throw off the yoke of racist oppression and control their own destinies.
Religion is vulnerable to religious fanaticism and political extremism-history is full of religious oppression, violence, terrorism and wars. Dr T.P.Chia
What’s called foris for us to integrate radical analysis of anti-Jewish oppression into the work we already do.
The more things change, the more they stay the same | Jewschool
Has Rima, by that illicit act -- identifying herself with stripping, and hence prostitution and pornography, and by extension the oppression, degradation and exploitation of women, including sex trafficking, domestic violence, rape and other phallocentric crimes (Yes, I was throwing a Bindel there) -- Has Rima thrown away a lifetime of opportunity?
Ruth Fowler: Rima, Carrie and Donald: Feminist Liberators
Nowhere was it tried - and I mean real socialism, not welfare statism - where tyranny, misery, poverty, fear and oppression failed to follow.
GALLOWAY ON MID EAST POPULAR RESISTANCE MOVEMENT yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'GALLOWAY ON MID EAST POPULAR RESISTANCE MOVEMENT'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: George Galloway senses what I strongly feel ~ that the tide is turning against the Cheney/Bush neocon dream of global domination ~ for the rest of the world clearly sees the real threat to our civilization is the United States ~ and Galloway, who saw this threat clearly years ago, now comments on the rapidly growing demand of Muslim and Latin American movements for an alternative to America\'s oppression and domination.'
The National Convention has promised armed support to any people who wish to rise against armed oppression.
Oppression maketh a wise man mad.
Fifty-one years ago, my father decided to leave his country of birth, to seek a life free from socio-political oppression.
The portrait of ‘patriarchal oppression’ presented by the investigative journalist is nonsense, incidentally, and he - who has the perspective and temperament of a Victorian bluestocking - was laughed off the island.
Tout ce que la centralisation laisse entrevoir de défauts, de ridicules et absurdités, d'oppression, de paperasseries en France, est grossi en Afrique au centuple.
Correspondence & Conversations of Alexis de Tocqueville with Nassau William Senior from 1834 to 1859, Volume 2
For her, a productive response to oppression recognizes that ‘we must at some point understand our history and herstory and our ancestors.’
He was the pioneer of Satyagraha , mass resistance to government oppression through peaceful, non-violent civil disobedience and non-cooperation.
Arch. suorum suffraganeorum sibi subditorum universorum, prælatorum pariter et cleri procuratorum, convocationem isto anno apud Londonias semel et secundo, propter gravamina et oppressiones, de die in diem per summum pontificem et D.
Notes and Queries, Number 183, April 30, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc
Socialism cannot exist without a change in consciousness resulting in a new fraternal attitude toward humanity, both at an individual level, within the societies where socialism is being built or has been built, and on a world scale, with regard to all peoples suffering from imperialist oppression. Che Guevara
Starvation, slavery, oppression and fear continue to dominate much of our world.
[133], Assyrian writers explain that: The deep and hidden reason of the tyrannical oppression practiced throughout the Middle East is the imposition of pan-Arabic nationalist cliques that intend to dictatorially arabize the various peoples of the Middle East, who are � - all -- not Arabs
Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
Artists all free and lively things, are great oppression and get, is the great effort.
This analysis not only reveals how multiple oppressions constitute the contemporary system, but also suggests new openings for change.
We do not read in history of any act of cruelty practiced towards a male bewitcher; though we have authentic records to prove, that many a weak and defenceless woman has been tortured, and even murdered by a people professing Christianity, merely because a pampered priest, or a superstitious idiot, sanctioned such oppression.
Letter to the Women of England, on the Injustice of Mental Subordination
We've had wars, liberations, and oppressions.
The stories of the seven characters intertwine impossibly in a story of identity and self-imposed oppression.
In this regard, I can no longer, for example, sit with a poor family hovering along the poverty line without being mindful of the multitudinous ways in which class oppression can fracture the relationships of those affected.
The cultural text remains alive and continues to speak in a discourse of oppression.
Robert Mugabe for what it called oppression of his own people and called for an immediate end to the demolitions of shantytowns.
ANC Daily News Briefing
The British Constitution, starting with Magna Carta of 1215 and expanded by subsequent Constitutional Acts guarantees us freedom from foreign or executive oppression or dictation.
Lord Lane said: Oppression does not stand on the doorstep with a toothbrush moustache and a swastika armband.
