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How To Use Opposite In A Sentence

  • The opposite change occurs in what are termed fastigiate varieties, where the branches, in place of assuming more or less of a horizontal direction, become erect and nearly parallel with the main stem as in the Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • In the receding angle below the chin is the hyoid bone, and the finger can be carried along the bone to the tip of the greater cornu, which is on a level with the angle of the mandible: the greater cornu is most readily appreciated by making pressure on one side, when the cornu of the opposite side will be rendered prominent and can be felt distinctly beneath the skin. XII. Surface Anatomy and Surface Markings. 1. Surface Anatomy of the Head and Neck
  • The magnificent 18 th-century mansion is set in private landscaped grounds at the edge of the town, opposite the golf links and West Sands but totally screened by trees, woods and 18-foot high lodge gates.
  • Jim had hustled over quietly and begun to help out with the horseshoeing, expecting ridicule from the likes of Hugh Glass or old Zeke Williams, who had just arrived at the rendezvous, but, to his surprise, the fact that he was married to a woman of such pure fire produced the very opposite of the effect he had feared. The Berrybender Narratives
  • by lawful/legal means. Lawful tends to be used in technical or literary contexts. The same is true of the opposites, unlawful and illegal, but illegal is used especially about criminal activities. Legal also means 'connected with the law':the US legal system.
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  • As Locke and Jean stumbled to their feet, the door on the wall opposite the window slammed open, and in stepped a broad-shouldered man with the slablike muscles of a stevedore or a smith. Archive 2008-07-01
  • This kind of discourse is at the opposite pole from storytelling as defined by Benjamin.
  • The next morning we passed a large island, opposite to which on the north is a large and beautiful prairie, called Sauk prairie, the land being fine and well timbered on both sides the river. History of the Expedition Under the Command of Captains Lewis and Clark, to the Sources of the Missouri, Thence Across the Rocky Mountains and Down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean
  • Just as Peter Crouch the binman may find his lanky frame considerably less alluring to the opposite sex. Archive 2009-07-01
  • Indeed, there's reason to hope that even the most benighted moral equivocators may come to realize that the message is the exact opposite of the one they've been preaching.
  • If only the local toerags sitting opposite knew what thrills these cardboard tubes contained.
  • Finally, a small number of participants discussed their experiences with gender-bending - that is, pretending to be of the opposite sex - during an online sexual encounter.
  • There's usually a queue outside this pizzeria right opposite Cibreo - the reason being the excellent, echt Neapolitan pizzas made with the finest ingredients.
  • A cloud of gas that is gravitationally attracted to the black hole can have a net angular momentum oppositely directed from that of the black hole. Supermassive Black Holes Spinning Backwards Create Death Ray Jets? | Universe Today
  • Prof. Hamilton, of Aberdeen, claims that the corpus callosum is not a commissure, but the decussation of cortical fibers on their way down to enter the internal and external capsules of the opposite side. Scientific American Supplement, No. 520, December 19, 1885
  • He pointed to something on the opposite bank.
  • Among Lelouch's films starring Ms. Girardot was 1969's "Un homme qui me plait" "A Man Who Pleases Me", in which she played opposite Jean-Paul Belmondo. Obituaries of note: Annie Girardot, Greg Goossen, Eddie Kirkland
  • I haven’t got a problem with the narrater, he’s obviously romanticized or the opposite, in this case, but he’s an interesting person, so I’m not adverse to hearing his side of things. “The Worst Book I Have Read in the Past Three Years” : Edward Champion’s Reluctant Habits
  • When a predator pounces, simply escaping in the opposite direction is often the worst option.
  • White says no one could fail to understand the strategy, but is at pains to point out that making more money does not mean losing more jobs - quite the opposite.
  • Now, our opposites do far overmatch us and overstride us in contention; for, 1. The Works of Mr. George Gillespie (Vol. 1 of 2)
  • Located between the teeth, hinge sockets provide the space for holding the tooth of the opposite valve.