This objection, however, or some other, rather political than moral, obtained such prevalence, that when Gay produced a second part, under the name of Polly, it was prohibited by the lord chamberlain; and he was forced to recompense his repulse by a subscription, which is said to have been so liberally bestowed, that what he called oppression ended in profit.
The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. in Nine Volumes Volume the Eighth: The Lives of the Poets, Volume II
In Cuba we detested marching, uniforms and weapons, because for us we were always the symbols of oppression and abuse, symbols of privilege, symbols of outrate.
They solicited civic protection for their own conscientious practice of religion, pleading freedom from all oppression and molestation.
I would rather do that than attempt to define what vexation and oppression mean; they must vary with the circumstances of each case.
Even in the years of oppression, Ghvtismshobeli had remained a symbol of nationalist pride, which the Soviets had not dared tamper with.
Building on the practices and stories that survived - or emerged from -- hundreds of years of cultural intermixture, oppression, and natural evolution, social movement leaders constructed a powerful narrative of origin from which to build cultural pride and political power.
Nathaniel Loewentheil: Bolivia: One Llama's Great Incan Adventure
This would weaken the fight against oppression and allow a continuation of oppressive practices.
Ms. Gornick reflects on the "raging intemperateness" of the era's feminist rhetoric—"marriage is an institution of oppression"; "love is rape"; "sleeping with the enemy"—and realizes now that reform wasn't the goal.
Lyrical Leftist, Dogged Idealist
Among other things, Payton insists that the word jazz is racist and that deeply embedded societal oppression of black Americans necessitates a reclassification of the music. Front Page
This violence is directed towards other national states, and the state's own population who revolt against the oppression they suffer.
Mohandas K. Gandhi's movement of satyagraha, or non-violent passive resistance in the face of British oppression, formed the key to India's response to British colonization and gave shape to the drive for independence.
He insisted that Rahman merely said it was time to "reevaluate" the cease fire because of the Egyptian government's oppression and recalcitrance.
Lynne Stewart's Long Struggle for Justice
The only freedom modern “libertarians” seem to promote is the freedom of deregulation, the freedom to support the second and only the second amendment, the freedom of minority oppression and the freedom to tell you what your freedoms are.
Think Progress » Army Secretary says Gates has placed a de facto moratorium on DADT discharges.
This plaguy Serpent cannot be slain, for the soothsayers aver it beareth a charmed life, but it were a mighty achievement, if for only one year, the realm could be relieved of its oppression.
PodCastle » 2010 » February
Generations of poetry lovers were brought up without any knowledge that Shelley's radical opposition to all tyranny and oppression was central to his art and his life.
The new hard-line government brought 'normalization': a return to dogmatism, to censorship and oppression, yet now with minimal terror.
The Times Literary Supplement
The playwrights' experimental use of English (including the absence of capital letters, apostrophes, punctuation, etc.) is one way in which they resist oppression.
Only through genuine communion can the suffering and oppression of some become real to all.
To associate its spiritual or "sacerdotal" function with its national one "is to be considered as ... a mis-growth of ignorance and oppression.
Introduction: Irony and Clerisy
Any upsurge of nationalist feeling automatically translates into an oppression of what is perceived as other.
With this grand insight into the inner workings of oppression, our educational theorists inveigh against “standard English” and counsel respect for “alternative dialects.”
February 9th, 2009
Fairness to the person who has incriminated himself and any others affected by the incriminating statement and any danger of oppression would also be relevant considerations.
They are the source of wealth and the hope of a world weary of poverty and weary of oppression.
a forfeiture of the charter grant because they exercise that oppression and persecution contrary to its first intent, and are the direct cause of contention and disunion, which is repugnant to the principal design of constituting the colony; viz. that it "May be so religiously, peaceably and civilly governed as may win and invite the natives to the Christian faith." [l47]
The Development of Religious Liberty in Connecticut
At his court hearing he called upon people to non-violently resist war and oppression.
To prevent the oppression of women, it is necessary to deconstruct the institutions through men control women - institutions such as the free market
We want to publicise the struggles of those who are organising against oppression and exploitation.
Some of these could include war, sexuality, oppression (racism, classism, ageism, sexism), government and economics.
The renewed oppression of the Continent by the old reigning families, the countenance apparently given by the English Government to the conspiracy against liberty called the Holy Alliance, and the enormous weight of the national debt and taxation occasioned by so long and costly a war, tendered the government and parliament very unpopular.
Chapter IV. Youthful Propagandism. The Westminster Review
We work within an ecofeminist understanding of the interconnection of all life and the intersection of all forms of oppression," she explains.