  • The fact that other reports of excess heat do not produce these hydrides and can evolve over days or weeks suggests the opposite condition of starvation where oscillation is delayed and slow but still occurs over time as the atomic gas slowly accumulates the velocities needed to exchange time dilation for energy. Will 2010 be the Year of Zero Point Energy?
  • Or the complete opposite - you table an awful dummy and partner makes an overtrick. Times, Sunday Times
  • He sat at the opposite side of the table from Nero, his expression unreadable due to the fact that his face was concealed by a smooth oval mask of flawless black glass. The Overload Protocol
  • So we counteracted the alcohol with caffeine (aka "change"), the opposite substance to alcohol. Jamie Frevele: What We Are Experiencing, America, Is a GOP Hangover
  • We took our station at the top of a rich Persian's house, opposite a spacious esplanade and contiguous to a large pagoda; in the centre of the esplanade was fixed a capstern, with a pole about sixty feet long, which was fixed so as to be occasionally raised or lowered. Narrative of a Voyage to India; of a Shipwreck on board the Lady Castlereagh; and a Description of New South Wales
  • Two men wake to find themselves chained at opposite ends of a deserted washroom somewhere in the Industrial Zone.
  • In this sense, mercy can be thought of as the opposite of grace, or perhaps more correctly - the inverse.
  • I see that a number of the Ministers opposite me are now smiling and smirking.
  • The third in the triplet took you in totally the opposite direction by looking at life as a transgender person who blurs the distinction between male and female identification.
  • We were actually standing on opposite sides of the sign, doh!
  • The "Very Funny" cable network burned off the whopping nine-episode season of its sly charmer about Chicago sportswriter PJ (Jordana Spiro) and her pals on Sundays opposite such sky-high-profile cable competition as Keeping Up with the Kardashians and Mad Men — whose costar Joel Murray, aka rehabbed alky Freddy Rumsen, guested on Boys as the owner who sold the gang's hangout, Crowley's, to Brando (Reid Scott) in the season finale. Cheers & Jeers: My Boys to Men?
  • Hastening across the parapet from the opposite direction was a bowman as young as the man he'd shot. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • There's a newly married couple living opposite .
  • The whole page was blotted with fresh tears, and, upon the opposite interleaf, were the following English lines, written in a hand so very different from the peculiar characters of my acquaintance, that I had some difficulty in recognizing it as his own. The Assignation
  • In theory, this could be a smart strategic move but it is likely to "domesticate" Julian Assange; running such an NGO would require too many boring meetings with potential funders many of whom have already been alienated by the organisation and a nine-to-five office routine - the exact opposite of the glamorous nomadic lifestyle that the founder of WikiLeaks has become famous for. The Guardian World News
  • Even in less partisan times than these, friendships between ex-presidents from opposite sides of the aisle are very rare.
  • Within 10 minutes we were idling towards a pod of six whales making their sedate way through the wide sweep of the sound opposite the lodge.
  • The pronator radii teres, no longer opposed by the supinator brevis, had rotated the anterior fragment into complete pronation and fixed it there, while the supinator brevis, acting on the upper end, had rotated that fragment in an opposite direction and held it fixed until bony union at the point of fracture had taken place. With Sabre and Scalpel. The Autobiography of a Soldier and Surgeon
  • I could try to swim the river, but the opposite bank was steep and clay-sided and devoid of any trees along the mudflat. The Glass Rainbow
  • Praxis: Practice, especially of an art, science, or technical occupation, opposite to theory.
  • Now the opposite seems to be happening: a panicky rally.
  • Folks who think oppositely of the folks who quietly fund the Cato Institute. Matthew Yglesias » The Trouble With Lobbyist-Bashing
  • The tide is running with us and we make good speed down-river around the bend from Westminster and from there to the opposite shore of the river. Secret History of Elizabeth Tudor, Vampire Slayer
  • Is there a parallel between taking up a storekeepers time by pretending to shop and ask prices for items we know we will not buy and dating the opposite sex with no intention of a committed relationship?
  • These poor kids are … learning from each other that their worth (in the eyes of the opposite sex) is found solely in the skin they expose and how they physically mesmerize the other. ProWomanProLife » Modesty, nudity, identity
  • The Chancellor has not taken the opposite political risk of a serious attempt to reduce the budget deficit by increases in taxation and reductions in expenditure. Times, Sunday Times
  • Different people deal with it in different, sometimes opposite, ways. Christianity Today
  • -- A tree, with leaves bunched at the extremities of the branches, oblong, oval, acuminate, odd-pinnate, 3-4 pairs of opposite leaflets. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
  • He shows a precocious interest in the opposite sex.
  • We can think simultaneously of opposites (e.g. existence and nonexistence, round and angular), and these opposites must be simultaneously present in our consciousness, for otherwise we could not compare them, nor perceive and declare their oppositeness. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • The implication being that our expectation would be for something quite the opposite? Times, Sunday Times
  • But relatively speaking, it's the opposite of propaganda - nobody is being force-fed.
  • There is also a swifter motion of a different sort of fire which strikes and dilates the ray of sight until it reaches the eyes, forcing a way through their passages and melting them, and eliciting from them a union of fire and water which we call tears, being itself an opposite fire which comes to them from an opposite direction — the inner fire flashes forth like lightning, and the outer finds a way in and is extinguished in the moisture, and all sorts of colours are generated by the mixture. Timaeus
  • But the online fortunes of these two key figures are polar opposites. Times, Sunday Times
  • Can you jump over to the opposite bank?
  • The family were living in the rented house because their own house, directly opposite the rented house, was under renovation.
  • That statement is untrue; in fact the opposite is the case.
  • For the stupid person up there that wrote "the failure of 08 begins" I can tell you that's exactly the opposite: "the recover 08 begins", no more Bush mistakes and his heir is going to be defeated big time, is going to be a victory by a huge margin!!! Obama: The general election fight should start next week
  • In England you must drive on the opposite side of the road to the rest of Europe.
  • A familiar sight, almost opposite Bedford Hospital, is the Britannia Works archway, the area behind which has been wasteland for at least ten years.
  • The carriage teetered precariously as he moved to take a seat opposite her and they stared at each other in a calming silence as she drank, but once she finished, the cup fell from her loose fingers and clattered loudly on the floor.
  • It is an absolute impossibility for one kind of electricity to be generated without an equal quantity of the opposite kind being produced, although it is not strictly correct to use the term generated or produced in relation to electricity, as electricity cannot really be produced by any process whatever. Aether and Gravitation
  • The allegorist is, as it were, the polar opposite of the collector. The Allegorist and the Collector
  • Practice periods that end in gloom and despondency must be avoided - they have the opposite effect of reinforcing or "conditioning" helplessness. The Secrets of Musical Confidence
  • So high that it preserves the view across the rooftops from the apartments opposite?
  • He quickly drew back and slid towards the opposite edge of the bench, blushing furiously.
  • The hubby on the other hand is opposite from me, he likes to be up all hours of the night/morning.
  • These include agoraphobia, the opposite of claustrophobia, when sufferers fear public situations from which escape may be difficult or embarrassing or where help will not be at hand in the event of a panic attack.
  • He is often pithiest when describing his literary opposites. Times, Sunday Times
  • The wigged gentleman sitting opposite, still looking at the ceiling of the court.
  • Cells tugged in one direction sent biochemical signals in the opposite direction in the form of a signature pattern of fluorescent light.
  • How can it be that identical bays on opposite sides of the same street have mutually exclusive systems of payment? Times, Sunday Times
  • Until the climax of the sexual erethism, woman is for man the acme of supreme desire; but with detumescence the emotions tend to swing to the opposite pole, and excitement and longing are forgotten in the mood of repugnance and exhaustion. Taboo and Genetics A Study of the Biological, Sociological and Psychological Foundation of the Family
  • Apply thick celloidin to the tube-capsule joint, the opposite end of the capsule, and the line of junction of the capsule with its cap; dry thoroughly. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • It's opposite City Hall.