Animal rights, ecofeminism, and rooster rehab
What a breathtakingly practical way of helping a downtrodden group get going after decades of oppression.
The term is an antiquated yoke of oppression, politically, culturally and socially.
Resist oppression, lighten the burden of the underdog, spread understanding and reason.
The rain is an obvious metaphor for oppression and relentless torment, for Davidson himself and his persecution of others.
There is no one perfect solution to the complex problem of mass exploitation and oppression within the worldwide sex industry.
How much more oppression will this country take before it does rise up in revolt as is our right under the Constitution?
Your Inauguration Reaction
The resulting spectacle of oppression is profound: students communicate symbolically the intellectual and cultural violence of the state's abdication of education, and the authorities, ridiculously, actually interpellate themselves.
Sarah Amsler: Creative Militancy, Militant Creativity and the New British Student Movement
It is such myths (of past wrongs to be avenged or conformities to be observed) that trigger the chain of oppressions.
Tens of millions around the globe see it, with justification, as an emblem of their oppression and misery.
But even the family of Proba herself was not exempt from the rapacious oppression of Count Heraclian, who basely sold, in matrimonial prostitution, the noblest maidens of Rome to the lust or avarice of the Syrian merchants.
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Nothing but contempt is due to those people who ask us to submit to unmerited oppression.
With this came the oppression of ASL and the development and spread of oralism.
Perjury, oppression, subornation, fraud, panderism, and the like infirmities, were amongst the most excusable arts they had to mention, and for these I gave, as it was reasonable, great allowance.
Gulliver's Travels
Socialism cannot exist without a change in consciousness resulting in a new fraternal attitude toward humanity, both at an individual level, within the societies where socialism is being built or has been built, and on a world scale, with regard to all peoples suffering from imperialist oppression. Che Guevara
There are certain people who by reason of a special susceptibility cannot tolerate phosphorus, and the exhibition of it causes in them nausea, oppression, and a feeling of pain in the epigastric region, tormina and tenesmus, accompanied with diarrhea, and in rare cases jaundice, sometimes lasting several months.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
Both novels focus on the desolation of a family trapped in the quagmire of poverty, victimization, and oppression in the Harlem ghetto.
The fact is that every Christian government that preceded them thought that Christianity implied tyranny, despotism, and the oppression of non-Christians.
It is a struggle to also overcome oppressions based on racism and economic exploitation, as well as a struggle to overcome the legacy of colonialism.
Social injustice in the forms of racial and sex discrimination, bullying and oppression of the weak and the poor often get away with impunity. Dr T.P.Chia
His offenses against the Peronistas up to that time had apparently consisted of little more than adding his signature to pro-democratic petitions, but shortly after his resignation he addressed the Argentine Society of Letters saying, in his characteristic style, “Dictatorships foster oppression, dictatorships foster servitude, dictatorships foster cruelty; more abominable is the fact that they foster idiocy.”
Jorge luis borges | the destiny of borges « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
Wherever there is oppression, there is resistance.
The oppression of the invaders had thinned down the population of the village.
Whether we long for romance, escape from poverty, or recognition of our inherent worth, we all find something in common with the girl who rose above oppression and obscurity to become a princess.
The easy way to put it would be that non-consensual oppression and exploitation is bad, consensual good.
Surely it makes more sense to rechannel their energies into working with us towards achieving the important stuff – you know, things like equality and ending patriarchal oppressions – than to fire off another 2.000 word hate-filled blog post which will only be read by ten other like-minded transphobes?
You can be active with the activists…
Such as capitalism have pushed a lot of oppression on human, enthrall the spirits, dissimilate the daily life, and technology dominate the human beings.
The object of terrorism is terrorism. The object of oppression is oppression. The object of torture is torture. The object of murder is murder. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me? George Orwell
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says popular demands for change will put an end to the oppression of what he called "arrogant powers.
The Seattle Times
The hermeneutics used in the historicists' calculus of exploitation and oppression are less hermetic than those of new criticism and theory, but they are just as schematic.
Their overemphasis on fragmentation, however, offers neither political nor intellectual support in confronting the oppressions with which feminism has historically been concerned.
The object of terrorism is terrorism. The object of oppression is oppression. The object of torture is torture. The object of murder is murder. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me? George Orwell
Political idealism is cruelly betrayed by successive waves of political oppression.
He said it would "decolonise" South America's poorest country by giving independence to indigenous peoples who have been under oppression dating back to the Spanish conquest.