  • Crick, and his colleague Leslie Orgel, who originally suggested the idea with him, supposed that the bacteria had originally evolved by natural processes on the home planet, but they could equally, while in the mood for science fiction, have added a touch of nanotechnological artifice to the mix, something like the molecular gearwheel illustrated opposite. Scientists' Responses Solicited
  • The thing about George Bush the elder is that if you paid enough attention to him and what he said, at a certain point you could safely assume that whatever statement issued from his mouth, invariably the opposite was the case. — The Political Revival of George Herbert Walker Bush - The Caucus Blog -
  • I could tell you about the cab which, ordered by phone, announced its arrival by loud horn blasts from the opposite side of the street.
  • Directly opposite him, on the other side of the enclosed space, were two doors, exactly alike and side by side.
  • She's very thoughtful - the direct opposite of her sister.
  • members of the opposite sex
  • But it's worth remembering that, barely a century ago, the great male fear was not of alpha females with intimidatingly large salaries but their polar opposite: women were seen, rather like immigrant labour now, as dangerously liable to undercut men's wages by doing the same work for less. Young women are now earning more than men – that's not sexist, just fair | Gaby Hinsliff
  • The various schools of suspicion in chairman psychology all understand stress from somewhat opposite perspectives. Archive 2009-11-01
  • All the energies of life flow through those who are open to its many forms—undercurrents of earth and overcurrents of sky, bioelectric fields of plants and animals, magnetically charged attractions of intimacy and relationship, and even the danced opposites of the sacred and profane. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • While his peers were busy making mischief and thinking about the opposite sex, he became withdrawn.
  • On the contrary, the opposite view is intellectually more compelling.
  • by lawful/legal means. Lawful tends to be used in technical or literary contexts. The same is true of the opposites, unlawful and illegal, but illegal is used especially about criminal activities. Legal also means 'connected with the law':the US legal system.
  • The most important part of the interior of the temenos is the group of the three figures which are represented in relief on the inside face of the enclosure wall on the farthest part, opposite the doorway. Archaeologia, or, Miscellaneous tracts relating to antiquity [microform]
  • One opposite to courage is cowardice, but another is rashness, foolhardiness.
  • Opposite the fireplace, a bulky dark wood bed was draped in dark blue velvet covers and snowy white fur pelts, its sheets thrust to one side.
  • Most are somewhere between these polar opposites.
  • My right leg finally made an appearance in the correct locale, opposite my left and below the hip joint.
  • A roe deer came down into reeds opposite to munch at green stuff.
  • My position, then, again tentatively, would be opposite that of Rolf Notes on 'Kafka and the Coincidence of Opposites'
  • On the opposite side of the hall is the roomy living/dining room, which has an open fireplace with marble surround.
  • -- A tree, 18° high, with leaves opposite, odd-pinnate. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
  • It gives a detailed insight into the troubled times in the early part of the 1920s when members of some families took opposite sides in the Civil War.
  • If cable-laid, the tails lie aft on the larboard side and forward on the starboard side; shroud-laid the opposite.
  • There had been a time, he knew, when two unmarried persons of the opposite sex, walking hand in hand without chaperonage, might have beento say the leastfrowned upon. The Messenger
  • The Williams imbroglio is teachable, but its lessons actually point in the opposite direction: America's public media system, including NPR, requires more funding, not less. Why Fox News should help fund NPR
  • The prostyle is in all respects like the temple in antis, except that at the corners, opposite the antae, it has two columns, and that it has architraves not only in front, as in the case of the temple in antis, but also one to the right and one to the left in the wings. The Ten Books on Architecture
  • That is why it said that the opposite of love is not hate but indifference, our apathy to act, our coldness in commitment.
  • As to relations with the opposite sex, Skinner would cut no ice with Germaine Greer but he makes a well-intentioned if misdirected stab at equality.
  • The objective is simply to be the first to move all the pieces across the board and into the star point opposite.
  • Quite the opposite: Why try to copy naturalistic virtues that the camera can capture more tellingly?
  • The wall opposite the door contained the console controlling the elevator, which was now counting down numbers as it passed floors on its way to the bottom.
  • I am proud to have been in the opposite dugout that day. The Sun
  • For righthanders, the ball is nested in the right palm, supported strongly by the left hand, with the opposite true for lefties.
  • Once parked, walk through the twitten and we are on the other side of the road, obliquely opposite you.
  • She stopped in the middle of the fast lane facing opposite traffic, and a tanker carrying diesel fuel smashed head-on into the front of her car.
  • It is, furthermore, the case that the embryo sac itself also exhibits polar organization, with the egg cell and synergids adjacent to the micropyle, while the antipodal cells are found at the opposite chalazal end.
  • The two separated, moving to opposite ends of the clearing.
  • Symbolically, the sales and marketing departments are located in Ludwigsburg on the opposite side of Stuttgart from the production organization. Lean Thinking
  • -- In Act Two, a immature Pompey is in fighting behind opposite a triumvirate of Octavius, Antony as good as Lepidus, fervent to rehabilitate a reputation of his father, once cheered by a Roman mob, killed in conflict by Julius Caesar. Archive 2009-11-01
  • As they grow up amid the emerging wave of nationalist fervor, their friendship becomes strained as they find themselves on opposite sides.
  • It slows as it begins to collide with the interstellar medium, and the point where the solar wind slows down is the termination shock; the point where the interstellar medium and solar wind pressures balance is called the heliopause; the point where the interstellar medium, traveling in the opposite direction, slows down as it collides with the heliosphere is the bow shock. Spacecraft Detects Mysterious "Ribbon" at Edge of Solar System | Universe Today
  • Then finding no longer any refuge from inevitable captivity, except in the waters of the Elster, the brave prince had thrown himself into it without considering the impassable steepness of the opposite bank, and in a few moments he with his horse was ingulfed beneath the waves. Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon
  • With the right side down, fold all the flaps in towards the middle, and crease using your popsicle stick or paper creaser(sometimes these are called “bone folders” though they are generally made from plastic nowadays). glue the large side flap over the top of the folded in bottom (the tapered end is the top) and opposite side flap. Printer-Friendly Grocery Shopping: Brown Paper Seed Packet Business Cards Tutorial
  • A string of five rowing boats set out from the opposite bank.
  • Opposite this doorway is a small granary that is on staddle stones and is the perfect resting place for the Labrador dog that happily ran up to lick our hands!
  • There is a semantic sentence's opposite of declarative mood vs. subjunctive mood.
  • Instead, the report recommends extending the covered terraced stand opposite the main stand with new seating installed and a new cantilevered roof.
  • Drive a missile-equipped sports car through narrow streets, and enjoy tasty interludes with foreign agents of the opposite sex who try to snap your neck as you reach for the chilled champagne.
  • The opposite is also seen to have a negative effect. The Beat Fatigue Workbook - how to identify the causes
  • They have important effects on blood pressure, blood clotting, pain sensation, and reproduction mechanisms, but one prostaglandin may have different and even opposite effects in different tissues.
  • The opposite of honourable antagonism between men is honourable alliance, typically affirmed in the image and name of the brother.
  • They were fat, ugly men with wicked faces, like the one in the picture on the opposite page.
  • On the opposite end of the scale, SUVs are large, heavy lumps that transport people and stuff looking marginally ‘cooler’ than wagons and vans.
  • Lubetkin orients the entrance on an oblique axis in order to bypass the first stair tower and arrive opposite the center of the building.
  • Cages holding lumps in ratty jackets lined the opposite wall. 365 tomorrows » 2009 » October : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Petrol fillers on cars are fitted on the opposite side to the driving seat on the original country of origin. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's the opposite of the sophisticated, cultured, world-weary foreign correspondent.
  • His eyes continually glanced from the girl sitting opposite him to a notebook that lay on his knees.
  • Passing over the parish boundary at Sunderlandwick, the old toll bar is on the right, and Bar Farm opposite.