ITN Headlines
Her parents, tailor Isor and Rose (Simonov) Becker, had come with their son Maurice to New York in 1892 from Nizhni Novgorod, Russia, where they had fled from pogroms and czarist military oppression.
Helen Tamiris.
They are a reaction to oppression - or at least a transmogrification of the angry white male into the docile white wimp.
Socialism cannot exist without a change in consciousness resulting in a new fraternal attitude toward humanity, both at an individual level, within the societies where socialism is being built or has been built, and on a world scale, with regard to all peoples suffering from imperialist oppression. Che Guevara
Even if it seems they have been attacked into dormancy like a rolly-poley protectively curled, and even if this current administration were to become a force of tyrannical oppression, Faith, Hope, and Love will remain and have their way.
Politico Outs the Secret Plan to Pass ObamaCare - Dan_Perrin’s blog - RedState
Socialism cannot exist without a change in consciousness resulting in a new fraternal attitude toward humanity, both at an individual level, within the societies where socialism is being built or has been built, and on a world scale, with regard to all peoples suffering from imperialist oppression. Che Guevara
Ansari depicts the history of the caliphs as a sordid one of oppression and skullduggery.
I seek here to explore these questions of miscegenation and homosexuality in these literary and cultural texts, demonstrating the conundrum of nationalism in the context of the indubitable threat of oppression.
Wherever tyranny, oppression and brutality have threatened the free world, our two countries have stood for the triumph of good over evil.
Hunger and oppression have spawned an epidemic of violent crime.
Surroundings of the wild beast feel this poison spider to mail ahead the oppression of , the subconscious ground starts countermarch.
Never, never and never again shall it be that this beautiful land will again experience the oppression of one by another.
Central to this concept is the impression of the writer, battered though unbowed by oppression, given safe haven and continuing to struggle from a foreign home.
Recall that this Declaration proclaimed that the aim of every political association is “the preservation of the natural and imprescriptible rights of man,” liberty, property, security, and the right of resistance to oppression.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
We speak not now of those, who amidst the monuments of oppression are engaged in the sacred vocation; who, as ministers of the Gospel, can "prophesy smooth things" to such as pollute the altar of Jehovah with human sacrifices; nay, who themselves bind the victim and kindle the sacrifice.
The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 4 of 4
In addition, the guide includes themes that are relevant to children, parenting, to forms of oppression such as racism, classism, and homophobia, and to the general management of the hierarchy between the therapist and the client.
But a man who, for all his faults, has actually liberated more of those people from terror and oppression than any human rights group on earth, will be pilloried, attacked, booed and maligned.
The destruction of both wall and statue is symbolic of breaking free from oppression, and the elation on the faces of the people was the same.
This applies to cases in which the religious sign is a symbol of oppression and runs counter to the dignity and freedom of its wearer.
Education, research, critical and theoretical thinking, and in-depth understanding of institutional oppressions remain necessary.
If the teller is a member of the oppre ssing group, the humor will more likely be seen as a form of oppression.
2008 March : Law is Cool
The National Convention has promised armed support to any people who wish to rise against armed oppression.
Their enclosed spaces offer shelter and protection without any sense of oppression.
It’s something I’ve thought about quite a bit; the deliberate misuse of pronouns is one of the hallmarks of cissexism and a commonly used form of not-so-subtle oppression.
“On Twitter, is it ‘he or she’ or ‘they’ or ‘ip’?”
Religion is vulnerable to religious fanaticism and political extremism-history is full of religious oppression, violence, terrorism and wars. Dr T.P.Chia
Social injustice in the forms of racial and sex discrimination, bullying and oppression of the weak and the poor often get away with impunity. Dr T.P.Chia
On the other hand, collective public silent protest of injustice can be a very effective tool to confront oppression.
The work is violently powerful, its overriding message being the oppression of the Mexican lower classes.
Sarcastro says: erp: What could be whackier, kookier or crazier than pursuing socialism when the evidence is overwhelming that it is a force for poverty and oppression while at the same time demonizing capitalism which has been a proven force for peace and prosperity.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Who’s the Kook?
We are fighting for social rights and social justice, for democracy and against all forms of oppression.
This they have done without any pretence of ignorance of the objects of oppression for which this prince has thought fit to become their renter; for he has again and again told them that it is for the sole purpose of exercising authority he holds the jaghire lands; and he affirms (and I believe with truth) that he pays more for that territory than the revenues yield.