  • Much evidence from our Faith Matters surveys confirms that on many different issues, both sociopolitical (e.g., abortion) and religious (e.g., importance of religion in their personal lives), evangelicals and nones are polar opposites. American Grace
  • Ferris's essay, since the "failure" he notes here seems to be the opposite of the aesthetic's "failure" to conceal its violence that he was discussing earlier: here the law cannot come to representation, whereas earlier, the violence of the aesthetic had to come to representation (or more precisely, to recognition; but even the recognition of a non-representation demands a certain manifestation of this non-representability). Response: Reading the Aesthetic, Reading Romanticism
  • Intelligence in fiction, then, is usually conceived as a variety of Aristotelian dianoia:Under Thought dianoia is included every effect which has to be produced by speech, the subdivisions being: proof and refutation; the excitation of the feelings, such as pity, fear, anger, and the like; the suggestion of importance or its opposite. Plot and thought
  • This theory does rely upon a swift resolution, and a prolonged conflict would have an equally opposite and negative reaction to the rebound in the global economy and stock markets.
  • The head is to starboard opposite the galley and there is a large owner's stateroom to starboard aft.
  • That is, for him, a propositum is "sequentially relevant" if and only if it logically follows from the positum alone; it is "incompatibly relevant" if and only if its contradictory opposite follows from the positum alone; it is "irrelevant" if and only if it is neither sequentially nor incompatibly relevant. Medieval Theories of Obligationes
  • It brings together juniors and infants on one site, rather than a quarter of a mile apart on opposite sides of busy Bag Lane.
  • In the months, or sometimes even years, between flows, a silent countercurrent moves in the opposite direction.
  • A car going in the opposite direction stopped and its occupants got out to see what had happened and to offer their services.
  • In this fairly ungracious position (the view up my shorts for the bloke on the exercise bike opposite can't have been too nice) I started to do sit-ups.
  • In the balance of nature there must be an opposite bias. Infinite in All Directions
  • It is the opposite of grinding out small profits away from prying eyes.
  • The view of the MOT centre opposite might not be the best but the atmosphere is buzzy, warm and friendly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet the people of both sections did just the opposite. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • _breadthways_ constantly acquires its two opposite poles at both ends Hints towards the formation of a more comprehensive theory of life.
  • Early Zionist leaders, from the late nineteenth century onwards, consciously set out to create a class of Jews who were the opposite of the Jews of the shtetl (the traditional Eastern European Jewish ghetto).
  • An ugly swathe has been cut through the magnificent forest opposite the McGarry farm.
  • This blows from the point where the sun sets at the summer solstice, and is the only wind that is diametrically opposite to Eurus. Meteorology
  • Opposite is a range rebuilt in the early C16 with central tower with octagonal turrets and two-storey oriel.
  • Thus, leaves normally opposite and decussate may, by fusion, become alternate. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • We reach the opposite shore and enter the forest. Times, Sunday Times
  • Baronet, kneeling in a square beard opposite his wife in a ruff: a very fat lady, the Dame Rebecca Clavering, in alto-relievo, is borne up to Heaven by two little blue-veined angels, who seem to have a severe task — and so forth. The History of Pendennis
  • As comprehensively biocidal as petroleum and its enormous empire of petrochemical synthetics have been, Cannabis hemp offers exactly the opposite. See No Hemp, Hear No Hemp, Speak No Hemp, Part II
  • An '' 'electrophile' '' is a negatively charged proton which is attracted to the oppositely charged electronsa round another atom. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Fore and hind may bend either both backwards, as the figures marked A, or in the opposite way both forwards, as in B, or in converse ways and not in the same direction, as in C where the fore bend forwards and the hind bend backwards, or as in D, the opposite way to C, where the convexities are turned towards one another and the concavities outwards. On the Gait of Animals
  • Out of the side streets opposite the jail they came by scores, drawn for the most part by idle and morbid curiosity.
  • Immediately opposite was a grotesque figure of Satan, no doubt in canonicals also, with cloven foot and horns, belching out fire and brimstone on the terrified audience.
  • Meanwhile, Luke and I avert our gazes, looking with studied interest at the fascinating ads above the tube map, opposite.
  • Coming into an extended plank position, keep abs tight, take one hand off the floor and touch your opposite shoulder. The Sun
  • These two products are from opposite ends of the price range.
  • The opposite of victims, second wave feminists audaciously did something and, in the frontier spirit of American self-reliance, claimed responsibility for their own lives and happiness. Pamela Haag, Ph.D.: Remember When Liberals Were Feminists?