The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 02 (of 12)
Each chapter takes a detailed and wide-ranging look at aspects of Marxist theory such as alienation, oppression, the family and class struggle.
Social injustice in the forms of racial and sex discrimination, bullying and oppression of the weak and the poor often get away with impunity. Dr T.P.Chia
Never, never and never again shall it be that this beautiful land will again experience the oppression of one by another.
The unstained white sari is also Rajam Krishnan's message of not giving into oppression and injustice of any kind as a person and as a writer.
I enjoy good health, altho now octogenary; but am too weak to walk further than my garden; yet I ride daily and without fatigue. my elder daughter, mrs Randolph, is well and greets you kindly. she has given me 11. grand-children, of whom 4. liv e with me, and all make me contented in the prospect of their worth and good qualifications. my happiness is greatly increased too by the prosperity of our country, and it's exemption from the oppressions & eternal wars of Europe. that you days may pass in peace, in health and comfort, are the fervent prayers of your sincere & constant friend.
Letters to and from Jefferson, 1821-1822
It was their "duty … to conscientize students with regard to the struggle for liberation … in the context of Black Consciousness which is an attempt to rid Black people of psychological and physical oppression by means of collective bargaining," 60 thus providing the link between the BPC and SASM in the schools.
'I Saw a Nightmare …' Doing Violence to Memory: The Soweto Uprising, June 16, 1976
The politician does it to secure votes; but the worst class is composed of those who edit papers that circulate only among the scum of society, and embittered by the sight of luxuries beyond their reach, are always ready to denounce the rich and excite the lower classes against what they call the oppression of the aristocracy.
The Great Riots of New York, 1712 to 1873
_angaria_, _angariare_, in medieval Latin, and the rare English derivatives "angariate," "angariation," came to mean any service which was forcibly or unjustly demanded, and oppression in general.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
Almost suffocating under the oppression of repressed feelings, using art only to repeat and rehearse for himself his own internal tragedy, after having wearied emotion, he began to subtilize it.
Life of Chopin
What ever we do or say the revolt will enpower itself and the world welcome to reality and the future is now in our hands sieze and breake the chains of oppression
Egypt: A pivotal moment | Editorial
Is it an instrument of social oppression or of national self-assertion?
We want to end exploitation, oppression, injustice, inequality, poverty, hunger and violence.
We are fortunate that the super-power that remains has no instinct or appetite for dominating the world by oppression and force.
The novel paints a more detailed picture and asks questions about its oppression, brutality and corruption to which only the revolution could provide answers.
Indeed when things are dissolved and made thus tender and soft, and are as it were turned into a sort of a carrionly corruption, it must needs be a great difficulty for concoction to master them, and when it hath mastered them, they must needs cause grievous oppressions and qualmy indigestions.
Essays and Miscellanies
The leader of the eastern Al-Zuwayya tribe threatened to cut oil exports unless authorities halted what he called the "oppression of protesters.
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
[339], Assyrian writers explain that: The deep and hidden reason of the tyrannical oppression practiced throughout the Middle East is the imposition of pan-Arabic nationalist cliques that intend to dictatorially arabize the various peoples of the Middle East, who are � - all -- not Arabs
Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
Here is a prayer of the eldest daughter, Grand Duchess Olga:Send us, Lord, the patience, in this year of stormy, gloom-filled days, to suffer popular oppression, and the tortures of our hangmen.
Archive 2009-07-01
His writing reflects the most difficult times for Latin America oppressed by authoritarianism, where human rights were not respected, where he shows human suffering with great sensitivity, oppression that forced Mario to remain exiled from the country for a long period of time.
Global Voices in English » Uruguay: The Passing of Writer Mario Benedetti
Every case of slavery, however lenient its inflictions and mitigated its atrocities, indicates an oppressor, the oppressed, and oppression.
We've closed our eyes to the plight of those living in totalitarian or theocratic oppression.
This was a symbol of freedom from the social and economic oppression of the time.
On the contrary, their recollection is embittered by the cruelty, exploitation and official oppression which they recall.
The visit was part of a programme aimed at remoulding former symbols of apartheid repression into heritage sites for education purposes, so that SA would, in former President Nelson Mandela's words, "never, never and never again" witness such oppression.
ANC Daily News Briefing
A life free of oppression which all of us on this Veterans days should bow our heads to those who have fallen to preserve it and repledge to uphold it just as Leroy taught me to do forty three years ago at Columbian school.