  • The concept was later refined as "doublespeak" -- which is simply the notion that if you say something often enough, you can convince normal people that something is its opposite. George Orwell is Reborn as Mitch McConnell
  • She was too conscious of Piers lounging in the chair opposite her to relax.
  • While I was waiting at the bus stop, three buses went by in the opposite direction.
  • Entering through the low door, they saw opposite them above a fireplace two swords sheathed in their scabbards, glittering in the gloom.
  • We are all familiar with rod-shaped magnets: they are described as 'dipolar', with a north pole and a south pole, and the tendency to attract each other's opposite poles and repel similar poles. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Elsewhere he emerges limp and dripping from a lake, the opposite of a triumphant James Bond coming to shore. Meet the best new artists in Britain
  • One such hide hung from the opposite wall, an offensive smell permeating it.
  • A trap-door it was, of huge dimensions, almost exactly covered by the self-colored square; but at each side a tongue of linoleum had been left loose for lifting it; and the lamp had scarcely been replaced upon the counter when the bulk of the floor leaned upright in one piece against the opposite wall. Stingaree
  • The two wedding-cake pulpits and the organ case opposite are as grand as can be, and interior so bracketed is the ne plus ultra of American colonial church architecture, plain and crisp and white, with exquisitely classical proportions. Archive 2009-01-01
  • The underlined genes are encoded by the opposite strand.
  • For example, opposite arms may be juxtaposed during prophase of meiosis, providing opportunities for gene-conversion type events.
  • The signal merit of his writings is the exact opposite of "cleverality"; it is that he always means exactly what he says. Dr. Johnson and His Circle
  • The eight occupants began to "jounce" when opposite the Orde place, and Bobby saw with admiration that this was a The Adventures of Bobby Orde
  • A municipal borough of northwest Wales on a narrow strait of the Irish Sea opposite Anglesey Island.
  • It's not always easy to meet members of the opposite sex.
  • It's a cliché, but also a truism, that love and hate are not opposites but, rather, intimately entwined.
  • The setscrew should not block any of the fuel gas bores and be positioned opposite the fuel gas supply pipe connection. 6. The Gas Otto Engine
  • As the hurricane itself passes through, what we seem to now be getting is the wind almost blowing from the west to east, and then in a northerly direction, which is just the opposite of what we've been getting up to now.
  • His car hit a van coming in the opposite direction.
  • But then again the two characters could never be described as polar opposites.
  • In a paradoxical way, I think the opposite has occurred. Times, Sunday Times
  • Have you ever wondered why we make such a huge effort to try to appear nice, approachable and friendly, while the real person might just be the opposite of all that?
  • I asked the man opposite if he would open the door.
  • Sienna Miller, who stars opposite Jude Law in the upcoming "Alfie" remake, is in discussions to play Edie Sedgwick, a '60s icon and one of Andy Warhol's muses, in the indie feature "Factory Girl".
  • Our rooms opened out onto an open-air patio area with rooms along the opposite side too.
  • I don't happen to believe that gender is an immutable, inherent quality: rather, it is a performed series of behaviours, with accompanying emotions and cathexes, with which, for unknown reasons, a handful of people from the "opposite" sex identify. Another human target for conservatives
  • ‘This is opposite of what you would think in terms of simple and ordinary heat conduction,’ Dlott said.
  • He uses linen, cotton and cashmere and his textures combine opposites - they are soft and smart, worn but restrained.
  • Their opinions were at opposite poles of the the debate.
  • * Thus, in "The state was made, under the pretence of serving it, in reality the prize of their contention to each of these opposite parties," it is unpleasantly doubtful whether the writer means (1) _state_ or (2) _parties_ to be emphatic. How to Write Clearly Rules and Exercises on English Composition
  • The captain emerged from the cabin opposite Henry and surveyed the dirty youngster with distaste. 365 tomorrows » 2008 » September : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • I sat opposite a guy who I think was clearly too old to be wearing button badges.
  • In a position of authority, a weakness for the opposite sex leaves you open to blackmail.

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