In response to rejection by his schoolfellows, Haru befriends a group of Chinese kids, the social outcast and the foreigner finding kinship in their shared oppression.
Neither offers a practical program for ridding the world of hunger, disease, or oppression, the things we demand that our messiahs do for us or else authorize us to do in their name.
Sundays were bad enough for their bleakness and oppression, but Sunday was also the day when the battles between my mother and father took place.
There was a real battle fought by working people in England and the U.S. to defend themselves against what they called the degradation and oppression and violence of the industrial capitalist system, which was not only dehumanizing them but was even radically reducing their intellectual level.
Signs of the Times
And this is not to be understood barely of oppression managed by open and downright defiance; but by any other sinister way whatsoever, as the overbearing another's right by the interest and interposal of great persons, by vexatious suits and violence cloaked with the formalities of a court and the name of law.
Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. VII.
Keeping them in their place means perpetuating the unending cycle of their oppression.
He argued that ‘hidden beneath the polished exterior of modern democracy are deceit, violence, corruption, mendacity, hypocrisy and oppression of the poor’.
The Badianus Manuscript, an indigenous herbal written in the mid-sixteenth century, recommends a strong purge for "oppression of the chest," an ailment that makes one feel "constricted" by a "certain fullness" in the chest area. 9
Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
Some of Elliot's poems are of genuine quality, and his themes of poverty and oppression are deeply felt.
Marx's collaborator Frederick Engels argued that women's oppression was as old as class society.
Religion is vulnerable to religious fanaticism and political extremism-history is full of religious oppression, violence, terrorism and wars. Dr T.P.Chia
As unexpressed, he feels it in what we called a helpless and oppressed way; as expressed, he feels in a way from which this sense of oppression has vanished.
Collingwood's Aesthetics
It is a measure of Dworkin's success that moral majoritarians are now more likely to speak in neutral terms of ‘disempowerment’ and ‘oppression’ than in subjective terms such as ‘disgust’.
That is what I call oppression!" returned Mr. Bacon, in momentary indignation, for the utterance of which he was as quickly repentant.
The Lights and Shadows of Real Life
Marxist feminism is rather more complicated in that it sees the oppression of women as inextricably linked to the class system.
Third, they demand the right to a free, empowering, and "emancipating" education that emphasizes the importance of social movements, dissent, and combating forms of oppression personally and structurally.
Students for a Democratic Society
This is a pattern of oppression that has been repeated for centuries, often in the most violent and brutal of ways.
She'll probably soon find evidence of exploitation and oppression too: you can always find it if you look hard enough.
Billions of humans are suffering impoverishment, deprivement, oppression and exploitation.
Sound Politics: "Peak Oil" Despair Versus Energy Innovation
These colonial machinations resulted in mass poverty, exploitation and oppression as the basic facts of life for the African.
People looked to religion for some hope in the face of poverty and oppression brought by colonialism.
Similar questions can, and will, be raised about some of the other alternative wordings, but this kind of debate will be useful in stimulating critical consideration of the discourse of oppression.
Artists all free and lively things, are great oppression and get, is the great effort.
Send us, Lord, the patience, in this year of stormy, gloom-filled days, to suffer popular oppression, and the tortures of our hangmen.
Poems of Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna
Scholarly opinions cover a wide spectrum about this, ranging from the view that Luther was a promotor of equal rights for women to the view that he was a protagonist in the oppression of women.
How many acts of oppression, tyranny and injustice have you carried out, O callers to freedom?
Polly, it was prohibited by the Lord Chamberlain; and he was forced to recompense his repulse by a subscription, which is said to have been so liberally bestowed that what he called oppression ended in profit.
Johnson's Lives of the Poets — Volume 2
Do not let the management use her as a pawn in their little game of oppression.
indigenous" continues to haunt political, administrative and judicial actions; it innervates and imbricates other logics of oppression, discrimination and social exploitation.
Indybay newswire
Why: To educate ourselves about the on going struggle massage parlor workers face and how this oppression isn¹t unique to San Francisco; that unionization is the means to stop the systematic attack on informal workers rights.
Media Advisory San Francisco Premiere Film Screening of ³H a p p y E n d i n g s?² « Bound, Not Gagged
This new king became known as the Pharaoh of the Oppression, and it was during his time that the story of the infant Moses in the bulrushes is set.
Mr. Martinez, in a Facebook posting cited by the FBI, allegedly wrote: The sword is cummin the reign of oppression is about 2 cease inshallah sic\.
FBI Holds Man in Bomb-Plot Sting